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Discovering Corpus-Specific Word Senses Beate Dorow Institut fiir Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung Universita Stuttgart, Germany beate.dorow@ims.uni-stuttgart.de Dominic Widdows Center for the Study of Language and Information Stanford University, California dwiddows@csli.stanford.edu Abstract This paper presents an unsupervised al- gorithm which automatically discovers word senses from text. The algorithm is based on a graph model representing words and relationships between them. Sense clusters are iteratively computed by clustering the local graph of similar words around an ambiguous word. Dis- crimination against previously extracted sense clusters enables us to discover new senses. We use the same data for both recognising and resolving ambigu- ity. 1 Introduction This paper describes an algorithm which automa- tically discovers word senses from free text and maps them to the appropriate entries of existing dictionaries or taxonomies. Automatic word sense discovery has applica- tions of many kinds. It can greatly facilitate a lexi- cographer's work and can be used to automatically construct corpus-based taxonomies or to tune ex- isting ones. The same corpus evidence which sup- ports a clustering of an ambiguous word into dis- tinct senses can be used to decide which sense is referred to in a given context (Schiitze, 1998). This paper is organised as follows. In section 2, we present the graph model from which we dis- cover word senses. Section 3 describes the way we divide graphs surrounding ambiguous words into different areas corresponding to different senses, using Markov clustering (van Dongen, 2000). The quality of the Markov clustering depends strongly on several parameters such as a granularity factor and the size of the local graph. In section 4, we outline a word sense discovery algorithm which bypasses the problem of parameter tuning. We conducted a pilot experiment to examine the per- formance of our algorithm on a set of words with varying degree of ambiguity. Section 5 describes the experiment and presents a sample of the re- sults. Finally, section 6 sketches applications of the algorithm and discusses future work. 2 Building a Graph of Similar Words The model from which we discover distinct word senses is built automatically from the British Na- tional corpus, which is tagged for parts of speech. Based on the intuition that nouns which co-occur in a list are often semantically related, we extract contexts of the form Noun, Noun, and/or Noun, e.g. "genomic DNA from rat, mouse and dog". Following the method in (Widdows and Dorow, 2002), we build a graph in which each node repre- sents a noun and two nodes have an edge between them if they co-occur in lists more than a given number of times 1 . Following Lin's work (1998), we are cur- rently investigating a graph with verb-object, verb-subject and modifier-noun-collocations from which it is possible to infer more about the senses of systematically polysemous words. The word sense clustering algorithm as outlined below can be applied to any kind of similarity measure based on any set of features. 1 Si mple cutoff functions proved unsatisfactory because of the bias they give to more frequent words. Instead we link each word to its top n neighbors where n can be determined by the user (cf. section 4). 79 41=0 4 41=P .4161. sz - 44, CD miltrA, litrepate inovi o .„ h,)  Cik 4111)  11‘ 41 4Wit ler,1110.1/. 1 7, cgtoserek■Ilt Figure 1: Local graph of the word mouse Figure 2: Local graph of the word wing 3 Markov Clustering Ambiguous words link otherwise unrelated areas of meaning E.g. rat and printer are very differ- ent in meaning, but they are both closely related to different meanings of mouse. However, if we remove the mouse-node from its local graph il- lustrated in figure 1, the graph decomposes into two parts, one representing the electronic device meaning of mouse and the other one representing its animal sense. There are, of course, many more types of polysemy (cf. e.g. (Kilgarriff, 1992)). As can be seen in figure 2, wing "part of a bird" is closely related to tail, as is wing "part of a plane". Therefore, even after removal of the wing-node, the two areas of meaning are still linked via tail. The same happens with wing "part of a building" and wing "political group" which are linked via policy. However, whereas there are many edges within an area of meaning, there is only a small number of (weak) links between different areas of meaning. To detect the different areas of mean- ing in our local graphs, we use a cluster algorithm for graphs (Markov clustering, MCL) developed by van Dongen (2000). The idea underlying the MCL-algorithm is that random walks within the graph will tend to stay in the same cluster rather than jump between clusters. The following notation and description of the MCL algorithm borrows heavily from van Dongen (2000). Let G„, denote the local graph around the ambiguous word w. The adjacency matrix MG„ of a graph G„, is defined by setting (111G„) pq equal to the weight of the edge between nodes v and v q . Normalizing the columns of A/G„ results in the Markov Matrix Ta w whose entries (Th i ,) pq can be interpreted as transition probability from v q to v v . It can easily be shown that the k-th power of TG„ lists the probabilities (TL ) pq of a path of length k starting at node v q and ending at node V. The MCL-algorithm simulates flow in G w by iteratively recomputing the set of transition prob- abilities via two steps, expansion and inflation. The expansion step corresponds with taking the k-th power of TG„ as outlined above and allows nodes to see new neighbours. The inflation step takes each matrix entry to the r-th power and then rescales each column so that the entries sum to 1.Vi a inflation, popular neighbours are further supported at the expense of less popular ones. Flow within dense regions in the graph is con- centrated by both expansion and inflation. Even- tually, flow between dense regions will disappear, the matrix of transition probabilities TG„ will con- verge and the limiting matrix can be interpreted as a clustering of the graph. 4 Word Sense Clustering Algorithm The output of the MCL-algorithm strongly de- pends on the inflation and expansion parameters r and k as well as the size of the local graph which serves as input to MCL. An appropriate choice of the inflation param- 80 eter r can depend on the ambiguous word w to be clustered. In case of homonymy, a small infla- tion parameter r would be appropriate. However, there are ambiguous words with more closely re- lated senses which are metaphorical or metonymic variations of one another. In that case, the different regions of meaning are more strongly interlinked and a small power coefficient r would lump differ- ent meanings together. Usually, one sense of an ambiguous word w is much more frequent than its other senses present in the corpus. If the local graph handed over to the MCL process is small, we might miss some of w's meanings in the corpus. On the other hand, if the local graph is too big, we will get a lot of noise. Below, we outline an algorithm which circum- vents the problem of choosing the right parame- ters. In contrast to pure Markov clustering, we don't try to find a complete clustering of G into senses at once. Instead, in each step of the iter- ative process, we try to find the most disctinctive cluster c of G w (i.e. the most distinctive mean- ing of w) only. We then recompute the local graph G w by discriminating against c's features. This is achieved, in a manner similar to Pantel and Lin's (2002) sense clustering approach, by removing c's features from the set of features used for finding similar words. The process is stopped if the simi- larity between w and its best neighbour under the reduced set of features is below a fixed threshold. Let F be the set of w's features, and let L be the output of the algorithm, i.e. a list of sense clus- ters initially empty. The algorithm consists of the following steps: 1. Compute a small local graph G w around w using the set of features F. If the similarity between w and its closest neighbour is below a fixed threshold go to 6. 2. Recursively remove all nodes of degree one. Then remove the node corresponding with w from G. 3. Apply MCL to G w with a fairly big inflation parameter r which is fixed. 4. Take the "best" cluster (the one that is most strongly connected to w in G w before re- moval of w), add it to the final list of clusters L and remove/devalue its features from F. 5. Go back to 1 with the reduced/devalued set of features F. 6. Go through the final list of clusters L and as- sign a name to each cluster using a broad- coverage taxonomy (see below). Merge se- mantically close clusters using a taxonomy- based semantic distance measure (Budanit- sky and Hirst, 2001) and assign a class-label to the newly formed cluster. 7. Output the list of class-labels which best rep- resent the different senses of w in the corpus. The local graph in step 1 consists of w, the ni neighbours of w and the n9 neighbours of the neighbours of w. Since in each iteration we only attempt to find the "best" cluster, it suffices to build a relatively small graph in 1. Step 2 removes noisy strings of nodes pointing away from G. The removal of w from G w might already sepa- rate the different areas of meaning, but will at least significantly loosen the ties between them. In our simple model based on noun co-occur- rences in lists, step 5 corresponds to rebuilding the graph under the restriction that the nodes in the new graph not co-occur (or at least not very often) with any of the cluster members already extracted. The class-labelling (step 6) is accomplished us- ing the taxonomic structure of WordNet, using a robust algorithm developed specially for this pur- pose. The hypemym which subsumes as many cluster members as possible and does so as closely as possible in the taxonomic tree is chosen as class-label. The family of such algorithms is de- scribed in (Widdows, 2003). 5 Experimental Results In this section, we describe an initial evaluation experiment and present the results. We will soon carry out and report on a more thorough analysis of our algorithm. We used the simple graph model based on co- occurrences of nouns in lists (cf. section 2) for our experiment. We gathered a list of nouns with vary- ing degree of ambiguity, from homonymy (e.g. arms) to systematic polysemy (e.g. cherry). Our algorithm was applied to each word in the list (with parameters Iii = 20, n2 = 10, r = 2.0, k = 2.0) in order to extract the top two sense clusters 81 only. We then determined the WordNet synsets which most adequately characterized the sense clusters. An extract of the results is listed in ta- ble 1. Word  Sense clusters  Class-label arms knees trousers feet biceps hips elbows backs wings breasts shoulders thighs bones buttocks ankles legs inches wrists shoes necks body part horses muskets charges weapons methods firearms knives explosives bombs bases mines projectiles drugs missiles uniforms weapon jersey israel colomho guernsey luxeinhourg denmark maim greece belgium swede, turkey gibraltar portugal ire- land mauritius britain cyprus netherlands norway aus- tralia italy japan canada kingdom spain austria zealand england france germany switzerland finland poland a merica usa iceland holland scotland uk European country crucifix bow apron sweater tie anorak hose bracelet helmet waistcoat jacket pullover equipment cap collar suit fleece tunic shirt scarf belt garment head voice torso back chest face abdomen side belly groin spine breast bill rump midhair hat collar waist tail stomach skin throat neck speculum body part ceo treasurer justice chancellor principal founder pres- ident commander deputy administrator constable li- brarian secretary governor captain premier executive chief curator assistant committee patron ruler person oil heat coal power water gas food wood fuel steam tax heating kerosene fire petroleum dust sand light steel telephone timber supply drainage diesel electricity acid air insurance petrol object tempera gouache watercolour poster pastel collage acrylic paint lemon bread cheese [flint butter jam cream pudding yogurt sprinkling honey jelly toast ham chocolate pie syrup milk meat beef cake yoghurt grain foodstuff hazel elder holly family virgin hawthorn shrub cherry cedar larch mahogany water sycamore lime teak ash hornbeam oak walnut hazel pine beech alder thorn poplar birch chestnut blackthorn spruce holly yew lau- rel maple elm fir hawthorn willow wood bacon cream honey pie grape blackcurrant cake ha- mama foodstuff Table 1: Output of word sense clustering. 6 Applications and future research The benefits of automatic, data-driven word sense discovery for natural language processing and lex- icography would be very great. Here we only men- tion a few direct results of our work. Our algorithm does not only recognise ambigu- ity, but can also be used to resolve it, because the features shared by the members of each sense clus- ter provide strong indication of which reading of an ambiguous word is appropriate given a certain context. This gives rise to an automatic, unsuper- vised word sense disambiguation algorithm which is trained on the data to be disambiguated. The ability to map senses into a taxonomy using the class-labelling algorithm can be used to ensure that the sense-distinctions discovered correspond to recognised differences in meaning. This ap- proach to disambiguation combines the benefits of both Yarowsky's (1995) and Schtitze's (1998) ap- proaches. Preliminary observations show that the different neighbours in Table 1 can be used to in- dicate with great accuracy which of the senses is being used. Off-the-shelf lexical resources are rarely ade- quate for NLP tasks without being adapted. They often contain many rare senses, but not the same ones that are relevant for specific domains or cor- pora. The problem can be addressed by using word sense clustering to attune an existing re- source to accurately describe the meanings used in a particular corpus. We prepare an evaluation of our algorithm as applied to the collocation relationships (cf. section 2), and we plan to evaluate the uses of our clus- tering algorithm for unsupervised disambiguation more thoroughly. References A. Budanitsky. G. Hirst. 2001. Semantic distance in WordNet: An experimental, application-oriented evaluation of five measures. In Workshop on Word- Net and Other Lexical Resources, Second meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Pittsburgh, June. S. van Dongen. 2000. A cluster algorithm for graphs. Technical Report INS-ROOl 0, National Research In- stitute for Mathematics and Computer Science, Am- sterdam, The Netherlands, May. A. Kilgarriff. 1992. Polysemy. Ph.D. Thesis, Univer- sity of Sussex, December. D. Lin. 1998. Automatic retrieval and clustering of similar words. In COLING-ACL98, Montreal, Canada, August. P. Pantel. D. Lin. 2002. Discovering word senses from text. In ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Edmonton, Canada, May. H. Schfitze. 1998. Automatic word sense discri- mination. Journal of Computational Linguistics, 24(1):97—1 23. D. Widdows. B. Dorow. 2002. A graph model for un- supervised lexical acquisition. In COLING, Taiwan, August. D. Widdows. 2003. Unsupervised methods for devel- oping taxonomies using syntactic and statistical in- formation. In HLT-NAACL (to appear), Edmonton, Canada. D. Yarowsky. 1995. Unsupervised word sense disam- biguation rivaling supervised methods. In 33rd An- nual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 189-196, Cambridge, MA. 82 . h,)  Cik 4111)  11‘ 41 4Wit ler,1110.1/. 1 7, cgtoserek■Ilt Figure 1: Local graph of the word mouse Figure 2: Local graph of the word wing 3 Markov Clustering Ambiguous words link otherwise unrelated areas of. al- gorithm which automatically discovers word senses from text. The algorithm is based on a graph model representing words and relationships between them. Sense

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