Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop, pages 61–66,
Uppsala, Sweden, 13 July 2010.
2010 Association for Computational Linguistics
Expanding VerbCoverageinCycWith VerbNet
Clifton J. McFate
Northwestern University
Evanston, Il. USA.
A robust dictionary of semantic frames is an
essential element of natural language
understanding systems that use ontologies.
However, creating lexical resources that
accurately capture semantic representations en
masse is a persistent problem. Where the sheer
amount of content makes hand creation
inefficient, computerized approaches often
suffer from over generality and difficulty with
sense disambiguation. This paper describes a
semi-automatic method to create verb
semantic frames in the Cyc ontology by
converting the information contained in
VerbNet into a Cyc usable format. This
method captures the differences in meaning
between types of verbs, and uses existing
connections between WordNet, VerbNet, and
Cyc to specify distinctions between individual
verbs when available. This method provides
27,909 frames to OpenCyc which currently
has none and can be used to extend
ResearchCyc as well. We show that these
frames lead to a 20% increase in sample
sentences parsed over the Research Cycverb
1 Introduction
The Cyc
knowledge base represents general
purpose knowledge across a vast array of
domains. Low level event and individual facts
are contained in larger definitional hierarchical
representations and contextualized through
microtheories (Matuszek et al, 2006). Higher
order predicates built into Cyc’s formal
language, CycL, allow efficient inferencing
about context and meta-language reasoning
above and beyond first-order logic rules
(Ramachandran et al, 2005).
Because of the expressiveness and size of the
ontology, Cyc has been used in NL applications
including word sense disambiguation and rule
acquisition by reading (Curtis, Cabral, & Baxter,
2006; Curtis et al, 2009). Such applications use
NL-to-Cycl parsers which use Cyc semantic
frames to convert natural language into Cyc
representations. These frames represent sentence
content through a set of propositional logic
assertions that first reify the sentence in terms of
a real world event and then define the semantic
relationships between the elements of the
sentence, as described later. Because these
parsers require semantic frames to represent
sentence content, existing parsers are limited due
to Cyc’s limited coverage (Curtis et al, 2009).
The goal is to increase this coverage by
automatically translating the class frames in
VerbNet into individual verb templates.
2 Previous Work
The Cyc knowledge base is continuously
expanding and much work has been done on
automatic fact acquisition as well as merging
ontologies. However, the semantic frames remain
mostly hand-made in ResearchCyc
and non-
existent in the open-license OpenCyc
Translating VerbNet frames into Cyc will expand
the natural language capabilities of both.
There has been previous research on mapping
existing Cyc templates to VerbNet, but thus far
these approaches have not created new templates
to address Cyc’s lapses in coverage. One such
attempt, King and Crouch’s (2005) unified
lexicon, compiled many lexical resources into a
unified representation. While this research
created a valuable resource, it did not extend the
existing Cyc coverage. Of the 45, 704 entries in
the UL only 3,544 have Cyc entries (King &
Crouch, 2005).
Correspondences between a few VerbNet
frames and ResearchCyc templates have also
been mapped out through the VxC VerbNet Cyc
Mapper (Trumbo 2006). These mappings became
a standard that we later used to evaluate the
quality of our created frames.
A notable exception to the hand-made
paradigm is Curtis et al’s (2009) TextLearner
which uses rules and existing semantic frames to
handle novel sentence structures. Given an
existing template that fits some of the syntactic
constraints of the sentence, TextLearner will
attempt to create a new frame by suggesting a
predicate that fits the missing part. Often these
are general underspecified predicates, but
TextLearner is able to use common sense
reasoning and existing facts to find better
matches (Curtis et al, 2009).
While TextLearner improves its performance
with time, it is not an attempt to create new
frames on a large scale. Creating generalized
frames based on verb classes will increase the
depth of the Cyc Lexicon quickly. Furthermore,
automatic processes like those in TextLearner
could be used to make individual verb semantic
frames more specific.
3 VerbNet
VerbNet is an extension of Levin’s (1993) verb
classes that uses the class structure to apply
general syntactic frames to member verbs that
have those syntactic uses and similar semantic
meanings (Kipper et al, 2000). The current
version has been expanded to include class
distinctions not included in Levin’s original
proposal (Kipper et al, 2006).
VerbNet is an appealing lexical resource for
this task because it represents semantic meaning
as the union of both syntactic structure and
semantic predicates. VerbNet uses Lexicalized
Tree Adjoining Grammar to generate the
syntactic frames. The syntactic roles in the frame
are appended with general thematic roles that fill
arguments of semantic predicates. Each event is
broken down into a tripartite structure as
described by Moens & Steedman (1988) and uses
a time modifier for each predicate to indicate
when specific predicates occur in the event. This
allows for a dynamic representation of change
over an event. (Kipper et al, 2000).
This approach is transferable to Cyc’s
semantic templates in which syntactic slots fill
predicate arguments in the context of a specific
syntactic frame. Both also have extensive
connections to WordNet2.0, an electronic edition
of Miller’s (1985) WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998).
4 Method
The general method for creating semantic
templates inCyc requires creating Verb Class
Frames and then using Cyc predicates and
heuristic rules to create individual frames for
each member verb.
4.1 OpenCyc
The existing semantic templates are accessible
through the ResearchCyc KB. However, for the
purposes of this study the OpenCyc KB was
used. The OpenCyc KB is an open source
version of ResearchCyc that contains much of
the definitional information and higher order
predicates, but has had much of the lower level
specific facts and the entire word lexicon
removed (Matuszek et al, 2006). However, the
assertions generated by this method are fully
usable in ResearchCyc. OpenCyc was used so as
to minimize the effect of existing semantic
frames on new frame creation. Since OpenCyc
and VerbNet are open-licensed, our translation
provides an open-license extension to OpenCyc
to support its use in natural language research.
4.2 Knowledge Representation
The primary difficulty with integrating VerbNet
frames into Cyc was overcoming differences in
knowledge representation. Cyc semantic
templates reify events as an instance of a
collection of events. The arguments correspond
to syntactic roles. The following is a semantic
template for a ditransitive use of the word give
from ResearchCyc.
(verbSemTrans Give-TheWord 0
DitransitivePPFrameType To-TheWord)
(isa ACTION GivingSomething)
(objectGiven ACTION OBJECT)
However, VerbNet uses semantic predicates that
describe relationships between two thematic
roles. The following is a frame for the VerbNet
class Give as presented in the Unified Verb
NP V NP PP.recipient
"They lent a bicycle to me."
Agent V Theme {to} Recipient
-has_possession(start(E), Agent,
-has_possession(end(E), Recipient,
-transfer(during(E), Theme)
-cause(Agent, E)
The predicate has_possession occurs
twice, at the beginning and end of the event. In
one case the Agent has possession and in the
second the Recipient does. Both refer to the
Theme which is being transferred.
InCyc the hasPossession relationship to
Agent and Recipient is represented with the
predicates giver and givee. The subject and
oblique-object of the sentence fill those
arguments, and the actual change of possession is
represented by the collection of events
GivingSomething. The VerbNet Theme is the
object in objectGiven. Thus an individual
VerbNet semantic predicate often has a many-to-
one mapping withCyc predicates.
4.3 Predicates
To account for representation differences, a
single Cyc predicate was mapped to a unique
combination of Verbnet predicate and thematic
role (ie. Has_Possession Agent at
start(E) => givee). 56 of these mappings
were done by hand. Though far from exhaustive,
these hand mappings represent many frequently
used predicates in VerbNet. The hand mapping
was done by looking at the uses of the predicate
across different classes.
Because the mappings were not exhaustive, a
safety net automatically catches predicates that
haven’t been mapped. The VerbNet predicates
Cause and InReactionTo corresponded to the
Cyc predicates performedBy, doneBy, and
causes-Underspecified. These predicates
were selected whenever the VerbNet predicates
occurred with a theme role that was the subject
of the sentence. The more specific
performedBy was selected in cases where the
frame’s temporal structure suggested a result.
The predicate doneBy was selected in other
cases. The causes-Underspecified predicate
was used in frames whose time modifiers
suggested that they were continuous states. The
predicates patientGeneric and
patientGeneric-Direct were used when a
predicate was not found for a required object or
oblique object.
Some Cyc templates don’t have predicates that
reference the event. For example, the verb touch
can be efficiently represented with the relation
(objectsInContact :SUBJECT :OBJECT).
Situations like this were hand assigned.
4.4 Collections
In Cyc, concepts are represented by collections.
Inheritance between collections is specified by
the genls relationship, which can be viewed as
subset. Most verb frames have an associated
collection of events of which each use is an
instance. The associated collection of the class
frame templates was automatically selected using
the common link that both resources share with
WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998). To do this, the
WordNet synsets of the member verbs for a class
were matched with their Cyc-WordNet
synonymousExternalConcept assertion. The
Cyc representation became a denoted collection.
The most general collection out of the list of
viable collections was chosen as the general class
frame collection. The number of genls links to
a collection was used as a proxy for generality.
In the case of a tie the first was chosen.
While the most general collection was used for
the class semantic frame, at the level of
individual verb frames the specific synset
denoted collection was substituted for the more
general one when applicable. Verbs with
multiple meanings across classes were given a
unique index number for each sense. However,
within a given class each word only received one
denotation. The general class level collection was
used in cases where no Cyc-WordNet-VerbNet
link existed. If no verb had a synset in Cyc, the
general collection Situation was used.
4.5 Subcategorization Frames
Each syntactic frame is a subcategorization
frame or a subset of one. In this case, the naming
conventions were different between VerbNet and
Cyc. Frames with prepositions kept Cyc’s
notation for prepositional phrases. However,
since VerbNet had a much broader coverage the
VerbNet subcat names were kept.
4.6 Assertions
The process above was used to create general
class frames, for example,
(verbClassSemTrans give-13.1
(isa :ACTION
(patient-GenericDirect :ACTION
(performedBy :ACTION :SUBJECT)
(fromPossessor :ACTION :SUBJECT)
(objectOfPossessionTransfer :ACTION
These frames use more generic collections and
apply to a VerbNet class rather than a specific
Specific verb semantic templates were created
by inferring that each member verb of a VerbNet
class participated in every template in a class.
Again, collections were taken from existing
WordNet connections if possible. The output was
assertions in the Cyc semantic template format:
(verbSemTrans Loan-TheWord 0
(PPCompFrameFn NP-PP (WordFn to))
(isa :ACTION Lending)
(patient-GenericDirect :ACTION
(performedBy :ACTION :SUBJECT)
(fromPossessor :ACTION :SUBJECT)
(toPossessor :ACTION :OBLIQUE-
(objectOfPossessionTransfer :ACTION
This method for giving class templates to each
verb in a class was written as a Horn clause for
the FIRE reasoning engine. FIRE is a reasoning
engine that incorporates both logical inference
based on axioms and analogy-based reasoning
over a Cyc-derived knowledge base (Forbus,
Mostek, & Ferguson, 2002). FIRE could then be
queried for implied verb templates which became
the final list of verb templates.
4.7 Subclasses
VerbNet has an extensive classification system
involving subclasses. Subclasses contain verbs
that take all of the syntactic formats of the main
class plus additional frames that verbs in the
main class cannot.
Verbs in a subclass inherit frames from their
superordinate classes. FIRE was used again to
create the verb semantic templates.
Each subclass template’s collection was
selected using the same process as the main
class. If no subclass member had a Cyc
denotation, then the main class collection was
5 Results
The end result of this process was the creation of
27,909 verb semantic template assertions for
5,050 different verbs. This substantially increases
the number of frames for ResearchCyc and
creates frames for OpenCyc.
To test the accuracy of the results and their
contribution to the knowledge base we ran two
tests. The first was to compare our frames with
the 139 hand-checked VxC matches by hand. Of
the 139 frames from VxC, 81 were qualified as
“good” matches, and 58 as “maybe” (Trumbo,
2006). Since these frames already existed inCyc
and were hand matched we used them as the
current gold standard for what a VerbNet frame
translated into Cyc should look like.
Matches between frames were evaluated along
several criteria. First was whether the frame had
as good a syntactic parse as the manual version.
This was defined as having predicates that
addressed all syntactic roles in the sentence or, if
not enough, as many as the VxC match.
Secondly we asked if the collection was similar
to the manual version. Frames with collections
that were too specific, unrelated, or just
Situation were discarded. Because frame-
specific predicates were not created on a large
scale, a frame was not rejected for using general
It is important to note a difference in matching
methodology between the VxC matches and our
frames. First, the VxC mappings included frames
in Cyc that only partially matched more
syntactically robust VerbNet frames. Our frames
were only included if they matched the intended
VerbNet syntactic frame. Because of this some
of our frames beat the VxC gold standard for
syntactic completeness. The VxC frames also
included multiple similar senses for an individual
verb. Our verbs had one denotation per class or
subclass. Thus in some cases our frames failed
not from over generalizing but because they were
only meant to represent one meaning per class.
Since the strength of our approach lies in
generating a near exhaustive list of syntactic
frames and not multiple word senses, these kinds
of failures are not necessarily representative of
the success of the frames as a whole.
A total of 55 frames (39.5%) were correct with
seventeen (30.9%) of the correct frames having a
more complete syntactic parse than the manually
mapped frame. 48 frames (34.5%) were rejected
only for having too general or specific a
collection; however ten (20.8%) of the collection
rejected frames had a more complete parse than
their manual counterparts. Thus 103 frames
(74.1%) were as syntactically correct or better
than the existing Cyc frame mapped to that
VerbNet frame. Nine (6.47%) frames failed
syntactically, with four (44.4%) of the syntax
failures also having the wrong collection.
Thirteen frames ( 9.3%) were not matched.
Fifteen frames (10.8%) from the Hold class,
were separated out for a formatting error that
resulted in a duplicate, though not syntactically
incorrect, predicate. The predicate repeated was
(objectsInContact :ACTION :OBJECT). 12
of 15 frames (80%) had accurate collections.
The second test compared the results of a
natural language understanding system using
either ResearchCyc alone or a version of
ResearchCyc with our frames substituted for
theirs. The test corpus was 50 randomly selected
example sentences from the VerbNet frame
examples. We used the EA NLU parser, which
uses a bottom-up chart parser and compositional
semantics to convert the semantic content of a
sentence in CycL (Tomai & Forbus 2009).
Possible frames are returned in choice sets. A
parse was judged correct if it returned a verb
frame for the central verb of the example
sentence that either wholly or in combination
with preposition frames addressed the syntactic
constituents of the sentence with an acceptable
collection and acceptable predicates. Again
general predicates were acceptable.
ResearchCyc got sixteen out of 50 frames
correct (32%). Eleven frames (22%) did not
return a template but did return a denotation to a
Cyc collection. Twelve verbs (24%) retuned
nothing, while eleven (22%) returned frames that
were either not the correct syntactic frame or
were a different sense of the verb.
EA NLU running the VerbNet generated
frames got 26 out of 50 (52%) frames correct.
Twelve frames (24%) returned nothing. Eight
frames, (16%) failed because of a too specific or
too general collection. Four generated frames
(8%) were either not the correct syntactic frame
or were for a different sense of the verb. This
was an overall 20% improvement in accuracy.
Five (10%) parses using the VerbNet
generated correct frames that were labeled as
noisy. Noisy frames had duplicate predicates or
more general predicates in addition to the
specific ones. The Hold frames separated out in
the VxC test are an example of noisy frames.
None of these frames were syntactically incorrect
or contradictory. The redundant predicates arise
because the predicate safety net had to be greedy.
This was in the interest of capturing more
complex frames that may have multiple relations
for the same thematic role in a sentence.
This evaluation is based on parser recall and
frame semantic accuracy only. As would be
expected, adding more frames to the knowledge
base did result in more parser retrievals and
possible interpretations. The implications for this
on word sense disambiguation is evaluated
further in the discussion. To improve predicate
specificity, the next phase of research with these
frames will be to implement predicate
strengthening methods that move down the
hierarchy to find more specific predicates to
replace the generalized ones. Thus in the future
precision both in terms of frame retrieval and
predicate specificity will be a vital metric for
evaluating success.
6 Discussion
As has been demonstrated in this approach and in
previous research like Curtis et al’s (2009)
TextLearner, Cyc provides powerful reasoning
capabilities that can be used to successfully infer
more specific information from general existing
facts. We hope that future research is able to use
this feature to provide more specific individual
frames. Because Cyc is consistently changing
and growing, an approach that uses Cyc
relationships will be able to improve as the
knowledge base improves its coverage.
While many of the frames are general, they
provide a solid foundation for further research.
As they are now, the added 27,909 frames
increase the language capabilities of OpenCyc
which previously had none. For ResearchCyc the
contribution is less clear-cut. The 27,909
VerbNet frames have approximately 7.93 times
the coverage of the existing 3,517 ResearchCyc
and they improved ResearchCyc parser
performance by 20%. However, with 35% of
frames in the VxC comparison and 16% in the
parse test failing because of collections, and
10.8% of the VxC comparison set and 10% of
correct parses classified as noisy, these frames
are not as precise as the existing frames. The
goal of these frames is not necessarily to replace
the existing frames, but rather to extend coverage
and provide a platform for further development
whether by hand or through automatic methods.
Precision can be improved upon in future
D. Lenat briefing, March 15, 2006
research and is facilitated by the expressiveness
of Cyc. Predicate strengthening, using existing
relationships to infer more specific predicates, is
the next step in creating robust frames.
Additionally, there is a tradeoff between the
number of frames covered and efficiency of
disambiguation. More frame choices make it
harder for parsers to choose the correct frame,
but it will hopefully improve their handling of
more complex sentence structures.
One possible solution to competition and over-
generality is to add verbs incrementally by class.
The class based approach makes it easy to
separate verbs by types, such as verbs that relate
to mechanical processes or emotion verbs. One
could use classes of frames to strengthen specific
areas of parsing while choosing not to take verbs
from a class covering a domain that the parser
already performs strongly in. This approach can
reduce interference with existing domains that
have been hand built and extended beyond the
standard Cyc KB for individual research.
Furthermore, semi-automatic approaches like
this generate information more quickly than one
could do by hand. Thus an approach to
computational verb semantic representation that
is rooted in classes can take advantage of modern
reasoning sources like Cyc to efficiently create
semantic knowledge.
This research was supported by the Air Force
Office of Scientific Research and Northwestern
University. A special thanks to Kenneth Forbus
and the members of QRG for their continued
invaluable guidance.
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