✩ Money Change each amount into dollars and cents 153¢ Change each amount into cents Change the amount into dollars and cents 235¢ 428¢ 392¢ 372¢ 563¢ 290¢ 827¢ 526¢ 483¢ 460¢ 3 27 6 72 9 38 7 20 7 28 4 15 6 20 6 50 5 17 8 35 4 63 4 31 Change each amount into cents 3 50 6 01 4 90 1 01 2 07 3 06 5 00 0 40 7 50 10 00 4 06 5 05 729¢ 926¢ Change each amount into dollars and cents 150¢ 208¢ 480¢ 410¢ 706¢ 302¢ 205¢ 620¢ 950¢ 609¢ 204¢ 606¢ 2 35 © Dorling Kindersley Limited 2.
✩ Money Change the amount into dollars and cents 235¢ $2.35 Change each amount into dollars and cents 153¢ 428¢ 392¢ 372¢ 563¢ 290¢ 827¢ 526¢ 483¢ 460¢ 729¢ 926¢ Change each amount into cents $3.27 $7.28 $5.17 $6.72 $4.15 $8.35 $9.38 $6.20 $4.63 $7.20 $6.50 $4.31 Change each amount into dollars and cents 150¢ 208¢ 480¢ 410¢ 706¢ 302¢ 205¢ 620¢ 950¢ 609¢ 204¢ 606¢ Change each amount into cents $3.50 $2.07 $7.50 $6.01 $3.06 $10.00 $4.90 $5.00 $4.06 $1.01 $0.40 $5.05 © Dorling Kindersley Limited [2010]