Tài liệu Báo cáo khóa học: Further insights into the assembly of the yeast cytochrome bc1 complex based on analysis of single and double deletion mutants lacking supernumerary subunits and cytochrome b pdf
Furtherinsightsintotheassemblyoftheyeast cytochrome
complex basedonanalysisofsingleanddoubledeletion mutants
lacking supernumerarysubunitsand cytochrome
Vincenzo Zara
, Ilaria Palmisano
, Laura Conte
and Bernard L. Trumpower
Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche ed Ambientali, Universita
di Lecce, Italy;
Department of Biochemistry,
Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH, USA
The cytochrome bc
complex oftheyeast Saccharomyces
cerevisiae is composed of 10 different subunits that are
assembled as a symmetrical dimer in the inner mitochondrial
membrane. Three ofthesubunits contain redox centers and
participate in catalysis, whereas little is known about the
function ofthe seven supernumerary subunits. To gain fur-
ther insight intothe function ofthesupernumerary subunits
in theassembly process, we have examined the subunit
composition of mitochondrial membranes isolated from
yeast mutants in which the genes for supernumerary sub-
units andcytochromeb were deleted and from yeast
mutants containing double deletions of supernumerary
subunits. Deletionof any one ofthe genes encoding cyto-
chrome b, subunit 7 or subunit 8 caused the loss ofthe other
two subunits. This is consistent with the crystal structure
of thecytochrome bc
complex that shows that these three
subunits comprise its core, around which the remaining
subunits are assembled. Absence ofthecytochrome b/sub-
unit 7/subunit 8 core led to the loss of subunit 6, whereas
cytochrome c
, iron–sulfur protein, core protein 1, core
protein 2 and subunit 9 were still assembled in the mem-
brane, although in reduced amounts. Parallel changes in the
amounts of core protein 1 and core protein 2 in the mito-
chondrial membranes of all ofthedeletionmutants suggest
that these can be assembled as a subcomplex in the mito-
chondrial membrane, independent ofthe presence of any
other subunits. Likewise, evidence of interactions between
subunit 6, subunit 9 andcytochrome c
suggests that a
subcomplex between these two supernumerarysubunits and
the cytochrome might exist.
Keywords: cytochrome bc
; assembly; supernumerary sub-
units; Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
The cytochrome bc
complex is a multisubunit complex
embedded in the inner membrane of mitochondria [1,2].
This respiratory enzyme catalyzes the transfer of electrons
from ubiquinol to cytochrome c and couples the electron
transfer to vectorial proton translocation across the inner
mitochondrial membrane. The bc
complex has been
crystallized and analyzed from bovine, chicken and yeast
mitochondria [3–7].
In mitochondria oftheyeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
the cytochrome bc
complex is composed of 10 different
subunits organized in the lipid bilayer as a homo-dimer as
shown in Fig. 1A [8,9]. There are three catalytic subunits
that contain redox prosthetic groups, cytochrome b,cyto-
chrome c
and the Rieske iron–sulfur protein (ISP). In
addition, there are seven supernumerarysubunits that lack
any cofactors. The supernumerarysubunits arecore protein 1
and core protein 2 [10,11], with apparent molecular masses of
44 and 40 kDa on SDS/PAGE, respectively, and five
smaller proteins. The latter are Qcr6p [12], Qcr7p [13], Qcr8p
[14], Qcr9p [15] and Qcr10p [8] with apparent molecular
masses of about 17, 14, 11, 7.3 and 8.5 kDa, respectively.
Although thesupernumerarysubunitsofthe mitochond-
rial bc
complexes were discovered one to two decades ago
[16], little is known about their function. It is also not known
how these peripheral subunits are assembled around the
catalytic core ofthe enzyme to arrive at the three dimen-
sional organization revealed by the crystal structures
(Fig. 1A). Thesupernumerarysubunitsandthe catalytic
subunits oftheyeastcytochrome bc
complex show
sequence similarities to those ofthe bc
complexes of higher
eucaryotes [1,2,9]. In addition, the crystallographic analysis
of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cytochrome bc
has revealed an essentially identical overall structure of this
complex and that of chicken and beef [6]. In yeast and
higher eukaryotes, cytochromeb is encoded by mito-
chondrial DNA, while the remaining subunitsofthe bc
complex are encoded in the nucleus, synthesized by cytosolic
polysomes, and then imported into mitochondria, thereby
reaching their final location in the inner membrane [17]. The
similarities oftheyeast bc
complex to the bc
of higher eukaryotes suggest that theyeast enzyme may
serve as a paradigm to understand how this oligomeric
protein complex is assembled intothe inner mitochondrial
Correspondence to V. Zara, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie
Biologiche ed Ambientali, Universita
di Lecce, Via Prov.le Lecce-
Monteroni, I-73100 Lecce, Italy. Fax: + 39 0832 298626,
Tel.: + 39 0832 298705, E-mail: vincenzo.zara@unile.it
Abbreviations: DFP, diisopropyl fluorophosphate; ISP, Rieske
iron–sulfur protein.
(Received 8 January 2004, revised 23 January 2004,
accepted 6 February 2004)
Eur. J. Biochem. 271, 1209–1218 (2004) Ó FEBS 2004 doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.2004.04024.x
In this study, we have investigated the role of the
supernumerary subunits in theassemblyofthe bc
in S. cerevisiae mitochondria. To this end we have prepared
single anddoubledeletionyeastmutants in which one or
two nuclear genes encoding thesupernumerary subunits
Qcr6p, Qcr7p, Qcr8p, Qcr9p and Qcr10p have been deleted
and analyzed the bc
subunits present in mitochondrial
membranes using antibodies directed against the various
subunits. Yeast mutant strains containing single deletions of
genes for supernumerarysubunits were described previously
[8,15,18–20], even though an exhaustive analysisof cyto-
chrome bc
subunit composition in these yeast strains has
not been reported. We have also created two yeast strains
in which the mitochondrial gene encoding cytochrome b
has been deleted or truncated and examined the subunit
composition of membranes in which the catalytic and
structural core ofthe enzyme is absent.
Experimental procedures
Yeast extract and bacto-peptone were purchased from
Difco. Yeast nitrogen base without amino acids, Coomas-
sie Brilliant Blue, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, glass
beads, acrylamide, bis-acrylamide, N,N,N¢N¢-tetramethyl-
ethylenediamine, ammonium persulfate, diisopropyl fluoro-
phosphate (DFP), glucose and glycerol were from Sigma.
Anti-mouse and anti-rabbit IgG, coupled to peroxidase,
were from Bio-Rad. The ECL detection system for
Western blotting was from Amersham. Nitrocellulose
was from Pall Life Sciences, New York, NY, USA
Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies against the various
subunits oftheyeastcytochrome bc
complex were
prepared in the Trumpower laboratory. The anti-Tom40
Igs were a gift of N. Pfanner
(Institute for Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology, Freiburg, Germany). All other
reagents were of analytical grade.
Yeast strains, media and genetic methods
The S. cerevisiae strains used in this study are listed in
Table 1. The construction ofthe QCR7 deletion strain
(VZ1) was performed following the procedure of homolog-
ous recombination as described previously [21]. A DNA
fragment prepared by PCR and carrying the coding region
for the selectable TRP1 marker, plus the flanking sequences
of the QCR7 open-reading frame at the 5¢-and3¢-regions,
was used to transform yeast cells by treatment with lithium
acetate [22]. The transformants were then selected for
tryptophan prototrophy.
The doubledeletion strains were constructed as follows.
The haploid strains VZ1 (D7) and MES8 (D6), VZ2 (D7) and
LLD9 (D8), JDP1 (D9) and LLD9 (D8), JDP2 (D9) and
UBL2 (D10), were mated andthe resulting diploids were
sporulated to obtain thedoubledeletion strains VZ4
(D6/D7), VZ6 (D7/D8), VZ14 (D8/D9) and VZ9 (D9/D10),
respectively. The selectable markers exhibited a 2 : 2 segre-
gation pattern, and some spores were prototrophic for both
markers. Haploid spores of VZ4, VZ6, VZ14 and VZ9 were
then selected for Trp
and Leu
and His
and Leu
prototrophy, respectively. Other
yeast genetic methods used were as described in [23].
The expected absence ofthe corresponding protein pro-
ducts in mitochondrial membranes from thedeletion strains
was assessed by Western blot analysis (Results).
The respiratory capacity oftheyeast strains was checked
on nonfermentable solid medium containing 1% (w/v) yeast
extract, 2% (w/v) bacto-peptone, 2% (w/v) agar, 3% (v/v)
glycerol and 2% (v/v) ethanol (YPEG). Viability of the
strains on fermentable medium was confirmed on 1% (w/v)
yeast extract, 2% (w/v) bacto-peptone, 2% (w/v) agar and
Fig. 1. Theyeastcytochrome bc
complex. (A) The structure ofthe dimeric yeast bc
complex with the redox subunits, cytochrome b,cyto-
chrome c
, andthe Rieske ISP colored blue, red and yellow, respectively. Thesupernumerarysubunits are colored gray. The structure is oriented as
it would appear in the inner mitochondrial membrane, with the mitochondrial matrix at the bottom. (B) The structure ofcytochromeb and
supernumerary subunits 7 and 8 in one monomer (the Ôcytochrome b, subunit 7, subunit 8 coreÕ). Cytochromeb is colored blue, subunit 7 is colored
pink, and subunit 8 is colored green. The arrow labeled (a) points to the N-terminus ofcytochromeb where it is enveloped by subunit 7. The arrows
labeled (b) and (c) point to the areas of interaction between the transmembrane helix of subunit 8 and helices G and H1 ofcytochromeb and
between the N-terminus of subunit 8 and helix a ofcytochrome b. The figure was constructed from the crystal structure oftheyeast bc
complex [6].
1210 V. Zara et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) Ó FEBS 2004
2% (w/v) glucose (YPD). For the isolation of mitochondrial
membranes, theyeast strains were grown in liquid YPD
medium containing 1% (w/v) yeast extract, 2% (w/v) bacto-
peptone and 2% (w/v) glucose, pH 5.0.
Isolation of mitochondrial membranes
Mitochondrial membranes were isolated from the various
yeast strains by a modification of a previously described
method [24]. Yeast cells were grown overnight at 30 °C,
unless otherwise specified, in 800 mL of YPD until expo-
nential growth phase was reached (D
of 1–2). Cells were
recovered by centrifugation at 3200 g for 15 min and then
washed once with distilled water. The pellet was resuspended
in 25 mL of MTE buffer (400 m
mannitol, 50 m
HCl, 2 m
EDTA, pH 7.4). Acid-washed glass beads were
added up to a final volume of 30 mL to the mixture kept
at 4 °Cand1m
DFP was then added. Afterwards, the
cells were mixed with a vortex mixer at maximum speed for
10 min at 4 °C. After thefurther addition of MTE buffer to a
final volume of 50 mL, the mixture was centrifuged at 1000 g
for 10 min at 4 °C. The supernatant was then centrifuged
at 18 500 g for 30 min at 4 °C in order to pellet the
mitochondrial membranes. The pellet was washed with
20–30 mL of MTE and re-isolated by centrifugation as
described above. The mitochondrial membranes were then
resuspended in 1 mL of MTE buffer, divided in aliquots of
50 lL each, and stored at )80 °C for subsequent analysis
by SDS/PAGE and Western blotting.
SDS/PAGE and Western blotting
Mitochondrial membranes were analyzed by standard
SDS/PAGE with 15% (w/v) acrylamide and an acryl-
amide/bis-acrylamide ratio of 30 : 0.8 (w/w) [25]. The
proteins were then stained with Coomassie Blue or
transferred to nitrocellulose membranes. Immunodetection
of theyeast mitochondrial proteins was carried out with
monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies by chemilumines-
cence. The stained polyacrylamide gels andthe fluoro-
graphs containing the immunodetected proteins were
scanned and quantified using an Imaging Densitometer
GS-700 from Bio-Rad.
Other methods
Protein concentrations were determined by the Bradford
method [26] or the modified Lowry method [27]. Electro-
phoretic analysisof DNA on agarose gels, restriction
endonuclease analysis, ligation of DNA fragments,
Table 1. Yeast strains used in this study.
Strain Genotype Reference
W303–1 A (WT) MATa, ade2–1, his3–11,15, trp1–1, leu2–3,112,
ura3–1, can1–100
Gift from A. Tzagoloff, Columbia University,
New York
W303–1B (WT) MATa, ade2–1, his3–11,15, trp1–1, leu2–3,112,
ura3–1, can1–100
Gift from A. Tzagoloff, Columbia University,
New York
MES8 (D6) MATa, ade2–1, his3–11,15, trp1–1, leu2–3,112,
ura3–1, can1–100, qcr6D::LEU2
VZ1 (D7) MATa, ade2–1, his3–11,15, trp1–1, leu2–3,112,
ura3–1, can1–100, qcr7D::TRP1
This study
VZ2 (D7) MATa, ade2–1, his3–11,15, trp1–1, leu2–3,112,
ura3–1, can1–100, qcr7D::TRP1
This study
LLD9 (D8) MATa, ade2–1, his3–11,15, trp1–1, leu2–3,112,
ura3–1, can1–100, qcr8D::HIS3
Daniels and Trumpower, unpublished data
JDP1 (D9) MATa, ade2–1, his3–11,15, trp1–1, leu2–3,112,
ura 3–1, can1–100, qcr9D1::URA3
JDP2 (D9) MATa, leu2–3,112, his3, can 1–11, qcr9D2::HIS3 [15]
UBL2 (D10) MATa, ade2–1, his3–11,15, leu2–3,112, ura3–1,
can1–100, qcr10D2::LEU2
VZ4 (D6/D7) MATa, ade2–1, his3–11,15, trp1–1, leu2–3,112,
ura3–1, can1–100, qcr6D::LEU2, qcr7D::TRP1
This study
VZ6 (D7/D8) MATa, ade2–1, his3–11,15, trp1–1, leu2–3,112,
ura3–1, can1–100, qcr7D::TRP1, qcr8D::HIS3
This study
VZ14 (D8/D9) MATa, ade2–1, his3–11,15, trp1–1, leu2–3,112,
ura3–1, can1–100, qcr8D::HIS3, qcr9D1::URA3
This study
VZ9 (D9/D10) MATa, ade2–1, leu2–3,112, qcr9D2::HIS3,
This study
SUY 106-a MATa, his3-D200, leu2-D, qcr6D1::LEU2,
W303–1B q° MATa, ade2–1, his3-, trp1–1, leu2–3,112, ura3–1
(no mtDNA)
Gift from B. Meunier, UCL
CKWT MATa, leu1, kar1–1 (WT mtDNA, intronless) Gift from B. Meunier, UCL
CKL57 MATa, leu1, kar1–1 (intronless mtDNA,
point mutation in cytochromeb gene)
Gift from B. Meunier, UCL
Ó FEBS 2004 Assemblyoftheyeastcytochrome bc
complex (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) 1211
transformation of Escherichia coli and isolation of plasmid
DNA from bacterial cells were carried out by standard
procedures [28].
Growth phenotype ofsingleanddouble deletion
The growth phenotype oftheyeast strains with deletions of
genes encoding various subunitsofthe bc
complex was
determined by plating the cells on solid media containing
fermentable or nonfermentable carbon sources and then
incubating at 30 °C. The results are summarized in Table 2.
Among thesingledeletion mutants, only the subunit 6
(MES8) and subunit 10 (UBL2) deletion strains were able to
grow on nonfermentable carbon source at a rate compar-
able to the wild-type strain (W303). Under the same
conditions, the strain JDP1, in which the nuclear gene
encoding subunit 9 had been deleted, exhibited a reduced
growth rate with respect to the wild-type strain as reported
previously [15,29]. Theyeastmutants with deletions for the
genes encoding subunit 7 (VZ1) or subunit 8 (LLD9) failed
to grow onthe nonfermentable YPEG medium.
Among thedoubledeletion mutants, the strain with the
genes encoding subunits 9 and 10 deleted (VZ9) and that
with the genes encoding subunits 6 and 10 deleted (SUY
106-a) grew on nonfermentable medium, although at a
reduced rate compared to the wild-type strain. In the case
of the VZ9 strain, this was to be expected, basedon the
reduced growth rate ofthesingledeletion strain lacking
subunit 9. The remaining doubledeletion mutants, VZ4
(D6/D7), VZ6 (D7/D8) and VZ14 (D8/D9), were unable to
grow onthe same medium.
subunit analysisofsingle deletion
We sought to determine how the absence of individual
supernumerary subunits affected the composition of bc
subunits in the mitochondrial membranes. For this purpose,
mitochondrial membranes were isolated from the single
deletion strains grown at 30 °C in YPD, then transferred
to nitrocellulose and probed with an antiserum against
Tom40p, an outer membrane protein belonging to the
import machinery ofyeast mitochondria (data not shown).
In this way we adjusted the amount of mitochondrial
membranes in order to use comparable amounts of protein
for the subsequent immunoblot experiments.
The blot in Fig. 2 shows thecytochrome bc
subunits in
the mitochondrial membranes from themutants in which
genes for subunit 6 (MES8), 7 (VZ1), 8 (LLD9), 9 (JDP1) or
10 (UBL2) were deleted. Relative amounts ofthe subunits
determined by densitometry scanning ofthe stained gels are
tabulated in Table 3. The relative amounts ofcytochrome b
and the mature forms of both cytochrome c
and Rieske
ISP decreased to 52, 64 and 68%, respectively, in the
subunit 6 deletion strain compared to the wild-type strain.
Table 2. Growth phenotype ofsingleanddoubledeletion mutants. All
the strains were first grown in liquid YPD medium to the same original
density and subsequently plated on solid media containing ferment-
able (YPD) or nonfermentable carbon sources (YPEG). Normal
growth, +; reduced growth rate (+); no growth, ).
W303 – + +
MES8 Qcr6p + +
VZ1 Qcr7p + –
LLD9 Qcr8p + –
JDP1 Qcr9p (+) (+)
UBL2 Qcr10p + +
VZ4 Qcr6p/Qcr7p + –
VZ6 Qcr7p/Qcr8p + –
VZ14 Qcr8p/Qcr9p + –
VZ9 Qcr9p/Qcr10p + (+)
SUY 106-a Qcr6p/Qcr10p (+) (+)
Fig. 2. Subunit composition of mitochondrial membranes from yeast
mutants with single deletions of genes for each ofthe nuclear encoded
supernumerary subunits. Yeast strains were grown on YPD medium
and mitochondrial membranes were analyzed by SDS/PAGE and
Western blotting with antibodies to thesubunitsoftheyeast bc
complex indicated onthe left side ofthe blots.
1212 V. Zara et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) Ó FEBS 2004
Interestingly, the absence of subunit 6 also resulted in an
increase in the ratio of intermediate to mature cyto-
chrome c
and a disappearance ofthe intermediate form
of the Rieske protein. At the same time, the levels of
subunits 7, 8 and 9 significantly decreased in this mutant
strain. However, the amounts of core protein 1 and core
protein 2 were relatively unaffected. Therefore, the absence
of subunit 6 appeared to alter the rates of processing of two
of the redox subunitsand caused minor changes in amounts
of the small supernumerary subunits, but it did not cause
dramatic changes in thecytochrome bc
Accordingly, this yeast strain was respiratory-competent.
Deletion ofthe gene encoding either subunit 7 or subunit
8 resulted in a more severe phenotype, andthe changes in
subunit composition ofthe membranes were compar-
able in these two deletion strains, as can be seen from the
blot in Fig. 2. In addition, the absence of subunit 7 caused
a strong decrease in subunit 8 and vice versa, suggesting
a correlation between these two subunits. In both strains,
cytochrome bandthe Rieske protein were almost unde-
tectable, while the amounts ofcytochrome c
were similar to
that found in the wild-type strain. Subunit 9 decreased to
36% ofthe wild-type level in both mutant strains, and the
lower amounts found in the subunit 8 deletion strain. The
only difference between the two strains was that subunit 6
was present in small amounts in the subunit 7 deletion strain
but completely absent in the subunit 8 deletion strain.
In mitochondrial membranes from the strain JDP1, in
which the gene encoding subunit 9 had been deleted, there
was a significant decrease in cytochrome c
(45% of the
wild-type content), a barely detectable amount of Rieske
protein and low levels ofcytochromeb (12% ofthe wild-
type content). Core protein 1 and core protein 2 decreased
significantly to about 40% ofthe wild-type levels. Subunit 8
decreased to the same extent as the core proteins, whereas a
greater decrease was seen in the case of both subunits 6 and
7. Interestingly, a higher amount ofcytochrome b,almost
equivalent to that of wild-type cells, was detected in the
JDP1 (D9) mitochondrial membranes when this mutant
strain was grown at 25 °C instead of 30 °C (results not
shown). This effect of temperature oncytochromeb content
was not observed in the case ofthe other single deletion
Among thesingledeletion strains tested, UBL2, in which
the gene for subunit 10 was deleted, was the only one
showing wild-type levels of all ofthe bc
subunits (Fig. 2
and Table 3). It is also worth noting that the mitochondrial
membranes from these mutant cells also showed the same
ratio of intermediate to mature form of ISP when compared
to the wild-type membranes (Fig. 2). Accordingly, deletion
of QCR10 did not affect mitochondrial respiration, even
though bc
activity was significantly reduced [8]. This is due
complex in wild-type yeast
is significantly greater than what is required to support
normal rates of respiration.
subunit analysisofdouble deletion
Mitochondrial membranes were isolated from the double
deletion strains and processed by SDS/PAGE and Western
blotting using Tom40p to normalize the protein load in the
same manner as for thesingledeletion strains. The immuno-
detection of bc
subunits in the mitochondrial membranes
isolated from thedoubledeletionmutants is shown in
Fig. 3, andthe corresponding quantifications are reported
in Table 4. A comparison ofthe immunoblots in Figs 3 and
2 reveals that thedouble deletions of genes encoding bc
subunits had more marked effects onthe composition of
subunits in the mitochondrial membranes than was
observed with thesingledeletion mutants.
The membranes from the D6/D7 doubledeletion strain
(VZ4) exhibited the strongest defect in theassemblyof the
catalytic subunitsofcytochrome bc
complex. This strain
showed only 18% and 6% ofthe wild-type levels of iron–
sulfur protein andcytochrome b, respectively, while mature
cytochrome c
disappeared completely and only a small
amount ofthe intermediate form was visible. Subunits 8 and
9 were reduced to about one third ofthe original levels.
However, the core proteins were only slightly diminished.
The most notable difference between this double deletion
strain andthe others (see below) was the complete absence
of mature cytochrome c
The mitochondrial membranes from the D7/D8 double
deletion strain (VZ6) showed no cytochromeband only a
negligible amount of ISP, as expected onthe basis of the
results obtained with thesingledeletion strains. The relative
amount ofcytochrome c
decreased by 50%, as did both
core proteins. There was also a strong reduction in the
amounts of both subunit 6 and subunit 9 in this strain.
The highest amount ofcytochrome c
, approximately
80% ofthe normal amount, was found in the mitochondrial
membranes from the D8/D9 doubledeletion strain (VZ14).
However, there was a strong defect in both cytochrome b
and ISP in this strain, similar to what was observed in the
other doubledeletion strains. Core proteins 1 and 2 were
reduced to approximately half ofthe wild-type levels, while
subunits 6 and 7 were present only in small amounts (18%
and 8%, respectively).
The mitochondrial membranes from the D9/D10 double
deletion strain (VZ9), which is one ofthe two respiratory
Table 3. Cytochrome bc
subunit analysisofsingledeletion mutants.
The values represent the percentages ofthe amounts ofthe individual
subunits present in theyeast mutant strains with respect to the
amounts present in the wild-type strain W303, which were set to 100%.
The numbers are the averages of at least three independent experi-
Yeast mutant strains
Cytochrome b 52 5 2 12 109
Cytochrome c
64 90 90 45 106
ISP 68 10 9 3 113
Core 1 103 57 30 38 101
Core 2 104 58 28 45 116
Qcr6p – 18 – 10 120
Qcr7p 64 – 5 28 111
Qcr8p 43 12 – 40 113
Qcr9p 36 36 36 – 100
Ó FEBS 2004 Assemblyoftheyeastcytochrome bc
complex (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) 1213
competent doubledeletion strains characterized here,
showed decreased levels of all three catalytic subunits,
cytochrome b, ISP andcytochrome c
. In addition, core
proteins 1 and 2 and subunit 6 were reduced to about half of
their original levels, while subunits 7 and 8 were reduced to
about one quarter of their original levels. Thedeletion of
both genes encoding subunit 6 and 10 in the strain SUY
106-a caused significant changes in the amount of catalytic
subunits not observed previously with thesingle deletion
strains lacking either subunit 6 or subunit 10. In fact,
cytochrome band ISP were reduced to about 12% and
27% ofthe original levels. Cytochrome c
and core proteins
1 and 2 decreased by about 50%, whereas a greater decrease
was found in the case ofsubunits 7, 8 and 9.
subunit analysisof cytochrome
deletion mutants
Crystal structures ofthe bc
complexes indicate that
cytochrome b is the organizing component ofthe bc
complex, providing eight transmembrane helices that form
the central core ofthecomplex [6]. This central core is
surrounded by four additional transmembranes helices
contributed by cytochrome c
, the Rieske protein, and
subunits 8 and 9. It is therefore clear that cytochrome b
plays a fundamental role in organizing and stabilizing the
structure ofthe entire complex in the inner mitochondrial
membrane. For this reason, we investigated the composition
of cytochrome bc
complex subunits in mitochondrial
membranes from yeast strains in which the gene encoding
cytochrome b had been deleted or truncated.
To this end, we used theyeast strain W303–1B q°,devoid
of mitochondrial DNA, and therefore without the gene
encoding cytochrome b. We performed similar experiments
with the strain CKL57 that contains a point mutation
(L263-STOP) in thecytochromeb gene that results in a
nonfunctional, truncated protein (Table 1). Both of these
yeast strains were respiratory-deficient.
Figure 4 shows the subunit composition ofthe mito-
chondrial membranes from the W303–1B q° and CKL57
strains and from the corresponding wild-type cells grown in
YPD at 30 °C. In general, the pattern ofsubunits present in
the mitochondrial membranes was identical for these two
mutant strains, although the decrease in amounts of the
subunits was more severe in the q° strain. As expected,
cytochrome b was absent from the W303–1B q° strain.
Likewise, no cytochromeb protein was detectable in the
CKL57 strain. We do not know whether the lack of
immunoreactivity in the latter strain was due to the inability
of the truncated protein to insert intoand be stable in the
inner mitochondrial membrane or lack of detection of the
truncated protein by the antibodies.
In the W303–1B q° strain the amounts ofthe other two
catalytic subunits, cytochrome c
and the ISP, were reduced
by about 70–80% (Fig. 4A,C). In the case ofthe strain
Table 4. Cytochrome bc
subunit analysisofdoubledeletion mutants.
The values represent the percentages ofthe amounts of individual
subunits present in theyeast mutant strains with respect to the
amounts present in the wild-type strain W303, which were set to 100%.
The numbers are the averages of at least three independent experi-
Yeast mutant strains
SUY 106-a
Cytochrome b 6 – 7 26 12
Cytochrome c
–507940 50
ISP 18 15 15 33 27
Core 1 74 42 42 59 45
Core 2 83 54 49 53 45
Qcr6p – 23 18 51 –
Qcr7p – – 8 26 23
Qcr8p 28 – – 27 33
Qcr9p 30 31 – – 40
Fig. 3. Subunit composition of mitochondrial membranes from yeast
mutants with double deletions of genes for nuclear encoded super-
numerary subunits. Yeast strains were grown on YPD medium and
mitochondrial membranes were analyzed by SDS/PAGE and Western
blotting with antibodies to thesubunitsoftheyeast bc
indicated onthe left side ofthe blots.
1214 V. Zara et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) Ó FEBS 2004
CKL57 the amount of ISP was 40%, while the cyto-
chrome c
content was almost unaffected (Fig. 4B,D). Core
1 and core 2 proteins were significantly reduced in both
mutant strains, being 33 and 29%, respectively, in the
W303–1B q° strain (Fig. 4A,C) and 57 and 53%, respect-
ively, in the CKL57 strain (Fig. 4B,D). Interestingly, the
small subunits 6, 7 and 8 were totally absent in both mutant
strains. Only a small amount (22%) of subunit 9 was present
in the W303–1B q° strain, Fig. 4A,C, while essentially
normal amounts of this subunit were present in the CKL57
When thecytochromeb mutant strains were grown in
YPD at 25 °C instead of 30 °C, the defects in subunit
composition appeared less evident, especially in the case of
the W303–1B q° strain (results not shown). In the mito-
chondrial membranes from this strain, the content of
cytochrome c
increased from 29 to 73%, andthe amounts
of core proteins 1 and 2 increased from 33 to 74% and 29 to
81%, respectively. Likewise, the relative amount of sub-
unit 9 increased from 22 to 48%. The amount of ISP
changed only slightly at the lower growth temperature, from
23 to 32%. In the CKL57 mutant strain, the amounts of all
subunits increased by about 10–20%. Subunit 9, as already
seen at 30 °C, was present in wild-type amounts. Subunit 6
was present in only small amounts in the W303–1B q° strain
(22%) and in considerably greater amounts (80%) in the
CKL57 strain. Interestingly, subunits 7 and 8 remained
undetectable, even at the lower growth temperature, in both
cytochrome b mutants.
We have analyzed the composition ofcytochrome bc
subunits in mitochondrial membranes ofyeastmutants in
which genes for individual and pairs of bc
subunits have
been deleted. As far as we know, this is the first time that
such a large collection ofsingleanddoubledeletion mutants
of theyeastcytochrome bc
complex has been characterized
simultaneously. Our results add to and extend previous
work ontheassemblyoftheyeast bc
complex from the
laboratories of Berden [30] and Tzagoloff [31]. It has been
demonstrated previously that gene expression, import of
proteins into mitochondria and sorting to the inner
membrane are not influenced by the absence of subunits
of the bc
complex [19,20,30]. Thus, this experimental
strategy allows the determination of which subunits are
present in the inner mitochondrial membrane independent
of previous steps in bc
complex assembly. Defects in the
mitochondrial membrane composition of bc
subunits in the
deletion strains can be ascribed to an altered process of
assembly ofthe multisubunit complex in the inner mito-
chondrial membrane. The bc
subunits that are imported
but not assembled intothe multisubunit complex or
subcomplexes thereof are probably more susceptible to
proteolysis, as previously proposed [19,20,30,32]. This is
reflected in decreased amounts or absence ofthe non-
assembled subunits in the mitochondrial membranes.
With all ofthesingleanddoubledeletionmutants there
appeared to be a strict correlation in the amounts of
Fig. 4. Subunit composition of mitochondrial membranes from a yeast mutant lacking mitochondrial DNA and a yeast mutant with a truncated
cytochrome b gene. The wild-type (WT), q°, and CKL57 yeast strains were grown on YPD medium and mitochondrial membranes were analyzed
by SDS/PAGE and Western blotting with antibodies to thesubunitsoftheyeast bc
complex indicated onthe left side ofthe blots. The Western
blots are shown in panels A andBandthe relative amounts of each ofthesubunits determined by densitometry scanning ofthe stained Western
blots ofthe q° and CKL57 membranes are shown in panels C and D, respectively.
Ó FEBS 2004 Assemblyoftheyeastcytochrome bc
complex (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) 1215
cytochrome b, subunit 7 and subunit 8. Deletionofthe gene
for any one of these proteins caused a strong decrease or the
disappearance ofthe other two components. Accordingly,
the doubledeletion mutant VZ6, in which both QCR7 and
QCR8 had been deleted, showed no cytochrome b.This
agrees with the crystal structures that show that these two
supernumerary subunits both interact with cytochrome b.
As shown in Fig. 1B, subunit 7 envelopes the N-terminus of
cytochrome b within the membrane near the inner mem-
brane surface. Subunit 8 exhibits a single transmembrane
helix that spans the membrane parallel to cytochrome b,
interacting extensively with transmembrane helices G and
H1 and also interacting with helix a ofcytochrome b
parallel to the inner membrane surface. This structural
relationship andthe coincidental behavior of these three
subunits in thedeletion strains lend support to previous
suggestions [13,30,31] that cytochrome b, subunit 7 and
subunit 8 may form a nucleating subcomplex in the lipid
bilayer ofthe inner mitochondrial membrane, around which
the other subunits are assembled (Fig. 5).
Subunit 8 interacts with several other subunitsof the
complex in addition to cytochromeb [6]. Our results with
the singledeletion mutant lacking subunit 8 extend the
previous findings of Maarse coworkers [19]. In addition
to the strong decrease or disappearance of subunit 7,
cytochrome band ISP as reported previously [19], we
observed the disappearance of subunit 6 and a strong
decrease of subunit 9 and both core proteins. Accordingly,
the QCR8 gene deletion resulted in the most severe
phenotype among thesingledeletion strains tested.
In thedeletion mutant lacking subunit 7 we found an
almost complete lack ofcytochrome b, subunit 8 and ISP,
in agreement with previous studies [20]. However, unlike
previous results [20], we also found a significant decrease of
both core proteins, and low levels ofsubunits 6 and 9. In
fact, concomitant and significant decreases of almost all
remaining subunits, except cytochrome c
These results were confirmed by those obtained with the
double deletion strain VZ6 (D7/D8). The results with
the deletion mutant lacking subunit 7 further corroborate
the interdependence among subunits 7, 8 andcytochrome b
and the role of this core subcomplex in organizing the
cytochrome bc
complex. It was proposed previously that
the N-terminus of subunit 7 plays an important role during
the assemblyofthecytochrome bc
complex [33,34]. In
support of this proposal, it is the N-terminal 30 amino acids
of subunit 7 that envelopes the N-terminus ofcytochrome b
near the matrix side ofthe inner membrane (Fig. 1B).
Cytochrome c
appears to be thecytochrome bc
ponent least influenced by the absence of other subunits of
the complex. In fact, only marginal variations in cyto-
chrome c
were observed in thesingledeletion mutants
tested, except for the increase ofthe intermediate form of
in the strain lacking subunit 6. Subunit 6 is an acidic
protein that interacts with cytochrome c
on the cytosolic
surface ofthe membrane. The retardation in c
in the absence of subunit 6 suggests that the apo-
cytochrome must associate with this subunit before the
c-type heme can be inserted. The formation of a subcom-
plex between cytochrome c
and subunit 6 has previously
been proposed onthe basis of biochemical [35] and genetic
evidence [18].
Interestingly, the D6/D7 doubledeletion strain is the only
one showing a complete lack of mature cytochrome c
also showed only a small amount ofthecytochrome c
intermediate form. This is probably due to the combination
of two phenomena, the maturation delay caused by the
absence of subunit 6, andthe pleiotropic effects due to the
deletion of QCR7, including almost complete disappearance
of cytochromeband subunit 8. Similar effects, including the
presence ofthe intermediate form ofcytochrome c
with a complete lack ofthe mature form, were previously
seen in the QCR6 deletion strain grown at nonpermissive
temperatures [36]. In that study, also a complete block of
cytochrome c
maturation was found together with a
simultaneous lack of both subunits 6 and 8 and low levels
of cytochrome b. Together, these results suggest that the
absence of subunit 6 delays cytochrome c
maturation while
the absence ofthecytochromeb subcomplex (formed by
Fig. 5. Schematic model summarizing the putative cytochrome bc
subcomplexes involved in bc
complex assembly. Thedouble arrows
indicate that the sequence of events by which the three subcomplexes
associate to form a subcomplex containing both cytochromes band c
prior to insertion of ISP and subunit 10 (Qcr10p) in the inner mito-
chondrial membrane is currently not known.
1216 V. Zara et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) Ó FEBS 2004
cytochrome b, subunit 7 and subunit 8) hinders the insertion
of mature cytochrome c
into the complex. However, when
the cytochromeb subcomplex is missing, but the gene
encoding subunit 6 is not deleted, as in several ofthe single
and doubledeletion strains, mature cytochrome c
present in the mitochondrial membranes in considerable
As reported previously [18,37], the strain lackingthe gene
for subunit 6 showed only moderate defects in the levels of
most ofthe other subunitsofthe bc
complex when grown
at permissive temperatures. However, we found that subunit
9 was present in this deletion strain at about only one-third
of the normal level, which suggests that subunit 6 stabilizes
subunit 9, although the crystal structure shows that these
two subunits do not interact directly [6]. Deletionofthe gene
encoding subunit 9 resulted in a respiratory deficient yeast
strain with very low bc
complex activity, particularly at
high temperatures [15,29]. In this strain we found a
significant decrease of both cytochrome c
and subunit 6.
Interestingly, previous studies suggested an interaction
between subunit 9 andcytochrome c
[24,38,39]. Taken
together, these results suggest that a subcomplex between
cytochrome c
and the two supernumerarysubunits 6 and 9
is possible (Fig. 5). This would be consistent with the crystal
structure, which shows that these two supernumerary
subunits interact with cytochrome c
The level of ISP was significantly influenced in almost all
of thedeletion strains. This catalytic subunit was present in
very low amounts in the D7, D8andD9 single deletion
mutants, and in all ofthedoubledeletionmutants prepared
in this study. The extensive loss of ISP in theyeast strain
lacking the gene for subunit 9 is in agreement with previous
results indicating that this catalytic subunit is protease-
sensitive in the absence of subunit 9 [29]. In addition, recent
findings show a synergistic interaction between cyto-
chrome band subunit 9 in yeast mitochondria [40]. These
authors proposed a stabilizing role of subunit 9 on the
interactions among the catalytic subunitsofthe cyto-
chrome bc
complex, especially at high temperatures. In this
regard, it is noteworthy that the level ofcytochrome b
increased in the strain lackingthe gene for subunit 9 when
the cells were grown at 25 °C instead of 30 °C. In addition,
less dramatic changes in subunit composition were found in
cytochrome b mutant strains grown at 25 °C instead of
30 °C (Results). A critical effect ofthe temperature on the
level of various subunitsofcytochrome bc
complex is
therefore evident in theyeast strains in which the genes for
subunit 6, subunit 9 andcytochromeb had been deleted.
Core protein 1 and core protein 2 interact with each other
and with the membrane-embedded subunitsofthe bc
complex and protrude, almost completely, intothe mito-
chondrial matrix [6]. In contrast to previous results with
several yeast bc
complex mutants [31], the amounts of
core 1 and core 2 proteins were significantly influenced by
the absence of other subunitsofthe bc
complex. Deletion
of the genes for subunit 7, subunit 8 or subunit 9 caused a
strong reduction ofthe two core proteins in the mito-
chondrial membranes (Fig. 2 and Table 3). These results
were confirmed by those obtained with thedouble deletion
strains (Fig. 3 and Table 4). Furthermore, deletionof the
gene for cytochromeb caused a decrease of both core
proteins (Fig. 4). The low levels of both core proteins found
in this study may be due to the fact that we examined
mitochondrial membranes instead of mitochondria. Using
mitochondria there is still the possibility to detect proteins in
transit and not yet inserted intothe inner mitochondrial
membrane. The fact that both core proteins decreased by
the same extent in the various deletion strains suggests that
they probably form a subcomplex as hypothesized previ-
ously [30,31] (Fig. 5).
Our results allow some insight intothe sequence of events
in assemblyofthe bc
complex. Two ofthe supernumerary
subunits, 7 and 8, along with cytochrome b,appeartoplay
an important role in the structural organization of the
complex. This suggests that these subunits associate at
an early step in theassembly pathway. In contrast, the
supernumerary subunit 10 seems to play only a minor role
in the overall structure ofthe bc
complex. Deletionof the
QCR10 gene has no effect onthe composition of bc
subunits in the mitochondrial membrane. This subunit is
readily lost during purification and is not present in the
crystal structure ofthe bc
complex [6]. This suggests that
subunit 10 is in a peripheral location onthe bc
and that it is added late in theassembly pathway. In
general, our results agree with and extend the model for the
assembly oftheyeast bc
complex proposed by Berden and
coworkers [30]. In fact, these authors proposed the
existence of three distinct subcomplexes, essentially con-
firmed by the present data (Fig. 5). In addition, our results
revealed a strict interdependence between thecytochrome b
subcomplex andthesupernumerary subunit Qcr6p. It is
also evident that Qcr9p plays an important role in the
temperature-sensitive stabilization oftheyeast bc
At present it is not possible to deduce the sequence in which
subunits ofthe bc
complex are assembled into subcom-
plexes or the sequence in which the putative subcomplexes
are assembled to form the bc
complex. The sequence in
which thesubunitsand subcomplexes are assembled is
under investigation.
This study was supported by the Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Uni-
e della Ricerca (MIUR), PRIN 2002, and by NIH Grant GM
20379 to B. L. T.
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1218 V. Zara et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) Ó FEBS 2004
. Further insights into the assembly of the yeast cytochrome
complex based on analysis of single and double deletion mutants
lacking supernumerary subunits. influenced by
the absence of other subunits of the bc
complex. Deletion
of the genes for subunit 7, subunit 8 or subunit 9 caused a
strong reduction of the