Modulationofoatargininedecarboxylasegene expression
and genomeorganizationintransgenicTrypanosoma cruzi
a P. Serra, Carolina Carrillo, Ne
lida S. Gonza
lez and Israel D. Algranati
n Instituto Leloir, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas’
disease, is a parasitic protozoan with a digenetic life
cycle involving an insect vector and a mammalian
host. The parasite undergoes major morphological
and biochemical changes during the different stages of
its life cycle. The epimastigote form is noninfective and
proliferates extracellularly in the insect gut where it
differentiates into metacyclic trypomastigotes, which
can then infect the mammalian host cells and replicate
intracellularly after transforming into amastigotes [1–4].
Epimastigotes from different wild-type strains of
T. cruzi are able to grow continuously in vitro in a rich
culture medium [5], but proliferation stops after a few
passages in a semidefined medium, which contains only
traces of polyamines [6,7]. T. cruzi remain viable for
several weeks in the defined medium and are able to
resume normal growth only upon the addition of exo-
genous polyamines to the culture [7]. These results
confirm previous reports from our and other laborat-
ories indicating that T. cruziepimastigotes are unable
free episome; genome
organization; heterologous ADC gene
expression; plasmid integration;
Trypanosoma cruzi transformation
I. D. Algranati, Fundacio
n Instituto Leloir,
Avenue Patricias Argentinas 435 (1405),
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fax: +5411 5238 7501
Tel: +5411 5238 7500
(Received 24 November 2005, accepted
12 December 2005)
We have previously demonstrated that wild-type Trypanosomacruzi epi-
mastigotes lack argininedecarboxylase (ADC) enzymatic activity as well as
its encoding gene. A foreign ADC has recently been expressed in T. cruzi
after transformation with a recombinant plasmid containing the complete
coding region of the oat ADC gene. In the present study, upon modulation
of exogenous ADC expression, we found that ADC activity was detected
early after transfection; subsequently it decreased to negligible levels
between 2 and 3 weeks after electroporation and was again detected
4 weeks after electroporation. After this period, the ADC activity
increased markedly and became expressed permanently. These changes of
enzymatic activity showed a close correlation with the corresponding levels
of ADC transcripts. To investigate whether the genomeorganizationof the
transgenic T. cruzi underwent any modification related to the expression of
the heterologous gene, we performed PCR amplification assays, restriction
mapping and pulse-field gel electrophoresis with DNA samples or chromo-
somes obtained from parasites collected at different time-points after trans-
fection. The results indicated that the transforming plasmid remained as
free episomes during the transient expressionof the foreign gene. After-
wards, the free plasmid disappeared almost completely for several weeks
and, finally, when the expressionof the ADC gene became stable, two or
more copies of the transforming plasmid arranged in tandem were integra-
ted into a parasite chromosome (1.4 Mbp) bearing a ribosomal RNA locus.
The sensitivity of transcription to a-amanitin strongly suggests involvement
of the protozoan RNA polymerase I in the transcription of the exogenous
ADC gene.
ADC, arginine decarboxylase; G418, geneticin; ODC, ornithine decarboxylase; PFGE, pulse-field gel electrophoresis.
628 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 628–637 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
to synthesize putrescine, as a result of the absence
of ornithine andarginine decarboxylases (ODC and
ADC) [7–10], which catalyse the first steps of both
possible pathways of putrescine biosynthesis [11]. In
accordance with this conclusion we have observed that
the addition of ornithine or arginine to the culture
medium cannot support the continuous growth of
T. cruziin the defined medium, as proliferation in the
presence of these amino acids is arrested at the same
time as in unsupplemented cultures [9]. In all these
cases, growth can be resumed by the addition of
putrescine, cadaverine or spermidine. On the other
hand, all our attempts to detect ODC or ADC enzy-
matic activities in various strains of wild-type T. cruzi
epimastigotes, by adding radioactive ornithine or
arginine to intact parasites or cell extracts, gave negli-
gible values [7,9,10]. These results could be attributed
neither to a deficient uptake of the amino acids by
the parasites [12] nor to the presence of ODC or ADC
inhibitors in the protozoan internal medium [7,10].
Studies carried out in order to correlate the parasite
growth under different conditions with the correspond-
ing intracellular levels of polyamines have shown that
the proliferation of wild-type T. cruzi epimastigotes
depends exclusively on the endogenous concentrations
of spermidine or aminopropylcadaverine [13,14]. In
fact, when polyamine-depleted cultures of T. cruzi epi-
mastigotes in synthetic media were supplemented with
putrescine, together with cyclohexylamine (a known
inhibitor of putrescine conversion into spermidine)
[15,16], the parasites were unable to resume growth,
even though the putrescine levels increased markedly
inside the protozoa, because the spermidine concentra-
tions remained low [13].
We have recently investigated whether the failure to
detect ODC and ADC activities in wild-type T. cruzi
epimastigotes could be caused by the absence of the
corresponding genes in the parasite genome. Bioinfor-
matic analyses based on available data from the
T. cruzigenome project, and hybridization assays with
specific probes homologous to conserved regions of
ODC or ADC genes from many organisms, have indi-
cated the absence of ODC- and ADC-like nucleotide
sequences in the wild-type T. cruzigenome [10,17].
As the described results show that wild-type T. cruzi
behaves as a natural deletion mutant for ODC and
ADC genes, we used these polyamine auxotrophic par-
asites as recipients of foreign ODC or ADC genes to
study their expressionand the eventual suppression of
polyamine auxotrophy [7,10].
We have previously transformed wild-type T. cruzi
epimastigotes with a recombinant plasmid containing
the oat ADC cDNA coding region [10]. In the present
work we used ADC-transgenic protozoa to follow the
time-course modulationof foreign gene expression
and to investigate whether this modulation can be
explained by the concomitant changes occurring in the
parasite genome organization.
Results and Discussion
Expression of the oat ADC genein T. cruzi
In order to study the expressionof the foreign ADC
gene in T. cruzi epimastigotes, we transformed wild-
type parasites with the recombinant plasmid, pADC-8
[10], bearing the complete coding region of the oat
ADC gene cloned in the sense orientation, in the vector
pRIBOTEX. This vector contains a ribosomal promo-
ter region, derived from a T. cruzi rRNA locus, ligated
upstream of the multiple cloning sequence [18]. It has
been previously shown that this promoter region of
pRIBOTEX and related vectors induces the transcrip-
tion of genes cloned downstream of the promoter
and their chromosomal integration [19]. After 48 h of
transfection, geneticin (G418) was added to the cul-
tures of transformed parasites to select plasmid-
containing protozoa. The time course of ADC gene
expression was followed by northern hybridization
analysis and measurements of the new enzymatic activ-
ity. Total RNA was extracted from transformed para-
sites at different time-points after electroporation and
analysed with a labelled probe specific for the oat
ADC gene (Fig. 1A), using a ribosomal RNA probe as
a loading control (Fig. 1B). The relative intensities of
the hybridization bands corresponding to ADC tran-
scripts and ribosomal RNA showed that the concen-
tration of ADC mRNA ( 2.2 kb long) reached an
early maximum at 1 week after transfection, decreased
markedly between 2 and 4 weeks after electroporation,
and then increased again, attaining high levels after
‡ 6 weeks (Fig. 1C).
Transgenic T. cruzi showed a significant ADC
activity as early as 48 h after transfection, as previ-
ously reported [10]. This activity has been character-
ized by its products, the reaction stoichiometry and
the specific inhibition by a-difluoromethylarginine
[10]. In the present work we observed that, initially,
the enzymatic activity of cell extracts increased up to
a maximum value at 1 week after electroporation
and then decreased to almost undetectable levels
after 2–3 weeks (Fig. 1D). These results, and the sim-
ilar time-course variation of ADC RNA levels, con-
firm previously published data indicating an initially
transient expressionof the foreign gene [10]. ADC
mRNA and the corresponding enzymatic activity
M. P. Serra et al. Foreign ADC geneexpressionin T. cruzi
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increased again when transformed T. cruzi were cul-
tured for longer time-periods in the presence of
G418 (Fig. 1A–D). At this point, the ADC gene
became permanently expressed at rather high levels
in the transgenic parasites.
It is worthy of note that although these parasites
contain high enzymatic activities of ADC, they are
unable to overcome T. cruzi auxotrophy for polyam-
ines, as previously reported [10]. These results indicate
that agmatine cannot fulfill the physiological roles of
polyamines, and at the same time strongly suggest that
T. cruzi does not contain agmatinase activity that
would convert agmatine into putrescine.
We have also observed that transformed parasites
cultured in the absence of G418 showed only a tran-
sient period of ADC activity (Fig. 1D).
Previous results from our laboratory have shown that
the complete elimination of untransformed parasites
by G418 under our experimental conditions occurs
in 1 month; therefore, in the 1 month time-period
between transfection and elimination, the parasite cul-
tures are variable mixtures of transformed and untrans-
formed cells. However, the correlation of RNA
transcripts with the enzymatic activity levels for each
time-point is relevant and allowed us to detect the tran-
sient and stable periods of exogenous gene expression.
Genome organizationof transformed parasites
In order to explain the described changes of ADC
mRNA levels and the corresponding enzymatic activi-
ties after T. cruzi transformation, we investigated the
genome organizationoftransgenic parasites at differ-
ent time-points after transfection. To ascertain whe-
ther the recombinant plasmid used for transformation
was integrated into the parasite genome or remained
free as extrachromosomal elements, we performed
PCR amplification assays using two different sets of
primers, as described in the Experimental procedures.
If the recombinant plasmid remained as a free
Fig. 1. Time-course ofargininedecarboxylase (ADC) RNA levels and enzymatic activities in transfected Trypanosoma cruzi. Northern blot
analysis of total RNA samples (20 lg) prepared from ADC-transformed T. cruziepimastigotes harvested at different time-points after electro-
poration. Hybridization bands with ADC- and rRNA-specific probes are shown in (A) and (B), respectively. (C) Relative intensities of ADC
mRNA bands normalized to the rRNA loading controls. Lane 1, RNA from wild-type T. cruzi; lanes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 correspond to RNA pre-
pared from transgenic parasites 2 days and 1, 2, 4 and 24 weeks after transfection, respectively. (D) ADC-specific activities in transgenic
T. cruziepimastigotes at different time-points postelectroporation. All samples correspond to parasites harvested at the early logarithmic
phase of growth, and ADC activity values are the average of assays carried out in duplicate. Transformed parasites were cultured in the
absence of geneticin (G418) (s) or with the antibiotic added 48 h after electroporation (d).
Foreign ADC geneexpressionin T. cruzi M. P. Serra et al.
630 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 628–637 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
episome (either a circular single copy or a multimeric
form), only one of both PCR reactions should pro-
duce a DNA segment of 2030 bp when using primers
T7 (specific for the promoter region of pRIBOTEX
vector) and ADC2 (specific for an internal segment of
the ADC coding region) (Fig. 2A). On the other
hand, if total integration of one plasmid copy has
occurred by homologous recombination, presumably
at a ribosomal RNA locus of the parasite genome,
the amplification assay with primers T7 and RIB (spe-
cific for the ribosomal locus of the wild-type T. cruzi
genome) should give a DNA segment of 890 bp
(Fig. 2B), and no other product from the PCR reac-
tion with the set of primers T7 and ADC2. Further-
more, we could expect that the integration in the
parasite genomeof two or more units of tandemly
amplified plasmid molecules should give rise to both
segments (2030 and 890 bp) by the described PCR
amplifications (Fig. 2C). In order to study these possi-
bilities, total DNA was obtained from samples of
transfected parasites collected at different time-points
after electroporation, and all these preparations were
used in PCR amplification reactions with the two sets
of primers described above. Gel electrophoresis analy-
ses of the PCR products indicated that during the
first 15 days after transfection, the transforming plas-
mid remained as free episomes, as only a 2030 bp
DNA segment was detected after both PCR assays
(Fig. 3A, lanes 5 and 6). Two weeks after electropora-
tion, the free plasmid had almost disappeared
(Fig. 3A, lanes 7 and 8). The faint PCR band of
3500 bp detected in Fig. 3A (lane 8), in addition to
the expected 2030 bp PCR product, might be gener-
ated by a partial DNA rearrangement inside the
pADC-8 plasmid molecule. During the subsequent
period, the integration of ‡ 2 units of the transfected
plasmid into the parasite genome seemed to occur, as
shown by the production of both DNA segments
after ‡ 4 weeks of transformation (Fig. 3A, lanes 9–
12). We obtained the same results (890 and 2030 bp
segments) with DNA samples from transformed
T. cruzi 6 months after electroporation (Fig. 3A,
Fig. 2. Schematic diagrams to predict the fate of the recombinant plasmid after parasite transformation. (A) Free episome elements; (B)
integration of one plasmid copy into the parasite genome; (C) integration of two plasmid copies arranged in tandem. The hatched horizontal
segments represent the expected PCR amplification products for each type ofgenomeorganization when the corresponding DNA samples
were assayed as described in the Experimental procedures. The primer annealing sites are indicated by arrows. The cutting sites of NheI
and SalI enzymes used for the restriction mapping are also shown.
M. P. Serra et al. Foreign ADC geneexpressionin T. cruzi
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lanes 13 and 14), indicating that a stable genome
structure has probably been reached. However, we
cannot exclude that a small portion of the recombin-
ant plasmid could remain free, even after stable trans-
The described patterns ofgenomeorganization after
transfection are in good correlation with the time-
course of ADC geneexpression (transcription and
translation) found in the transformed parasites and
depicted in Fig. 1.
The integration of the transforming plasmid
‡ 4 weeks after electroporation has also been demon-
strated by digestion of total DNA from transfected
T. cruzi with restriction enzymes that cut twice inside
the pADC-8 sequence, as shown in Fig. 2A–C. The
subsequent hybridization analyses using the described
labelled probe, specific for the ADC gene, gave the
results predicted. The radioactive bands obtained in
the corresponding Southern blot assay (Fig. 3B) could
only be explained by the integration, into the parasite
genome, of ‡ 2 units of the plasmid pADC-8 arranged
in a head-to-tail tandem, as previously suggested for
the pRIBOTEX vector [18].
In order to confirm the tandem arrangement of the
integrated copies of pADC-8 plasmid, we performed
two different digestion reactions of DNA from para-
sites, harvested after 6 months of transfection, with the
restriction enzymes SstII or BstBI, each with a single
cutting site near the 5¢ or the 3¢ end of the pADC-8
sequence, respectively, but outside the ADC ORF.
After hybridization of the digestion products with the
ADC-specific probe, both experiments showed a com-
mon hybridizing fragment similar in size to that of the
pADC-8 plasmid ( 7.9 kbp), as depicted in Fig. 4A.
This result strongly supports the conclusion that the
stable transformed protozoa contain two or more cop-
ies of plasmid pADC-8 in a head-to-tail tandem integ-
rated without rearrangements nor gaps. The additional
23 kbp-labelled band, seen in lane 2, was probably
caused by the fact that the restriction enzyme, BstBI,
only produced partial digestion of the DNA samples.
On the other hand, the absence of a second hybridiza-
tion band in lane 1 might be the result of insufficient
sensitivity of our assay. Rehybridization of the mem-
brane shown in Fig. 4A with a labelled probe specific
for the neomycin-resistance gene gave the same radio-
Fig. 3. Genomeorganizationof transformed Trypanosomacruzi assayed by PCR amplification (A) or by Southern hybridization after digestion
with restriction enzymes (B). (A) Total DNA was prepared from transgenic parasites harvested after different times of transfection. Each
DNA sample was used as template in PCR amplification reactions with two pairs of primers – (a) T7 and ADC2, and (b) T7 and RIB – under
the conditions described in the Experimental procedures. PCR products were analysed by electrophoresis on agarose gels containing ethi-
dium bromide and observed under UV light. Lanes 1 and 2 correspond to the assay carried out with DNA from untransformed wild-type
T. cruzi as template; lanes 3 and 4, correspond to the assay carried out with purified recombinant plasmid pADC-8; and lanes 5–14 corres-
pond to the assay carried out with DNA samples obtained from transformed parasites after 2 days and 2, 4, 6 and 24 weeks after transfec-
tion. Lanes 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13 show the PCR products obtained using the primer pair T7 and RIB. Lanes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 show
the PCR products obtained using the primer pair T7 and ADC2. Lane 15, 1 kb DNA ladder standard. (B) DNA obtained from arginine decarb-
oxylase (ADC)-transformed parasites harvested 6 months after transfection was completely digested with NheIorSalI restriction enzymes.
After gel electrophoresis, the digestion products were blotted onto a nylon membrane and hybridization analysis was carried out with the
radioactive ADC-specific probe. Southern hybridization bands correspond to digestion with NheI (lane 1) or SalI (lane 2).
Foreign ADC geneexpressionin T. cruzi M. P. Serra et al.
632 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 628–637 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
active bands (Fig. 4B), providing further support for
the integration of entire molecules of the transforming
plasmid, pADC-8.
To investigate further the fate of the transforming
plasmid after electroporation and the integration site
within the parasite genome, we performed pulse-field
gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of chromosomes obtained
at different time-points after parasite transformation,
followed by hybridization assays with the ADC-specific
probe. The results were in complete agreement with
those obtained by PCR and restriction digestion
experiments shown in Fig. 3A,B. Early after electropo-
ration, the ADC gene appeared almost exclusively in a
hybridization band at the origin of the gel, indicating
that the transforming plasmid remained as extrachro-
mosomal elements during this period (Fig. 5A, lane 2).
It is relevant to mention that when a small amount of
purified pADC-8 plasmid was added to intact wild-
type parasites before the preparation of chromosome-
containing agar blocks for the PFGE experiments, we
obtained a very similar pattern of radioactive bands
after hybridization (Fig. 5A, lane 5). One week after
transformation we were able to detect only a faint
band corresponding to the ADC gene at the origin of
the gel (Fig. 5A, lane 3) suggesting an almost complete
destruction of free pADC-8 plasmid. After 3 months, a
small amount of episome was still detectable and the
ADC gene was mainly at a radioactive band with the
same mobility as the 1.4 Mbp parasite chromosome,
which bears a ribosomal RNA locus, as shown in
Fig. 5A (lane 4) and Fig. 5B [19]. Therefore, insertion
of the exogenous gene was probably not specific at an
ADC-like sequence, but rather targeted to the parasite
ribosomal RNA locus by the ribosomal promoter
region included in the vector pRIBOTEX [18,19].
Effect of a-amanitin on exogenous ADC
transcription in transformed T. cruzi
We also studied the a-amanitin sensitivity of the ADC
gene transcription. For this purpose we carried out
dot-blot hybridization analyses with membranes con-
taining DNA spots (5 lg each) corresponding to inter-
nal fragments of ADC or cruzipain genes. The latter
(used as a control) is a housekeeping gene that encodes
the main cysteine proteinase of T. cruzi [20]. Prelimin-
ary experiments have shown that transcription of the
Fig. 4. Arrangement of plasmid pADC-8 copies integrated into the
transformed parasite genome. DNA from stably transformed para-
sites collected 6 months after transfection was digested with the
restriction enzymes SstII (lane 1) or BstBI (lane 2). After gel electro-
phoresis of the digestion products and blotting onto a nylon mem-
brane, hybridization analysis was performed with the specific
probes for argininedecarboxylase (ADC ) (A) or neomycin-resistance
(neo) (B) genes. All other details are as described in the Experimen-
tal procedures.
Fig. 5. Southern blot analysis of chromosomes prepared from
untransformed and transformed parasites collected at different
time-points after transfection. Trypanosomacruzi chromosomes
were separated by pulse-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and
analysed by Southern blot hybridization with labelled arginine
decarboxylase (ADC) (A) or rRNA (B) specific probes. Lanes 1, 2, 3
and 4 in panel A correspond to parasites before transformation, or
48 h, 1 week or 3 months after transfection, respectively. Lane 5 is
a control of chromosomes from wild-type parasites with the addition
of 10 ng of purified pADC-8 plasmid. Panel B shows a duplicate of
lane 4 in panel A hybridized with the radioactive rRNA 24Sa probe.
M. P. Serra et al. Foreign ADC geneexpressionin T. cruzi
FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 628–637 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 633
cruzipain gene is inhibited by a-amanitin (I. D. Algra-
nati, unpublished results). The hybridization assays
were performed with radioactive RNA synthesized by
transformed parasites that were permeabilized and
then incubated in the presence of different concentra-
tions of a-amanitin. Figure 6 shows that transcription
of the ADC gene did not decrease, even at very high
levels of a-amanitin (500 lgÆmL
), while the synthesis
of cruzipain mRNA was markedly reduced. It has
been reported that trypanosomes contain three differ-
ent RNA polymerases: RNA Pol I (which synthesizes
ribosomal RNA); RNA Pol II (responsible for the
transcription of most protein-coding genes); and RNA
Pol III (which transcribes tRNA and 5SRNA). RNA
Pol II is the only one sensitive to a-amanitin [21].
According to these data, our results strongly suggest
the involvement of RNA Pol I in ADC gene transcrip-
tion and RNA pol II in cruzipain transcription. Our
conclusion, that the ADC geneof transformed para-
sites was transcribed by RNA Pol I, is also in agree-
ment with the fact that the transforming plasmid
bearing the foreign gene contains a strong rRNA pro-
moter region.
Our studies, on the modulationofoat ADC gene
expression in T. cruzi epimastigotes, have shown an
early period of transient expression during which the
transforming recombinant plasmid remained as a free
element undergoing transcription and translation
(Figs 1 and 3). This episome was probably almost
completely degraded between 2 and 4 weeks after
transfection. However, the continuous selection pres-
sure of the antibiotic, G418, allowed stable expression
of the ADC gene, presumably after recombination and
integration into the parasite genomeof two or more
pADC-8 copies arranged in tandem. ADC transcripts
and the corresponding enzymatic activities followed a
similar pattern ofmodulation (Fig. 1). When the selec-
tion drug, G418, was omitted after parasite transfor-
mation, we could only detect transient expression of
the ADC gene.
Previous results obtained in our laboratory with the
ODC gene, and data reported by other authors with
several genes, have indicated a fast plasmid integration
after transfection when using the same pRIBOTEX or
a related expression vector, pTREX [18,19]. On the
contrary, in the present work we found a late plasmid
integration into the T. cruzigenomeand a concomit-
ant stable gene expression, despite the fact that we
also used the pRIBOTEX vector. We speculate that an
as-yet not well understood mechanism requiring
plasmid duplication during integration, the particular
structure of plasmid pADC-8 and ⁄ or the involvement
of putative intermediate forms of the transforming
plasmid might explain the different pattern of expres-
sion observed in our experiments.
Experimental procedures
Materials and reagents
Brain–heart infusion, liver infusion broth, tryptose and yeast
extracts were obtained from Difco Laboratories (Detroit,
MI, USA). Minimal essential medium (SMEM), amino acids
and vitamins were obtained from Gibco BRL (Gaithersburg,
MD, USA). Bases, haemin, pyridoxal 5¢-phosphate, poly-
amines, Hepes buffer and antibiotics were purchased from
Sigma (St Louis, MO, USA). Fetal calf serum was from
Natocor (Carlos Paz, Cordoba, Argentina), and L-[U-
arginine (305 CiÆmol
), [
P]dCTP[aP] (3000 CiÆmmol
and [
P]UTP[aP] (3000 Ci mmol
) were from Amersham
Life Sciences (Bucks., UK).
Fig. 6. Sensitivity to a-amanitin of the transcription of arginine
decarboxylase (ADC) and cruzipain genes in transformed Trypano-
soma cruzi. Permeable parasites were preincubated at 0 °C for
5 min in the absence or presence of different concentrations of
a-amanitin. Transcription was performed for 30 min at 30 °C in the
presence of [
P]UTP[aP], and purified radioactive RNA was ana-
lysed by dot-blot hybridization, as described in the Experimental
procedures. The amount of specific RNA hybridized to each dot
was measured by scintillation counting and expressed as a percent-
age of the corresponding value obtained in the absence of a-aman-
itin ADC-specific (s) or cruzipain-specific (d) transcripts. All values
are the average of experiments carried out in duplicate.
Foreign ADC geneexpressionin T. cruzi M. P. Serra et al.
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Parasite cultures
T. cruzi epimastigotes, strains Tulahuen 2 [22] and RA [23],
were cultured at 28 °C in rich (BHT) or semidefined (SDM-
79) media [6] supplemented with haemin (20 mgÆL
), 10%
(v ⁄ v) heat inactivated fetal bovine serum and antibiotics
(100 lgÆmL
streptomycin and 100 UÆmL
Parasite growth was followed by cell counting. The doub-
ling time for wild-type T. cruzi proliferation was 18–24 h.
All cultures were diluted weekly to 8–12 · 10
using fresh medium with the indicated additions.
Parasite extracts and ADC assay
T. cruzi were harvested by centrifugation for 5 min at
3500 g, and after washing with NaCl ⁄ P
they were resus-
pended at 1 · 10
in the reaction solution con-
taining 50 mm Hepes buffer, pH 7.5, 0.5 mm EDTA, 1 mm
dithiothreitol and 0.1 mm pyridoxal 5¢-phosphate. Cells
were disrupted by three cycles of freeze–thawing, followed
by a brief sonication to break the DNA. After centrifuga-
tion at 12 000 g for 15 min at 4 °C, the supernatant fluid
was used to measure the enzyme activity in a total volume
of 50 lL with the addition of radioactive arginine
(0.25 lCi, 1 mm final concentration). All measurements of
ADC activity were carried out using cell extracts from
transformed T. cruzi collected at the early or mid-logarith-
mic phase of growth (cell concentration 20–30 · 10
sites per mL), as the enzymatic specific activity decreased
markedly at late exponential or stationary phase (I. D.
Algranati, results not shown). Therefore, ADC activities
were obtained using parasite cultures diluted with fresh
medium, to 10–15 · 10
cells per mL, 24 h before the
collection of each sample. The enzymatic assays were
carried out under linear conditions for protein concentra-
tion and reaction time. ADC activities were calculated by
measuring the radioactive CO
released during the reac-
tions [24]. Protein concentrations of enzyme preparations
were determined by Bradford’s method [25], with BSA as
the standard.
Construction of the recombinant plasmid pADC-8
and parasite transfection
A cDNA fragment containing the complete coding region
of the oat ADC gene was cloned in the pRIBOTEX expres-
sion vector [18], as previously described [10]. The recombin-
ant plasmid pADC-8 (with the ADC coding region inserted
in the sense orientation) was selected after analysis by
restriction mapping and nucleotide sequencing. Wild-type
T. cruziepimastigotes collected at the early exponential
phase of growth were transfected by electroporation using
3 · 10
parasites resuspended in 350 lL of liver infusion
tryptose medium [26] without fetal bovine serum. After the
addition of 20–100 lg of pADC-8 recombinant plasmid,
electroporation was performed essentially as described by
Hariharan et al . [27] using 2 mm gap cuvettes. Parasites
were then diluted with rich medium containing 10% fetal
calf serum and incubated at 28 °C for 48 h before the addi-
tion of G418 (500 lgÆmL
) in order to select transformed
T. cruzi during the subsequent period of culture. Control
electroporation assays were carried out with buffer solution
or pRIBOTEX vector instead of the recombinant plasmid.
Samples of parasite culture were collected at different time-
points after electroporation to measure ADC enzymatic
activities and to prepare DNA and RNA for hybridization
Southern and northern blot hybridization
Total DNA from wild-type and transformed parasites was
prepared according to Medina-Acosta & Cross [28]. With
this method it is possible to recover genomic DNA as well
as free episomes. After digestion with different restriction
enzymes, the DNA fragments were separated by electro-
phoresis on 1% agarose gels and transferred to nylon mem-
branes (Hybond N
; Amersham).
Total RNA from parasites, before and after transforma-
tion, was obtained using TRIzol LS reagent (Invitrogen,
Carlsbad, CA, USA) [29]. Samples containing 20 l gof
total RNA were fractionated by electrophoresis on a 1%
agarose gel, containing 2.2 m formaldehyde, and blotted
onto nylon membranes.
Southern and northern hybridization assays were per-
formed with
P-labelled probes specific for oat ADC [10],
ribosomal RNA or neomycin resistance (neo) genes. The
radioactive specific probe for the latter gene was prepared
by PCR amplification with the plasmid pADC-8 as tem-
plate and the forward and reverse primers pNeo 1 (5¢-
GATATTC-3¢), respectively. The labelled probe specific
for rRNA 24Sa was obtained by PCR amplification of a
DNA segment of this gene with the forward and reverse
primers 75 (5¢-GCAGATCTTGGTTGGCGTAG-3¢) and
76 (5¢-GGTTCTCTGTTGCCCCTTTT-3¢), respectively,
kindly provided by A. Schijman (INGEBI, Buenos Aires,
PCR analyses of DNA from transformed T. cruzi
Samples containing 50–100 ng of total DNA prepared from
parasites collected at different time-points after electropora-
tion were amplified by PCR using two sets of primers: (a) the
forward primer T7 promoter primer (Promega, Madison,
WI, USA) and the reverse primer ADC2 (5¢-CCGGAATT
leotide sequence complementary to an internal segment of
M. P. Serra et al. Foreign ADC geneexpressionin T. cruzi
FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 628–637 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 635
the ADC coding region [30], and (b) T7 primer and the
reverse primer, RIB, complementary to an internal sequence
of a parasite ribosomal RNA locus [19]. PCR amplifications
were performed for 30 cycles at the following cycle parame-
ters: 94 °C, 30 s; 50 °C, 1 min; and 72 °C, 2 min. PCR prod-
ucts were separated by electrophoresis on agarose gels and
detected by ethidium bromide staining.
Agarose blocks containing 2 · 10
untransformed or
transformed parasites harvested at different time-points
after transfection were prepared as described by Cano
et al. [31], and chromosomes were separated by PFGE in
a Bio-Rad Lab (Hercules, CA, USA) apparatus using 1%
agarose gels, 0.5 · TBE electrophoresis buffer (89 mm
Tris-borate, pH 8.2, 2 mm EDTA) and the running condi-
tions indicated by Lorenzi et al. [19]. After blotting onto
nylon membranes (Hybond N
; Amersham), hybridization
analyses were carried out with radioactive probes specific
for oat ADC or rRNA 24Sa genes.
Transcription in transformed T. cruzi
Parasites collected at the early logarithmic phase of growth
6 months after transfection with the pADC-8 recombinant
plasmid were permeabilized with palmitoyl-l-a-lysophos-
phatidylcholine (Sigma), as previously described [32,33].
After transcription in the presence of [
P]UTP[aP] and dif-
ferent concentrations of a-amanitin, radioactive RNA was
isolated [29] and then hybridized to dot-blots prepared with
5 lg of DNA segments corresponding to ADC [10] or cruzi-
pain [20] genes. The latter DNA was obtained by PCR
amplification using a recombinant plasmid containing the
cruzipain gene as template and primers A (5¢-ATGT
CTGGCTGGGCGCG-3¢; forward) and B (5¢-GAGGCG
ACGATGACGGC-3¢; reverse). Radioactive spots on the
membranes were cut and counted in a scintillation counter.
We thank Dr Sara H. Goldemberg for helpful discus-
sions and Edith Trejo and Carlos Zadikian for techni-
cal assistance. We are indebted to Drs J. J. Cazzulo
and C. Labriola for their generous gifts of a cruzipain-
containing plasmid and primers A and B. This work
was partially supported by grants from The National
Research Council (CONICET, Argentina) and the
University of Buenos Aires.
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. Modulation of oat arginine decarboxylase gene expression
and genome organization in transgenic Trypanosoma cruzi
a. a-amanitin of the transcription of arginine
decarboxylase (ADC) and cruzipain genes in transformed Trypano-
soma cruzi. Permeable parasites were preincubated