Osmosensing andsignalinginthe regulation
of mammaliancell function
Freimut Schliess, Roland Reinehr and Dieter Ha
Clinic for Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Infectiology, Heinrich-Heine-University, Du
sseldorf, Germany
Sudden exposure of cells to hypo- or hyperosmotic
solutions induces a rapid osmotic swelling or shrink-
age, respectively. Extensive swelling or shrinkage is
counteracted by induction of a regulatory volume
decrease (RVD) or increase, respectively [1–3]. Most
hypoosmotically swollen cells perform RVD by a
release of inorganic ions, including K
, and
and organic osmolytes (e.g. taurine, betaine).
Hyperosmotic regulatory volume increase (RVI) at a
short-term time scale is performed by activation of
electrolyte uptake (e.g. via Na
⁄ K
⁄ 2Cl
and Na
⁄ H
exchange). Long-term adaption to
hyperosmolarity includes an isoosmotic exchange of
inorganic ions against compatible organic osmolytes,
which preserve protein function even at high concen-
trations [4].
Transport systems involved in RVD or RVI can be
activated also by hormones, substrates, second messen-
gers and oxidative stress under isoosmotic conditions.
In these cases, moderate and well-tolerated cell volume
changes are created. For example, insulin produces
a phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase)-dependent
hepatocyte swelling by inducing a net accumulation of
ions inside the cell, which results from a concerted
activation of Na
⁄ H
exchange, Na
⁄ K
⁄ 2Cl
port andthe Na
⁄ K
-ATPase [5].
In the early 1990s, it was recognized, that cell vol-
ume changes trigger signals involved inthe regulation
of metabolism, gene expression andthe susceptibility
to different kinds of stress [6]. For example, the inhibi-
tion of autophagic proteolysis by insulin, glutamine
and ethanol inthe perfused liver critically depends on
the degree of hepatocyte swelling induced by these
stimuli and can be mimicked by hypoosmotic swelling
apoptosis; bile acids; CD95; cell volume;
epidermal growth factor; insulin; integrins;
osmolytes; oxidative stress; proliferation
F. Schliess, Heinrich-Heine-Universita
tsklinikum, Klinik fu
Gastroenterologie und Infektiologie,
Moorenstrasse 5, D-40225 Du
Fax: +49 211 81 17517
Tel: +49 211 81 18941
(Received 2 July 2007, accepted 29 August
Volume changes ofmammalian cells as induced by either anisoosmolarity
or under isoosmotic conditions by hormones, substrates and oxidative
stress critically contribute to theregulationof metabolism, gene expression
and the susceptibility to stress. Osmosensing (i.e. the registration of cell
volume) triggers signal transduction pathways towards effector sites (osmo-
signaling), which link alterations ofcell volume to a functional outcome.
This minireview summarizes recent progress inthe understanding of how
osmosensing and osmosignaling integrate into the overall context of growth
factor signalingandthe execution of apoptotic programs.
EGF, epidermal growth factor; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase; PI 3-kinase, phosphoinositide 3-kinase; RGD, arginine-glycine-
aspartic acid; ROS, reactive oxygen species; RVD, regulatory volume decrease; RVI, regulatory volume increase.
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 5799–5803 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 5799
[7]. On the other hand, hyperosmotic shrinkage pre-
vents insulin-induced hepatocyte swelling and proteo-
lysis inhibition, indicating that swelling-dependent
signaling essentially contributes to the entire response
to insulin [5]. In general, cell swelling stimulates ana-
bolic metabolism and proliferation and provides cyto-
protection, whereas cellular shrinkage leads to
catabolism and insulin resistance and sensitizes cells to
apoptotic stimuli.
The influence ofcell volume on cellfunction requires
structures that register volume changes (‘osmosensing’)
and trigger signaling pathways towards effector sites
(‘osmosignaling’). Anisoosmotically exposed cells and
tissues were frequently used as a model in order to
study osmosensingand osmosignaling. By this
approach, the activation ofsignaling pathways by cell
volume changes could be linked to specific functional
outcomes [8]. Here, we summarize some recent pro-
gress concerning the understanding of how ‘osmosen-
sing’ and ‘osmosignaling’ integrate into the overall
context of signal transduction, which is activated by
growth factors, substrates or (pro)-apoptotic stimuli in
mammalian cells with some focus on the hepatocyte. A
more general treatize on osmosensingand osmosignal-
ing is provided elsewhere [9].
Osmosensing inmammalian cells
The investigation ofosmosensing processes and struc-
tures inmammalian cells considers, among others,
macromolecular crowding, stretch-activated ion chan-
nels, cholesterol-enriched microdomains ofthe plasma
membrane (caveolae), intracellular organelles, ligand-
independent activation of growth factor- and cytokine
receptors and autocrine stimulation of signal transduc-
tion by release of mediators such as ATP [10,11].
Recent studies have identified the integrin system as
one major sensor of hepatocyte swelling [12–14].
Integrin-inhibitory peptides exhibiting an arginine-gly-
cine-aspartic acid (RGD) motif abolish hypoosmotic
osmosignaling towards Src-type kinases, mitogen-acti-
vated protein kinases (MAPKs) and downstream
metabolic events, including the stimulation of bile for-
mation, proteolysis inhibition and volume-regulatory
-efflux [12,13]. It should be noted that RGD pep-
tides do not inhibit hypoosmotic hepatocyte swelling
[13], indicating that inhibition ofosmosensing at the
integrin level uncouples hepatocyte swelling from
osmosignaling and its functional consequences.
Like hypoosmotic hepatocyte swelling [12,13], insu-
lin-induced hepatocyte swelling is registrated by the
integrin system, leading to a Src-dependent activation
of the p38-type MAPK and thereby inhibition of
autophagic proteolysis [14]. Thus, integrin-dependent
cell volume sensing andsignaling integrates into the
overall context of insulin signaling. Similarly, sensing
of glutamine-induced hepatocyte swelling by integrins
feeds into Src-dependent p38 activation, which is criti-
cally required for autophagic proteolysis inhibition by
glutamine [13].
As demonstrated recently [15], hyperosmotic hepato-
cyte shrinkage may be sensed by the endosomal com-
partment. Mild hyperosmolarity (405 mosmolÆL
rat hepatocytes induces a rapid endosomal acidification
by activation of vacuolar-type H
-ATPase, probably
driven by an increase in intracellular Cl
due to osmotic water loss and Cl
accumulation in the
course of a RVI, respectively [15]. The endosomal
compartment acidified by hyperosmolarity colocalized
with the acidic sphingomyelinase [15]. Hyperosmolarity
in hepatocytes triggers a rapid production of reactive
oxygen species (ROS), which critically depends on ser-
ine phosphorylation ofthe NADPH oxidase regulatory
subunit p47
, which again depends on a acid sphin-
gomyelinase-catalyzed ceramide production and subse-
quent activation ofthe PKCf [15]. Bafilomycin A1 (an
inhibitor of vacuolar-type H
-ATPases) andthe anion
channel blocker 4,4¢-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2¢-disulf-
onic acid disodium salt not only prevent endosomal
acidification by hyperosmolarity, but also block the
hyperosmotic increase of ceramide, p47
lation and ROS [15]. The findings localize endosomal
acidification most upstream inthesignaling cascade
underlying hyperosmotic ROS production.
Osmosignaling in proliferation
and apoptosis
Growth factors stimulate a rapid osmolyte uptake that
is important for mitogenesis [16]. For example, a rapid
and transient Na
and amino acid influx is essential
for the mitogenic response of 3T3 fibroblasts to growth
factors [17,18]. Activation of Na
⁄ K
⁄ 2Cl
port via NKCC1 was shown to be essential for cell
cycle progression in 3T3 fibroblasts [17,19]. The impor-
tance of ion uptake for cell cycle progression was
strengthened by the finding that NKCC1 overexpres-
sion in 3T3 fibroblasts induces a transformed pheno-
type [20].
Cell swelling due to isoosmotic osmolyte uptake
could be one mechanism that contributes to cell cycle
progression. It was shown that cell water increases
during thecell cycle of 3T3 fibroblasts resulting from
⁄ K
⁄ 2Cl
cotransport and glutamine uptake [17].
Likewise, hepatocyte swelling due to the activation of
system A-type amino acid transporters was observed
Osmosensing andsignalinginmammaliancellfunction F. Schliess et al.
5800 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 5799–5803 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS
in vivo following partial hepatectomy, and inhibition of
cell swelling antagonized liver regeneration [21]. Hypo-
osmolarity in many cell types activates the MAPKs
Erk1 ⁄ Erk2 andthe PI 3-kinase [8], which play a major
role in mitogenic signaling. Hypoosmotic exposure of
HepG2 cells potentiates proliferation by a PI 3-kinase-
meditated activation ofthe transcription factor activa-
tor protein AP-1 [22], corroborating a critical role of
cell swelling for cell cycle progression. Consistently,
the cell volume was increased in 3T3 cells expressing
oncogenic Ha-ras [23] andcell hyperhydration has
been linked to tumor growth [24].
A volume decrease resulting from osmolyte release
through specific transport proteins at the beginning of
apoptosis (apoptotic volume decrease) is an early pre-
requisite for the execution of apoptotic programs [25].
Signaling mechanisms upstream of apoptotic volume
decrease depend on thecell type and stimulus under
investigation and have been discussed previously [26–
28]. The contribution of apoptotic volume decrease to
apoptotic signal transduction is currently not well
understood. Using hyperosmotically treated cells as a
model, it was shown that efficient volume regulation
can protect cells from apoptosis [25,29] and it was sug-
gested that the impairment of mechanisms antagoniz-
ing cell shrinkage may be a general feature of
apoptosis. For example, renal tubular epithelial cell
apoptosis was accompanied by a caspase-dependent
cleavage ofthe Na
⁄ H
exchanger NHE1 [30]. How-
ever, cell shrinkage is not always sufficient to trigger
apoptosis [25,29]. Mechanisms that could protect cells
from shrinkage-induced apoptosis include activation of
the protein kinase B survival pathway [31], p53 activa-
tion [32], induction ofthe serum- and glucocorticoid-
inducible kinase Sgk [33], expression ofthe heat shock
protein Hsp70 [34] and cyclooxygenase-2 [35], and a
high antioxidant capacity [36].
In hepatocytes, a close interrelation between osmotic
shrinkage and ROS production has been established.
On the one hand, hyperosmotic shrinkage induces
ROS production (see above) and, on the other, ROS
mediate cell shrinkage. Thus, a vicious circle results,
which, when not interrupted, results in apoptosis. Such
a vicious circle may be activated by osmotic shrinkage
or pro-apoptotic bile acids [37]. As shown in Fig. 1,
hepatocyte shrinkage and ROS production are con-
nected in an autoamplificatory signaling loop. Mutual
amplification of shrinkage and ROS triggers apoptosis,
which could be prevented by NAPDH oxidase inhibi-
tors andthe availability of antioxidants and osmolytes.
In rat hepatocytes, mild hyperosmolarity (405
) activates the CD95 system, which local-
izes downstream ofthe ROS production triggered by
endosomal acidification mentioned above [15,38]. Hyp-
erosmotic CD95 activation includes trafficking of the
CD95 from inside the hepatocyte to the plasma mem-
brane [39], which depends on a ROS-mediated tyrosine
phosphorylation ofthe epidermal growth factor
(EGF)-receptor, the association of CD95 with the
EGF-receptor, and phosphorylation of CD95 on
Tyr232 and Tyr291 by the EGF-receptor tyrosine
kinase activity [15]. Although the appearance of CD95
at the plasma membrane was associated with death
inducing signaling complex formation and activation
of caspases 3 and 8, mild hyperosmolarity was not suf-
ficient to induce hepatocyte apoptosis [39], suggesting
that apoptotic signals under this condition are counter-
balanced by yet unknown survival signals. However,
more severe hyperosmolarity (‡ 505 mosmolÆL
) shifts
the balance towards hepatocyte apoptosis [15].
Like hyperosmolarity, CD95 ligand in hepatocytes
via generation of ROS induced EGF-receptor tyrosine
phosphorylation, CD95 ⁄ EGF-receptor association,
CD95 tyrosine phosphorylation, trafficking of the
CD95 to the plasma membrane surface, and death
inducing signaling complex formation, leading to the
execution of apoptosis in this case [38]. Although inef-
fective to induce apoptosis by itself, hyperosmolarity
(405 mosmolÆL
) sensitized the hepatocytes towards
CD95 ligand-induced apoptosis [39], indicating a
Fig. 1. Hepatocyte shrinkage andthe production of reactive oxygen
species constitute an autoamplificatory signaling loop. Hyperosmot-
ic shrinkage triggers a NADPH oxidase-catalyzed ROS formation.
ROS, again by stimulating K
-efflux, antagonize processes under-
lying the RVI, and thereby increase hepatocyte shrinkage by hyper-
osmolarity. Mutual amplification of swelling and oxidative stress
may be limited by the hepatocyte’s antioxidant and volume-regula-
tory capacity. Adapted from [37].
F. Schliess et al. Osmosensingandsignalinginmammaliancell function
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synergistic interplay between signals triggered by
hyperosmotic shrinkage and CD95 ligand, respectively.
Likewise, hyperosmolarity sensitized H4IIE rat hepa-
toma cells to pro-apoptotic signaling by the protea-
some inhibitor MG-132 [40].
These and other studies on hyperosmotically shrun-
ken cells support the view that the apoptotic volume
decrease, if not even producing de novo death signals,
at least can amplify apoptotic signals released by dif-
ferent apoptotic stimuli. Thus, the apoptotic volume
decrease may further disarrange the balance between
survival and death signals, thereby promoting execu-
tion ofthe apoptotic program.
Concluding remarks
It is well acknowledged that cell volume fluctuations
release signals of (patho)physiological relevance. The
understanding of how cell swelling integrates into the
cell cycle machinery and how cell shrinkage sensitizes
cells to apoptotic stimuli requires further scientific
effort. Cell hydration may markedly affect the action
of drugs. For example cell hydration changes may
switch the outcome of proteasome inhibitors from a
nontoxic or even protective one to injury and apopto-
sis [40]. Although routine monitoring ofcell hydration
in patients would provide valuable information in clin-
ical medicine, this is currently limited by methodologi-
cal difficulties.
Our own studies were supported by Deutsche Fors-
chungsgemeinschaft through Sonderforschungsbereich
575 ‘Experimentelle Hepatologie’ (Du
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F. Schliess et al. Osmosensingandsignalinginmammaliancell function
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 5799–5803 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 5803
Osmosensing and signaling in the regulation
of mammalian cell function
Freimut Schliess, Roland Reinehr and Dieter Ha
Clinic. and thereby inhibition of
autophagic proteolysis [14]. Thus, integrin-dependent
cell volume sensing and signaling integrates into the
overall context of insulin