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ÔN THI HỌC KỲ II KHỐI 11 I PHONETICS ( ed s) Choose the word having the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest 1 A sun B sure C success D sort 2 A absent B recent C decent D present 3 A see B seen C sportsman D sugar 4 A promise B devise C surprise D realise 5 A divisible B design C disease D excursion 6 A pleasure B sound C same D best 7 A sure B soup C sugar D machine 8 A measure B decision C permission D pleasure 9 A position B oasis C desert D resort 10 A measure B pleasure C.

ÔN THI HỌC KỲ II KHỐI 11 I PHONETICS (-ed & -s) Choose the word having the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest A sun B sure C success D sort A absent B recent C decent D present A see B seen C sportsman D sugar A promise B devise C surprise D realise A divisible B design C disease D excursion A pleasure B sound C same D best A sure B soup C sugar D machine A measure B decision C permission D pleasure A position B oasis C desert D resort 10 A measure B pleasure C treasure D ensure 11 A design B preserve C basic D physical 12 A sure B sight C sing D same 13 A disease B display C increase D discount Choose one word whose stress pattern is different 14 A sacrificed B finished C fixed D seized 15 A needed B booked C stopped D washed 16 A loved B teased C washed D rained 17 A packed B punched C pleased D pushed 18 A filled B naked C suited D wicked 19 A caused B increased C practised D promised 20 A washed B parted C passed D barked 21 A killed B cured C crashed D waived 22 A imagined B released C rained D followed 23 A called B passed C talked D washed 24 A landed B needed C opened D wanted 25 A cleaned B attended C visited D started 26 A talked B fished C arrived D stepped 27 A wished B wrapped C laughed D turned 28 A considered B rescued C pulled D roughed 29 A produced B arranged C checked D fixed 30 A caused B examined C operated D advised 31 A discovered B destroyed C developed D opened 32 A repaired B invented C wounded D succeeded 33 A improved B parked C broadened D encouraged 34 A delivered B organized C replaced D obeyed 35 A watched B phoned C referred D followed 36 A agreed B succeeded C smiled D loved 37 A laughed B washed C helped D weighed 38 A walked B ended C started D wanted 39 A killed B hurried C regretted D planned 40 A visited B showed C wondered D studied Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from that of the others a Asian b gather c advance d decade a facilities a appreciate a athletics a volunteer a hobby a discarded a ignorant a occupy 10 a category 11 a scientist 12 a conquest 13 a biography 14 a aspiration 15 a success b solidarity b promote b hockey b competition b guitar b successful b continual b admire b regular b president b venture b psychological b gravity b cosmonaut c performance c participate c volleyball c enthusiastic c modest c profitably c gigantic c organize c relative c engineer c technical c approximate c challenge c extreme d aquatic d introduce d rugby d intercultural d common d accomplished d indulge d classify d equipment d astronaut d artificial d congratulate d fortunate d appoint II VOCABULARY (Unit 11, 12, 13) Choose the best answer a, b, c or d Solar energy is not only plentiful and infinite but also clean and safe a boundless b unlimited c uncountable d inflexible Oil will be exhausted in the future a made use of b come down with c done away with d run out of Football fans gathered around the TV in the comer of the club to see the final a assembled b collected c wandered d reached Scuba-diving and windsurfing are both aquatic sports a field b water c combat d individual These ideas have now been completely discarded a come up with b got rid of c thrown away d b & c The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied a busy b relaxed c comfortable d free I keep stamps: However, I would not call myself an avid stamp collector a eager b keen c major d a & b My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play a skilful b famous c perfect d modest Cycling and karate are among her hobbies a pursuit b entertainment c amusement d pastime 10 I have a modest little glass fish tank where I keep a variety of little fish a humble b well-trained c eager d busy 11 I admire him very much a hate b dislike c adore d detest th 12 There were 44 countries took part in the 14 Asian Games a indulged in b involved in c believed in d participated in 13 I will make every effort to arrive on time a host b attempt c medal d aspect 14 The Asian Games take place every four years a develop b promote c occur d compete 15 The amount of solar energy that reaches the earth depends the atmosphere a to b in c on d with 16 The natural environment consists all natural resources a in b of c to d on 17 Solar energy can be changed electricity a in b to c into d for 18 Oil, coal and natural gas are fuels made from decayed material from animal or plants a unleaded b smokeless c solid d fossil 19 All fossil fuels are resources that cannot be replaced after use a unlimited b renewable c available d non-renewable 20 We should develop such sources of energy as solar energy and nuclear energy a tradition b alternative c revolutionary d surprising 21 There is now increasing concern about the world's energy particularly about those involving fossil fuels a possessions b goods c materials d resources 22 It’s important for the developed countries to reduce energy as much as possible a exhaustion b destruction c consumption d waste 23 The world’s coal should last longer but, once used, these cannot be renewed a reserves b reservations c stores d storage 24 The of these toxic substances into the environment is potentially devastating a delivery b release c distribution d research 25 Increased consumption will lead to faster of our natural resources a exhaust b exhausting c exhaustion d exhaustive 26 is produced from the heat stored in the earth's core a Geothermal energy b Nuclear energy c Solar energy d Water energy 27 The World Cup is a football which is open to all countries a participation b involvement c occasion d competition 28 Their efforts were much when they won gold, medals in bodybuilding and billiards a considered b required c expended d appreciated 29 The 14th Asian Games attracted 9,919 participants from 44 countries a participants b participates c participation d participatory 30 _ volleyball players, footballers cannot use their hands in the game a Like b Different c Unlike d Opposite 31 Our field _ have performed very well a artists b athletes c audiences d spectators 32 The football match was so dull that most of the _ left at half-time a attendants b audiences c participants d spectators 33 We live in an age of rapid scientific and technological _ a advance b advances c advancing d advancement 34 This multi-sport event is an occasion when friendship and _ are built and promoted a knowledge b solidarity c effort d enthusiasm 35 My father never indulges _ drinking a on b in c with d to 36 He wasn't able to cope _ the stresses and strains of the job a with b to c in d on 37 My friend Dave was really interested in my best stamp, so I _ it away to him a gave b threw c brought d put 38 This vase is quite rare and is almost a _'s item a collect b collective c collection d collector 39 The books are classified _ different categories to subject a into b with c from d about 40 This vase is quite rare and is almost a _'s item a collect b collective c collection 41 The singer was _ on the piano by her sister a played b performed c accompanied d collector d helped III SPEAKING (Unit 12, 13, 15) What you think of my new car? – “ ” a It’s all right I suppose c I hope it’ll be fine b I think a lot d I think of its color Where were the first Asian Games held? - “ ” a in 1951 b at 7.00 a.m c at night d in India th Which country hosted the 10 Asian Games? – “ ” a in 1986 b in Korea c 27 countries d 25 sports What is your hobby? –“ ” a That’s a good idea b I admire my uncle very much c It’s my pleasure Thanks d I like keeping stamps Who is the first Vietnamese to fly into space? – “ ” a Ly Duc b Pham Van Mach c Pham Tuan d Le Cong Vinh Who is the first human in space? –“ ” a Yuri Gagarin b Neil Armstrong c Buzz Aldrin d John Glenn Why you collect stamps? a I buy from the post office c I keep them inside a small album b It helps me broaden my knowledge d I classify stamps into categories: animals and plants “I hope our team will win the championship this year.” –“ ” a It’s my pleasure c So I will b Oh, what a pity d So I IV GRAMMAR (Unit 9- Unit 15) RELATIVE CLAUSES That’s my friend, _ comes from Japan A which B who C whom D that The plants which in the living room need a lot of water A are B be C is D was She’s the woman _ sister looks after the baby for us A who B which C that D whose That’s the doctor for Cliff works A that B which C whom D whose Marie, I met at the party, called me last night A that B whom C which D whose I remember Alice, rode the bus to school with A that I B whom I C which I D who Please remember to take back to the library all the books are due this week A ∅ B that C when D they He likes the dress Huong is wearing it A He likes the dress which Huong is wearing it B He likes the dress Huong is wearing it C He likes the dress who Huong is wearing D He likes the dress Huong is wearing The boys to _ I lent my money is poor A whom B who C that D which 10 Yesterday I met my friend…………….gave me a dog on my birthday a who b whose c whom d which 11 My dog, ……… tail I stepped on, bit me a that b whose c which d whom 12 The street…………leads to my school is very narrow a who b which c whom d whose 13 He talked about the books and the authors _ interested him A who B whom C that D which 14 This is the best play I have ever seen A which B what C whom D that 15 Martin tried on three jackets, fitted him A none B none of which C none of them D all of them 16 I have two sisters are doctors A both of which B who both C both of whom D whom both 17 We visited the church _ in the 18th century A was built B which built C building D.which was built 7.Ms Young, to many of her students are writing, is living happily and peacefully in Canada A who B.whom C that D whose 18.She is the woman sister looks after the baby for us A who B whom C that D whose 19 Mr Smith, is a retired teacher, does volunteer work at the hospital A whose B whom C who D that 20 I like the teacher I learned English with her in high school A.I like the teacher with whom I learned English in high school B I like the teacher whom I learned English with in high school C I like the teacher that I learned English with in high school D All are correct 21 The banker to I gave my check was quite friendly A who B that C whom D which 22 Mr.Jones, I was working, was generous about overtime payments A he B for whom C for him D whom 23 He lent me many picture-books, most of I had read A whom B who C whose D which 24 The baker John quarreled didn't want to sell him any bread A with whom B with that C with whose D with who 25 The pollution _they were speaking is getting worse A about that B about which C about whom D whose 26 According to the research, the time at most road accidents happen is early evening A when B which C whose D that 27 The girls and the flowers _he painted were vivid A who B which C whose D that 28 Computers cannot operate without the programme, are often called software A which B that C who D whose 29 We go to school regularly, A that makes our teacher happy B which makes our teacher happily C it makes our teacher happy D which makes our teacher happy 30 Joyce Bews, was born and grew up in Portsmouth on the South coast of England, she still lives, was 100 last year A that / in which B who / where C that / where 31 The noise the naughty boy made, woke his father up A whose B which C when 32 One of the girls in that company caused an accident A worked B who worked C whom worked D whom / where D whom D whose worked TAG QUESTION We should call Rita, _? A should we B shouldn’t we C shall we D should not we Monkeys can’t sing, ? can they B can it C can’t they D can’t it These books aren’t yours, ? are these B aren’t these C are they D aren’t they That’s Bod’s, ? is that B isn’t it C isn’t that D is it No one died in the accident, ? A did they B didn’t they C did he D didn’t he This is the second time she’s been here, ? A isn’t this B isn’t it C has she D hasn’t she They must as they are told, ? A mustn’t they B must they C are they D aren’t they He hardly has anything nowadays, _? A hasn’t she B has he C doesn’t he D does she You’ve never been in Italy, _? A have you B haven’t you C been you D had you 10 Sally turned her report, ? didn’t she B did she C hadn’t she D didn’t she 11 He arrived late, _? A didn’t he B did he C hadn’t he D didn’t he 12 Andrew isn’t sleeping, _? A is he B isn’t he C was he D wasn’t he 13 You’ve a ticket to the game, _? A have you B don’t you C haven’t you D you 14 Tom knows Alice, _? A doesn’t he B is he C does he D isn’t he 15 Come into the kitchen, _? A you B will you C won’t you D B and C 16 Everybody likes beauty, _? A doesn’t he B they C don’t they D does he 17 Peter never comes to class late, ? A doesn’t he B doesn’t Peter C does he D does Peter 18 I’m going to see my grandparents in HCM City next week, _? A aren’t I B am I not C are you D A and B 19 Your baby is very lovely, ? A is he B isn’t he C is it D isn’t it 20.Tom invited us to come to his party, ? A hadn’t he B couldn’t he C wasn’t he D didn’t he 21 There was an exciting football match on TV last night, _? A wasn’t it B was not there C wasn’t there 22 I’m wrong, _? A am not B aren’t I C are not 23 Andrew won’t be angry, ? A will Andrew B won’t he C will he 24 John and Max don't like Maths, ? A don’t they B they C does he 25 Mary didn't her homework last Monday, ? A did she B didn’t she C did Mary 26 I'm not late, ? A aren’t I B am I C am not I 27 Nobody has arrived yet, _? A have they B has they C has it 28 Let's have a drink, ? A will you B won’t you C shall you 29 You’re a student, _? A am I B are you C aren’t you 30 He’s your cousin, ? A isn’t he B is he C is not he 31 He'll never know, _? A will he B won’t he C will not he 32 Sue wasn't listening, ? A wasn’t Sue B was she C was not she III/WRITING ( Multiple choice) D was it D amn’t D will not he D John and Max D did they D are you D hasn’t it D shall we D aren’t I D isn’t she D will she D was they A/Omission relative pronouns The jungle is full of strange and unusual animals The tribe lived in it A The jungle in which the tribe lived in it is full of strange and unusual animals B The jungle whom the tribe lived in is full of strange and unusual animals C The jungle in that the tribe lived it is full of strange and unusual animals D The jungle the tribe lived is full of strange and unusual animals 2.The apples are bad.We bought them in that shop A.The apples in which we bought in the shop are bad B.The apples we bought in the shop are bad C.The apples whom we bought in the shop are bad D.A & B are correct The football match was very exciting My friend played in it A.The football match my friend played in was very exciting B.The football match in that my friend played in was very exciting C.The football match in which my friend played in was very exciting D.The football match whom my friend played in was very exciting Sue is going out with a boy I don't like him A.I don't like a boy with that Sue is going out with B.I don't like a boy with who Sue is going out C.I don't like a boy Sue is going out with D.I don't like a boy with whom Sue is going out with 5.Dr Sales is the person …………………………… A in whom I don't have much confidence in B I don't have much confidence in C whom I don't have much confidence in him D in that I don't have much confidence 6.We will stay at a hotel My friend has recommended it to us A.We will stay at a hotel to whom my friend has recommended to us B.We will stay at a hotel whose my friend has recommended to us C.We will stay at a hotel to which my friend has recommended to us D.We will stay at a hotel my friend has recommended to us B/ Reduced relative clauses using to-inf Jim was the first person that got the news A Jim was the first person getting the news B.Jim was the first person got the news C.Jim was the first person to get the news D.Jim was the first person to got t the news This is the only mechanic who can repair this machine A.This is the only mechanic repaired this machine B.This is the only mechanic to repair this machine C.This is the only mechanic repairing this machine D.This is the only mechanic to be repaired this machine He was the first man who left the room A.He was the first man to leave the room B He was the first man to left the room C He was the first man who leave the room D He was the first man left the room 10 The first man who was interviewed was entirely unsuitable A The first man to was interviewed was entirely unsuitable B The first man to interviewed was entirely unsuitable C The first man to be interviewed was entirely unsuitable D The first man to interview was entirely unsuitable 11 This is the second person who was kidnapped in that way A This is the second person to be kidnap in that way B This is the second person kidnapped in that way C This is the second person kidnapping in that way D This is the second person to be kidnapped in that way 12 John is the last person who takes part in the race A John is the last person to takes part in the race B John is the last person to take part in the race C John is the last person to be taken part in the race D John is the last person taking part in the race 13 Tom is the first person who enters the room A.Tom is the first person to be entered the room B.Tom is the first person entering the room C.Tom is the first person to enter the room D.Tom is the first person to enters the room 14 He was the best player that get the prize A.He was the best player to got the prize B He was the best player getting the prize C He was the best player gotten the prize D He was the best player to get the prize IV/ WRITING A/ Rewrite these sentences using defining relative clauses She worked for a man The man used to be an athlete  ………………………………………………………………………………… They called a lawyer The lawyer lived nearby  ………………………………………………………………………………… 3.We ate the fruit .I bought the fruit  ………………………………………………………………………………… The customer liked the waitress The waitress was very friendly  ………………………………………………………………………………… We broke the computer The computer belonged to my father  ………………………………………………………………………………… I dropped a glass The glass was new  ………………………………………………………………………………… She loves books The books have happy endings  ………………………………………………………………………………… They live in a city The city is in the north of England  ………………………………………………………………………………… The man is in the garden The man is wearing a blue jumper  ………………………………………………………………………………… 10 The girl works in a bank The girl is from India  ………………………………………………………………………………… 11 He lost the money I had given him the money  ………………………………………………………………………………… 12 The waiter was rude The waiter was wearing a blue shirt  ………………………………………………………………………………… 13 The money is in the kitchen The money belongs to John  ………………………………………………………………………………… 14 The table got broken The table was my grandmother’s  ………………………………………………………………………………… 15 The television was stolen The television was bought 20 years ago  ………………………………………………………………………………… 16 The fruit is on the table The fruit isn’t fresh  ………………………………………………………………………………… B/ Rewrite these sentences using non-defining relative clauses 17 I sent an email to my brother My brother lives in Australia  ………………………………………………………………………………… 18 Her brother had recommended this computer She bought it at the shop  ………………………………………………………………………………… 19 My sister has three children My sister lives in Australia  ………………………………………………………………………………… 20 Julie often uses the taxi company.She called the taxi company  ………………………………………………………………………………… 21 John met a girl He used to employ the girl  ………………………………………………………………………………… 22 Lucy called the doctor She doesn’t knows a doctor  ………………………………………………………………………………… 23 Gorillas can sometimes be found in zoos They are large and originate in Africa  ………………………………………………………………………………… 24 Her mother was born in Nha Trang She was a worker  ………………………………………………………………………………… 25 Mr Smith is a very nice teacher We studied French with him last year  ………………………………………………………………………………… 26 This wallet belongs to John Lucy found this wallet in the garden  ………………………………………………………………………………… 27 David cooked the food.extremely delicious He is a famous chef at the luxury restaurant  ………………………………………………………………………………… 28 Those cars were stolen My father gave me those cars  ………………………………………………………………………………… 29 That man was arrested I reported that man to the police  ………………………………………………………………………………… 30 These doctors were right Lucy asked these doctors about her problem  ………………………………………………………………………………… 31 This waitress was very pretty My brother dated this waitress  ………………………………………………………………………………… 32 That secretary is in the office The boss likes that secretary  ………………………………………………………………………………… C/Rewrite these sentences using past participle (V3/ed) 33 The plays which were written by William Shakespeare are always popular  ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34 These information which are presented in that magazine are helpful  ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 35 This woman who was interviewed before me got hired  ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 36 Those presents which were bought by my mother are great  ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 37 The girl who was given a bunch of rose flowers looks looked very gorgeous  ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 38 That house which was built over 90 years must be pulled down  ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 39 These instructions that are given on the front page are very significant  ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 40.The photographs which were published in the newspaper were extraordinary  ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… D/CLEFT SENTENCES (CÂU NHẤN MẠNH) SUBJECT FOCUS (NHẤN MẠNH CHỦ NGỮ) It + is/ was + subject (chủ ngữ) + that + verb (động từ): chính đó làm ……… My mother loves me most (mẹ yêu nhất)  It is my mother that loes me most.(chính mẹ là người yêu nhất) That man stole my wallet (người đàn ông đó đã trộm cái ví tiền của tôi)  It was that man that stole my wallet (chính người đàn ông đó đã trộm cái ví tiền của tôi) EXERCISES My father usually complains about my students whenever they go to my house  I used to like climbing up tress and pick fruits  My neighbors always make noise at night  -4 We often complains about the noise at night  You gave her a bunch of rose last week  -6 Our English teacher is the greatest teacher in the world  -7 The earthquake destroyed everything two years ago  -8 My recent computer helps me a lots in preparing tasks for my students  My students’ bad behavior made me sad yesterday morning  -10.The man gave her the book  - 11.The boy visited his uncle last month  - 12.I and she sang together at the party  - 13.Nam’s father got angry with him  - 14.The boys played football all day long  - 15.The girl received a letter from her friend yesterday  - OBJECT FOCUS (NHẤN MẠNH TÂN NGỮ) It + is/ was + object (t ngữ) + that + clause (mệnh đề= ch ngữ + v ngữ): chính ai/ cái gì đó, một đó làm/ đã làm… I love my mother most (tôi yêu mẹ nhất)  It is my mother that I love most (chính mẹ là người yêu nhất) I bought this motor in 2001 (tôi đã mua chiếc xe máy này vào năm 2001)  It was this motor that I bought in 2001 (chính chiếc xe máy này đã mua năm 2001) EXERCISES My younger sister always keeps her doll carefully  - The boy hit the dog in the garden  - The woman answered the man rudely  - The boy played ping pong the whole afternoon  - The girl gave the boy a special gift on his birthday  - 6.My wife gave this T-shirt to me on my last birthday party  - I always keep your picture besides me  - He borrowed the money from his close friend – Hoa  - The police arrested the man at the railway station  - 9.The man is learning English  - - 10.The woman gave him the English book  - 11.She sent her friend a post card  - 12.Hoa borrowed some English books from Long  - 13.The little boy greeted his grand father in a strange language  - 14.The pedestrian asked the policeman a lot of questions  - ADVERBIAL FOCUS (NHẤN MẠNH TRẠNG TỪ) It + is/ was + adverbial (trạng từ) + that + clause (mệnh đề= ch Ngữ + v ngữ): chíng nơi nào đó/ chính lúc nào đó, đó làm/ đã làm ………… 1.I was born in Can Duoc (tôi được sinh ở Cần Đước)  It was in Can Duoc that I was born (chính Cần Đước là nơi được sinh ra) 2.We often gather for our study at her house (chúng thường tập trung để học tại nhà của cô ấy)  It is at her house we often gather for our study (chính tại nhà của cô ấy là nơi chúng thường tập hợp để học) EXERCISES We were born in this place. -2 We often gather for dinner in this restaurant  The boy hit the dog in the garden  He bought the book from that corner shop  She bought him a present at the shop  She makes some cakes for tea  His father repaired the bicycle for him  -8 The meeting started at 8.00 a.m  -9 We all bought those things from Susu shop  -10.He met his wife in Britain  11.My mom presented a lap top on my birthday party  12.Kathy bought her husband an anniversary gift at a sports shop  13.He got married when he was 26 years old  -14.They were having barbecue in the park  -15.I met her on the way to school  -V/READING COMPREHENSION * Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers: A/ Basketball was invented by James Naismith in 1891 Naismith wanted to make a game that could be played indoors He remembered a game he used to play in his childhood He developed that game to make basketball Basketball is played on a basketball court There is a backboard with an iron basket at each end of the court The basket is 10 feet high The only other equipment is a basketball Naismith made 13 rules to guide the game There are people on each team Basketball players must dribble the ball The goal of this game is to put the ball into the other team’s basket and to earn points The team with the most points wins the game Basketball is now very popular all over the world America has very good teams in the National Basketball Association (NBA) The word “indoors” in paragraph is closest in meaning to A at the door B inside a building C out of the door The word “He” in line refers to A Basketball B Basketball Association C James Naismith The purpose James Naismith invented basketball was A to remember his childhood B to make a game that could be played indoors C to develop it into a popular game throughout the word D.to make 13 rules to guide the game There are players on each team A five B thirteen C eleven All of the following are true about basketball EXCEPT A Basketball is enjoyed everywhere in the world B There are 13 rules to follow when playing basketball C The equipment of the basketball game is a court and a basketball D America has no good teams in the National Basketball Association D through the door D America D ten B/ The Asian Games, also called the Asia, is a multi-sport event held every four years among athletes from all over Asia The games are regulated by the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) under the supervision of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Medals are awarded in each event, with gold for first place, silver for second and bronze for third, a tradition which started in 1951 The Asian Games are dominated by the People's Republic of China Competitors are entered by a National Olympic Committee (NOC) to represent their country of citizenship National anthems and flags accompany the medal ceremonies, and tables showing the number of medals won by each country are widely used In general only recognized nations are represented, but a few non-sovereign countries are allowed to take part The special case of Taiwan was handled by having it compete as Chinese Taipei, due to the political status of Taiwan Which of the following is true? A The Asian Games are held every year B The International Olympic Committee is the founder of the Asia C The first gold medals given to by the winning athletes in 1951 D The Olympic Council of Asia regulated the Games The People's Republic of China _ A is the strongest in the Asian Games B is the host of all Asian Games C is not allowed to take part in the Games D refuse to enter the Games In the medal ceremonies _ A the competitions are entered to represent their country of citizenship B national anthems are played C the number of medals won by each country is first announced D the winners are given a string of flowers Which of the following is not true of the right to participate in the Asian Games? A Only recognized nations are allowed to take part B Almost every nation can take part in the Games C Non-sovereign countries are also allowed to participate D All are correct C/ Traveling is one of the most popular forms of recreation in the USA Most American employees receive an annual vacation with pay, and it is a good time off for traveling Traveling within the country is popular because foreign travel generally takes more time and money However, Americans who wish to vacation outside the USA are free to go almost anywhere Obtaining a passport is a routine matter Every year about 13 million Americans travel abroad The most popular vacation periods are during the summer and during the two-week school break on the Christmas and New Year’s holidays These periods are also the most crowded and generally the most expensive time to travel, so people who can adjust their schedules sometimes choose vacation in the autumn American vacationers often travel by car Most families have a car, and those who not have a car can rent one Cars are usually the economical way to travel, especially for the families It is also fairly fast and convenient Excellent highways connect the major cities They enable vacationers to travel at an almost steady speed of 55 to 65 miles an hour Tourists that want to travel faster often fly to their destination and then rent a car to go around when they get there The reading text is about ……………… A Christmas and New Year B going abroad C traveling in USA D renting a car for traveling Traveling in the …………… is the least expensive A spring B summer C winter D autumn Which sentence is NOT correct? A Most Americans like traveling B Most American people travel abroad every year C There is a two-week break on the Christmas and the New Year’s holidays D It is difficult to obtain a passport in the USA The word one in line of the text refers to ……………… A a vacationer B a family C a car D a holiday Traveling by car is …… A cheap B very expensive C not appreciated D not suitable for families Choose A, B, C or D that best fits each numbered blank in the following passage: D/ Millions of people of all ages enjoy a hobby which is both interesting and fun And every year, more and more people start a stamp collection (1)…… their own and discover an interest which can last a lifetime Starting your collection is easy (2)…….stamps can be found everywhere Holiday postcards from friends, birthday cards from relatives and letters from pen pals can all (3)………you with stamps from all over the world But once you have started collecting (4)………, you will probably want to join the Stamp Collectors’ Club which (5)…….to provide collectors with new British stamps A of B for C from D on A moreover B because C furthermore D addition A export B provide C consider D take A attractive B competitive C great D seriously A own B survive C exists D live E/ There are a number of things I like to in my free time They are my hobbies The hobby I like most is (1) my guitar My uncle, (2) _is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play Now I can (3) _ a few simple tunes I have even begun to sing while playing the guitar, but I have not been very successful (4) _ this My uncle tells me that all I need is to practise regularly and I should be able to it He is very good at (5) _ people singing with his guitar and I admire him very much 1.A played B playing C plays D play 2.A that B who C whose D whom A plays B play C played D be played 4.A of B at C in D about 5.A to accompany B accompany C accompanying D accompanied F/ The 15th Asian Games (1) _ from December through December 15, 2006, in Doha, Capital of Qatar More than 10,000 athletes, who (2) _ 45 countries and regions, took part in 39 sports and 424 events of the Games, the most important event in Asia Some new events such as chess and triathlon were also (3) _ in the Games The 15th Asian Games was organized at 34 sporting (4) _, including Khalifa Stadium, which (5) _ the opening and closing ceremonies The Opening Ceremony of the 15th Asian Games, Doha 2006, at Khalifa Stadium, was the most (6) _ opening of any Games with 50,000 people to get into Khalifa Stadium and more than one billion television (7) _ The Doha Asian Games Organizing Committee (DAGOC) wanted to ensure that everybody who saw the ceremony would have a memory for life as suggested in the (8) _ "The Games of Your Life." The 151h Asian Games was a successful sporting event that all attenders would never forget 1.A set up B took part C brought about D took place 2.A symbolized B represented C expressed D typified 3.A included B contained C compete D consisted 4.A events B facilities C venue D teams 5.A held B occurred C took D hosted 6.A colorful B formal C spectacular D elaborate 7.A viewers B observers C partners D spectators 8.A portrait B banner C streamer D slogan ... to got t the news This is the only mechanic who can repair this machine A.This is the only mechanic repaired this machine B.This is the only mechanic to repair this machine C.This is the only... người yêu nhất) I bought this motor in 20 01 (tôi đã mua chiếc xe máy này vào năm 20 01)  It was this motor that I bought in 20 01 (chính chiếc xe máy này đã mua năm 20 01) EXERCISES My younger... entirely unsuitable 11 This is the second person who was kidnapped in that way A This is the second person to be kidnap in that way B This is the second person kidnapped in that way C This is the second

Ngày đăng: 09/04/2022, 22:19

