20 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WORLD BIOGRAPHY SUPPLEMENT EWB SUP htptp 8/4/03 3:18 PM Page 1 A Z SUPPLEMENT ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WORLD BIOGRAPHY 20 EWB SUP htptp 8/4/03 3:18 PM Page 3 Staff Project Editor: Jennifer Mossman Editorial Staff: Laura Avery, Frank V. Castronova, Leigh Ann DeRemer, Andrea Kovacs Henderson, Aaron J. Oppliger, Noah Schusterbauer Permissions Manager: Maria L. Franklin Permissions Specialist: Margaret A. Chamberlain Production Director: Dorothy Maki Production Manager: Evi Seoud Buyer: Kely DaSilva Graphic Artist: Mike Logusz Research Manager: Victoria B. Cariappa Research Specialist: Barbara McNeil Imaging Database Supervisor: Randy Bassett Imaging Specialists: Robert Duncan, Dan Newell Imaging Coordinator: Pam Reed Imaging and Multimedia Content Editor: Kelly A. Quin Manager of Technology Support Services: Theresa A. Rocklin Programmers/Analysts: Mira Bossowska and Andrea Lopeman While every effort has been made to ensure the reliability of the information presented in this publication, The Gale Group does not guarantee the accuracy of the data contained herein. Gale accepts no payment for listing; and inclusion in the publication of any organization, agency, institution, publication, service, or individual does not imply endorsement of the editors or publisher. Errors brought to the attention of the publisher and verified to the satisfaction of the publisher will be corrected in future editions. This publication is a creative work fully protected by all applicable copyright laws, as well as by misappropriation, trade secret, unfair competition, and other applicable laws. The authors and editors of this work have added value to the underlying factual material herein through one or more of the following: unique and original selection, coordination, expression, arrangement, and classification of the information. All rights to this publication will be vigorously defended. Copyright © 2000 Gale Group, Inc. 27500 Drake Road Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535 ISBN 0-7876-3720-3 ISSN 1099-7326 Gale Group Inc., an International Thomson Publishing Company. Gale Group and Design is a trademark used herein under license. Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ITP TM INTRODUCTION vii ADVISORY BOARD ix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xi OBITUARIES xiii TEXT 1 HOW TO USE THE INDEX 423 INDEX 425 CONTENTS The study of biography has always held an impor- tant, if not explicitly stated, place in school curricula. The absence in schools of a class specifically devoted to studying the lives of the giants of human history be- lies the focus most courses have always had on people. From ancient times to the present, the world has been shaped by the decisions, philosophies, inventions, dis- coveries, artistic creations, medical breakthroughs, and written works of its myriad personalities. Librarians, teachers, and students alike recognize that our lives are immensely enriched when we learn about those indi- viduals who have made their mark on the world we live in today. Encyclopedia of World Biography Supplement , Vol- ume 20, provides biographical information on 200 in- dividuals not covered in the 17-volume second edition of Encyclopedia of World Biography (EWB) and its sup- plements, Volumes 18 and 19. Like other volumes in the EWB series, this supplement represents a unique, comprehensive source for biographical information on those people who, for their contributions to human cul- ture and society, have reputations that stand the test of time. Each original article ends with a bibliographic section. There is also an index to names and subjects, which cumulates all persons appearing as main entries in the EWB second edition, the Volume 18 and 19 sup- plements, and this supplement—nearly 7,600 people! Articles . Arranged alphabetically following the let- ter-by-letter convention (spaces and hyphens have been ignored), the articles begin with the full name of the person profiled in large, bold type. Next is a boldfaced, descriptive paragraph that includes birth and death years in parentheses. It provides a capsule identification and a statement of the person’s significance. The essay that follows is approximately 2000 words in length and of- fers a substantial treatment of the person’s life. Some of the essays proceed chronologically while others con- fine biographical data to a paragraph or two and move on to a consideration and evaluation of the subject’s work. Where very few biographical facts are known, the article is necessarily devoted to an analysis of the subject’s contribution. Following the essay is a Further Reading section. Bibliographic citations contain books and periodicals as well as Internet addresses for World Wide Web pages, where current information can be found. Portraits accompany many of the articles and pro- vide either an authentic likeness, contemporaneous with the subject, or a later representation of artistic merit. For artists, occasionally self-portraits have been included. Of the ancient figures, there are depictions from coins, engravings, and sculptures; of the moderns, there are many portrait photographs. Index . The EWB Supplement Index is a useful key to the encyclopedia. Persons, places, battles, treaties, institutions, buildings, inventions, books, works of art, ideas, philosophies, styles, movements—all are indexed for quick reference just as in a general encyclopedia. The Index entry for a person includes a brief identifica- tion with birth and death dates and is cumulative so that any person for whom an article was written who appears in volumes 1 through 19 (excluding the volume 17 index) as well as volume 20 can be located. The subject terms within the Index, however, apply only to volume 20. Every Index reference includes the title of the article to which the reader is being directed as well as the volume and page numbers. Because EWB Supplement , Volume 20, is an ency- clopedia of biography, its Index differs in important ways from the indexes to other encyclopedias. Basi- cally, this is an Index of people, and that fact has sev- eral interesting consequences. First, the information to which the Index refers the reader on a particular topic is always about people associated with that topic. Thus the entry ‘Quantum theory (physics)’ lists articles on INTRODUCTION vii people associated with quantum theory. Each article may discuss a person’s contribution to quantum theory, but no single article or group of articles is intended to provide a comprehensive treatment of quantum theory as such. Second, the Index is rich in classified entries. All persons who are subjects of articles in the encyclo- pedia, for example, are listed in one or more classifica- tions in the index—abolitionists, astronomers, engi- neers, philosophers, zoologists, etc. The Index, together with the biographical articles, make EWB Supplement an enduring and valuable source for biographical information. As school course work changes to reflect advances in technology and fur- ther revelations about the universe, the life stories of the people who have risen above the ordinary and earned a place in the annals of human history will continue to fascinate students of all ages. We Welcome Your Suggestions . Mail your com- ments and suggestions for enhancing and improving the Encyclopedia of World Biography Supplement to: The Editors Encyclopedia of World Biography Supplement Gale Group 27500 Drake Road Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535 Phone: (800) 347-4253 viii INTRODUCTION ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WORLD BIOGRAPHY ix John B. Ruth Library Director Tivy High School Library Kerrville, Texas Judy Sima Media Specialist Chatterton Middle School Warren, Michigan James Jeffrey Tong Manager, History and Travel Department Detroit Public Library Detroit, Michigan Betty Waznis Librarian San Diego County Library San Diego, California ADVISORY BOARD Photographs and illustrations appearing in the Encyclo- pedia of World Biography Supplement, Volume 20, have been used with the permission of the following sources: American Automobile Association: Louis Chevrolet AP/Wide World Photos: Robert Altman, Lucius Apuleius, Harry Belafonte, Bernard Berenson, Ingrid Bergman, Tim Berners-Lee, Abebe Bikila, Alan Francis Brooke, Ken Burns, Harry Callahan, Deepak Chopra, Anton Denikin, Alec Douglas-Home, Bernard J. Ebbers, J. Presper Eckert, Henry Fonda, Betty Ford, Milos For- man, Ira Gershwin, Zane Grey, Clara Hale, Radcliffe Hall, Jascha Heifetz, Jerry Herman, Conrad Hilton, Bobby Hull, James Ivory, Faisal II, Otto Klemperer, Sandy Koufax, Larry Kramer, Louis L’Amour, Harper Lee, Alan Jay Lerner, Harold Lloyd, Yo Yo Ma, Paul MacCready, Anne Sullivan Macy, Jan Masaryk, Kurt Masur, Alan Menken, Mike Nichols, Walter Payton, Padre Pio, Ayn Rand, George Romney, Roberto Rossellini, Bill Russell, Burt Rutan Wladyslaw Sikorski, Ellen Stewart, John Strachey, Kurt Student, Tenzing Nor- gay, Irving Thalberg, Daley Thompson, Johnny Unitas, Ramon Villeda Morales, Honus Wagner, Ian Wilmut, Early Wynn, Emil Zatopek Archive Photos: Ralph Abercromby, Louis Berthier, Na- dia Boulanger, Colin Campbell, Howard Carter, Karl von Clausewitz, Thomas Cochrane, Fredegund, Heinz Guderian, Sonja Henie, John of Austria, Buster Keaton, Burt Lancaster, Billy Mitchell, Anthony Quinn, Vidkun Quisling, Mayer Rothchild, Jurgen Schrempp, Yves St. Laurent, Patrick Steptoe, Tenskwatawa, Graf von Tilly, Alfred von Tirpitz, Hank Williams Sr., Garnet Wolseley Jerry Bauer: Joan Didion Miriam Berkley: Tillie Olsen Brown Brothers: Nicolas-Francois Appert Corbis: Niels Abel, Maria Agnesi, Howard Aiken, Leopold Auer, Hiram Bingham, Christian IV, Abraham Darby, Elsie De Wolfe, Alessandro Farnese, Leonard Fuch, Maud Gonne, Frederick McKinley Jones, Leonard Matlovich, Richard K. Mellon, Yehudi Menuhin, Moses Montefiore, St. Nicholas, Haym Salomon, Mary Somer- ville, Teresa of Avila, Bill Tilden, Heihachiro Togo, Henri de La Tour Turenne, John Willys, William Wrigley Michael DiGirolamo/B. Bennett: Mario Lemieux Fisk University Library: Charles Waddell Chesnutt, Nor- bert Rillieux The Granger Collection, New York: Margaret Cameron, Paul Cullen, Mary Kingsley, Beryl Markham, Daniel Mendoza, Anna Maria Sibylla Merian, Wilfred Owen, Nadir Shah, Wilhelm Steinitz, Levi Strauss Hulton Getty/Liaison Agency: Ferdinand Cohn, Gon- zalo Fernandez de Cordova, Lucian Freud, Emanuel Lasker, Lennart Torstensson, Waldemar IV The Institution of Mechanical Engineering: Joseph Bramah, International Swimming Hall of Fame: Duke Ka- hanamoku The Kobal Collection: Lillian Gish, Rudolph Valentino KZ Gedenkstatte Dachau/USHMM Photo Archives: Reinhard Heydrich The Library of Congress: Emile Berliner, Robert Brown, Havelock Ellis, Caroline Herschel National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): Christa McAuliffe National Archives and Records Administration: Karl Doenitz Photo Researchers, Inc.: Laura Bassi, Antonia Maury Stanford University: Ernie Nevers University of Cincinnati: Oscar Robertson Jack Vartoogian: Joe Williams ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xi The following people, appearing in volumes 1-19 of the Encyclopedia of World Biography, have died since the publication of the second edition and its supplements. Each entry lists the volumes where the full biography can be found. BOURGUIBA, HABIB (born 1903), Tunisian statesman, died in Monastir, Tunisia, April 6, 2000 (Vol. 2). BOWLES, PAUL (born 1910), American author and composer, died of heart failure in Morocco, November 18, 1999 (Vol. 19). CRAXI, BETTINO (born 1934), Italian prime minister, died of heart failure in Tunisia, January 19, 2000 (Vol. 4). ELION, GERTRUDE B. (born 1918), American bio- chemist and Nobel laureate who helped create drugs to treat leukemia and herpes, died at the University of North Carolina Hospital in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, February 21, 1999 (Vol. 5). FANFANI, AMINTORE (born 1908), Italian prime min- ister, died in Rome, Italy, November 20, 1999 (Vol. 5). FARMER, JAMES (born 1920), American civil rights ac- tivist who led the 1961 “freedom rides” to desegregate interstate buses and terminals, died of congestive heart failure at Mary Washington Hospital in Fredericksburg, Virginia, July 9, 1999 (Vol. 5). FERGUSON, HOWARD (born 1908), Irish musician and composer, died in Cambridge, England, November 1, 1999 (Vol. 18). FUCHS, SIR VIVIAN (born 1908), English explorer and geologist who led the first expedition to cross Antarc- tica by land, died in Cambridge, England, November 11, 1999 (Vol. 6). GORBACHEV, RAISA MAXIMOVNA (born 1932), first lady of the Soviet Union and wife of President Mikhail Gorbachev, died of leukemia in Muenster, Germany, September 20, 1999 (Vol. 6). HASSAN II (born 1929), Moroccan king who was a voice of moderation in Middle Eastern politics during his 38-year reign, died of pneumonia at Avicennes Hos- pital in Rabat, Morocco, July 23, 1999 (Vol. 7). HELLER, JOSEPH (born 1923), American author whose novel, Catch-22 , defined the paradox of the no-win sit- uation, died of heart failure in East Hampton, New York, December 12, 1999 (Vol. 7). HUNDERTWASSER, FRIEDENSREICH (born 1928), Austrian-born painter and spiritualist, died of heart fail- ure while on board the cruise ship, Queen Elizabeth II, February 19, 2000 (Vol. 8). KIRKLAND, JOSEPH LANE (born 1922), American la- bor leader who served as president of the AFL-CIO from 1979 to 1995, died of lung cancer in Washington, DC, August 14, 1999 (Vol. 9). KNIPLING, EDWARD (born 1909), American entomol- ogist, died in Arlington, Virginia, March 17, 2000 (Vol. 9). NKOMO, JOSHUA MQABUKO (born 1917), vice pres- ident of Zimbabwe and a leader of his country’s strug- gle for independence from colonial rule, died of prostate cancer in Harare, Zimbabwe, July 1, 1999 (Vol. 11). OGILVY, DAVID MACKENZIE (born 1911), American advertising executive who founded the international ad- vertising agency Ogilvy and Mather, died in Touffou, France, July 21, 1999 (Vol. 11). POWELL, ANTHONY (born 1905), English novelist, died in Frome, England, March 28, 2000 (Vol. 12). SARRAUTE, NATHALIE TCHERNIAK (born 1900), French novelist who gained fame as a member of the “Nouveau Roman” movement in the late 1950s, died in Paris, France, October 19, 1999 (Vol. 13). SCHULZ, CHARLES (born 1922), American cartoonist who created the “Peanuts” comic strip, died of colon OBITUARIES xiii cancer in Santa Rosa, California, February 12, 2000 (Vol. 14). SEABORG, GLENN THEODORE (born 1912), Ameri- can chemist who discovered ten atomic elements and was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1951, died in Lafayette, California, February 25, 1999 (Vol. 14). SOBCHAK, ANATOLY (born 1937), Russian politician who was elected mayor of St. Petersburg in 1990, died of heart failure in Kaliningrad, Russia, February 20, 2000 (Vol. 14). TIMERMAN, JACOBO (born 1923), Argentine author who chronicled his experiences as a political prisoner, died of heart failure in Buenos Aires, Argentina, No- vember 11, 1999 (Vol. 15). TUDJMAN, FRANJO (born 1922), Croatian president who led his country to independence from Yugoslavia and became its first popularly elected leader, died in Zagreb, Croatia, December 10, 1999 (Vol. 15). ZUMWALT, ELMO (born 1920), American naval officer who commanded U.S. forces in Vietnam, died in Durham, North Carolina, January 2, 2000 (Vol. 16). xiv OBITUARIES ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WORLD BIOGRAPHY [...]... reportedly ignored the treatise Meanwhile, Abel began working on what would become the first proof of an integral equation, and went on to provide the first general proof of the binomial theorem, which until then had only been proved for special cases He also investigated elliptic 1 2 ABE RC RO MB Y ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WORLD BIOGRAPHY discovered that he had contracted tuberculosis Later in 1827, he wrote a lengthy... Through her depictions of the traditional norms of society, she helped to expose the exploitation and disenfranchisement of women, not only from their careers but from the essence of their own identities Ama Ata Aidoo was born Christina Ama Aidoo on March 23, 1942 She was the daughter of royalty, a princess among the Fanti people of the town of Abeadzi Kyiakor in the south central region of Ghana Aidoo’s... the time of her birth, was under the oppression of a resurgent neocolonialism as a result of British aggression during the late 19th century In the home of her parents, Chief Nana Yaw Fama and Maame Abba, anti-colonial sentiment was an unavoidable emotion in the wake of the murder of Aidoo’s grandfather by neocolonialists Yet in spite of the murderous tragedy, Fama acknowledged the superiority of Western... ID OO Volume 20 a collection of short stories Aidoo continued at the University of Ghana for an additional two years after graduation, through a fellowship to that school’s Institute of African Studies On fellowship in 1965 she published one of her most famous writings, and her first major dramatic work, The Dilemma of a Ghost Ghost was one of only two dramas that she published by the end of the century... dependability of mechanics Only after World War II did he begin to feel comfortable using electronic hardware In 1949, Aiken finished the Mark III with the incorporation of electronic components Data and instructions were stored on magnetic drums with a capacity of 4,350 sixteen-bit words and roughly 4,000 instructions With Aiken’s continued concern 11 12 AL T M AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WORLD BIOGRAPHY for... Reading A Biobibliography of Native American Writers, 1772-1924 (Native American Bibliography Series, No 2), compiled by Daniel F Littlefield, Jr., and James W Parins, Scarecrow Press, 1981 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WORLD BIOGRAPHY Dictionary of American Biography, Volume 1, edited by Allen Johnson, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1928 Redefining American Literary History, edited by A LaVonne Brown Ruoff and Jerry W Ward,... Dictionary of Scientists, Wiley-Interscience, 1969 The Columbia Encyclopedia, 5th edition, Columbia University Press, 1993 The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Helicon Publishing Ltd., 1998 Encarta Encyclopedia 99, Microsoft Corporation, 1993-1998 Washington Post, April 14, 1999 Encyclopaedia Britannica Online http://members.eb.com/bol/ topic?eu&0818סsctn( 1סJanuary 12, 200 0) Encyclopedia. Com,... computer—several working versions of which existed at the time—and a digital one is that an analog machine stores its data in terms of position, such as the exact degree of rotation of a numbered wheel, but a digital computer stores its data as a series of binary digits, the zeros and ones of base two Atanasoff claims to have originated the term ‘‘analog’’ in this application The Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)... lack of so-called homes, ‘‘For these women it is hard to have a home of their own there is always the possibility that it can be taken away the instability of dependence.’’ Aidoo’s second major drama, after Ghost, was Anowa The play, published in 1970, makes a disparaging examination of the value of love within the confines of a marriage and further creates a metaphor between the keeping of slaves... destiny Naadu I Blankson of Quarterly Black Review applauded the effort by Aidoo, wherein she ‘‘ weave[s] the passions of two women, three men, and a host of [others] quite respectably.’’ As a literary work the novel artfully enmeshes the passions of upward mobility, the plight of African women in the workplace, and the role of the African female as the designated pawn of a polygamous society It . 20 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WORLD BIOGRAPHY SUPPLEMENT EWB SUP htptp 8/4/03 3:18 PM Page 1 A Z SUPPLEMENT ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WORLD BIOGRAPHY 20 EWB SUP. suggestions for enhancing and improving the Encyclopedia of World Biography Supplement to: The Editors Encyclopedia of World Biography Supplement Gale Group 27500