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Growth, demography and stand structure of Scaphium macropodum in differently managed forests in Vietnam L.Q Huy 2012 Copyright: © 2012, Le Quoc Huy All rights reserved Citation: L.Q Huy (2012) Growth, demography and stand structure of Scaphium macropodum in differently managed forests in Vietnam ISBN: 978-90-393-5778-1 Design and layout: Harry Wilcken Design & Photography Photographs: Le Quoc Huy, Ngo Thi Thanh Hue and Hoang Xuan Ty Printed by: Wöhrmann Print Service B.V Key words: Scaphium macropodum, Shannon index (H’), population dynamics, matrix modeling, population growth rate (λ), light availability, relative growth rate (RGR), enrichment planting Growth, demography and stand structure of Scaphium macropodum in differently managed forests in Vietnam Groei, demografie en structuur van verschillend beheerde Scaphium macropodum-bossen in Vietnam (met een samenvatting in het Nederlands) Cấu trúc lâm phần, động thái quần thể sinh trưởng Ươi (Scaphium macropodum) số rừng khác Việt Nam (phần tóm tắt tiếng Việt nam) PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit Utrecht op gezag van de rector magnificus, prof dr G.J van der Zwaan, ingevolge het besluit van het college voor promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen op maandag mei 2012 des middags te 12.45 uur door Le Quoc Huy geboren op 10 oktober 1962 te Phu Tho, Vietnam Promotoren: Prof dr M.J.A Werger Prof dr R.G.A Boot Prof dr N.H Nghia This study has been conducted within the framework of the Tropenbos International (TBI) Vietnam Program with the title “Capacity Development and institutional support to the Forest Science Institute of Vietnam (FSIV) through PhD and Post-Doc research” It was financially supported by TBI and FSIV To Trang and Bop Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 11 General introduction Species diversity analysis of tree plant community in Scaphium macropodum forest under different levels of disturbance With M.J.A Werger, R.G.A Boot and N.H Nghia; Submitted Chapter 3 Population dynamics of Scaphium macropodum in three Vietnamese forests with different extraction practices 47 With P.A Zuidema, M.J.A Werger and R.G.A Boot; Submitted Chapter 4 Effect of light availability and top breakage on growth of Scaphium macropodum seedlings in a greenhouse 79 With M.J.A Werger and R.G.A Boot; Submitted Chapter 5 Growth analysis of Scaphium macropodum in an enrichment planting experiment 111 With M.J.A Werger and R.G.A Boot Chapter 6 129 References 137 Samenvatting 149 Tóm tắt kết nghiên cứu  153 Acknowledgements 163 Curriculum vitae 165 General discussion and summary (summary in Dutch) (summary in Vietnamese) Our working team at Scaphium macropodum site in Bachma National Park, Thua Thien Hue, Vietnam (July 2009)

Ngày đăng: 08/04/2022, 12:31


Bảng 1. Chỉ số SDI, Đa dạng sinh học loài (SR & H’) và Tốc độ tăng trưởng quần - Huy-thesis-for-the website
Bảng 1. Chỉ số SDI, Đa dạng sinh học loài (SR & H’) và Tốc độ tăng trưởng quần (Trang 164)
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Hình 1. Ba yếu tố cho quản lý bền vững các lâm phần cây ươi tại Việt Nam (Trang 170)
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Bảng 2. Phân tích Chi phí- Lợi nhuận thu hoạch quả ươi tại Nam Đông, Bạch Mã (Trang 171)



