[...]... these dreams of yours are out of your head and in print, you will be able to focus on them, and ultimately achieve them 10 SIXTEEN WEEKS TO YOUR DREAM BUSINESS BULLETPROOF THE IDEA Okay, it’s time for that dose of reality we were talking about earlier You’ll need to strip your idea down, take it apart, put it back together, and smooth it out You’ll need to listen to criticism with the confidence that your. .. your own business venture, and we are delighted to be a part of your journey To inspire and motivate you along the way, we also have included some success stories and advice from fabulous females who have walked this road before you Whether you are starting up or expanding your business, Sixteen Weeks has something for every woman on a mission to make her business dreams a reality Week 1 You and Your. .. SIXTEEN WEEKS TO YOUR DREAM BUSINESS Are you starting to see your business dreams take shape? YOUR IDEAL DAY Let’s take a moment to envision your ideal work day In a perfect world, what does this day look like? Are you working in a remote or home office? Maybe you’re on the road or in a shop Are you surrounded by product? Or are you offering a service? Who will buy the product or service you plan to. .. continuing through Week Eleven, you will be asked to complete exercises, name your business, project future sales, conduct research on your industry and your customer, work through budgets, cross out to- do lists, and summarize your findings In Week Twelve you will have the opportunity to compile your efforts into one comprehensive business plan or blueprint to your future Week xi Copyright © 2009 by Nada... completed your first week of starting your dream business! You are now armed with your strengths, knowledge of your weaknesses, and one bulletproofed, big idea Now you can get this ball rolling 12 Week 1 Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday AM Dream Big! PM Monday To Do: Tuesday To Do: Wednesday To Do: Have you received some constructive criticism about your idea yet? To Do Envision your idea Plan out your. .. to devote to your business, and what’s left for the family? Are your kids in school? Or will they need day care or a babysitter while you work? Warning: Once you go down this path, you will begin to eat, sleep, and breathe your idea After you imagine what your life could look like, you won’t be able to put it out of your mind Be sure to ask yourself: Is it all you thought it would be and more? If your. .. discovering your strengths and weaknesses is as much about finding and filling in the gaps as it is about flaunting your assets WEEK 1: YOU AND YOUR BIG IDEA! 7 DREAM BUSINESS STATS NAME: Selima Salaun DREAM BUSINESS: Selima Optique WEB SITE: www.selimaoptique.com QUOTE: “Always follow your instincts and stay true to yourself.” Selima was born in Tunisia and moved to Paris, France, to study Optometry... up by examining your idea more carefully; you’ll turn it inside out and upside down, 1 Copyright © 2009 by Nada Jones and Michelle Briody Click here for terms of use 2 SIXTEEN WEEKS TO YOUR DREAM BUSINESS and come out with an even better, “bulletproof” concept ready for the world This is your life, and it’s time to begin the journey of fulfilling your goals Are you ready to make your dreams come true?... closer to making your dream (business) a reality Week One is all about getting your dream on paper You will take some time to envision what it is you want your company to do or be, you’ll contemplate your ideal work environment, everything from the people you work with to where you will conduct your business We will also challenge you to take a good long look at yourself What are your strengths and weaknesses?... advice when it comes to Internet info: Verify your sources While 18 SIXTEEN WEEKS TO YOUR DREAM BUSINESS the Internet provides information at your fingertips, it’s also at the fingertips of every Tom, Dick, and Harry with an opinion, so watch out The goal here is to gain information that will help to influence future decisions and validate your entry into the marketplace Don’t get lost in gathering . x0 y0 w0 h1" alt="" 16 Sixteen Weeks to Your Dream Business This page intentionally left blank 16 Sixteen Weeks to Your Dream Business AWeekly Planner. fun and allow yourself to think big. 4 SIXTEEN WEEKS TO YOUR DREAM BUSINESS EXERCISE 2: YOUR IDEAL BUSINESS • What does your ideal place of business look