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Lesson 41 (41/170)

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Luyện tiếng nhật thông qua hội thoại.Luyện tất cả các chữ (Kanji, Katakana, Hiragana và romanji)

JapanesePod101.com TABLE OF CONTENTS Direct from Tokyo JapanesePod101.com Lesson notes for: Learn Japanese with FREE Daily Podcasts Hiragana Transcript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kanji Transcript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Romaji Transcript. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vocabulary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grammar Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • Lesson Code: ᖳ᭮᪝ Beginner Lesson #41 - Tennis Anyone? /073_B41_030106 20061stMarch 2006 03 01 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 Lesson code: JapanesePod101.com Learn Japanese with FREE Daily Podcasts / ᖳ ᭮ ᪝ 073_B41_030106 2006 1stMarch 2006 03 01 ࡥࡼ࠿࡝ࡣࢆ ₆Ꮚ∟ ࡝ࡗࡆ㸯ࡢ࠷ࠉ࡝ࡗࡆ࡚ࡌࠊ ࠾ࡏ㸯ࡵࡊࡵࡊࠉ࠾ࡏ࡚ࡌࡄ࡜ࠊ ࡝ࡗࡆ㸯࠵ࡖࠉ࡜࠹ࡵࠊ ࠾ࡏ㸯ࡀࡺ࠹ࠉ࡝࡞ࢅࡊࡱࡌ࠾㸴 ࡝ࡗࡆ㸯ࡀࡺ࠹࡚ࡌ࠾㸴ࡀࡺ࠹ࡢ࡙ࡿࡦࢅࡲ ࡱࡌࠊ ࠾ࡏ㸯ࡐ࠹࡚ࡌ࠾ࠊࡀࡺ࠹࠷ࡖࡊࡺ࡞࡙࡞ࡌ ࢅࡊࡱࡎࢆ࠾㸴 ࡝ࡗࡆ㸯࡙࡞ࡌ࡚ࡌ࠾㸴ࢂࡒࡊࡢ࡙࡞ࡌ࠿ࡓ ࠷ࡀࡼ࠷࡚ࡌ㸖 ࠾ࡏ㸯ࡐ࠹࡚ࡌ࠾㸴㸴 ࡝ࡗࡆ㸯ࡢ࠷ࠉࡓ࠷ࡀࡼ࠷࡚ࡌࡻࠊ࡛࡙ࡵࡀ ࡼ࠷࡚ࡌ㸖 㸝࡙࡞ࡌ࡯࣭ࡾࡡ࠽࡛㸞 ࠾ࡏ㸯࠵ࡿࠉ࠷ࡱࡡ࠽࡛ࡢ࡝࡞࡚ࡌ࠾㸴 ࡝ࡗࡆ㸯࡙ࡿࡦ࡚ࡌ㸖 ࡓࢆࡎ࠷ࡡࡆ࠻㸯࡝ࡗࡆ㸖࠵࡝ࡒࡡࡈ࣭ࡩ࡚ ࡌࡻ㸖 ࠾ࡏ㸯ࡐࡿࡵ࡙ࡿࡦ࡚ࡌ࠾㸴 ࡝ࡗࡆ㸯ࡐ࠹࡚ࡌࡠࠊ ኚᏄ㸯ࡢ࠷ࠉኚᏄ࡚ࡌࠊ ࢜ࢭ㸯ࡵࡊࡵࡊࠉ࢜ࢭ࡚ࡌࡄ࡜ࠊ ኚᏄ㸯࠵ࡖࠉ࡜࠹ࡵࠊ ࢜ࢭ㸯௑᪝రࢅࡊࡱࡌ࠾㸴 ኚᏄ㸯௑᪝࡚ࡌ࠾㸴௑᪝ࡢࢷࣝࣄࢅずࡱࡌࠊ ࢜ࢭ㸯ࡐ࠹࡚ࡌ࠾ࠊ௑᪝ୌ⥬࡞ࢷࢼࢪࢅࡊࡱ ࡎࢆ࠾㸴 ኚᏄ㸯ࢷࢼࢪ࡚ࡌ࠾㸴⚶ࡢࢷࢼࢪ࠿ኬ᎒࠷࡚ ࡌ㸖 ࢜ࢭ㸯ࡐ࠹࡚ࡌ࠾㸴㸴 ኚᏄ㸯ࡢ࠷ࠉኬ᎒࠷࡚ࡌࡻࠊ࡛࡙ࡵ᎒࠷࡚ ࡌ㸖 㸝ࢷࢼࢪ࣭࣍ࣜࡡ㡚㸞 ࢜ࢭ㸯࠵ࡿࠉ௑ࡡ㡚ࡢర࡚ࡌ࠾㸴 ኚᏄ㸯ࢷࣝࣄ࡚ࡌ㸖 ⏠ᛮࡡኇ㸯ኚᏄ㸖࠵࡝ࡒࡡࢦ࣭ࣇ࡚ࡌࡻ㸖 ࢜ࢭ㸯ࡐࡿࡵࢷࣝࣄ࡚ࡌ࠾㸴 ኚᏄ㸯ࡐ࠹࡚ࡌࡠࠊ Translation Natsuko: Hi, Natsuko here. Kaze: Hello, it’s Kaze. Natsuko: Ah…. Kaze: What will you do today? Natsuko: Today? Today, I’ll watch TV. Kaze: Really? Shall we play tennis? Natsuko: Tennis? I hate tennis! Kaze: Is that so? Natsuko: Yes, I hate it. I really hate it! (Sounds of a tennis ball) Kaze: What was that sound just now? Natsuko: That was TV. Mans voice: Natsuko, it’s your serve. Kaze: That also was TV? Natsuko: Yes, it was… Natsuko: Hai, Natsuko desu. Kaze: Moshi moshi, Kaze desu kedo. Natsuko: Aaaa, dďmo. Kaze: Kyď, nani o shimasu ka? Natsuko: Kyď desu ka? Kyď wa terebi o mimasu. Kaze: Sď desu ka? Kyď issho ni tenisu o shimasen ka? Natsuko: Tenisu desu ka? Watashi wa tenisu ga dai- kirai desu! Kaze: Sď desu ka? Natsuko: Hai, dai-kirai desu yo. Totemo kirai desu! (Tenisu-bďru no oto) Kaze: Are, ima no oto wa nan desu ka? Natsuko: Terebi desu! Dansei no koe: Natsuko! Anata no sÃbu desu yo. Kaze: Sore mo terebi desu ka? Natsuko: Sď desu ne. Romaji 3 Lesson code: JapanesePod101.com Learn Japanese with FREE Daily Podcasts / ᖳ ᭮ ᪝ 073_B41_030106 2006 1stMarch 2006 03 01 Vocabulary - ㄊᙙ⾪ Grammar Points  Kanji Kana Romaji English 㡚࠽࡛ Oto Sound ࢷࢼࢪ ࢷࢼࢪ Tenisu Tennis ࢷࣝࣄ ࢷࣝࣄ Terebi Television ࢦ࣭ࣇ ࢦ࣭ࣇ SÃbu Serve  Last lesson we covered the usage of the irregular verb ᮮࡾ. Today we covered the usage of ࡌࡾ. What is irregular about this is, as with ᮮࡾ, that the stem of the verb is not what it seems to be. If you followed the QRUPDOUXOHVIRU¿QGLQJWKHVWHP\RXZRXOGHQGXSZLWK ࡌ or ࡌࡽ. These are not the stem! The stem is actually ࡊ! This is one of the few cases in japanese where you just have to remember that “this is the way it is”. After we have the stem, you can start conjugating normally. Example: 㞹ヨࢅࡌࡾ   Make a phone call ⚶ࡢ᪝ᮇㄊࢅຫᙁࡊࡱࡌࠊ I study Japanese ኚᏄࡢⱝㄊࢅຫᙁࡊࡱࡌ࠾ࠊ Natsuko, do you study English? Note: Not all nouns can be made into verbs using ࡌࡾ, but there is no rules as for which nouns can and cannot be YHUEL¿HGWXUQHGLQWRDYHUEZLQN7KHWZRSDWWHUQVWKDWH[LVWVDUHWKHIROORZLQJWZR ࠔNoun ࡡnoun ࢅࡌࡾࠕ and ࠔnoun ࢅnoun ࡌࡾࠕ. Be aware though, that in spoken Japanese ࠔࢅࠕis often dropped even where in written Japanese it would be unacceptable to do so. . . . . . . • • • • • • Lesson Code: ᖳ᭮᪝ Beginner Lesson #41 - Tennis Anyone? /073_B41_030106 20061stMarch 2006 03 01 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 Lesson code: JapanesePod101.com Learn. ka? Natsuko: Sď desu ne. Romaji 3 Lesson code: JapanesePod101.com Learn Japanese with FREE Daily Podcasts / ᖳ ᭮ ᪝ 073_B41_030106 2006 1stMarch 2006 03 01 Vocabulary

Ngày đăng: 11/02/2014, 12:24

Xem thêm: Lesson 41 (41/170)



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