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REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER ENGLISH REVISION - GRADE - THE SECOND SEMESTER T T Thì CÁC THÌ: The simple present tense ( đơn): The present progressive tense ( tiếp diễn): DẤU HIỆU GHI CHÚ VÍ DỤ *Dùng cho chủ ngữ số nhiều từ I, they , we, you, brothers, -Khẳng định: S + V + -Phủ định: S + not (don't) + V -Nghi vấn: Do + S + V + ? *Trả lời: Yes, S + No, S+ don't *Dùng cho chủ ngữ số như: she , he, it, Lan, her mother, -Khẳng định: S + V-s/es + -Phủ định: S+does not (doesn't)++ -Nghi vấn: Does + S + V+ .? -Trả lời: Yes, S + does No, S + doesn't -Khẳng định: S+ am/is /are +V-ing+ -Phủ định: S +am not /isnot/ arenot / + Ving + -Nghi vấn: Am/ Is/ Are + S + V-ing ? *Trả lời: Yes, S + am/ is/ are No, S + am not/ isn't/ aren't -Thì tiếp diễn mang nghĩa tương lai thường dùng để nói lịch trình, chương trình, thời gian biểu, Is the boat to Hue leaving at 10.00? always, usually, often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally, seldom = rarely (hiếm khi) never, every day, every week, every month, - Thêm “es” sau động từ tận là: o, s, x, ch, sh, z They often go to school by bike now, right now, at the moment, at present, at this time, Look!, Listen! -Khẳng định: -Phủ định: -Nghi vấn: *Trả lời: tonight, tomorrow, someday, soon, in the future, next week , next Sunday… tonight, tomorrow, someday, soon, in the future, next week , next Sunday Qui tắc thêm“ing”sau động từ: + động từ tận chữ “e”- bỏ “ e” thêm “ ing” Like liking.(trừ động từ to be động từ tận “ee”: seeseeing + động từ âm tiết, tận phụ âm, trước nguyên âm sau ( a, e, i, o, u), phải gấp đôi phụ âm thêm “ ing”.Stop stopping Dùng will cho tất – shall dùng cho chủ ngữ I We S+ will + V +…… S+ won’t + V+……… Will + S +V…… ? Yes, S + will No, S+ won't -Diễn tả hoạt động xảy tương lai -Khẳng định: S+ am/is/ are+ going to+ V -Phủ định: S + am not/isn't/aren't + going to + V… -Nghi vấn: Am/Is/Are + S + going to + V ? *Trả lời: Yes, S + am/ is / are No, S + am not/ isn't/ aren't *To be: -Khẳng định: I/ He/ She/ It + was You / We / They + were -Phủ định: S + wasn’t / weren’t -Nghi vấn: Was / were + S …? *Động từ thường: -Khẳng định: S + V2 / V-ed -Phủ định: S + didn’t + V1 -Nghi vấn: Did + S + V1 ….? *Trả lời: Yes, S + did No, S + didn’t PREPOSITIONS( GIớI Từ): SIMPLE PAST (Quá khứ đơn) The near future (thì tương lai gần): The simple future tense (thì tương lai đơn) tương đơn): CẤU TRÚC - yesterday, last week, last month, …ago, in 1990, in the past, … DeThiMau.vn She goes to school every morning She is watching TV at the moment They will visit their mother tonight -Diễn tả dự định sửa xảy We are going to learn that lesson -Hành động xảy chấm dứt khứ -She went to London last year -Yesterday, he walked to school ENGLISH REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER Giới từ nơi chốn: * in: (ở địa điểm lớn/trong) + in Hoai Nhon, in Viet Nam, in the city, in the room, in the house, ,, * at: (ở địa điểm nhỏ/tại ) + at home, at school, at the back of, … * on: (trên) + on the table, on the rack, on the shelves, * opposite:(đối diện) + opposite the hotel, opposite my school, … * in front of: (trước ) + in front of the school, in front of the park, … * behind: (sau) + behind the school, behind the house,… * next to: (cạnh) + next to my school, next to the hospital, * between….and…(giữa) + between the school and the park…… * to the left/right of:(bên trái/phải)+to the left/right of the zoo, … * under: (ở dưới) + under the table, under the desk , * above: (ở ) + above the table, Giới từ thời gian: * in: (buổi/tháng/mùa/năm ) + in the morning, in the afternoon, in May, in July, in summer, in winter, in1990, in 2000, in the 20th century, * on:(thứ/ ngày ) + on Wednesday, on Saturday, on October 7th, on January 2nd, that day * at: (giờ ) + at a.m, at p.m, + night/ noon/ midday/ Christmas,… + at lunch time, at dinner time,… * for: (khoảng ) + for days, for weeks, * from…to/ till/ until….(từ…đến )+ from to p.m, from 2005 to 2008,… * between and…(giữa khoảng )+ between 5p.m and 8p.m,…… * till/until (cho đến ) + until September, till Sunday,… * after:(sau ) + after p.m, after p.m, ) * before:(trước ) + before a.m,….) Giới từ phương tiện: * by : + by car, by bus, * on: + on foot, on horse, * The other prepositions (Giới từ) - to look after: chăm sóc - tobe good at: giỏi - to be scared / afraid of: sợ hãi - to look for: tìm kiếm - tobe good for: tốt cho - to receive a letter from nhận thư từ - to look at: nhìn - to take care of: chăm sóc - to send a postcard to sb from sw: gởi cho - to smile at: cười với - to take part in : tham gia - to be worried about: lo lắng - Vegetables have dirt from the farm on them: - There was a wide selection of meat on the stall - It was a blue skirt with white flowers on it - She sliced the beef into the trips - You should add a little salt to the spinach - You should eat a plenty of fruit - I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better - They will come for dinner - There is a play on at the New age theater - They watch T.V through the window - Hoa sets the table with plates, bowls and chopsticks - Take your temperature SUGGESTIONS (CÂU ĐỀ NGHỊ): - Why don’t you/we + V…?: Why don’t we open the door? - Let’s + V … :! Let’s open the door! - I think we should + V + … : I think we should open the door - Should we + V…? Should we go to the park tomorrow? - Shall we + V + …….? : Shall we open the door? - What/ How about + V –ing…? : What about opening the door? LỜI MỜI: Mời: Would you like + động từ phải có "to" (to V) ? Would you like to go to the movies with me? Would you like + danh từ? Would you like a cup of tea? Will you + động từ nguyên mẫu? Will you come to our house for lunch? Trả lời: Đồng ý: Yes, I'd love to Thanks I'll come Sure Why not? Từ chối: I’d love to, but… Sorry I can't Thanks anyway I can't I'm very busy VERBS (ĐỘNG TỪ): a Động từ would like (muốn), want (muốn) , need (cần), …sau danh từ động từ phải có “to” Ví dụ: I would like (I’d like) to drink some milk I’d like some bananas b Các động từ: like (thích), love (yêu mến), enjoy (thích thú), hate (ghét)= dislike, sau động từ phải dạng thêm “ing” DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER Ví dụ: She likes playing tennis They love watching film on TV EXCLAMATIONS(CÂU CẢM THÁN): What + a/an + adj + noun! (danh từ đếm số ít) - What a nice house! What + adj + noun! (danh từ đếm số nhiều) - What nice houses! What + adj + noun! (danh từ không đếm ) - What good job! How + adj + S + be! - How beautiful she is! How + adv + S + V! - How fast he runs! INDEFINTE QUANTIFIERS (ĐẠI LƯỢNG KHÔNG XÁC ĐỊNH): Với danh từ không đếm Với danh từ đếm được: a little/ little (một ít), A few/ few (một vài), some (một vài), some (một vài), a lot/lots of = plenty of = much (nhiều), A lot/lots of = plenty of = many (nhiều), too much (quá nhiều) too many (quá nhiều) - Let’s buy a little food - She has lots of friends in Hue - I’m sure we will have a lot of fun - They will buy some apples * Chú ý: - much many chủ yếu sử dụng câu phủ định câu hỏi - little few hàm ý phủ định – - a little a few mang tính xác định nhiều COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES(SO SÁNH HƠN & SO SÁNH NHẤT) So sánh hơn: + Với tính từ ngắn vần: S1 + be + Adj –er + than + S2 This bike is cheaper than that one + Với tính từ dài vần: S1 + be + more + Adj + than + S2 This bike is more expensive than that one So sánh nhất: +Với tính từ ngắn vần: S + be + the + Adj –est + in/of + Nam is the tallest in his class +Với tính từ dài vần: S + be + the most + Adj + in/of + This book is the most expensive of three books *Đặc biệt: Good (tốt) Better The best Bad (xấu) Worse The worst Tính từ vần tận " y" đổi " y" thành " i" thêm -er –est Busy Busier The busiest Funny Funnier The funniest Tính từ vần tận nguyên âm phụ âm gấp đơi phụ âm trước thêm –er –est Big Bigger The biggest Hot Hotter The hottest Tính từ vần tận " et", "er" " ow", "le" thêm " er" –est bình thường Simple Simpler The simplest Clever Cleverer The cleverest Far(xa) Farther The farthest Many/ much (nhiều) More The most Few (ít) Fewer The fewest Little (ít) Less The least *MORE, LESS, FEWER TRONG CÂU SO SÁNH VỚI DANH TỪ: Với danh từ đếm được: a So sánh nhiều hơn: S1+ V + more + danh từ đếm số nhiều + than + S2 I have more books than she b So sánh hơn: S1+ V + fewer + danh từ đếm số nhiều + than + S2 I have fewer books than she Với danh từ không đếm được: a So sánh nhiều hơn: S1+ V + more + danh từ không đếm + than + S2 I have more money than she b So sánh hơn: S1+ V + less + danh từ không đếm + than + S2 I have less rice than she QUESTION WORDS (CÁC TỪ ĐỂ HỎI): DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER Where, what, why, when, who, which, how, how many, how much, how far, … đứng đầu câu hỏi - Where you work? - What you in the morning? - How many books does she have? 10 HỎI GÍA CẢ: How much is + chủ ngữ số ít? It's + số tiền How much is a book? It is 3,000 dong How much are + chủ ngữ số nhiều? They are + số tiền How much are these pens ? They are 40,000 dong How much does + chủ ngữ số + cost? It costs + số tiền How much does a pen cost? It costs 2,000 dong How much + chủ ngữ số nhiều + cost ? They cost + số tiền How much some oranges cost? They cost 15,000 dong What is the price of + chủ ngữ số ít? It's + số tiền What is the price of the book? It is 23,000 dong 11 THE OTHER STRUCTURES Must + V (phải) Mustn’t + V (không phép) Have / has to + V (phải) Don’t / doesn’t have to + V (không phải) Should ( not ) + V nên (không nên) Ought ( not) to + V nên (không nên) Had better ( not ) + V .nên (không nên) Hate + V-ing .= dislike + V-ing … >< like + V-ing Like + N better than + N = prefer + N to + N V-ing V-ing V-ing V-ing Take part in = participate in = join in : tham gia vào Take care of = look after : trông nom Don’t forget + to V = Remember + to V : nhớ / đừng quên làm How tall are you / is he? = What is your height / his height? How heavy are you? = What is your weight? = How much you weigh? 10 What’s the matter with you? = What’s wrong with you? 11 It takes + O + time + to V = S + spend(s) + time + V-ing 12 We have a break that lasts thirty minutes = We have a thirty-minute break 13 S + spend(s) + time /money + on N / V-ing = It + takes + O + time/ money + to V 14 Talk to S.O about S.TH = Tell S.O about S.TH 15 buy S.TH for S.O = buy + O + S.TH 16 Make + O + adj / V 19 Make S.TH for S.O 20 Tobe used to + N/ V-ing / to get used to + N/ V-ing 21 Vị trí trạng từ tần suất: đứng sau Tobe, sau trợ động từ trước động tõ th­êng 22 Try sth on  I try this dress on 23 Learn how to + V_inf häc làm Eg: I learn how to speak English to cook to make dresses 24 (to) take morning exercise: tËp thĨ dơc bi s¸ng 25 (to) take care of oneself = to look after oneself: tự quan tâm đến th©n 26 Don’t eat too much candy or stay up late: Không ăn nhiều kẹo thức khuya 27 Look + adj (Trơng có vẻ….) E.g: Your hair looks different 28 (to) be bad for : cã h¹i cho 29 I am glad to hear you are well: Rất vui biết bạn khỏe 30 (to) go to the dentist : khám 31 (to) go to the doctor : khám bệnh 32 (to) have an appointment : cã hĐn 33 Be scared of : sỵ h·i Eg He is scared of the dogs 34 Fill a cavity: hàn răng, trỏm 35 Whats the matter?: có chuyện vậy/thế?/ Có vấn đề thế? 36 (to) fix ones tooth : Sửa, chữa ®ã DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER 37 (to) remind sb to smt: nhắc nhở làm 38 (to) clean teeth regulary: đánh thường xuyên 39 (to) eat sensibly: ăn uống hợp lý 40 (to) have a bad cold: (bệnh) cảm nặng 41 (to) have a headache: (bệnh) đau đầu 42 (to) have a stomachache: (bệnh)/bị đau bụng, đau dày 43 (to) have the flu: (bƯnh) c¶m cóm 44 (?)What was wrong with + 0?→S + had + sikness - Use: MÉu c©u dùng đẻ hỏi có chuyện bị trả lời Note: S + have +the flu : bÞ cóm 45 It must be : 46 It is / was probably : Chắc 47 Make sb + adj / smt: Làm cho nào/ bắt 48 Have an awful headache: bị đau đầu kinh khủng 49 Từ số lượng bất định: - A lot of + Ns = many = much - A litle + N (unc) = some - too much + N (unc) - Plenty of + Ns = many = much 50 Summer is on its way: kỳ nghỉ hè đến gần 51 To be aware of : nhËn thøc, ý thøc 52 C©u hái với Why trả lời: (?) Why + Va/do + S + Vm + O/A ?( Va: auxiliary verb: trỵ ®éng tõ/ Vm: main verb: ®éng tõ chÝnh) (+) Because + clause (lý ) →Use: Dïng ®Ĩ hái lÝ hay nguyên nhân trả lời 53 Tính từ trạng từ thể cách: a-Tính từ: từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ hay đại tõ *He is a good student *This is an interesting film -Tính từ dạng số nhiều, trừ tính từ định THIS, THAT, THESE, THOSE -Vị trí: +Tính tõ bỉ nghÜa cho danh tõ th­êng ®øng tr­íc danh tõ: a nice shirt, the polluted air +TÝnh tõ theo sau động từ liên kết (linking verbs) như: Be, become, become, get(trở nên), feel(cảm thấy), look(trông có vẻ), seem(dường như), grow(trở nên), appear(trông có vẻ), taste(có vị), smell(có mùi), sound(nghe cã vỴ) *She is beautiful *The coffee smells good +Tính từ đứng sau đại từ bất định: Something, everything, someone, nothing, *Is there anything new? (cã g× không?) b-Trạng từ: từ hay cụm từ bổ nghÜa cho ®éng tõ th­êng, tÝnh tõ hay mét trạng từ khác *He works carefully.(bổ nghĩa cho động từ) *This book is very expensive.(bæ nghÜa cho tÝnh tõ) *She sings very beautifully.(bỉ nghÜa cho tr¹ng tõ) Adverbs of manner(Tr¹ng từ thể cách) -Trong tiếng Anh, để nói làm việc (nhanh, chậm, tốt, ) dùng trạng từ thể cách Hầu hết trạng từ thể cách cấu tạo từ tính từ theo công thức sau: Adj + LY = adv Ngoại trừ trường hợp đặc biệt sau: +TÝnh tõ tËn cïng b»ng Y tr­íc Y lµ phụ âm ta đổi Y->i + LY Happy -> happily Easy-> easily +TÝnh tõ tËn cïng b»ng _able hay _ple chØ thay E = Y Possible -> possibly Simple -> simply +Một số trạng từ tính từ bất quy tắc: Tính từ(adj) Good Fast Late Hard Early Trạng tõ(adv) Well Fast Late Hard Early DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER -Cách dùng: Trạng từ thể cách thường dùng sau động từ, bổ nghĩa cho động từ trả lời cho câu hỏi HOW(như thÕ nµo) Eg: Nam plays badminton very well 12 VỊ TRÍ VÀ CÁCH SỬ DỤNG Neither, either, So , too đầu Cuối khẳng định So + tobe / modal V / T§T + S S + tobe / modal V / TĐT , too phủ định Neither + tobe / modal / T§T + S S + toben’t / modaln’t / TĐTnt ,either 1-TOO EITHER: vậy: đặt cuối câu a)TOO: dùng cuối câu khẳng ®Þnh Eg -Lan is a student Her brother is a student, too -Loan can cook Huy can cook, too -S1: I like beef S2: I do, too./She does, too -Hc ta cã thĨ rót gän: -Lan is a student Her brother is, too -Loan can cook Huy can, too b)EITHER: dùng cuối câu phủ định Eg -Lan isnt a student Her brother isn’t a student, either -Loan can’t cook Huy can’t cook, either -Hc ta cã thĨ rót gän: -Lan isn’t a student Her brother isn’t, either -Loan can’t cook Huy can’t, either 2-SO vµ NEITHER: “cịng vËy” a)SO: dùng cuối câu khẳng định có đảo ngược chủ ngữ trợ động từ c©u Eg -Lan is a student So is her brother -Loan can cook So can Huy b)NEITHER: dùng câu phủ định có đảo ngược chủ ngữ trợ động từ câu Eg -Lan isnt a student Neither is her brother -Loan can’t cook Neither can Huy Eg -I’m not a student Neither am I/ Neither is she Eg -I don’t like carrot Neither I/ Neither does she * Chó ý: Neither = not either (Neither am I = I’m not either; Neither can I = I cant either) Neither tự đà từ phủ định, dù động từ với xác ®Þnh * ADJ ADV a) Adj + ly adv : beautiful - beautifully ; quick – quickly ; safe - safely ; bad- badly b) Adj ©m tiÕt kÕt thúc y chuyển sang trạng từ phải đổi “ y” “ ily”: easy- easily, happy-happily c) adj kÕt thóc = “ ble” chun thµnh “ bly” :sensible - sensibly; simple- simply, comfortable - comfortably d) Mét sè adj chuyển sang adv không đổi: fast- fast; hard hard; late late; early early e) Đặc biệt: good well *V N chØ ng­êi: teach _ teacher collect collector cycle cyclist participate _ participant play _ player invent inventor type typist cook _ cook visit visitor study _ student swim _ swimmer S + is/ am / are + a / an + adj + N chØ ng­êi S + are + adj + N chØ ng­êi(s) S + V/ Vs / Ves + adv S + V + adv  Tobe ( a/an) + adj + N(s)  V + adv ( trõ mét sè ®éng tõ : seem, sound, feel, find, look, keep, make, become, get, + adj ) * Pronunciation : a) Cách đọc - ed /id/ / t/ /d/ V kÕt thóc b»ng: V kÕt thóc b»ng: p, pe, k, ke, f, gh/f/, V kÕt thóc b»ng:b, g, v, n, m, n, l, r, ng, z, ce,se / z/ t, te, d, de ce,se/s/, ch, sh, th/θ/ DeThiMau.vn REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER free -> freed Drag -> dragged weigh -> weighed stop - > stopped fit -> fitted advise -> advised /əd'vaizd/ jog -> jogged close -> closed /klouzd/ ENGLISH wait -> waited add -> added Jump -> Jumped cough -> coughed practise -> practised /'præktist/ notice -> noticed /'nutist/ b) Cách đọc N chuyển sang số nhiỊu: /s/ /z/ V kÕt thóc b»ng: t, te, p, pe, f, th/θ/, gh/f/ V kÕt thóc b»ng: n, m, v, l, /iz/ V kÕt thóc b»ng: ce,se/s/, sh, ch, ge, x map -> maps ; hat -> hats; book -> books watch -> watches ; box -> boxes * Form of verbs: To V would like(‘d like) + to V need+ to V want+ to V want + O + to V want + O + not to V learn+ to V learn how + to V have / has + to V hope to V prefer + to V It takes + O + time + to V tell / ask + O + to V Don’t forget + ) + to V = Remember + to V S + tobe + adj + to V pen -> pens; cave -> caves V-ing enjoy+ V-ing like + V-ing hate + V-ing dislike + V-ing love + V-ing practise + V-ing what about + V-ing How about + V-ing tobe interested in + V-ing prefer V-ing to V-ing tobe/ get used to + V-ing S + spend + time + V-ing V can + V will + V must + V should + V ought to + V make + O + V (make + O + adj) keep + O + V help + O + V see/ watch + O + V had better + V Let’s + V Why don’t we + V….? Why don’t you + V… ? * Verbs in the past Regular Verbs * try -> tried study -> studied fry -> fried worry -> worried play -> played stay -> stayed * fit –> fitted prefer -> preferred stop -> stopped stir -> stirre shower -> showered visit -> visited open -> opened iron -> ironed borrow -> borrowed sew -> sewed *arrive - > arrived decide -> decided hate ->hated,taste->tasted hope -> hoped like -> liked live -> lived measure -> measured move -> moved use -> used receive -> received slice -> sliced ask -> asked add -> added brush -> brushed call -> called comb -> combed clean ->cleaned check -> checked cook -> cooked collect -> collected fill -> filled finish -> finished look -> looked learn -> learned/ learnt listen -> listened need -> needed prevent -> prevented talk -> talked return -> returned rent -> rented work -> worked help -> helped join -> joined remember -> emembered start -> started want -> wanted watch -> watched wash -> washed weigh -> weighed walk -> walked invent -> invented Irregular Verbs *cost -> cost cut -> cut put -> put hurt -> hurt read -> read set -> set *lend -> lent send -> sent spend -> spent *buy -> bought bring -> brought think -> thought teach -> taught catch -> caught *come -> came become -> became *forget -> forgot get -> got *understand -> understood stand -> stood *fly -> flew know -> knew grow -> grew throw -> threw *say -> said pay -> paid lay -> laid I GRAMMAR Bài tập ứng dụng They …… usually ………… (not go) to school by motorbike He …………… (swim) over there now He often ……………………… (get) up late DeThiMau.vn be -> was/ were begin -> began build -> built -> did drink -> drank eat -> ate feel -> felt give -> gave go -> went have -> had hear -> heard keep -> kept leave -> left lead -> led make -> made run -> ran see -> saw sit -> sat sing -> sang swim -> swam take -> took tell -> told wake -> woke wear -> wore win -> won worry -> worried write -> wrote ENGLISH REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER ……… you often …………….(watch) TV? Mr Brown ……………… (listen) to music now? Hai often ……………………(wash) his face at 6.15 she ………………(play) badminton at the moment? My and I always ……………………(go) to the countryside He ……………………(not be) at home now 10 Hanh ……………………(not read) book at the moment 11 Our teacher usually ……………………(give) us many exercises 12 He often ……………………(catch) a train to work 13 They ……………………(plant) trees over there at the moment 14 My old friend, Manh ……………………(write) to me twice a month 15 What she says ……………………(be) true 16 Where ………… she ……………………(buy) her breakfast every morning? 17 Bien ………… often ……………………(not phone) to me 18 Mrs Green always ………………(take) a bus to work But now he ………………(drive) to work 19 Look! The ball ……………………(fall) down 20 He usually ……………………(water) the trees in the morning 21 She ……………………(not listen) to the radio now 22 The sun …………(rise) in the East and ………… (set) in the West 23 He ……………………(play) table tennis at the moment 24 Mo and Nguyen ……………………(sing) the same song now 25 They always ……………………(make) noise in the class 26 Hung ………… often ……………………(not go) camping in the summer 27 Hanh ……………………(not read) with the friends at the moment 28 …………Son ……………………(write) to their friends every summer holiday? 29 What ………….you ……………… (listen) on the radio now? 30 Listen! Someone ……………………(cry) 31 ………… you ……………………(see) the doctor next week 32 Mai and Nam ……………………(go) to the movie theater tomorrow evening 33 They ……………………(plant) trees a long this street next month 34 …………he ……………………(write) to his friend next week 35 They …………….(not be) doctor 36 She ………………(watch) a romantic film on TV this evening 37 ……………you often ………………(do) your homework in the evening? 38 I ………………(read) an interesting novel at the moment 39 ……………you usually ………………(watch) TV in the evening? 40 They always ………………(talk) to each other in the weekend 41 She ……………often ………………(not go) shopping on weekend 42 They ………………(not be) classmate 43 ………….he ………………(be) your father? 44 ………… she ………………(listen) to music now? 45 Thanh and Hung ………………(read) a wonderful story at the moment 46 Mai and Hang ………………(not play) the game at the moment 47 I often ………………(wash) my clothes 48 She ………………(not be) at home now 49 ………….you often ………………(write) to your friend? 50 Mr Mai ………………(water) the plant every morning 51 ………… My and Thanh ………………(talk) on the telephone now? 52 They ………………(plant) trees every early year 53 He ………………(not study) Math at the moment 54 ………………she …………………(play) badminton every afternoon? 55 They sometime …………………(do) morning exercises at 5.30 56 Thanh and I …………………(be) at home now 57 Hung …………………(run) about 5km every morning 58 ………….Hung and Minh sometime …………………(meet) each other? 59 Every evening, she …………………(jog) about 3km 60 He always …………………(drive) his car to work But now, he …………………(ride) his motorbike to work 61 Many years ago , most people in Vietnam ( not have )………………………………… TV set 62 My mother (go) …………… to the market yesterday but she (not buy) ……………………….anything 63 Yesterday(be) …… Sunday Nam (not go)…… to school He and his classmates(go) ……to the countryside They (buy) …… a lot of fruit and cakes They (play)… many games happily They(return)… home late in the afternoon DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER 64 I (meet) ……….Lan at the movie theater last night 65 Two years ago, Miss Lien (teach) …………… at a village school 66 What …………you …………(do) yesterday morning? I ( do) …………… the homework 67 The children (be) ………… here ten minutes ago, but at the moment they (play)…………… in the yard 68 Mr Minh ( watch) ………………TV every night 69 We ( have)…………… an English test tomorrow 70 Tuan ( help) ……………… his father now 71 I prefer (drive)……… to (ride)………… 72 I don’t enjoy (go)………… to the dentist 73 My father can (swim)………… very fast 74 He has a toothache He should (go)……… to the dentist 75 They prefer (do)…………… other things 76 I don’t like (play)…………… computer games 77 I like (watch)………… basketball 78 You ought (finish) ………… your homework before (watch) ………… TV 79 The children must (be)………… back by six 80 I’d like (tell)………… you something about myself 81 We prefer (gather)…………… around TV after dinner 82 Children shouldn’t (drink) ………… coffee It is not good for their health 83 Do you mind (play)…………… the tape once more? 84 I can’t (finish)……… my work before noon 85 She likes (begin)………….knitting but hates (finish) it 86 Most people prefer (ride)……… to (walk)……… 86 When I was a child, I enjoy (sleep)………… with my mother 87 What about (go)………… for a ride? 88 My father prefers (play)…………… football to (watch) TV 89 You must (work) …………hard if you want to succeed 90 She (go)………… away every weekend 91 You ought to (clean) ………….your room regularly 92 You look tired You must (sleep) ……… now 93 He (go) ………….abroad last week 94 “Where is Mr Green?” “He (go) ……….out ten minutes ago 95 I (see) …… you yesterday 96 He is busy now; he (write)…………… a letter 97 I’d like (meet)…………… Bush 98 She (study) ……… English every day 99 I prefer (drive) ……… to (ride)……… 100 We now (practice)…………… English 101 John (write)………… a letter now 102 I don’t enjoy (go)………… to the dentist 103 My father can (swim)………… very fast 104 He usually (write)………… in green ink 105 Our teacher (explain) …………that lesson to us tomorrow 106 He has a toothache He should (go) ………….to the dentist 107 They prefer (do)………… other things 108 I (give) ……… Mr Brown your message tomorrow 109 We (watch) ……….an interesting program on television last night 110 We (do)………… exercise thirteen right at the moment 111 I don’t like (play) …………computer games 112 Tom (buy) ………… a new car next week 113 He (live)…………… in London in 1938 114 Will you wait for me ……… the bus stop? 115 Jane is………….her bedroom 116 Daria's books are lying ……… the floor 117 Do you live ……… the city or ……… the country? 118 From afar, Heathcliff could see a light ………….the window 119 The car stalled and got stuck ………….the street 120 I'll use my cellular phone when I'm …………the bus, but never while I'm………….the car 121 Nam lived ……… 35 Quang Trung Street Now he lives……… Phan Chu Trinh Street 122 Jim is the office 123 His wife is home 124 He is sitting his desk DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER 125 She is working the kitchen table 126 He has papers his desk 127 She has a cookery book open the table 128 Jim goes the office eight 129 His wife stays home ten; then she goes the supermarket 130 the supermarket, she buys groceries 131 She walks her house the supermarket 132 She walks the end of her street a busy road 133 The courses is just the corner 134 She buys groceries the courses and vegetables an open market 135 Jim works the top floor an office block 136 He takes a lift (elevator) and 137 The only exciting thing that happened to Jim was that once the lift stopped the eighth and ninth floors and Jim was stuck it 138 He sat the floor until help came 139 When she has a lot to buy, Mary takes the car and parks the car park, close the store 140 the supermarket, she walks the aisles, pushing her trolley the rows of shelves 141 She pays the checkout, loads the groceries the boot (trunk) of her car, and drives home 142 He (correct, correctly) defined the terms The answer sounded (correctly, correct) 143 She (quickly, quick) adjusted the fees She adapted (quick, quickly) to any situation 144 He measured the floor (exact, exactly) They proved to be (perfectly, perfect) (exact, exactly) measurements 145 The stillness of the tomb was (awfully, awful) The tomb was (awfully, awful) still 146 It was a (dangerously, dangerous) lake to swim in The man was (dangerous, dangerously) drunk The gas smelled (dangerously, dangerous) 147 She performed (magnificent, magnificently) It was a (magnificent, magnificently) beautiful performance 148 Her voice sounds (beautifully, beautiful) She sang the song (exact, exactly) as it was written We heard it (perfectly, perfect) 149 He was a very (sensibly, sensible) person He acted very (sensible, sensibly) 190 Mike wrote too (slow, slowly) on the exam He always writes (slow, slowly) 191 Talk (softly, soft) or don't talk at all The music played (softly, soft) 192 Andrea knows the material very (good, well) She always treats us (good, well) 193 You must send payments (regular, regularly) We deal on a (strictly, strict) cash basis 194 The mechanic's tools were (well, good) The foreman said that his work was (good, well) done 195 She worked (careful, carefully) with the sick child She was a very (careful, carefully) worker 196 He did not pass the course as (easy, easily) as he thought he would 197 I find this novel very (interesting, interestingly) It was (interesting, interestingly) written 198 The two chess players are very … (quiet/ quietly) 199 They are thinking very …… (hard/ hardly) 200 It was a very …… movie – only 45 minutes (short/ shortly) 201 We can’t go out It is raining … (heavy/ heavily) 202 He’s a player He’s one of the best forwards we have (quick/ quickly) 203 Not all beautiful singers can sing ……., of course (beautiful/ beautifully) 204 He is a fast runner He runs ……… (fast/ fastly) 205 When they were thinking of the penalty kicks, the ……… death happened (sudden/ suddenly) 206 The show started very…, as late as 10 p.m (late/ lately) 207 How are you today? I’m very …….Thanks And you? (good/ well) 208 Do roses always smell ……… ? (sweet/ sweetly) 209 He likes wearing ……… clothes (colorful/ colorfully) 210 My father doesn’t take risks when he is driving He’s always ……………… (careful/ carefully) 211 You look very …………… (happy/ happily) 212 Summer is always than winter (hot/ hotter/ hottest) 213 Car are than bicycles (fast - faster - fastest) 214 Minh is the of the three boys (tall /taller/tallest) 215 Mai looks more………(happy /happier / happiest) 216 He speaks English … than me (well /better /best) 217 Toyota cars are … than Daewoo cars (expensive/ more expensive /most expensive) 218 This dress is of the three dresses (expensive) 219 That dress is the of the two dresses (cheap) 221 Vietnamese students work hours than American ones (few) 222 He has money than his wife (much) 223 Summer holiday is than Tet holiday It is the holiday in the year (long) 224 He works hours than any workers (many) 225 Your clock is than my clock (good) 10 DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER 226 My father drinks beer than his friends (little) 227 My class has students than your class (few) 228 Farmers have time off than workers (little) 229.They produce milk this year than last year (much) 230 His writing is the in his class (good) 231 She is lazy She works .in her group (little) 232 My sister is than me (thin) 233 Which one is , this exercise or that one? (difficult) 234 Nam is student in my class (good) 235 Who works the ? (hard) 236 This dress is in this shop (expensive) 237 Your English is much .than mine (good) 238 Of the three hats, I like the black one (good) 239 Is the train in Viet Nam .the train in Paris? (good) 240 Her illness is than I think (bad) 241 Tom is tall, but his brother is (tall) 242 Tom is person that we know (happy) 243 The test is difficult, than we think (difficult) 244 It’s too noisy here Can we go somewhere ? (quiet) 245 Ann works her sister (hard) 246 Which is city in your country? (large) 247 The country is the town (clean) 248 Going by motorbike is .going by bus (dangerous) 249 She is girl in my class (beautiful) 250 Please give me the of the two cakes (small) 251 A bike is often than a car in busy cities (convenient) 252 Winter is season in the year (cold) 253 This book is of the three books (interesting) 254 The Nile River is river in the world (long) 255 Love is money (important) 256 Children in primary school are …than children in grade (young) 257 China is …………… than Thailand (big) 258 Summer is …………… than winter (hot) 259 My granddad is ……… than my grand mum (old) 260 This house is ………… than that one (beautiful) 261 Toyota cars are …… than Daewoo cars (expensive) 262 Lan speaks English ………… than Ba (good) 263.This is the ………… bridge in our country (long) 264 I think she is the ……singer in the group (good) 265 That is one of the ……………… films (bad) 266 She is a girl (beauty) 267 You look today (happy) 268 Look! He is driving (slow ) Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with (a little, a lot of, too much) I have done exercises of grammar You made mistakes in your writing The Smiths spent money on their last trip I not know ,… …………about biology I have knowledge about genetics The boys are making too noise We spend ……………… time on English grammar So your answer is bad There is ……………… sugar in the jar You must drink………………….water every day Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with much, many, lots of, a lot of, little, most, a little, little, a few, few 1.It seems to me that we've had……………… …… assignments in English this term How ……………… …… material can we be expected to read in one week? ……………… …… books are not in the library I've had ……………… …… headaches already because of stress ……………… …… depression can be attributed to being overworked Our yard looks awful this summer There are too ……………… …… weeds I didn't use ……………… …… fertilizer last spring, and that has made a difference Also, I've paid ……………… …… attention to how ……………… …… rain we've had I'm afraid it's rained ……………… …… times this summer, and the grass is turning brown and dying 10 ……………… …… experts say you should fertilize your lawn in the fall 11 DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH 11 It didn't seem to my lawn ……………… …… good 12 ……………… …… advice you get from experts doesn't seem to help 13 ……………… …… of my neighbors ignore their grass, and they have better lawns this year 14 They say ……………… …….knowledge is a bad thing 15 I know ……………… …… instances where that proves true 16 ……………… …… people know as much about computers as Tomas does 17 But it does him ……………… …… good when the whole system goes down Ex3: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of TO BE (am/is/are/was/were/will be) REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER 1.The homework ……… very difficult yesterday 2.The children ……… in the park five minutes ago 3.Nha Trang ………… a beautiful place 4.I ……… late for school yesterday 5.Hurry up or you ………… late for the bus 6.I hope you ………… a good doctor someday 7.Where ……… she yesterday? – She ……… at home 8.We ……… tired today We …… at the party last night 9.She unhappy because she doesn’t have any friends in the city 10 ………… you at home yesterday morning? EX4: Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box stay watch decide travel have be live receive visit start I my grandparents yesterday They ………… here five years ago The children …………… at home two days ago The seafood ………… very delicious Hoa …………… a letter from her pen pal Tim yesterday We ………… to learn how to use a computer last year He ………… to tell her the truth last night We ………… TV last night Last summer he …… ……… to Da Lat by coach We an interesting vacation months ago II READING teenagers to person pop music countries Most (1) ………… around the world watch TV Many people listen (2)……… the radio There are many popular shows on TV, such as: sport, (3)………… and games and one satellite TV station only shows pop videos In many (4)……… , people can receive satellite TV Often in large cities, cable TV is available About recently became land thanks surface breathing Most of the world’s (1)……… is water We may know the land very well, but we know very a little (2)………… the oceans Until (3)……… , man could not stay under water for long But now, with special ……… equipment, a diver can stay longer After the invention of this equipment, man could swim freely under water and scuba-diving (5)………….a popular sport We can learn more about the undersea world (6)……… to this invention Đọc đoạn văn sau trả lời câu hỏi: William Shakespear is the world famous English playswright He was born at Straford-on-Avon in 1564 He married Anne Hathaway when he was eighteen and had three children After that he left his family and went to London to begin his career as an actor, and later, a playwright He wrote thirty seven plays of all kinds: comedies, tragedies and histories He retired in 1611 and spent the last years of his life in Straford He died in 1616 and was buried in the church of Straford * Questions: 1/ Who is Shakespear? 2/ When did he marry? 3/ How many children did he have? 4/ How many plays did he write? Read the text ,then answer the questions (2,5pts) Nowadays Television becomes very popular Both old and young people enjoy watching it very much TV programs attract millions of viewers all around the world In addition to the news ,television stations also broadcast many interesting programs such as sports ,music ,cartoons ,wildlife ,popular science ,reports ,contests ,movies etc At present, people can enjoy a live programs on TV Live TV program helps us see events at the same time as they are happening In our country ,we often watch live TV programs of important events and international football matches 1, Who enjoy watching television ? 2,What television stations broadcast ? 3, What program helps us see events at the same time as they are happening ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER 4,What live TV programs you often watch in our country ? 5,Do you have a television set at home ? Đọc đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi phía Hoa went to the dentist last week because she had a toothache The dentist checked her teeth and found a cavity He filled her cavity and gave her some medicine to make her feel better.Hoa stopped hurting afterwards.Now she feel better because her teeth are OK a What was wrong with Hoa? b What did the dentist first? c.What did the dentist give Hoa? d.How does she feel now? Complete the passage with the words given in the boxThen answer the questions (Over many popular can strongest spreads small pair ) Today, badminton becomes a very (1) ……… sports activity It (2) …… quickly from the city to the countryside People need only a (3)……… of rackets, a shuttlecock, a net and a (4) …… piece of land to play the game Two or four players hit the shuttlecock (5) …… the net with their rackets People (6) …… play badminton in their free time or in a competition Now there are (7) …… badminton competitions and even a World Cup One of the (8) ……… countries in badminton is Indonesia * Questions What people need to play badminton? ………… Describe how people play badminton? ……… … What countries are the strongest in badminton?… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… … Điền từ thích vào chỗ trống để hồn thành đoạn văn sau: (explains, how, brush, surgery, kind, children, looks, scared) Dr Lai is a dentist She (1)……after people’s teeth Dr Lai’s ( 2) is clean and tidy Most children are (3)……… when they come to see Dr Lai , but she is a (4) …….women.She (5) ……what will happen so they are not afraid Dr Lai often gives (6) ……advice She tells them (7)……….to look after their teeth She reminds them to (8) ……their teeth regularly and eat sensibly * Chọn true (T) ,false (F) cho câu sau: 1/ Most children feel scared when they come to see Dr Lai 2/ Dr Lai is not kind Đọc đoạn văn sau chọn ( T ) hay sai ( F ) cho câu sau: In 1960, most people in Viet Nam didn/t have a.TV set The people with TVs were Popular In the evening, the neighbors would gather around the T V They would stay until the T.V programs finished Viet Nam is different today More familers have a T.V set and life is more comfortable But neighbors don/t know each other as well as they did in the past 1.In 1960 most people in Viet Nam had a TV set 2.The people with TVs were popular 3.The neighbors would gather around the TV in the morning 4.More people have a TV set today 5.Now they don/t spend much time together Reading the following passage Choose T(True) or F(False) Nowadays,football becomes one of the world’s most populagames.Millions of people play and watch it all around the word A football match often has two parts Each part is 45 minutes The first part is the first half and the second part is the second half There is a fifteen-minute break between the two halves There are two teams in a football match Each football team has eleven players,including a goal-keeper 1) Today,football becomes very popular all around the world 2)Millions of people play football 3) A football match has three parts 4)There is no break in a football match 5)Each football team has eleven players and a goal-keeper 10 Đọc đoạn văn sau, làm tập sau You are feeling weak You’ve got a headache and pain in your back Your temperature is up over 380 C You may sweat a lot and don’t want (1) _ Those symptoms show that you’ve got flu.There’re no quick cure for flu because when you have flu you have a virus You don’t have to see the doctor because medicines can’t (2) the flu They just relieve the symptoms You’ll feel better after a few days So what should you when you’ve got flu? You’d (3) stay indoors and keep warm Besides, you should have plenty (4) cool drinks: water, fruit or milky drinks Try to have three light meals a day and rest bed if you can And remember (5) away from the crowds so that you don’t give flu -(6) - others A Chọn đáp án A eat B to eat C ate D did eat A.Be cured B cure C did cure D cured A.Good B well C better D best A in B of C for D from A.To stay B staying C stayed D did stay A To B at C on D in B.Chọn đúng/ sai cho câu sau: One symptoms of flu is aching back Medicines can cure flu quickly Other people can catch flu from you You should stay inside and keep warm when you have had flu Don’t drink orange juice when you have got flu You should eat three light meals a month and rest bed 11 Read the passage and the exercise: 13 DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER Ba went to the doctor beacause he was sick.The doctor asked Ba some questions.Ba said he ate some spinach last night.The doctor said he must wash the spinach carefully.It can be dirty.The dust can make people sick.She gave Ba some medicine to make him feel better ฀Answer the questions : Why did Ba go to the doctor ? What did Ba eat last night ? Did she give him some advice ? What did the doctor give Ba ? ? 12 Read the following passage and answer the questions Millions of young people play video games Some play them at home,others play them in arcades The inventors of the games become very rich Some of inventors are as young as 14 or 15.These games are good fun, but players must be careful They should not spend much time on these games because they can become tired or dizzy Sometimes, Players spend too much time on their own because they like to play video games so much 1) What millions of young people play ? 2) Where they play videogames ? 3) Do the inventors of the games become very rich ? 4)Are these games good fun ?…………………………………………………………………………… 5) Why shouldn’t the players spend much time on these games ? 13 Complete the story with the correct form of the provided words : (do get polish have change put drink iron take talk) Yesterday, Na(1) up and(2) .a shower She(3) on clean clothes She(4) her shoes and put them on She(5) her breakfast and went to school At recess , she (6) with her friends and (7) some water At home , she(8) into yellow pants and a blue shirt After dinner, she(9) her clothes and then she(10) her homework She went to bed at 10 o’clock 14 Đọc đoạn văn sau, làm tập sau James Cook was born in England in 1728 His parents (1) …… poor farm workers (2) ……James was 18, he found a job on a coastal ship He worked on ships until he was 27 years old, and then he joined the navy He fought (3) …… Canada in a war against France In 1768 King George III made him the captain of a ship and (4) …… him to the Pacific He was away for nearly three years when he(5) ……, he was a national hero A are B be C were D was A while B when C because D during A at B in C to D against A got B sent C send D sending A got B came C returned D arrived 15 Đọc đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi: In the summer holidays, Mr Hung, Mrs Chi and their children, Tuan and Hoa often go to the beach for two or three days They always go to Vung Tau in the south of Vietnam They usually stay in a small house or a flat by the sea, but sometimes they stay in a hotel Last summer they went to Nha Trang They stayed at Sunshine Hotel for three days In the morning , Tuan played football with his father on the beach Hoa and her mother walked along the beach and built sandcastles They visited Tri Nguyen Aquarium and saw different kinds of fish there They also bought a lot of souvenirs for friends 1/ Where does Hoa’s family often go for their summer holidays? 2/ How long they often stay there ? 3/ Where they usually stay? 4/ What did Hoa and her mother there in the morning? 5/ What did they see at Tri Nguyen Aquarium? 16 Read the passage and answer the question that followReading: When I was twelve, my family moved to the city.At first everything was strange and difficult to me.Life in the city is always busy and the people are often in a hurry I hated the noise and the busy roads I hated crossing the road most.A lot of bikes , motorbikes, cars and buses coming from every direction scared me Now I get used to the life in the city.But I don’t really like the life in the city I prefer to live in the country 1/When did his family move to the city?………………………………………………… 2/Was everything strange to him at first?_ ……………………………………………………… 3/ What does he think about the city life and the city people?……………………………… 4/ Does he life to live in the city?_ ………………… 5/ What does he prefer? 17 Read the text and exercises ( Đọc làm tập bên dưới) Young people prefer the town to the country because they love the noisy and busy life there They also think that it is easier to get money in the town than in the country Therefore, more and more young people leave the country for the town every year Different from young people, old people like living in the country because the country is not so noisy and busy as the town The air in the country is much fresher (fresh: lành) than the air in the town, too Therefore, after stopping working, many of old people move to their home villages *True (T) or False (F) _ Young people like to live in the town _ There is a busy and noisy life in the town _ The air in the town is fresh _ Old people think that it is easier to get money in the town 14 DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER 18 Choose the word in the box that best fits each of the blank spaces (still bad because feels absent medicines stay took) Huong was (1) from class yesterday .(2) she had a (3) cold She had to (4) in bed all day Her mother (5) her temperature three times Huong took (6) and drank orange juice Now she is .(7) lying in the bed, but she .(8) a lot better Question: 1/ Why was Huong absent class yesterday? 2/ What did she have to do? 19 Đọc đoạn văn sau làm theo yêu cầu dưới: Thirty years ago in Viet Nam, very few people had TV sets TV owners were very popular After dinner, their neighbors gathered both inside and outside their houses to watch the black and white TV programs.The older people might sleep a little and the children might play with their friends, but no one went home until the TV programs finished Time have changed Today, many families have a TV set People sit in their own living rooms and watch TV Life is more comfortable now, but many neighbors don’t spend much time together any more * Chọn Đúng (T) hay Sai (F) cho câu sau: 1.Thirty years ago in Viet Nam, a lot of people had TV sets.(….) 2.Today, many neighbors don’t spend much time together any more.(…) 20 Complete the passage with the suitable words in the box (arrived ambulance order accident awake tight offer stop) Yesterday, when I was riding along a busy street, I saw an (1) _ A woman was knocked down when she crossed the street at a zebra crossing Many people stopped to(2) _ their help A police man arrived and asked a young man to telephone for an (3) While waiting for the ambulance, the policeman and some people tried to (4) _the bleeding They used a handkerchief to cover the wound, then put pressure on it and held it (5) They tried to talk to her in (6) _to keep her (7) _After about three minutes, the ambulance (8) and the woman was taken to the hospital 21 Complete the passage with the suitable words and decide whether the sentences are True or False In 1960s, (1)…….… people in Viet Nam did not have a TV set The people with TVs were (2)…… In the evening, the neighbors would (3)……… around the TV They would stay until the TV programs (4)……… Viet Nam (5)…… … different today More families (6)……… a TV set and life is more (7)………… But they don’t know each other as well as they did in the (8)……… 1) a.few b.most c more 5) a is b was c will be 2) a popular b.famous c rich 6) a have b has c had 3) a.gathers b.gathered c gather 7) a difficult b boring c comfortable 4) a started b finished c.began 8) a future b.present c past Sentences True False Today, many families have a TV set Neighbors spend much time together now TV owners were popular Many years ago few people had a TV set in Viet Nam 22.Choose the suitable word to fill in the blank medicine - aksed - spinach - sick - went Ba (1) to the doctor because he was (2) The doctor (3) Ba some questions Ba said he ate some (4) last night The doctor said he must wash the spinach carefully It can be dirty The dirt can make people sick The doctor gave Ba some (5) to make him feel better for - symtomps - knows - whatever - unpleasant Everybody knows the (1) : a runny nose, a slight fever, coughing and sneezing It is very (2) , but nobody (3) a cure.At the drugstore, there are usually shelves with cold “cures” These medicines don’t cure a cold but they relieve the symtomps (4) you do, your cold will last (5) a few days and then disappear 23.Fill in the blanks with WAS or WERE It was a beautiful day The sun(1) hot and the sky(2)…… blue James and Wendy(3)…… on the beach They (4)…… with their three children The children(5)…… in the sea The sea(6)… a bit cold but the children(7) … very happy There(8)……lots of other children in the sea too: some of them(9)…… in the water with their parents Wendy and James(10)…… on the sand and James(11)… asleep with a book on his face But suddenly there(12) …grey clouds all over the sky and the sun(13)…not hot any more The beautiful weather(14) … finished and there(15)… wet picnics and wet people everywhere A British summer holiday! 24.Open brackets : Mr.Tam(be)….…a teacher Two years ago, he(teach)…… math in a small school in the country But now he(teach) … at a high school in the city Every day, Mr Tam (get) …… up at half past five After his morning exercises, he (take) … bath and (have)……… breakfast with his wife Then he (leave) ……… home for school at a quarter to seven 15 DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER Yesterday(be) …… Sunday Mr Tam (not go) 9… to school He and his wife (visit) … his parents in the countryside He (buy) ….them lots of presents Mr Tam and his wife (spend) …… their day off with parents They (return) …… home at 9.30 in the evening 25 Choose the word ( A,B,C, D) that best fits each of the space: Mai: I have a bad (1)…………………… Dr Nam : Open your mouth, please Don’t (2)………………………… You have one (3)…………… The tooth looks very (4)…………………… Do you like sweet things? Mai: Yes I often have candy, cakes and soft drink Dr Nam : Eating too much sweet food is bad (5)………………you How often you (6)……………your teeth? Mai: Oh, I…well, sometimes I (7)………………… to brush my teeth Dr Nam : Try to brush your teeth regularly Brushing your teeth is very important Clean teeth are (8)………… teeth A headache B toothache C stomachache D.backache A worried B serious C scared D worry A tooth B cavity C drill D appointment A good B well C bad D badly A for B on C with D at A wash B comb C polish D brush A forget B forgot C forgets D don’t forget A healthy B health C healthful D healthily 26 Read the text and answer the questions : In summer holidays , Mr Huong, Mrs Chi and their children, Tuan and Hoa often go to the beach for two or three days They always go to Vung Tau in the South of Viet Nam They usually stay in a small house by the sea, but sometimes they stay in a hotel Last summer, they went to Nha Trang They stayed at Sunshine hotel for three days In the morning, Tuan played soccer with his father on the beach Hoa and her mother walked along the beach and built sandcastles They visited Tri Nguyen Aquarium and saw different kinds of fish there They also bought a lot of souvenirs for their friends * to build sandcastles : xây lâu đài cát Where does Hoa’s family often go for their family? …………………………………………… How long they stay there ?…………………………………………………………………… Where did they go last summer ?……………………………………………………………… What did Hoa and her mother there ?……………………………………………………… Did they buy a lot of souvenirs for there friends ?…………………………………………… 27 Read the passage and choose the correct answer : Most people need from seven to eight hours of sleep a night Some people need less than this, and some people need more Many people have difficulty sleeping, but they don’t know why Most people know it is important not to drink coffee or tea before they go to bed Dr Schachter says, “ You should not use your bedroom as a TV room or an exercise room You should use it for sleeping only It’s a good idea to have a regular sleeping schedule Get up or go to bed at the same time every day It’s also important not to eat before bedtime Eating may keep you awake.” Questions : How many hours people need to sleep a night? A seven hours B eight hours C more than eight hours D All are correct Why people have difficulty sleeping? A Because they go to bed too late B Because they go to bed too early C They don’t know why D All are correct What shouldn’t people before they go to bed? A drink coffee B drink tea C exercise D A & B You should use your bedroom…………… A as a TV room B as an exercise room C for sleeping only D All are correct What should people if they don’t want to have difficulty sleeping? A They should have a regular sleeping schedule B They shouldn’t eat before they go to bed C They shouldn’t watch TV before they go to bed D A & B 28 Read the text then decide T or F Nowadays , football becomes one of the world’s most popular games Millions of people play and watch it all around the world A football match often has two parts Each part is 45 minutes The first part is the fist half and the second part is the second half There is a fifteen – minute break between the two halves There are two teams in a football match Each football team has eleven players, including a goal – keeper The players on the ground try to kick the ball into the other’s goal The team which scores more goals wins the match Today , football becomes very popular all around the world Millions of people play football 16 DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER A football match has two halves of 45 minutes each There is no break in a football match Each football team has eleven players and a goal-keeper in the field The winning team is the team scores more goals 29 Read the text and answer the questions : Nowadays , television becomes very popular Both old and young people enjoy watching it very much TV programs attract millions of viewers all around the world In addition to the news , televisions stations also broadcast many interesting programs such as sport, music , cartoon , wild life popular science , report , contests , movies ,ect At present , people can enjoy a live program on TV Live program helps us see events at the same time as they are happening In our country, we often watch live programs of important events and international football matches * to attract(v) : thu hút in addition to ( exp) : Thêm vào to broadcast (v) : phát ( chương trình phát truyền hình) live program : chương trình trực tiếp 1.Who enjoy watching television? …………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.What television stations broadcast? …………………………………………………………………………………… 3.What program helps us see events at the same time as they are happening.? ……………………………………………… 4.What live programs we often watch in our country? …………………………………………………………………… 5.Do you have a television set at home ? …………………………………………………………………………………… 6.What kind of program you like best? …………………………………………………………………………………… 7.How often you watch television? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 30 Read the passage below then say whether the following sentences are T or F & answer the questions There are different sports activities at my school but I only take part in one club called “ Walking For Fun” We organized a club of WFF last year A lot of students join this club The regular activity of the club is a km walk to the beach on Sunday morning Another activity is a walk-to-school day ( or WTS day) We also try to walk to school instead of taking motorbike or bicycle Walking is a healthy activity It is easy and inexpensive to People of all ages and abilities can enjoy it There was a club of “ Walking For Fun” at school last year ( .) Only young people can walking activity.( .) What sports activity does the writer take part in ? …………………………………………………… What are the two activity of the club (of WFF) ? ……………………………………………………… How far is it from the school to the beach? …………………………………………………………… Why people can enjoy walking? ………………………………………………………………………… 31 Complete the passage, using the words from the list (know, undersea, invention, oceans, cameras, water, land, explore) Most of the world’s surface is We may know the very well, but very little about the Now, we can the oceans, using special TV as well We can learn more about the world thanks to this III WRITING Make up questions for the underlined words: I saw her last night……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Her neighbor gave her a nice dress …………………………………………………………………………………… They returned to America two weeks ago ……………………………………………………………………………… Mrs Robinson bought a poster ………………………………………………………………………………………… My father was in Hanoi last month …………………………………………………………………………………… He traveled to Nha Trang by coach …………………………………………………………………………………… She went to the doctor because she was sick …………………………………………………………………………… Nam left home at o’clock yesterday ………………………………………………………………………………… She jogs kilometers a day ………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 It’s about 200 meters from my school to the post office ……………………………………………………………… 11.The dictionary is 200,000 dong ………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 I’d like some local stamps and a phone card ………………………………………………………………………… 13 Tim is my pen pal in England ………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 I need a phone card to phone my parents……………………………………………………………………………… 15 Mr Viet is a farmer …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 Lan often goes to the library in her free time ………………………………………………………………………… 17 My mother is cooking in the kitchen at the moment ………………………………………………………………… 18 Nam likes playing soccer after school ………………………………………………………………………………… 19 I go to the movies twice a month ……………………………………………………………………………………… 20 Hoa will be twelve on her next birthday ……………………………………………………………………………… 21 Nam’s favorite subject is Electronics ………………………………………………………………………………… 17 DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER 22 The shoes cost 50,000 dong …………………………………………………………………………………………… 23 My family name is Nguyen (what) …………………………………………………………………………………… 24 My younger sister is eight years old (how old) ……………………………………………………………………… 25 Their father goes to work by motorbike (how) ………………………………………………………………………… 26 No, it isn’t My old school is much smaller than this one (is) ………………………………………………………… 27.It’s about 500 meters from the house to the nearest bus stop (how far) ………………………………………………… 28.My brother has a lot of English books (who/what) ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 29.We shall go to the market tomorrow morning (when/where) …………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 30.The children are doing the exercises in the classroom (what/where) …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 31 Mrs Hoa teaches us English (who/whom) ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 32 My mother is going to buy three kilos of sugar (how much/how many) …….………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 33 Lan is 14 years old.……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34 They ate a lot of cakes last night ………………………………………………………………………………………… 35 Hoa went to the dentist because she had a bad toothache.…… ………………………………………………………… Arrange the sentences 1, house / is / the market / far / to / from / how / it / Trang’s? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 2, lives / street / grandparents / he / Hoang Quoc Viet / his / on / with ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3, many / old / students / my / have / doesn’t / class ……………………………………………………………………………………… 4, Mrs / the boy / to / who / Quyen / talking / is ? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 5, smaller / new / old / her / house / Hoa’s / one / school / is /than ……………………………………………………………………………………… 6, goes / bus / Hoang / day / work / Mr / every / to/ by ……………………………………………………………………………………… 7, new / from / one / is / house / his / how / different / Minh’s / old? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 8, because / parents / is/ she / Nguyet / misses / unhappy / her ……………………………………………………………………………………… 9, friends/ town / lot / does / her / Nhung / of / in / a / have? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 10, lunch / o’clock / going / it’s / and / the / twelve / we’re / to / room ……………………………………………………………………………………… 11.you / work / to / want / we / with ……………………………………………………………………………………… 12.know / you / / likes / he / how / meat? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 13.there / excuse / a / ! / post / is / me / near / office / here? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 14.that / you / the / , / want / is / post / letter / to / Mai? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 15.is / interested / Mai / experiments / doing / in ……………………………………………………………………………………… 16.him / tell / I’ll / please / call / after / / again ……………………………………………………………………………………… 17.Huong / be / November 20th / , / twelve / on / will / Saturday ……………………………………………………………………………………… 19 headache/ Nam/ /is /a /having ……………………………………………………………………………… 20 last/ what/ did/ night/ you/ eat /? ……………………………………………………………………………… 21 come/ why/ Lan/ school/ didn’t/ to/ yesterday/ ? ……………………………………………………………………………… 22 go/ this/ what/ did/ time/ you/ school/ morning/ to /? 18 DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER ……………………………………………………………………………………… Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first 1.My mother likes walking better than cycling →My mother prefers……………………………………………… 2.Why don’t we go to the movies this weekend? → What about……………………………………………………… 3.They like to travel to Nha Trang on their vacation →They enjoy……………………………………………………… 4.Let’s see a detective film →How about……………………………………………………… 5.You should not watch TV too late →You ought……………………………………………………… 6.Let’s go to the beach →Why don’t we…………………………………………………… 7.Michael Jordan is a skillful basketball player →He plays………………………………………………………… 8.Michael Jordan is a skillful basketball player →Michael Jordan plays ………………………………………… 9.She is not a quick runner → She does ……………………………………………………… 10.His brother cycles safely → His brother …………………………………………………… 11.Nam is taller than any students in his class →Nam is the 12.He works 72 hours a week His wife works 56 hours a week →He works hours his wife → His wife works hours him 13.What about going to the movies? → Why 14.Where does she live? → What 15.What you do? → What 16.The dress is very old → What 17 What subject does she like best? → What is 18.How much is the hat? → How much does 19.Lan is taller than Hoa → Hoa is 20.No one in the group is taller than Trung → Trung 21.I get to work in half an hour → It takes 22.How much is this dictionary? → How much does 23.How about eating out tonight in a restaurant? → Why don’t we 24 Do you want me to help you? (Shall) ………………………………………………………………………………… 25 Shall we go to the zoo? (Let’s) ………………………………………………………………………………………… 26 My father will have dinner After that he will watch TV (…… first, then …)……………………………………… 27 Is there a garden in your house? (have) ………………………………………………………………………………… 28 My friend doesn’t have any stamps (no) ……………………………………………………………………………… 29 Do you have to get up early every day? (must) ………………………………………………………………………… 30 Nam can speak English very well (able) ……………………………………………………………………………… 31 The sun is shinning today (sunny) …………………………………………………………………………………… Write sentences with the cues given 1.Tuan / like / watch / children’s program …………………………………………………………………………………… 2.They / show / good / film / TV / last night …………………………………………………………………………….…… 3.What / kinds / program / you / like? ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4.Lan / prefer / classical music / opera ………………………………………………………………………………… …… 5.There / be / lots / music / program / TV…………………………………………………………………………………… The weather is bad today ( you / stay inside ) ……………………………………………………………….( give advice) Lan is having a headache ( she / see / doctor ) …………………………………………………………… ( give advice) 10 We like carrots ……………………………………… I ( make a sentence, using so) 11 Ba /go / the doctor / he / be /sick / last Sunday …………………………………………………………………………… 12 Yesterday / I / write / a lether / my friend ……………………………………………………………………………… 13 My father / work / Hue / a few years ago / …………………………………………………………………………… 14 Nam / be / absent / class / because / have / fever / last Monday ………………………………………………………… 15 My father / pefer / coffee / tea …………………………………………………………………………………………… 16.How / listening/ music / ? 17.We / should / learn / swim /are / young 18.Nga/ invite / Lan / her party / last Sunday 19.Yesterday / Tom / cycle / his / bike / safe / and / Mary / too 20.I/ not/ go/ school/ bike/ last year 21 He/ tell/ me/ not/ talk/ class/ last week……………………………………………………………………………… 22 You/ look/ well/ than/ you/ yesterday……………………………………………………………………………… 23 I/ happy/ meet/ her/ new school ………………………………………………………………………………… 24 Can/ tell/ me/ how/ get/ post office? ……………………………………………………………………………… 25 books/ English/ as/ thick/ ones/ French…………………………………………………………………………… 26 How / heavy / mother ? …………………………………………………………………………………… 27 Yesterday / Hoa / not go / school / beacause / have / cold ……………………………………………………… 28 What kinds / programs / you / like ? ……………………………………………………………………………… 19 DeThiMau.vn REVIEW - 2nd SEMESTER 29 You / must / clean / room ………………………………………………………………………………………… 30 Would / you / like / have / dinner / house / tonight ? …………………………………………………………… ENGLISH 31.She / buy a lot of souvenirs / last summer vacation ………………………………………………………… 32.She / sometimes / go / public library / but / I / not ………………………………………………………… 33.Most children / scared of / see / dentist ……………………………………………………………………… 34.They / prefer / orange juice / lemon juice ……………………………………………………………… 35.You / should / play / video games / a long time ………………………………………………………… VIII/ Corecting mistakes We did not spent our summer holiday in Dalat last year My brother often has three – weeks summer vacation Does Nam have less stamps than Viet? Chi usually spends two hours to her homework every evening What did you bought at the souvenir store yesterday? When I first saw her, I thought she looked happily Did you not understand what I said to you? The dress was pink and little white flowers on it What clever brother you have! 10 My mother bought for me a nice schoolbag on the occasion of a new school year 11 When I am ill my mother looks at me 12 Students have work hard at school and at home 13 James will be seventeen on his next birthday 14 Would you like going to the movies tonight? 15 This room is the newest of the two although it is a little smaller 16 We didn’t wanted to go the park this morning 17 The shop closed last ten minutes 18 I can’t speak Chinese and neither can’t my mother 19 They like ski 20 Did you saw the match last night on TV? 21 I will speak with you about your last vacation 22 Coffee is not very good to your health 23 The wait room was full of people when I arrived 24 Hoa prefers reading books to play video games 25 After each lesson, we often have a ten-minutes test 26 Million of foreign visitors come to Vietnam every year 27 Would you like going to the movies with us tonight? 28 My sister likes badminton but she doesn’t play it very good 29 Does your father prefer tea or coffee? 30.With addition to the bad service, the cost of the accommodation is too high 31 It will take us 20 minutes to getting to the station on foot 32 The teacher made us to finish that math question 33 Did you go on holiday by your own? 34 He said “good morning” to me friendly 35 My brother has two radioes 36 I don’t know mothing about it 37 He asked me where am I from 36 Jane arrived at her school by a new car IV TRẮC NGHIỆM What awful restaurant! a an b a c one d the We ……… English at the moment a are learn b learn c learning d are learning This dress is the expensive of the four dresses a best b more c most d the most is it from here to school? a How long b How high c How far d How What about …………… games? a play b playing c to play d to playing He writes articles for a newspaper He is a a journalist b teacher c doctor d musician Minh television every night 20 DeThiMau.vn ... books than she Với danh từ không đếm được: a So sánh nhiều hơn: S1+ V + more + danh từ không đếm + than + S2 I have more money than she b So sánh hơn: S1+ V + less + danh từ không đếm + than + S2... (không phép) Have / has to + V (phải) Don’t / doesn’t have to + V (không phải) Should ( not ) + V nên (không nên) Ought ( not) to + V nên (không nên) Had better ( not ) + V .nên (không... THÁN): What + a/an + adj + noun! (danh từ đếm số ít) - What a nice house! What + adj + noun! (danh từ đếm số nhiều) - What nice houses! What + adj + noun! (danh từ không đếm ) - What good job! How

Ngày đăng: 28/03/2022, 23:51


