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ENGLISH REVIEW THE 2ND SEMESTER REVISION  LÍ THUYẾT A RELATIVE CLAUSES (MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ) * RELATIVE PRONOUNS (ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ) Chức Chỉ người Chỉ vật Examples  I saw the man He is your brother  I saw the man who/ that is your brother Chủ ngữ Who / that Which / that  The book is mine It is on the table  The book which/ that is on the table is mine Tân ngữ Whom / that Which / that  The girl is my sister You met her yesterday  The girl whom you met yesterday is my sister  The story is very interesting I read it this morning  The story which / that I read this morning is very interesting B CONDITONAL SENTENCES (CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN) Cụng thức Cách Loại Examples dùng Mệnh đề If Mệnh đề  S + Cú thể  If + S + V(s/es)  If he learns hard, he will pass his will/can/should/may/ + V I xảy /(thỡ tại), exam (bare)  It you see Lan, please let me know  Cõu mệnh lệnh Khụng  If + S + V (thỡ quỏ  If I had enough money now, I would  S + would/ could + V thể xảy khứ đơn, to be : travel around the world II (bare) were)  If I were you, I would love her  Notes: Unless = If…not (Nếu khụng / trừ phi) Examples:  Unless you get up early, you will be late  If you don’t get up early, you will be late C CÁC CẤU TRÚC THƯỜNG GẶP Suggestions (Câu đề nghị) Suggestions Responses a S + suggest + V-ing (+) That’s a good idea b S + suggest (that) + S’ +should + V(bare) OK / All right c What about + V-ing ? d How about + V-ing? e Shall we + V(bare) ? (-) No I don’t want to f Let’s + V(bare) I prefer to Let’s g I think we should + V(bare) h Why don’t we/ you + V(bare) ? i Why not + V(bare) ? j It would be better if you + V(bare) Compliments (Lời khen ngợi) Give a compliment Respond to a compliment Well done Thanks That’s a great/ an excellent It’s nice of you to say so Let me congratulate you on That’s very kind of you Sau giới từ động từ phải thêm đuôi Ing On/in/of/by…… + V- ing Eg: We can save reduce garbage by collecting plastic bags Các liên từ: A Mệnh đề trạng ngữ nguyên nhân: Because, as, since, for, now that – Eg: They can’t go out becauce it’s very cold outside  Note: For: ln đứng sau mệnh đề Eg: The old man gets tired for he walks a long way Because of Due to ( vì) + noun/ gerund phrase Owing to Eg: She got ill because he worked hard She got ill because of working hard Tom didn’t go to the movies due to having seen the film DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW * Sự khác Because & Because of: because + pronoun/ noun + be + adj because of + poss/the + adj + noun ( tính từ sở hữu) Eg: This man can’t see well because he’s old This man can’t see well because of his old age B Mệnh đề nhượng bộ: Although, even though, though Eg: Although it’s raining, Peter goes to the fields * Note: Nếu mệnh đề nhượng đứng trước, phải có dấu phẩy Peter goes to the fields although it’s raining -Despite -In spite of + V-ing/ noun phrase Eg: Despite working hard, he can’t support his large family Athough he works hard, he can’t support his large family C Từ nối : - And( và): dùng thêm thông tin Eg:His father is a docter and he works in hospital -or( hoặc): diễn tả lựa chọn Eg: Do you study Maths or Chemistry? -But(nhưng): nối hai ý tương phản Eg: He is fat but his brother isn’t -So(do đó, thế): diễn tả hậu Eg: He is busy, so he can’t help you - Therefore(do đó) đồng nghĩa với So, hậu Eg: He is busy; therefore he can’t help you *Khác với So: Therefore - theo sau dấu phẩy(,) dấu chấm phẩy(;) dấu chấm câu(.) - However(Tuy nhiên): diễn tả tương phản, đồng nghĩa với But (nhưng) nối liền hai mệnh đề Eg: He’s over seventy; however, he’s still active It’s raining hard; the game is, however, going on  EXERCISES I Choose a, b, c or d to complete the following sentences: Unit 6: THE ENVIRONMENT I’m disappointed people have spoiled this area A that B when C if D with We couldn’t go on a picnic as planned it was raining hard A although B but C because D so Because plastic bags are very hard to _ They will cause pollution A dissolve B wrap C tear D collect Crops are sprayed with _to kill insects A fertilizer B manure C dung D pesticide If people public transport, there will be less pollution A.use B will use C can use D used If it is raining this evening, I _ A will go out B don't go out C go out D won't go out You used to live in Los Angeles, ? A don’t you B usen’t you C did you D didn’t you If the sea water continues to be polluted, many fish species _ A became B will become C would become D become We postponed the picnic _ A because it rained heavy B because of the heavily rain C because it was heavy raining D because it was raining heavily 10 Plants _if they don’t get sun and water A die B would die C won’t die D are going to die 11 Where you go if you have a car? A have B had C will D did 12 If we go _littering, the environment will become seriously polluted A on B in C with D off 13 I suggest _to the movies A going B to go C go D went 14 He is tired _he stayed up late watching TV A so B because C but D and Unit 7: SAVING ENERGY _is a person who installs and repairs water pipes A electrician B carpenter C locksmith D plumber We decided not to go out for meal _we were too tired A but B because C so D and I can't hear the radio Could you turn it a little? A up B down C on D off If you want to save money, you should _ the amount of water your family uses A increase B reduce C adapt D repair In order to save electricity, an ordinary 100-watt light-bulb can be replaced by _ A an energy-saving bulb B an energy-save bulb C a saving energy bulb D save-energy bulb Who is going to look after your children when you're at work? A search B regard C take care of D help Mary's eyes are weak, _ she has to wear glasses A but B however C and D therefore An enormous amount of money has been wasted on this project A very important B very large C very small D very limited DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW Can you turn _the light? It’s too dark A.on B off C.in D for 10 What are you looking _?-My picture book I’ve lost it A.on B off C.in D for 11 She won’t take all these suitcases she likes to travel light.A.so B but C because D therefore 12 What can we to spend less _lighting? A.in B on C about D of 13 Her electricity was cut when she didn't pay her bill A out B of C off D down Unit : CELEBRATIONS Can you tell me the reasons for .the Mother's Day? A celebrating B celebration C celebrate D celebrated We think that Mother's Day should be celebrated A nationhood B nation wide C nationality D nation lh We are going to… the anniversary of our 50 wedding A to celebrate B celebrated C celebrating D celebrate There used to be a military… in Red Square on 1st May A parade B festival C party D celebration What activities you want to .in at school and at the club? A taking part in B taken part in C take part D took part It's very nice .you to say so! A in B on C of D at Passover is celebrated in Israel and by all people A English B Vietnamese C Japanese D Jewish On Easter Day, people crowd the street to watch colorful … A.shows B parades C.paradises D.contests We are so proud…… her for telling the truth A.in B with C of D at 10 Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or early February A.begins B causes C happens D carries 11 To the one who says never lose heart and always finish what you start A.feel disappointed B feel nervous C feel very worried D feel very sad 12 He is the most ….activist in the town A.effective B.effect C.effection D.effectively 13 Last night we came to the show late the traffic was terrible A although B despite C and D because 14 I lived in Dalat, is one of the most beautiful cities of Vietnam A who B which C whom D whose 15 The people live in Greece speak Greek A which B whom C where D who 16 Auld Lang Syne is a song is sung on New Year's Eve A which B who C whom D when 17 Peter, can compose many pieces of music, sings very well.A which B whom C who D whose 18 .he likes chocolate, he tries not to eat it A As B Though C Since D Despite 19 Do you know the man you met yesterday? A who B whom C which D whose 20 The men and animals.… you saw on TV were from China A who B whom C which D that 21 Tet is a festival occurs in late January or early February A who B which C whom D when 22 The car he has just bought is very expensive A who B whom C which D whose Unit 9: NATURAL DISASTERS According to the weather , it will be raining tonight A forecast B forecaster C forecasted D forecasting The can know when a volcano will erupt nowadays A science B scientific C scientists D scientifically A tropical storm which reaches 120 meters per hour is called a .in North and South America A typhoon B cyclone C hurricane D tornado We can usually predict when a volcano will… A abrupt B erupt C abruptness D eruption The roof under the weight of snow last night A collapse B collapsing C collapsed D collapses He warned me of the .in the forest A dangers B dangerousness C dangerously D dangerous Pompeii was completely in AD 79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius A to destroy B destroy C destroyed D destroying Many people become .because of the natural disasters every year A homeland B homesick C homeless D homework Mount Pinatubo, is a volcano in the Philippines, erupted in 1991 A which B who C whom D whose 10 Tornadoes and funnel-shaped storms can suck up anything is in their path A who B whom C that D whose 11 We since we left school A don't meet B didn't meet C won't meet D haven't met 12 I'll bring some raincoats just in case I hope my friends laugh at me A didn't B won't C don't D haven't 13 In 1995, a huge earthquake………… the city of Kobe in Japan A strike B struck C striking D striked 14 Tidal waves the result of an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the Earth A are B were C is D was 15 A funnel-shaped storm that passes overland below a thunderstorm is called a …… A typhoon B tsunami C.tornado D hurricane 16 Tidal waves are the result of an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the earth A.clear B.sudden C.impressive D.slight 17 On Passover, Jewish people celebrate freedom … slavery A on B to C in D from 18 I must congratulate you your excellent exam results A.for B.in C on D.with DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW 19 The word … means “big wind” in Chinese A.hurricane B tornado C.typhoon D.tsunami 20 What is the name of the man….gave you a lift? A he B what C which D.who 21 She is very intelligent ……, she’s quite lazy A.Therefore B.But C However D So 22 He has already been… as a candidate A.called B.nominated C remembered D.said Unit 10 : LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS When you are in orbit, you will be able to get……… of your seat A in B on C out D down The crew have been living …… space for over three months A in B at C on D for Do you believe …… the existence of UFOs? A on B in C at D for There’s no……… that life exists on other planets A experience B condition C creature D.evidence Scientists have spent years collecting information about UFOs a containing b.requiring c.gathering d.seeking When a …… enters the earth’s atmosphere, it makes a bright line in the night sky A moon B.UFO C balloon D meteor The UFO stayed in the sky for about thirty seconds and then it went away A disappeared B.appeared C.flew D.traveled The earth takes a year to ……… the sun A approach B move C orbit D connect Scientists say that if people see a UFO, it …… an aircraft A must be B would be C might be C should be 10 What makes you ………in the existence of UFOs? A.believe B to believe C believing D belief 11 If everyone … , how would we control air traffic? A.can fly B.will fly C.flies D.could fly 12 I’ll give you a call if I …… some help A.will need B.need C.would need D.needed 13 Gloria never seems to get tired I sure wish I …… her energy A.would have B have C.had D.have had 14 On July 20, 1969, Astronaut Neil Armstrong …… down onto the moon A.stepped B has stepped C.was stepping D.had stepped 15 “UFOs” means .flying objects A unknown B unidentified C unable D unimaginary 16 The man .without trace A disappeared B disappearing C appeared D appearing 17 He is an pilot A experience B experiment C experienced D experient 18 There maybe a lot of .stones on Mars A preciosity B preciously C precious D preciousness 19 Do you want to plan for some kind of trip? A excite B exciting C excited D to excite 20 My parents not allow me……., so I had to stay at home A go B to go C going D gone 21 There no sounds on the moon A is B are C was D were 22 If there were flying saucers, there traces of their landing A would be B will be C are D is 23 He won't be happy if you come! A didn't B haven't C don't D won't 24 If I a bird, I would be a dove A am B is C are D were 25 If we became rich, we would travel .the world A on B on C.at D around 26 She would come to see you if she your address A have B has C had D having 27 Where will you go if you a car? A have B has C had D having 28 Where would you go if you a car? A have B has C had D having II Choose the best answer to complete the sentences: He bought a lot of things: notebooks, pens,……………pencils from the shop (but – or – and – so) It was raining hard, ………… we couldn’t go on a picnic as planned (however – but – because – so) Tommy suggested……………a pair of shoes for Dad on his birthday (buying – buy – to buy – bought) The children laughed…………when they were watching a comic (happiness – happy – happily – unhappy) If it continues to rain, I think we…………home and watch TV (would stay – will stay – used to stay – stay) They are talking about the celebration…is going to be held at the end of the month (this – then – who – which) If a disaster…in an area, people from other areas will offer help (happens – will happen – happening – would happen) There is too much traffic ……… , the air is polluted (However – Since – Therefore – But) She goes to the library three times a week She………reads books there (never – often – rarely – once) 10 A disastrous volcanic eruption happened in the Philippines……………1991 (on – in – at – since) 11 He didn’t have much money, ………… he bought a lot of things at the shop for Tet (but – or – and – so) 12 The washing machine was expensive, …… we couldn’t afford to buy it (however – but – because – so) 13 Tom enjoys………………strange stamps (collecting – collect – to collect – collected) 14 They felt …………………when Tet was coming near (excitement – excited – excitedly – exciting) 15 If she continues to use electricity that way, she……to pay a large bill (would have – will have – used to have – have) 16 They are discussing the celebration……is going to be held at the end of the month (this – it – who – that) 17 If people………energy, there will be no shortage of electricity (save – will save – saving – would save) 18 The air is polluted…………………there’s too much traffic (however – because – therefore – but) 19 She goes to the library twice a week She …………reads books there (never – usually – rarely – once) 20 It is some months…………the tsunami happened (on – in – at – since) 21 All buildings in Sweden will be heated by…………energy in 2050 (water – wind – solar – tide) 22 Many people haven’t heard…………flying saucers (about – from – to – on) 23 John… in Ho Chi Minh for years before he moved to Hanoi (lived – has lived – had lived – would live) DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW 24 This work needs………………on time (finish – to finish – finishing – to have finished) 25 They made me…………………the whole story (repeat – to repeat – repeating – repeated) 26 Everyone loves him because of his………………… (polite – politely – politeness – impoliteness) 27 In 1978 a woman claimed to see an alien…………………four arms (in – for – at – with) 28 It is Saturday today,……………? (is it – isn’t it – it isn’t – it be) 29 Christmas is a family……and many of the customs focus on children (celebrate – celebrating – celebration – celebrations) 30 John passed the driving test,……………surprised everyone (which – that – what – it) 31 The girl ………we wanted to see was away on holiday last week (of which – whose – who – whom) 32 The baby laughed ………as she played with her toys (happy – happily – happiness – unhappy) 33 If we go……wasting water, there will be a shortage of fresh water in a few decades (on – off – up – over) 34 If we keep on littering, the environment……serious polluted (become – will become – becomes – would become) 35 Baths use……as much water as showers so I suggest taking showers (double – twice – two – three times) REWRITING THE SENTECES: Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) so that it has the similar meaning as the first: We stopped playing tennis because it started to rain A It started to rain, so we stopped playing tennis B It started to rain because we stopped playing tennis C It started to rain; however, we stopped playing tennis D It started to rain, and we stopped playing tennis Why don’t you have your hair cut? A She suggests having her hair cut B She suggests she should have her hair cut C She suggests I should have her hair cut D She suggests I should have my hair cut While Nam is good at English, he isn’t very good at Maths A Nam is good at English because he isn’t very good at Maths B Nam is good at English, and he isn’t very good at Maths C Nam is good at English, but he isn’t very good at Maths D Nam is good at English, so he isn’t very good at Maths “Shall we go for a walk?” said Peter A He suggested we shall go for a walk B He suggested to go for a walk C He suggested go for a walk D He suggested going for a walk She’s working late next Friday, so she can’t come to the party A She can’t come to the party; therefore, she’s working late next Friday B She can’t come to the party because she’s working late next Friday C She can’t come to the party, so she’s working late next Friday D She can’t come to the party, but she’s working late next Friday Minh said that ……………………………… a he is learning English in an evening class b he was learning English in an evening class c he has been learning English in an evening class d he has learnt English in an evening class Uncle Tom said that ……………………………… a.He would go to Nha Trang tomorrow b He will go to Nha Trang the previous day c He will go to Nha Trang tomorrow d He would go to Nha Trang the next day Tom said that ……………………………… a.He finds Vietnamese spelling difficult to learn b He found Vietnamese spelling difficult to learn c He is finding Vietnamese spelling difficult to learn d He will find Vietnamese spelling difficult to learn The examiner asked me ……………………………… a.how I would use English in the future b.how I will use English in the future c.how he would use English in the future d.how would I use English in the future 10 I asked Mary ……………………………… a.did she like learning Vietnamese b.whether she liked learning Vietnamese c.does she like learning Vietnamese d.if she likes learning Vietnamese 11 “Do you cycle to school every day, Mai?”, John asked a.John asked Mai you cycle to school every day b John asked Mai if she cycles to school every day c.John asked Mai whether she cycled to school every day d John asked Mai did she cycle to school every day 12 “Can you play the piano?” he asked the girl A.He asked the girl if can she play the piano B He asked the girl if she could play the piano C He asked the girl if she can play the piano D He asked the girl if she played the piano 13 I am not a good student A I wish I were a good student B I wish I were not a good student C I wish I am not a good student D I wish I am a good student 14 My father can’t give up smoking a.I wish my father can give up smoking b.I wish my father gave up smoking c.I wish my father couldn’t give up smoking d.I wish my father could give up smoking DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH 15 People grow rice in tropical countries A Rice is grown in tropical countries C Rice was grown in tropical countries REVIEW B Rice are grown in tropical countries D Rice were grown in tropical countries 16 The teacher/ teach us /last year / Mrs Green A The teacher whom taught us last year is Mrs.Green B The teacher who teaches us last year is Mrs.Green C The teacher who taught us last year is Mrs.Green D The teacher who taught our last year is Mrs.Green 17 Neil Amstrong / walked / moon / lived / the USA A Neil Armstrong, who walked on the moon, lived in the USA B Neil Armstrong, who walks on the moon, lived in the USA C Neil Armstrong, who walking on the moon, lived in the USA D Neil Armstrong, who walk on the moon, lived in the USA18 The man / you / see / yesterday / be / my secretary A The man who you saw yesterday is my secretary B The man whose you saw yesterday is my secretary C The man which you saw yesterday is my secretary D The man whom you saw yesterday is my secretary 19 you / understand / word / teacher / write / the board? A Do you understand ihe word which the teacher write on the board? B Do you understand the word which the teacher wrote in the board? C Do you understand the word which the teacher wrote on the board? D Do you understand the word which the teacher wrtien on the board? 20 The boy / I / want / help / be very poor A The boy whom I want to helped is very poor B The boy whom I wanl to help is very poor C.The boy who I want to help is very poor D The boy who I want to helped is very poor 21 you / want / have coffee / tea? A Do you want to have coffee but tea? B Do you want to have coffee or tea? C Do you want having coffee but tea? D Do you want having coffee or tea? 22 We / / test / although / it / be / difficult A We could the test although! it was very difficult B We could the test although it were very difficult C We could the test although it was very difficulty D We could the test although it was very difficult 23 She / not come / party / although / we / invite / her yesterday A She did not come to the party although we invited her yeterday B She did not come to the party though we invited her yesterday C She did not come to the party althought we invited her yesterday D Both A and B are correct 24 If / come / here early / see her A.If you came her early, you will see her B If you comes here early, you will see her C If you come here early, you’ll see her D If you come her early, you would see her 25 Although / house /be / near the beach / never / go swimming A Though my house is near the beach, but I never go swimming there B Though my house is near the beach, I never go swimming there C Though my house is near the beach always go swimming there D None is correct 26 The book / be bought / last night / be interesting A The book which was bought last night is interesting B The book which bought last night is interesting C The book which was bought last night is interested D The book which bought last night is interestingly 27 Mrs.White / have two children / be our English teacher 28 The bike / be used / circus / have / only / a wheel A.The bike is used at the circus have only a wheel B.The bike whom is used at the circus have only a wheel C.The bike which is used at the circus has only a wheel DThe bike which is used at the circus have only a wheel READING I Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following passage: It is very important (1) water carefully Here are some (2) you can use less water First, you should (3) you turn (4) the faucets tightly They should (5) in the bathroom or kitchen sink Second, you should not keep the water on for a long time You should turn it off while you are doing something else It should be off while you are shaving or (6) your teeth It should also be off while you are washing the dishes Finally, (7) the summer you should water your garden (8) the evening That way you will not lose (9) water During the day the sun dries up the earth too (10) A for using B to use C use D using A roads B paths C streets D ways A be sure B sure C to sure D to be sure A on B right C off D left A drip B to drip C not drip D not to drip DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW A clean B rubbing C washing D brushing A on B in C at D when A on B in C at D when A many B few C a lot of D less 10 A quickly B quick C fastly D early II Choose A, B, C or D to complete the passages: Our oceans are becoming extremely (1) .Most of this pollution comes from the land, which means it comes (2) people Firsthy there is raw sewerage, which is pumped directly into the sea Many (3) both developed and developing, are guilty of doing this Secondly, ships drop about million tons of garbage into the sea each year Thirdly, there are oil spills from ships A ship has an accident (4) oil leaks from the vessel This not only pollutes the (5) , but it also kills marine life Next, there are waste materials from factories W.thout proper regulations, factory owners let the waste run directly into the (6) ., which then leads to the sea And finally, oil is (7) from land This can be the result of (8) or a deliberate dumping of waste A pollute B polluted C polluting D pollutant A in B at C from D.of A highlands B farms C countries D villages A and B but C however D although A water B.air C atmosphere D space A hills B rivers C mountains D valleys A wash B washing C washes D washed A care B careful C careless D carelessness WRITING UNIT 6: Circle the best sentences to have a good letter Dear Sir, ' A I'm writing for you about bad situation, which is affecting the lake B I'm writing to you about bad situation, which is affecting the lake near my school C I was writing to you about bad situation, which is affecting the lake near my school D I'm writing to you to bad situation, which is affecting the lake near my school A As you know, the lake near my school is very beautiful B As you know, the lake near my school is very beautifully, C As you know, the lake near my school arc very beautiful D As you known, the lake near my school is very beautiful A However, it has become polluting B However, it has became polluted C However, it has become polluted D However, it have become polluted A People have used electricity to catching fish B People have used electricity to caught fish C People have used electricity to catch fish D People have use electricity to catch fish A A lot of small fish died and floated on the water surface B A lot of small fish died and floating on the water surface C A lot of small fish died and floated in the water surface D A lot of small fish died and floated at the water surface A People have throw rubbish and waste into the lake B People have threw rubbish and waste into the lake C People have thrown rubbish and waste to the lake D People have thrown rubbish and waste into the lake A Now, bad smell is affect my school children's health B Now bad smell is affecting my school children's health C Now, bad smell is affected my school children's health D Now, bad smell are affecting my school children’s health A What you think to this pollution? B What you think for this pollution? C What you think about this pollution? D What you think in this pollution? A I'm looking forward to hearing from you and seeing the protection of the environment from the local authority B I'm looking forward to hear from you and seeing the protection of the environment from the local authority C I'm looking forward to hearing to you and seeing the protection of the environment from the local authority D I'm looking forward to hearing you and seeing the protection of the environment from the local authority 10 A Sincere, Tam B Sincerity, Tam C Sincerely, Tam D None is correct Circle the best sentences to have a good letter Dear Mr Pike, A I am writing this letter complain about the noise from Apartment C B I am writing this letter to complain about the noise from Apartment C C I am writing this letter to complain with the noise from Apartment C DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW D I am writing this letter complaining about the noise from Apartment C A I moved into Apartment 2C on November 1st B I moved into Apartment 2C in November 1st st C I moved into Apartment 2C at November D I moved into Apartment 2C since November 1st A Since I moved in my upstairs neighbors have play their stereo loudly every night, B Since I moved in, my upstairs neighbors have playing their stereo loudly every night C Since I moved in my upstairs neighbors have played their stereo loud every night D Since I moved in, my upstairs neighbors have played their stereo loudly every night A I have asked them to turn it down since several times already B I have asked them to turn it down for several times already C I have asked them to turn it down in several times already D I have asked them to turn it down several times already A However, they have not stop the noise yet B However, they have not stopping the noise yet C However, they have not stopped the noise yet D However, they have not to stop the noise yet A I am a student and I have to studying every night B I am a student and I have to studied every night C I am a student and I have to study every night D I am a student and I have studying every night A I will fail my final examination next month if this noise stops B I would fail my final examination next month if this noise stops C I would fail my final examination next month unless this noise stops D I will fail my final examination next month unless this noise stops A Please talk to my neighbors and ask them to turn down their stereo after 9:00P.M B Please talk to my neighbors and ask them to turn up their stereo after 9:O0 P.M C Please talk to my neighbors and ask them to turn over their stereo after 9:00P.M D Please talk to my neighbors and ask them to turn on heir stereo after 9:00P.M A I am looking forward to hearing from you and see how you can solve this problem B I am looking forward to hearing from you and seeing how you can solve this problem C I am looking forward to hear from you and seeing how you can solve this problem D I am looking forward to hearing from you and seeing how you can solve this problem 10 A Faithful, Mai B Faithfully, Mai C Faithfuly, Mai D B and C are correct Circle the best sentences to have a good letter: Dear Sir, A I'm writing you about terrible smell from sea product factory near my neighborhood B I'm writing for you about terrible smell from sea product factory my neighborhood C I'm writing to you about terrible smell from sea product factory near my neighborhood D I'm writing to you about terribly smell from sea product factory near my neighborhood A When the factory produces, it has bad smell and lots of flies B When the factory produce, it has bad smell and lots of flies C When the factory produced, it has bad smell and lots of flies D When the factory produces, it has bad smell and lot of flies A I suggest the local authorities should stop and move it in the countryside B I suggest the local authorities should stop and move it to the countryside C I suggest the local authorities should stop and move it at the countryside D I suggest the local authorities should stop and move it on the countryside A I'm looking forward to seeing your answer B I look forward to seeing your answer C I'm looking forward to see your answer D A and B are correct A Sincere, B Sincerelly, C Sincerely, D None is correct UNIT 7: How to reduce air pollution A Good morning, lady and gentlemen B Good morning, ladies and gentlemen C Good morning, ladies and gentleman D Good morning, ladies or gentlemen A My name is Tom and today I'm going to tell you how to reduce air pollution B My name is Tom and today I'm going to tell you how reduced air pollution C My name is Tom and today I'm going to tell you how reducing air pollution D My name is Tom and today I'm going to tell you how reduce air pollution A You can reduce this amount with: B You can reduce this amount in: C You can reduce this amount to: D You can reduce this amount by: A Using public buses but bicycles B Using public buses or bicycles C Using public buses so bicycles D Using public buses as bicycles A Not leaving in garbage B Not leaving for garbage C Not leaving of garbage D Not leaving to garbage A Putting different kinds of waste at different places B Putting difference kinds of waste in difference places C Puting different kinds of waste in different places D Putting different kinds of waste in different places A Keeping personal hygiene and public health B Keep personal hygiene and public health DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH 9 cleaner REVIEW C To keep personal hygiene and public health D Kept personal hygiene and public health A Using solar energy instead of coal, gas and oil B Using solar energetic instead of coal, gas and oil C Using solar energetically instead of coal, gas and oil D Using solar energizer instead of coal, gas and oil A If you followed these simple rules, not only will you reduce air pollution, but also the environment will be B If you follow these simple rules, not only will you reduce air pollution, but also the environment will be cleaner C If you follow these simple rules, not only would you reduce air pollution, but also the environment will be cleaner D If you follow these simple rules, not only will you reduce air pollution, but also the environment will cleaner * Circle the correct phrases or sentences to have a good speech: Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I / want / tell / it / be / necessary / save/ energy / protect / environment A I want tell you it is necessary to save the energy to protect the environment B I want to tell you it is necessary to save the energy to protect the environment C I want to telling you it is necessary to save the energy to protect the environment D I want telling you it is necessary to save the energy to protect the environment Most / us / use / energy A Most of us use too much energy B Most us use too much energy C Most of us use too many energy D Most us use too many energy You / reduce / amount / by: A You reduce amount by: B You reduces this amount by: C You can reduced this amount by: D You can reduce this amount by: Reduce garbage / reuse paper / save water A Reduce garbage Reuse paper Save water B To reduce garbage To reuse paper To save water C Reducing garbage Reusing paper Saving water D Reduced garbage Reused paper Saved water If / follow / simple rules / not only / energy / environment A If you follow these simple rules, you not only save the energy but also the environment B If you follow these simple rules, you save not only the energy but also the environment C If you follow these simple rules, you save not only the energy but also protect the environment D If you follow these simple rules, you not only save the energy but also protect the environment I believe my idea will be supported UNIT 8: Choose the best sentences: Dear Bill, A Next Saturday, in May 25th, my family and I will celebrate my grandfather's 80th birthday B Next Saturday, on May 25th, my family and I will celebrate my grandfather's 80th birthday C Next Saturday, at May 25th my family and I will celebrate my grandfather's 80th birthday D Next Saturday, on May 25th, my family and I will celebrate my grandfather's 80th birthday A We will invite lots of friends and relatives B We will invite lots of friend and relatives C We will invite a lots of friends and relatives D We will invite lit of friends and relatives A We hope you would be able to join us for dinner and for the festivities following B We hope you will be able to join us for dinner and for the festivities following C We hope you will able to join us for dinner and for the festivities following D We hope you will he able joining us for dinner and for the festivities following A Please come on our house at about 5:00 P:M if you can, and meet everybody and have a few games B Please come by our house in about 5:00 P:M if you can, and meet everybody and have a few games C Please come by our house at about 5:00 P:M if you can, and meeting everybody and having a few games D Please come by our house at about 5:00 P:M if you can, and meet everybody and have a few games A It should be lot of fun B It should be a lots of fun C It should be a lot of fun D It should be a lot fun A I am looking forward to receiving your response B I look forward to receiving your response C I am looking forward to receive your response D A and B are correct Your friend, Lan Choose the best sentences: A It is necessary to have a day to celebrate for our parents B It is necessity to have a day to celebrate for our parents C It is necessary to have a day fur celebrate for our parents D It is necessary to have a day to celebrate to our parents A Children should have a special day to express their feelings, memories and love to their pirents B Children should have a special day to express their feelings, memories and love for their parents C Children should have a special day expressed their feelings, memories and love for their parents D Children should have a special day to express their feelings, memories but love for their parents DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW A We will have an opportunity to enhance the family traditional B We will have an opportunity to enhance the family traditionally C We will have an opportunity to erhance the family traditioning D We will have an opportunity to enhance the family traditions A Members of families will have a chance get together B Members of families will hav: a chance getting together C Members of families will have a chance got together D Members of families will have a chance to get together A Sunday is a day off, so ever'body is free at work or study B Sunday is a day off, so everybody is free from work or study C Sunday is a day off, so everybody is free from work or studying D Sunday is a day off, so everybody is free at working or studying A Children should give their parents flowers, sending cards, and bring a special cake on that day B Children should give their parents flowers, sent cards, and bring a special cake on that day C Children should give their parents flowers, send cards, and bring a special cake on that day D Children should give their parents flowers, sent cards, and brought a special cake on that day A Children should serve iheir parents the food that they like best B Children should serve her parents the food that they like best C Children should serving their parents the food that they like best D Children should serve their parents the food who they like best A I believe my idea will supported B I believe my idea will be support C I believe my idea will be supported D I believe my idea will be supporting A It will be celebrate nation.wide B It will be celebrated nationwide C It will be celebrating nation.wide D It will celebrate nation.wide 10 A Everybody love their parents and wants them to be happy B Everybody loves their parents and want them to be happy C Everybody love their parents and want them to be happy D Everybody loves their parents and wants them to be happy UNIT 9: Write a story from the words and phrases provided: It/ be/ beautiful day ……………………………… Sun/shine, / sky/ blue/ and / weather/ perfect ……………………………… Lan/ be / out side/ play/ her dog / Skippy ……………………………… Sudden/ dog/ begin / behave/ strange .…………………………… She/ keep / run around/ in circles ……………………………… Hoa/ run home/ with / dog/ tell/ mother/ what Skippy /do .……………………………… Lan’s mother – Mrs Quyen / tell Lan / she / hear/ radio/ there be/ typhoon coming ……………………………… Lan’s mother/ gather/ family/ and tell they/ find shelter/ house ……………………………… All of a sudden/ sky/ become/ dark ……………………………… 10 Storm/ come/ strong winds/ heavy rain …………………………… 11 Family/ be scared/ but soon/ storm/ finish/ everyone/ be glad …………………………… 12 What / clever dog / Skippy! It/ save/ Lan’s family / from / catch / in typhoon .…………………………… UNIT 10: Make a story UFOs from the words and phrases provided: I believe/ UFOs/ exist/ articles/ reports/ newspapers/ talk a lot/ their appearance ……………………………… First/ people/ different countries/ report/ they see/ flying saucers ………………………… Second/ there/ be/ photos/ flying sauces/ and/ photographers/ say/ they see/ manlike creatures/ get out/ vehicles ……………………… ……………………… Moreover/ people/ discuss/ mysterious circles/ fields/ countryside/ Great Britain ………………………… Therefore/ UFOs/ not be imagination ………………………… They/ be/ real/ and we/ be/ ready/ see their visits .…………………………… DeThiMau.vn 10 ENGLISH REVIEW IX ADVERB CLAUSES OF REASON (AS, BECAUSE, SINCE) I Combine each pair of sentences into one Tom wants to travel to England He tries to Use “ because , as , or since ” learn English It started to rain We could not keep on cleaning ………………………………………………… the beach ………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… He drives too fast He must be punished by …………………………………………………… the police He speaks English fluently He got 10 marks in ………………………………………………… the English test ………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… People should not drink much before driving ……………………………………………………… There are may be accidents My mother was worried I went home late last ………………………………………………… night ………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………………………… X CONNECTIVES: AND, BUT, BECAUSE, SO, THEREFORE, HOWEVER I Join each pair of the following pairs of We must whatever we can in order to sentences with “ and, but , so , because ” conserve oil Oil is a valuable natural resource I told a joke Nobody laughed …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………………… Last night’s storm damaged the power lines The Bakers want to use solar energy The The town was without electricity for several hours Bakers don’t know how to install the solar panel …………………………………………………… on the roof of their house ……………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………… ………………………………………… The city suffers from air pollution The city …………………………………………………… suffers from water pollution They have decided to cut down on the number ……………………………………………………… of lights in their house They want to save energy ……………………………………… …………………………………………………… Coal is a valuable natural resource Oil is a ………………………………………… valuable natural resource …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… We can’t afford energy- saving light bulbs The ………………………………………… light bulbs are too expensive …………………………………………………… ………………………………………… …………………………………………………… II Join sentences ,using “ and , so , although , but We haven’t got a dishwasher……………… , because , however , therefore ” we haven’t got a microwave She is working late next Friday, She isn’t English ………., she speaks English ……………she can’t come to the party ( so / fluently ( However / But ) therefore ) She went home …………………she was tired She can speak French,………………….she can’t I haven’t got a car,……………………… I’ve got a motorbike write it ( however / but ) He worked hard,…………………he passed all his We enjoyed the holiday………………………it rained a lot exams 10 She didn’t study ……………… , she failed She not only goes to school ……………… also the test ( Therefore / Because ) has a part time job XI PHRASAL VERBS I Complete sentences Use the verbs in the box Don’t be depressed by your result …………… studying or you’ll get even worse ones turn off look for turn down go on “ ………………………….” he said “ This is look forward wake up give up turn on not the time for sleeping” After graduating from college, he wants to I’m going to ……………….smoking tomorrow ………………… a job DeThiMau.vn 11 ENGLISH REVIEW “ Please ……………… the radio, it’s too loud.” May I …………………… the ceiling fan? It’s Remember to………………… all lights before too hot there you leave the room We are ………………………… to our holiday XII PREPOSITIONS I listen …………the news………… the radio 10 The opening ceremony was held…………… I live………… a small flat ……………London May, 2004 Can you turn the volume………………a little? 11 We arrived………………… England by train I can’t hear it very clearly 12 The play is divided…………… three parts I waited twenty minutes…… a bus yesterday 13 He spent a lot of money……………… his What are you doing……… Sunday evening? new car She arrived ………………… the station two 14 Why are these two schools so different hours ago ……… each other? th I was born…………… 18 June 1987 15 My brother is interested……………… chess Students are encouraged to participate………… but he is not very good………………… it sporting activities 16 He has become very famous……………… his Please take care ……… everything while I am fictions not at home 17 Anita is fond ……………….playing the piano XIII RELATIVE CLAUSES I Combine the two sentences, using relative pronouns The radio has suddenly stopped working It is not very old ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A dictionary is a book It explains words ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The girl decided to travel by train She is afraid of airplanes ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I like listening to music Music can help me relax after a hard working day ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Whales and dolphins both make sounds These sounds are similar to a language ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A woman spoke to me She was very helpful ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The girl sits next to me She is my close friend ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I always admire Mr Tuan He always gives me a lot of useful pieces of advice ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Minu is my favorite dog It looks after my house very well ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 My grandmother often tells me many good stories My grandmother loves me a lot ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 The man is my father I respect his opinions most ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 That man is an artist I don’t remember the man’s name ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 This is Mrs White Her son won the championship last year ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 The people were very nice We visited them yesterday ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… II Complete the sentences Put in “ who , whom , which , that or whose ” Shakespeare,……………… wrote the play “Romeo and Juliet”, is one of the most famous English playwright I still remember the teacher………………… taught me to play the violin when I was a boy This new drug, ……………….is very powerful, could have bad side effects We packed a picnic and walked to the beach …………………… is very crowded Neil Armstrong,………………… put the first step on the moon, is American 12 DeThiMau.vn ENGLISH REVIEW Disney World,……………………… is an amusement park, is located in Orlando – Florida The trees ………………………… branches are dead should be cut down They gave flowers to the girl …………………… they admired a lot I was given this address by a man …………………… I met on the bus 10 That is the man ……………………… stamp collection is known all over the country XIV CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (TYPE 1, 2) Rewrite the following sentences , using “ If” Be quiet, or you will not understand the lesson People don’t trust him because he tells lies -> If ………………… -> If he…………………………………………… …………………………………………… …… …………………………………………………… I’m not a doctor, so I can’t help you She is so busy that she can’t come to the party -> If ………………………………………… -> If she…………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… 10 They not understand you because you not I think you should play sports to keep fit often talk to them -> If you………………………………………… -> If …………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… I haven’t got the money, so I’m not going on 11 I’m so busy, so I don’t write to my friends holiday regularly -> If I………………………………………… -> If I …………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… He often gets bad marks because he is lazy 12 The office may be closed, so Mark won’t be able -> If …………………………………… to get in …………………………………………………… -> If the office………………………………… Do it now, or you will not finish it on time …………………………………………………… -> If ……………………………………… 13 You should take exercise regularly because …………………………………………………… that’s the way to get fit Hurry up, or we will be late for the exam -> If you……………………………………… -> If …………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… 14 You can’t look the word up because you haven’t got a dictionary -> If I……………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… 13 DeThiMau.vn ... see well because of his old age B Mệnh đề nhượng bộ: Although, even though, though Eg: Although it’s raining, Peter goes to the fields * Note: Nếu mệnh đề nhượng đứng trước, phải có dấu phẩy... care ……… everything while I am fictions not at home 17 Anita is fond ……………….playing the piano XIII RELATIVE CLAUSES I Combine the two sentences, using relative pronouns The radio has suddenly... chấm câu(.) - However(Tuy nhiên): diễn tả tương phản, đồng nghĩa với But (nhưng) nối liền hai mệnh đề Eg: He’s over seventy; however, he’s still active It’s raining hard; the game is, however, going

Ngày đăng: 22/03/2022, 14:12

