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Name ………………………… Class ……………………………………… ĐỀ CƯƠNG OÂN TẬP HỌC KỲ II Tieáng Anh A :THEORY: I/TENSES: Number Name Present Simple HTĐ Simple future TLĐ Simple past QKĐ Structures S + V/Vs(es) + O … Passive form: S + be(is/are/am) +V3/ed +(by O) (-)………………………………… (?)………………………………… S + will + be/V…O S + be (will be)+ V3/ed +(by O) (-)………………………………… (?)………………………………… S + V2/ed + O… S + be (was/were) + V3/ed + (by O) Adverbs Always,….,never,today, Every,… Next year,tomorrow, Tonight,month year,… Ago,last year,month, Yesterday,… (-)………………………………… (?)………………………………… Present S + be(is,are,am) + Ving…O Progressive (-)…………………………………… HTTD (?)…………………………………… Present perfect S + have/has +V3/ed + O… S + has/have been +V3/ed Just,already,never HTHT (-)…………………………………… since (?)………………………………… For,recently,yet,… Past-progressive S + be(was/were) +Ving + O… At…o’clock,yesterday, QKTD (-)…………………………………… At that time,last week When ,While (?)…………………………………… Complain (phàn nàn) Always S + be(is,are,am) + always + Ving +… Exercise:Rewrite the sentences into passive voice a.I kicked the ball into the goal The ball……………………………………………………………………… b.They don’t use this road very often.This road……………………………………………………………………… c.People should send their complaints to the manag Their complaints………………………………………………… d.We have built this house since last year.This house…………………………………………………………………… II/Grammar: 1.In order to/so as to(để) S + V + O + in order to /so as to + VInf EX:Combine sentences into one.Use “in order to/so as to” a.Hoa goes to the market.She wants to buy some flowers for Tet……………………………………………………………… b.He got up early yesterday.He goes to work on time …………………………………………………………………… It is + adj + to Inf To + V….+ is + adj EX :Write the sentences with the cued words: a.It/happy/go camping ……………………………………………………………… b It is interesting to listen to music To listen…………………………………………………… 3.Use “mind” the requests: a.Do/would you mind + Ving… ? b.Do you mind if I + V………….? Would you mind if I + V2/ed ………? EX:Complete the verbs in parenthece: a.Would you mind if I(sit) here? b.Do you mind if I(tell)you about this? c.Would you mind (read) aboud? *Present participles “Ving” *Position: S ( người) + Ving + ………… *Past participles “Ved/3” S (chỉ vật ) + V-ed/3+…………… DTD Page DeThiMau.vn Name ………………………… EX:The boy is reading a book He is Ba  The boy reading a book is Ba 5.Counpound words: * Form : Noun + Ving : Class ……………………………………… rice-cooking,fire-making *Position : S + be +(a/an)+ Noun-Ving + N It is a rice-cooking festival EX:Combine two sentences into one.Use counpound word: 1.Viet Nam is a country which exports a lot of rice.………………………………………………… 2.This is a machine which is used to wash clothes … ……………………………………………… 6.Reported speech with a statement: S1 + said + S2 + Vpast +… Example: Rewrite “I’m a plumber” He said “I can fix the faucets”He said “The pipes are broken”He said 7.Reported speech with Yes-No questions Form: He said he was a plumber ……………………………………………………… …………………………… S1 + asked + O + if/whether + S2 + Vpast Example: a)“Is it from Ha Noi” She asked She asked if/whether it was from Ha Noi b)“Do you always go to church on Sunday?” He asked me He asked me if/whether I always went to church on Sunday Exercise: Rewrite: a)“Are you hungry?” She asked us ………………………………………… b)“Do many tourists visit My Son every year?” She asked me……………………… c)“Did you study hard for the exam?” She wanted to know.………………………………………… 8.Question words before to-infinitive: S + V + How/what/where…+ to VInf Example:Do you know how to go to John ‘s house? Exercise: Write the sentence with the words given a.She/advise/me/how/go/from My Son/Hoi An.……………………………………………………………… b.The man/tell/small boy/where/sit/water ‘s edge …………………………………………………………………… 9.Verb + to Vinf thường sau động từ sau đây: Attempt (cố gắng), Decide , Would like, choose, start, want, begin ,stop, try… B:EXERCISE: I.Prepositions: 1.You must come ………….for dinner one night (over / on / of / in) 2.We’ll only be…………town……………three days (in-at / in - for / in –in / on – in) 3.They went swimming ……….waikiki Beach as soon as they arrived………the Hawaiian island…….Oahu (at-on – of / on - in – of / for –at – at / from -for – of) 4.This doll is made ……… China ( from / on /in / for) 5.When we were in Italy ,we spent a few days …….Venice( at / on / in / to ) 6.We haven’t seen each other………last January( for / since / on / in ) 7.My mother is very keen…… growing roses( of / over / in / on) 8.John is extremely fond…….music ( in / from / of /at) 9.Are you interested………a harvest festival? ( in / of / to / on) 10.Wine is made ………grapes ( over / with / for / from) 11.How many members participated …………….the rice –cooking ( into / of /in / after ) 12.The house was built ……….1998 (since /in /by / for) DTD Page DeThiMau.vn Name ………………………… Class ……………………………………… 13.Ancient people carved gigures …… rocks ( into / for / before / at) 14.I’d like ………visit Australia because people are friendly( to / in / on / for) 15.I don’t know what ……… say to the man ( about / to /into for) 16.I’ll pick you ……at your house ( up / in / on / of) 17.I bought lots …….souvenirs……… the children ( of-for / of- in / for-for / of –of) 18.Is Ho Chi Minh City the capital …………Vietnam?No, It isn’t ( for / of /in / about) 19.I have just returned ………a trip to Phong Nha Cake ( for / from / to / in) 20.English man wanted to send Christmas greetings ……his friends( in / from / to /for) 21.Christmas songs were performed …… people in towns and villages ( for / into / to /at) 22.In the water –fetching contest one person …… each team had to run to the river to get the water( from / before / of / in) 23.The building was destroyed …….fire ( to / by / in / of) 24.My family are making preparetions ……Tet ( from / of / for / on) II.Vocabulary: 1.I’d love to go to Film……… A.Star B.Festival C.Director D.Market 2.We spent a very ………evening together there, chatting and listening to music.A.boringB jolly C.fighting D.dark 3.He……to have met the US President.A.tells B.claims C.smiles D.comes 4.The house is………by a large garden A.covered B.roofed C.surrounded D.cut 5.Compost is a wonderful natural……………… A.substance B.material C fertilizer D.garbage 6.Vietnam is a (n)…………….country A.rice – exporting B.rice-exported C Exporting-rice D Exported-rice 7.I’m just going to …… my mother from the station A.watch B.take C.come D.fetch 8.A contest in which participants have to fetch water from the river is called …….contest A.water-fetching B rice –cooking C.water-fetch D.fire- making 9.The Pyramid of Cheops is one of the seven………of the world A Pyramids B.temples C.landmarks D.wonders 10.Many people ………that there were other wonders , which the ancient Greeks knew nothing about A.blame B.wonder C.claim D.suggest 11Whales is……fish A.river B.fresh C.mountain D.marine 12 The bill…….tax and servise A.has B.written C.tells D.includes 13.The only surviving wonder on Antipater’s list is……… A.the Great Wall B.the Statue C.Angkor Wat D.the Pyramid of Cheops 14.Which city is called” The windy city”?A China B.New York C.American D.Chicago 15……………….country is famous for the Great Wall.A China B.New York C.American D.Paris 16.Angkor Wat was originally built for………… A.Hindus B.kings C.BuddhistsD.the citizens of Phnom Penh 17 He likes climbing mountain He should go to…………A.SaPa B.HaLong bay C.Nha Trang D.Dalat 18 You should cool the burn ……………A.immediate B.immediately C.immediating D immediated 19…………….was completed in 1973 A.Great Wall B.Mount Everest D.The Eiffel D.Sydney Opera House 20 .Hue citadel is in …………………A.The USA B.China C.Viet Nam D.London III Structures and grammar: 1.I …….my report at p.m lastnightA.was writing B writing C.wrote D.has written 2.A new bridge over the river ………… last year A.built B.is built C.is building D.was built 3.He found a watch When he……in the street.A.walked B.was walking C.has walked D.has been walked Million of Christmas cards …………………….every year.A.send B.are sentC are sending D.was sent This project……next month A is carried out B.will carried out C carried out D.will be carried out Mr John work hard…….support his family A.so that B.so as C.such as D so as to Tom ……….his hand when he was cooking the dinner A burnt B was burning C.has burnt D burns 8.English ………in many countries in ASIA A.speak B.is speaking C.is spoken D.has spoken 9.She asked If it …….from Ha Noi A.was B is C will D.be 10 We were having dinner when the phone…………….A.ring B.rang C.was ringing D.has rung 11 Mount Rushmore……from more than 100 kilometers away.A.saw B can see C was seen D.can be seen 12 We are looking forward ………….you in June A.to see B.to seeing C.seeing D.to be seen 13 ……… you free on Sat evening?A.Do B.Does C.Is D.Are 14She is always asking me if the Great Wall of China…… one of the wonders of the world A.is B.was C.will D.has been 15 I must go now I promise ………… lateA.not being B.not to be C to not be D.I won’t be DTD Page DeThiMau.vn Name ………………………… Class ……………………………………… 16 Has Anna read that story ……………………… ?A since B yet C.already D for 17 I was reading while my sisters …….with their dollsA.played B.were playing C.have played D.would played 18 “What …………….in New York?” –It’s very cold and humid” A.the weather like B.the weather is like C.is the weather like D.does the weather like 19.He asked me I …………there the next weekA.will go B.would go C.would come D.will come 20.She said she ………… that work on time A.must finish B.must finished C.had to finish D.had to finished 21.My mother told me ……….lunch for her yesterday because she had to …… at her office A.prepare-stay B.to prepare-stay C prepared-stay D preparing-stay 22.I want ………….chinese to work for Chinese companiesA.learning B learned C.to learn D.to learned 23.He enjoys ………….with his friends in the summerA.go camping B.go to camp C.going camp D.going camping 24.My teacher asked me ……………a lot of homework.A to B.did C.done D.doing 25.While Thinh …….TV ,his sister was cooking dinnerA.is watchingB.watched C.was watching D.watches 26 They had their luggage ………… by the porter A.carry B.carrying C.to carry D.carried 27.Tam was……… to the zoo yesterday afternoonA.take B.taking C takes D.taken 28.Hoa asked Minh if many tourists …… Hoi An every year.A.visited B.visiting C.visit D.will visit 29.She said the chair ……………A.were breaking B.was broken C.were broken D.breaking 30.I asked John …………Ha long Bay was in Northern Viet NamA What B.if C.how D.when 31.The first prize was …….to Danang teamA.made B.held C.written D.awarded 32.This house was …….in the 19th centuryA.taken B.reached C.constructed D.held 33.The children were ……… table-tennis while it was rainingA.playing B.doing C.making D.taking 34.Cool the burn immediately so as to …….tissue damageA.ease B.relieve C.minimize D.maximine 35.We are all ….that you passed your English exam Congratulations!A.delighted B.relieved C.afraid D.certain 36She said she had to go there …………A.the following day B the day beforeC the next day D, A and C are correct 37Linh was doing her homework………… her brother was tidying the room.A.while B.if C.during D.before 38.It’s ………….to travel around Vietnam A.interesting B interested C interestingly D interestedly IV REWRITE Rewite the following sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first 1.Someone will translate this letter into Vietnamese.->This letter…………………………………… 2.Traveling around the city in the day is impossible->It……………………………………………… 3.It is all right if I take a photograph?->Would you mind……………………… 4.’Shut the door but don’t lock it,’she said to us.->She asked………………………………… 5,Air travel is faster than any other kinds of transport.->Air travel is the……………………………… 6.We haven’t seen each other for over two years.->The last time…………………………… 7.I would like you to help me move this table.->Do you mind………………………… 8.The water was so cold that the children could not swim in it.->The water was not…………………………… 9.Mai keeps leaving her pen at home.->Mai is…………………………… 10.She is not only a teacher, she is also a singer.->Not only………………………………… 11.She said to her brother”Are you hungry?”->She asked…………………………… 12.The mother said”I will go here tomorrow”->The mother said……………………… 13.Nga/told/me/how/use/computer.->…………………………………… 14.I kicked the ball into the goal yesterday->The ball……………………………… 15.He said to me”I must come here again”->He told me………………………… 16.That house will be built next week->They ………………………… 17.”I’m living in London now,”Charles said.-> 18.”You are my best friends”Jane said to us.-> 19 ”I don’t know what Fred is doing,”Johnny said to me.-> 20 ”We are decorating our Christmas tree,’Hoa said.-> 21“I must go home now,”he said to his friends-> 22.”I can’t go out after p.m”Hoa said-> 23.”I will come and see you as soon as I can,”she said to me-> 24.”John wants to come here but he isn’t very well”Judy said-> 25.”I have to wear uniform when I am at school”Susan said-> 26.”I’m going away for a few days.I’ll phone you when I get back.”Judy said to me 27.”Run faster”Ba said to his teammate-> DTD Page DeThiMau.vn Name ………………………… Class ……………………………………… 28.”Could you collect my new ao dai at the tailor round the corner?”Lan’s mother said to her Học sinh xem lại phần viết 12,13,14 Đọc lại cac đoạn văn SGK V/Read: I/Read the passage and answer the questions For Vietnamese people, Tet- The Lunar New year- is the biggest festival of the year Before Tet, people are busy to get haircut, buy new clothes, decorate the house and prepare special foods, … Flowering tree branches are brought into people’s homes On the first day of Tet, people wish each other good luck, good health, prosperity and happiness Older people distribute “ lucky money” to their kids Families usually gather to have a good meal with sticky rice and boiled chicken, wine… During the first few days of Tet, nobody sweeps their houses They don’t want to sweep away good luck This custom was imported from China long ago 1/ What Vietnamese people before Tet ? …………………………………………………………… 2/ Do they bring flowering trees into their homes? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3/ Who receive “ Lucky money” ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4/ Why does nobody sweep their house during the first few days of Tet? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… II/ Read and complete the passage with choosing the suitable word : Centuries ago in Ancient Greece , a man by the name of Antipater of Sidon compiled a list (1)…… what he thought (2)…………the seven wonders of the world The seven included the hanging Gardens of Babylon in present – day Iraq, the (3)………………in Greece , and the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt The pyramid is the only wonders you can still (4)…………… today Many people (5)…………….that there were other (6)…………… , which the ancient Greeks knew nothing about These include the Great Wall of China , the Taj Mahal in Indian and Angkor Wat in Cambodia Angkor Wat should really be know as a wonders because it is the (7)………………temple in the world the area surrounding the temple , Angkor Thom used to be the (8)………………….city A in B on C of D for A were B is C was D be A Statue of Zeus B Statue of Liberty C Pyramid D Lake Michigan A to see B see C saw D seeing A to claim B claimed C told D said A wonders B places C senses D destinations A large B largest C larger D smallest A capital B capital royal C royal capital D old III/ Read and complete the passage with choosing the suitable word (2ms): In 1823 , the patrol saint (1)………… children , Saint Nicholas appeared in a (2)…… called A Visit From Saint Nicholas The character in the poem (3)…………a fat jolly man who wore a (4) …… suit and gave children (5)……………on Christmas Eve The poem , which was (6)…………by Clement Clarke Moore , an American professor , (7)………….popular in the USA Santa Claus is based on the description of Saint Nicholas (8)…….this poem A in B on C of D for A book B poem C picture D novel A was B is C are D were A blue B red C yellow D black A present B flowers C gift D presents A write B written C wrote D writing A to become B became C becoming D become A on B in C at D of IV/Read the passage and answer the questions (2pts) Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year in most of Britain Celebrations start on 24 December , Christmas Eve , although there have been several weeks of preparations beforehand The Christmas trees , presents , food , drinks and decorations have been bought Christmas cards have already been sent to friends and relatives About a week before Christmas , people usually put up their decorations and an angel on the top of the Christmas tree Family presents are usually put under the tree Is the Christmas the biggest holiday of the year in most of America ?……………………………………………… DTD Page DeThiMau.vn Name ………………………… Class ……………………………………… When Celebrations start ?…………………………………………………………………………………………… Where family presents are put ?.…………………………………………………………………………………… Have you ever taken part in Christmas ?.……………………………………………………………………………………… I- Complete the passage with the words given: (2pts) Some visitors are going to travel to Viet Nam on their vacation Andrew studies tribes around the world He … (1)mountain-climbing He will go to Sapa Marry loves Viet Nam and she wants to travel by train to see as much of the country as possible She also wants … (2) an oceanic institute in Viet Nam She will go to … (3) John is interested in the history of Vietnam He wants to visit the place where President Ho Chi Minh left Viet Nam in ….(4) He will go to … (5) in Ho Chi Minh City Jane likes ……(6) and sunbathing She ……(7) to Viet Nam twice and she has visited Nha Trang already She will go to Ha Long Bay Donna loves flowers She has a flower shop ….(8) Los Angeles She is thinking of importing flowers from Viet Nam She will go to Da Lat 13 a like b likes c liked d don’t like 14 a to visit b visits c visited d not visit 15 a Gia Lai b Nha Trang c Da Lat d Sa Pa 16 a 1911 b 1890 c 1945 d 1989 17 a Ha Long Bay b Ngo Mon Gate c Ben Thanh Market d Nha Rong Harbor 18 a swim b swimming c swam d swims 19 a.was b has been c have been d is 20 a on b at c of d in II- Read the passage, then choose the right answer (2pts) Every day of the year throughout the world,about twenty millions paper bags and newspapers are screwed and thrown away Making paper requires a lot of woodpulp and the work of millions of workers Many countries have had plans to recycle waste paper to save money and labour In countries where there is the cooperation of the public ,paper mills recycle as much as sixty percent of waste paper.Their simple work is to take away the ink ,crush it up and make it into pulp again For every ton of recycled newsprint ,twelve trees can be save We can insist that the more paper people save ,the more trees are preserved 21 - is used for making paper a paper bag b woodpulp c newspaper d waste paper 22 To save money and labour ,many countries a encourage people to use less paper b have plans to recycle waste paper c persuade people not to cut down trees d make plans to produce pulp 23 How much waste paper paper mills recycle? a % b 16 % c 66 % d 60 % 24 Which of the following sentences is not true ? a Millions of paper are thrown away every day b People plant more trees in order to make more paper c One ton of recycled paper saves twelve trees d Making paper requires a lot of woodpulp How many paper bags and newspaper are screwed and thrown away every day? a About twenty paper bags and newspapers are screwed and thrown away b About million twenty paper bags and newspapers are screwed and thrown away c About million paper bags and newspapers are screwed and thrown away d About twenty million paper bags and newspapers are screwed and thrown away What does making paper require? a Making paper requires a lot of wood pulp and workers b Making paper require a lot of wood pulp c Making paper requires a lot of wood pulp and the work of millions of workers d Making paper requires a lot of workers What paper mills to reuse waste paper? a Their simple work is to take the ink, make it into pulp again b They take away the ink, crush it up and make it into pulp again c They take away the ink, crush it up d They crush it up, make it into pulp again How many trees can be saved for every two tons of recycled newsprint? a Ten trees can be saved c More than twenty two trees can be saved b Twelve trees can be saved d Twenty two trees can be saved C WRITE DTD Page DeThiMau.vn Name ………………………… Class ……………………………………… Filling the gap with suitable word to complete the letter : Dear Hoa., How are you ? I hope you are (1)………(studying/ study / to study ) hard for your exams next week We have returned from a trip (2) ……( to / in / of ) the USA We (3)………(visit/ to visit / visited )New York where has a Statue of Liberty It is one of America’s most familiar image , It is on an Island in New York Harbor We (4)…………( spend / to spend /spent) a wonderful time in the USA a week The people are (5)………….( friend / friendly / help ) and the weather (6)………… ( is / was/ will be ) warm and sunny.In San Francisco , I visited my friend , Tim and his family It was nice (7) … ( see/ to see/ seeing) them I bought a lot of (8)…… ( souvenir / souvenirs/ present ) for people What you plan to during the summer vacation ? Write to me soon Love Filling the gap with suitable word to complete the passage The report shows how the rice- cooking festival(1)…………….( was held / hold/ held) The festival was held in the communal house yard about one kilometer away (2)………… ( to / from /of ) a river There (3)………… ( be / was /were )three competitions : water - fetching , fire- making , and rice- cooking The festival took one day ( 4)……………( In / At / For ) the water – fetching contest one person from each team had (5)………………………( to run / ran / run )to the river to get the water In the fire- making contest two team members had to make a fire in the ( 6) ………………(tradition / traditional / modern )way They tried to rub pieces of ( 7)…………….( bamboo / wood / plastic )together to make the fire Six people from each team(8)………….( took/ take / taken ) part in the rice – cooking contest They had to separate the rice from the husk and then cook the rice You are on a vacation in Hanoi ,now complete the postcard for your friends ,Hoa Dear Hoa, 1.We /have /time /Hanoi /now A.We have a wonderful time in Hanoi now C We are having a wonderful time in Hanoi now B We had a wonderful time in Hanoi now D We have a time wonderful in Hanoi now People /friendly /weather /warm /sunny A People are friendly and the weather are warm and sunny B People are friendly and the weather were warm and sunny C People are friendly and the weather has been warm and sunny D People is friendly and the weather has been warm and sunny In /Hanoi /I /meet / friend /Nga /family /yesterday A In Hanoi I meet my friend , Nga and her family yesterday B In Hanoi I met my friend , Nga and her family yesterday C In Hanoi I was meeting my friend , Nga and her family yesterday D I met my friend , Nga and her family in Hanoi yesterday I / watch / movie / o’clock last night A I was watching a movie at o’clock last night B I were watching a movie at o’clock last night C I am watching a movie at o’clock last night D I watched a movie at o’clock last night See you soon Choose the correct sentences to make complete letter Thank you / much / present / you / send / birthday a.Thank you very much for the present you sent me on my birthday b.Thank you very much about the present you sent me on my birthday c.Thank you very much for the present you sent me in my birthday d.Thank you very much for the present you send me on my birthday It / very nice I / happy / receive / present a It was very nice and I was happy when I received the present b It was very nice and I’m happy when I receive the present c It was very nice and I was happy when I receive the present d It was very nice and I’m happy when I received the present I / sad / now you / come over / my house / weekend ? a I was sad now.Will you come over to my house on the weekend ? b I am sad now Will you came over to my house on the weekend ? c I am sad now Will you to come over to my house on the weekend ? DTD Page DeThiMau.vn Name ………………………… d I am sad now Will you come over to my house on the weekend ? I / delighted / see / you / soon I / phone / you / Friday afternoon a I am delighted seeing you soon I’ll phone you on Friday afternoon b I delighted to see you soon I’ll phone you on Friday afternoon c I am delighted to see you soon I’ll phone you on Friday afternoon d I am delighted to see you soon I phoned you on Friday afternoon Your friend, Class ……………………………………… Nga MORE EXERCISES I - Choose the best answer and circle 1- / The bike in Japan is USD 100 A- maked B- make C- making D- made 2- It's difficult all these things A- remembered B- remember C- to remember D- remembering 3- Have you finished your homework ? A- yet B- already C- since D- for 4- Color television by John Logie Bard in 1928 A- was invented B- is invented C- has invented D- invented 5- She asked me if I pop music A- like B- to like C- liked D- liking 6- / I don't know how the game A- playing B- play C- to playing D- to play 7- is often called "The windy city" A- San Francisco B- Hawaii C- New York D- Chicago 8- Pepple use the first aid .ease the victim’s pain and anxiety A- so that B- in order to C- in order that D- so as 9- Would you mind your car ? A- move B- moving C- moves D- to move 10- When Nam won the race, the crowd A- cheering B- is cheering C- cheered D- was cheering 11/ Shoes and sandals are from recycled old car tires a make b made c making d to make 12/ It is fun T.V a to watch b watching c watched d watch 13 /My school will be next year a building b to build c built d builded 14/ Would you mind the windows ? a open b.to open c opening d opened 15/ He a new computer on his birthday by his mother a gave b has given c given d.was given 16 /Glass should be collected and sent to factories for a.recycling b.reducing c refilling d reusing 17/ I promise I video games any time a will play b play c won’t play d/ to play 18/They were to repair the table a tell b told c.to tell d telling 19 It is difficult………….used things a/recycle b/recycling c/recycled d/to recycle 20 I ………… this computer recently a/bought b/have bought c/buy d/buys 21 Would you mind if I……………here? a/smoke b/smoking c/smoked d/smokes 22 My friends visited while I……………a book a/read b/was reading c/reads d/to read DTD Page DeThiMau.vn Name ………………………… Class ……………………………………… 23 the bike………………in Japan is very expensive a/make b/made c/makes d/making 24 I asked her if she……………hard a/study b/will study c/studied d/ studies 25 I can see a boy……….a water buffalo A ride B riding C to ride D rode 26 Would you mind……….the windows A to close B close C closing D closed 27 ……………you mind if I smoke ? A could B don’t C D would 28 How about………….to Thai Binh Market ? A going B to go C went D gone 29 I was reading …………my sisters were playing with their dolls A When B While C at which D at time 30 Millions of Christmas card…………… every year A were sent B send C is sending D are send 31 The pyramid of chops is one of the seven…………of the world A Pyramids B Temples C Landmarks D wonders 32 They had the porter ……………their luggage A carry B carrying C to carry D carried 33 I take part……… most youth activities of my school A of B on C in D to 34 It’s dangerous ……… in this river A to swim B swim C swimming D swam 35 Mai asked her friend……………shopping A/ goes B/ to go C/ go II - Match the request in colum A with its reply in colum B (2,5m): A B 1.Do you mind if I turn on the TV ? a.I’m sorry , I can’t 2.Can you lend me your bike ? b No, I don’t mind.What’s on tonight 3.Would you mind opening the windows ? c Not at all 4.Will post the letter for me d OK The post office is on my way 5.Would you mind if I used your phone ? e Sure I’m hot too 1. ; 2. ; 3. ; 4. ; 5. III - Rewrite these sentences (2,5m): 1/ People speak English all over the world - English 2/ Do you know My Son, Nga? Said Hung - Hung asked Nga 3/ They passed all the exams They are lucky -They are lucky 4/ It is a contest in which participants have to cook rice - It is a 5/ Putting a knife into an electrical socket is dangerous - It is 6.She gave me a dress I “ Do many tourists visit Viet Nam every year , Hanh?’’ Susan asked Susan asked Hanh Shall I sit here ? Do you mind if I …………………………… It is a contest in which participants have to cook rice It’s a………………………………………… DTD Page DeThiMau.vn Name ………………………… Class ……………………………………… 10.Can I help you clean the room? Would you………… .… ? 11 My mother will take me to the city tomorrow?( Đổi sang bị động) 12 Do you visit Da Lat? I asked him………………… 13 Lan and hoa clean the classrooms everyday.( Đổi sang bị động) 14 He/ his/ him/ birthday/ happy/ is/ parents/ give/ a/ that/ will/ present/ very.(sắp xếp từ cho thành câu hoàn chỉnh) 15 Garbage is collected in the school yard by us.(Đổi sang chủ động) 16 Could you tell me how to study English ? Would you mind……………………………………………………………… ? 17 they built this house more than one hundred years ago This house…………………………………………… ……………………… 18 Is Phong Nha in Quang Tri province ? The tourist asked Lan……………………………… …………………………… 19/ Tam broke the glass The glass 20/ Do/ mind/ if/ you/ close/ I/ the/ window? (sắp xếp)  Could you please give me some information about the English course, please ? Would you mind ………………………………………………… ? “ I’m a plumber ” said Nam Nam said …………………………………………………………… “ Do you know My Son,Nga ” Hoa said Hoa asked ………………………………………………………… They built that house in 1986 That house………………………………………………………… “Where you live, Minh?” Nhan said Nhan asked ………………………………………………………… IV, Đọc đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi bên Ha Long- Bay of the Descending Dragon – is popular with both Vietnamese and international tourists One of the attractions of Ha Long is the Bay’s calm water with limestone mountains.The Bay’s water is clear during the spring and early summer Upon arriving in Ha Long city,visitors can go along Chay Beach From the beach, they can hire a boat and go out to the Bay It is hear that the visitors can find some of Southest Asia’s most beautiful sites.Dau Go Cave is one of the most beautiful caves at Ha Long It was the cave in which General Tran Hung Dao hid wooden stakes to beat the Mongols on Bach Dang River in 1288 Whom is Ha Long popular with? ………………………………………………………………………………………… What is one of the attractions of Ha Long ? ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3.What is the Bay’s water like ? …………………………………………………………………………………… 4.Which is one of the most beautiful caves at Ha Long ? ………………………………………………………………………………… V Read the following letter and answer the question: 2,5m Dear Mom and Dad , Hello from Toronto! After two months of living here, I feel this place is like my house Toronto is a big city, but it is very nice I like to shop downtown in the Eaton center, and I also like to shop in the Queen street store DTD Page10 DeThiMau.vn Name ………………………… Class ……………………………………… I enjoy taking the subway to work It is a bit crowded in the morning, but I don’t mind using the subway because it is so convenient The trip from my apartment to work tekes only twenty minutes Although I like Toronto, my apartment is not very nice I hate living in this neighborhood It is not very pleasant and there are no good restaurant.The worst thing is my neighbor I can’t stand him He is always playing the stereo all night long Anyway , I enjoy big city life most of the time I hope you are bith well Love, Mariam * Answer the question: 1.How long has Mariam lived in Toronto ? …………………………………………………………………… 2.Does she mind taking the subway to work ? …………………………………………………………………………… How long does it take from her apartment to work ? …………………………………………………………………………… What is his neighborhood like ? …………………………………………………………………………… Is she interested in big city life ? …………………………………………………………………………… VI) Sắp xếp lại trật tự để câu đúng: delighted/ passed / I / that / you / English / am/ exams / your / have ………………………………………………………………………… storm / destroyed / the / are / houses/ now/ the / by / rebuilt/ being ………………………………………………………………………… - He / best / class / in / our / intelligent / the / is / student - many / exported / last year / rice / to / how / Japan / tons / were / of ? VII) Dùng động từ hình thức 17- This bike ( use ) for six months 18- I ( watch) T V when the phone (ring) 19- Would you like ( take) a photo? 20-It is interesting ( study) English DTD Page11 DeThiMau.vn Name ………………………… DTD Class ……………………………………… Page12 DeThiMau.vn ... Eiffel D.Sydney Opera House 20 .Hue citadel is in …………………A.The USA B.China C.Viet Nam D.London III Structures and grammar: 1.I …….my report at p.m lastnightA.was writing B writing C.wrote D.has... my new ao dai at the tailor round the corner?”Lan’s mother said to her Học sinh xem lại phần viết 12,13,14 Đọc lại cac đoạn văn SGK V/Read: I/Read the passage and answer the questions For Vietnamese... destinations A large B largest C larger D smallest A capital B capital royal C royal capital D old III/ Read and complete the passage with choosing the suitable word (2ms): In 1823 , the patrol saint

Ngày đăng: 28/03/2022, 17:20


