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Kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh lớp 9 năm học 2012 2013 môn: Tiếng Anh19066

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UBND TỈNH KON TUM SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI CẤP TỈNH LỚP NĂM HỌC 2012-2013 Môn: Tiếng Anh Thời gian: 150 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề) Ngày thi: 16/3/2013 ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC Lưu ý: - Thí sinh làm trực tiếp vào đề thi - Đề thi gồm 07 trang (Khơng tính tờ phách) - Thí sinh khơng sử dụng tài liệu, kể từ điển - Giám thị khơng giải thích thêm _ Số phách: Chữ ký giám thị Họ tên thí sinh: Số báo danh: Ngày sinh: Học sinh trường: ThuVienDeThi.com UBND TỈNH KON TUM KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI CẤP TỈNH SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO LỚP NĂM HỌC 2012-2013 Mơn: Tiếng Anh ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) Ngày thi: 16/3/2013 BẰNG SỐ ĐIỂM Giám khảo BẰNG CHỮ Số phách Giám khảo Part Choose the word or phrase of words which best completes each sentence (2 ms) We have many well- _ teachers here A qualify B qualified C quality D qualification One of the major causes _ heart disease is lack of exercise A for B to C of D by The students stopped when their teacher entered the classroom A talking B to talk C talk D talked He _ an overdose of heroin and died A used to B used C was used to D was used She lives with her parents _ Kon Tum city A in B on C at D for He is tired _ he stayed up late watching TV A so B because C but D and I felt disappointed because of their bad behavior A real B reality C really D realize It is to watch the cartoon films A interest B interested C interestingly D interesting She is very tired; , she has to finish her homework A moreover B so C and D however 10 After coming home, she cleaned the floor _ cooked dinner A but B however C moreover D and 11 Hanh can’t go to the movies with us tonight She will have to _ her little sister A turn on B go on C turn off D look after 12 I wish it _ rain all the time A couldn’t B won’t C doesn’t D didn’t 13 Mrs Lam lives here, _ A does she? B doesn’t she? C is she? D isn’t he? 14 They _ me if I could speak English A told B said C talked D asked 15 The old man walked _ to the park A slow B slowly C quick D fastly 16 Tom: I think we should save time and money ~Mary: “ ” A Well done B Thanks C.That’s a good idea D All right 17 resources should be conserved A Natural B Nature C Naturally D Naturalist ThuVienDeThi.com 18 Solar energy doesn't cause _ A pollution B polluted C pollute 19 Last night I came home, cooked dinner, and _TV A watch B watched C was watching 20 It is nearly months _he visited his parents A while B during C since D polluting D would watch D when Your Answer 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 20 Part Read the text below Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that best fits the space in the same line The first one has been done for you as an example (2 ms) NOT SUCH GOOD NEIGHBOURS The families in our street are slowly being driven mad by the (0) of the inhabitants of No.13 to have any form of (1) _ with them The trouble started over what is known as noise (2) Every evening, the (3) _ neighbours used to turn up the volume on the TV so loud that no one in the (4) _ was able to hear anything else Not knowing what (5) _ to take, local residents held a meeting to see if anyone had any (6) as to how to deal with the problem A (7) _ was made to send a number of people to talk to the family in No.13 and ask them (8) _ to turn their music down after six in the evening Unfortunately the visit did not turn out to be (9) _, as the inhabitants of No.13 refused to talk to them So, on the (10) of local police, the matter is now in the hands of the court REFUSE COMMUNICATE POLLUTE THINK NEIGHBOUR ACT SUGGEST DECIDE POLITE SUCCESS 10 ADVISE Your answer REFUSAL 10 Part Read the text and choose the best answer in 1-5 (2 ms) “Oh, you’re so lucky living in Bath, It’s such a wonderful, lovely, historical place,” people say enthusiastically, and all you can think of is the awful parking, the crowds of tourists, the expensive shops, the narrow-minded council, and the terrible traffic Luckily, I don’t live in Bath but nearly ten miles away in a village called Limpley Stoke in the Avon valley It seems to be normal in the countryside these days for professional people who work in the town prefer to live in the villages, this makes the housing so expensive that the villagers and agricultural workers have to live in the cheaper accommodation in town, with the result that the farmers commute out to the farm and ThuVienDeThi.com everyone else commutes in Certainly, there is nobody in the village could be called an old style villager The people nearest to me include a pilot, an accountant, a British Rail manager, a retired teacher not a farm worker among them But I don’t think there is anything wrong with that- it’s just that the nature of villages is changing and there is still quite a strong sense of community here A lot of this sense of community comes from the Post Office, which is a center for all the gossip and information I find out what is going on while I am there, pretending to control my two-year-old son My feeling is that if my son took the money collected for the children, it would go directly where it was needed but they don’t see it like that Working at home I tend to wander round the village at times when other people are at the office, which has given me a reputation for being incredibly lazy or unbelievably rich but I still don’t get enough time to look after the garden we bought My wife had a good idea for the first year “Let’s just leave it and see what comes up” There were some nice plants among the weeds She had a good idea for the second year as well “Why don’t we leave it and see if it all comes up again?” We did, and that is why we need to hire a full-time gardener this year What is the author’s attitude to Bath? A It is a wonderful place to live in B It has far too many disadvantages C He feels fortunate to live there D It has many good shops The people who live in the village A tend to work on the farms B are mostly professionals who work in the town C are able to afford houses in the town D don’t like the old-style villagers It would appear from the text that the Post Office A sells a wide range of cards B is where most of the charity work is organized C is a place where villagers can talk to each other D sells a range of tinned food as well as stamps The garden is not in good condition because A the author is too lazy to look after it B the author can’t afford to pay a gardener C the author’s no interest in it D nobody has worked on it for over two years The author feels that living in the village A is better than living in Bath B has a number of disadvantages C tends to be rather dull D is something that everyone would enjoy Your answer Part This letter recently appeared in an English magazine Four sentences have been removed from the letter Choose from the sentences (A-F) the one which fits the gap (1-4) There is one extra sentence which you not need to use An example is given (0) ( 1.2 m) I have recently become very worried about my 16 year-old son, Nick Although he was never brilliant at school, he always used to get reasonably good marks ThuVienDeThi.com F He used to be such a good swimmer that he won several prizes But now he has given up training And instead of the neat clothes he used to wear, all he ever puts on is the same pair of shabby old jeans and a dirty sweatshirt Nick was in the kitchen The radio was on so loud that he didn't hear me come in behind him My handbag was on the table We had a terrible row Finally, he broke down and confessed everything He has been going every day to a big amusement arcade near his school and playing electronic games with names like Space Warrior and Alien Invaders I had always thought they were harmless He has promised he won't go there again, but I think he's too addicted to stop What can I to help him? A But now I realize that he's so hooked on them, he'll even steal from his own mother in order to pay for the habit B Even if he wanted to, he couldn't – and he doesn't C I often leave it there so that I won't forget it when I go out D He had taken some money out of it and was just going to put it in his pocket E But that isn't all – last Sunday, I got up earlier than usual F But now his work has become so bad that his teachers say he is just wasting his time there Part Match the questions A-E with the answers 1-5 The first example (A) is done for you (0.8 m) A_3_ A B C D E B _ C _ D _ E _ Would it be OK if I did my homework in the dining room? Do you mind if I come back late this evening? Is it OK if my parents phone me here? Do you mind if I smoke? Would you mind if I had a bath now? No, not at all I'll give you a spare key Yes, of course Have they got the number? Yes, that would be fine as long as you clear everything away before dinner No, not at all There should be plenty of hot water Yes, I I find the smell quite disgusting Part Read the text If a line is correct, put a tick (√) in the right column If a line has an unnecessary word, underline it and write it in the right column There are two ThuVienDeThi.com examples at the beginning (0) and (00) (3 ms) 00 10 11 12 13 14 15 The other day, when I was in London, I ran down into an old friend of mine who had been at university with me Although that we hadn't seen each other for the ages and had lost touch, it was just like old times, and he told me all his news He moved to London after leaving from university, and started to train as an accountant He left after a few of months because he didn't find it very interesting, and he didn't feel like it spending the rest of his life in an office His parents were very helpful – they didn't try to make him to carry on training as a qualified accountant, and said him they would continue to support him despite of the fact that he didn't have a job to go to He soon found work doing that what he really wanted – writing for a TV show After the first series end, the producer let him to have his own TV show even though he was relatively young, and it turned out to be a great success down √ Part There are 10 blanks in the passage Use the words (phrases) given in the box to fill in the blanks Use only one word (phrase) in each blank There are five extra words (phrases) which you not need to use (2 ms) place, easily, alike, bury, carry, contain, imitated, interfered, most, prevent, protect, role, serve, surviving, tamed Man probably could not live without the help of animals The (1) of animals in the balance of nature ranks as their most important service to man Animals also (2) man by supplying him with many foods and other useful products Without animals, man would have no meat, milk, eggs, or honey; or wool, fur, or silk For thousands of years, man has caused changes in the animal kingdom He has (3) many kinds of animals and used them for food and clothing He has killed or driven away animals that once attacked him or (4) with his use of land Today, he tried to (5) many kinds of animals that are in danger of dying out Like man, (6) plants depend on animals for many of their basic needs Without animals, many plants could not (7) reproduce For example, many plants with flowers depend on bees and other insects to (8) their pollen from plant to plant Many oak trees grow from acorns that squirrels (9) and then forget, or from acorns that deer step on and push deep into the soil Birds often fly from one (10) to another with seeds clinging to their feet The seeds may sprout a great distance from the parent plants Your answer ThuVienDeThi.com 10 Part Read the following letter from someone who is doing a language course in France then choose the best word to fill in the gap by circling its corresponding letter A, B, C, or D (3 ms) Dear Mum and Dad, This is just a quick letter to let you know that I’m fine We’re all working quite hard because the exams are only a few weeks away, but our teacher (1) _ he thinks we’ll well (My landlady’s not so sure - she keeps (2) me I should stop (3) _ so much TV and a bit more reading!) Anyway, we had a wonderful time at half-term I went off to Paris for (4) days with some of the others from the school, and we went on a guided (5) _ of the city We saw most of the famous (6) _ like the Louvre, where they have an amazing (7) of paintings, and the Eiffel Tower Then, we went down to the South of France (8) train It was so fast – the whole (9) _ was only about four hours We spent (10) _ time in Nice and in Cannes as well, and we all really enjoyed it On our last day, we went to a small island (11) the Ile des Pelerines, and we saw the castle where they used to keep the “Man in the Iron Mask” All in all, we had a great time and (12) _ weather was really good as well The only thing I felt (13) _ about was that we didn’t have enough time to (14) to go swimming – maybe next time Anyway, I must go now as I’ve got to (15) _ a bit of homework for tomorrow Love, Janie A says B tells C speaks D talks A saying B telling C speaking D talking A watch B watched C to watch D watching A a little B little C a few D few A trip B visit C tour D excursion A shows B sights C views D looks A set B group C gallery D collection A in B by C with D on A voyage B travel C drive D journey 10 A a little B little C a few D few 11 A spoken B said C called D told 12 A any B a C the D those 13 A sorry B apologetic C displeased D regretful 14 A spend B waste C spare D take 15 A make B C solve D see Your answer 11 12 13 14 15 6 ThuVienDeThi.com 10 Part Rewrite the sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those printed before them (2 ms) They have just introduced a new style of Jeans in the USA A new style of Jeans What a pity I can’t speak English well I wish Keep your feet dry or you will get a cold If “Do you sometimes go to the English Speaking Club?” Mrs.Brown asked Mrs.Brown asked me “Let’s go abroad for our holiday this year,” said Mr.Ba Mr.Ba suggested Mr Jones remembered the date of wedding, and so did his wife Mr Jones didn’t …………………………………………………………………………… There is a great danger in driving too fast Driving too fast …………………………………………………………………………… She last ate this kind of food in January She hasn’t ………………………………………………………………………………… “Where you live, Nam?” Mary asked Mary asked Nam ………………………………….……………………………………… 10 No one can answer this question This …………………………………………………….………………………………… Part 10 Use the cues to complete the sentences that make a story You may change the forms if necessary (2 ms) It/ a nice morning/ May My friends/ I/ take/ a boat trip/ the Mekong Delta We/ see/ a lot of women/ plant/ rice/ rice fields After an hour/ we/ stop by/ island/ and/ visit/ snake farm/ see the snakes At noon/ we listen/ traditional music/ play/ local people Then we/ have lunch/ rice and fresh food/ fruit garden After the meal/ we continue/ trip/ floating market There we/ enjoy/ buy/ fruit and many local specialties At pm/ we visit/ famous pagoda/ before/ coming/ home/ coach 10 The trip/ very interesting/ we/ enjoy/ very much -THE END - ThuVienDeThi.com ... TỈNH KON TUM KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI CẤP TỈNH SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO LỚP NĂM HỌC 2012- 2013 Mơn: Tiếng Anh ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) Ngày thi: 16/3 /2013. .. them But I don’t think there is anything wrong with that- it’s just that the nature of villages is changing and there is still quite a strong sense of community here A lot of this sense of community... ate this kind of food in January She hasn’t ………………………………………………………………………………… “Where you live, Nam?” Mary asked Mary asked Nam ………………………………….……………………………………… 10 No one can answer this question This

Ngày đăng: 25/03/2022, 12:33


