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K THI CH N H C SINH GI I C P TH XÃ N M H C 2012-2013 Môn: TI NG ANH l p Th i gian làm bài: 150 phút (khơng k giao đ ) THI CHÍNH TH C ( thi có 06 trang – H c sinh làm đ thi) - PHÒNG GIÁO D C VÀ ÀO T O TH XÃ NINH HÒA Mã phách: SECTION A: LISTENING I / Listen to Carol talking to people at work and then to her husband, Ben, later the same day Write (T) for the True sentences and (F) for the False sentences (8ms) a) Carol has just come back from a business trip (…… ) b) They have changed the computers in the office (…… ) c) Carol can't log on to her computer (…… ) d) The computer expert will be back around p.m (…….) e) Carol's son, Tim, has gone to a friend's house.(…… ) f) Tim has changed the password on his laptop (…… ) g) Carol and Ben are going to have a party soon (…… ) h) She called Alex Ross earlier in the day (………) II / Listen again Fill in each blank with one word you hear (7ms) a) Do you know ………… we asked Alex Ross to come? b) Do you think he's changed the ……………………… ? c) Can you tell me what his ………………………… is ? d) Have you got any …………………… Where he's gone? e) Where's he ……………………………….? f) Will he be back ………………………… ? g) Has he …………………… the password? SECTION B: LANGUAGE USAGE & VOCABULARY I Choose the best word or phrase to fill in the blank CIRCLE the letter for your choice (20 ms) Thanks to the Internet, people can get the …………… information A late B later C latest D lately Wear a helmet when riding a motorbike Helmets are used …………… our head A to protect B protect C protected D protecting Workers like wearing jeans because they don’t …………… easily A wear off B wear out C make off D make out This is a very popular TV programme Every week it …………… by millions of viewers A watches B has been watched C was watched D is watched “…………… you …………… this pagoda?” “ No This is the first time.” A Have / yet visited B Have / ever visited C Have ever / visited D Will / visit I asked Ann …………….she liked learning Vietnamese A did B has C whether D how many K thi ch n HSG c p Th Xã môn Ti ng Anh – N m h c 2012 - 2013 -1DeThiMau.vn He was a strict ……………., he asked me a lot of difficult questions A examine B examination C examining D examiner If you give me your willing help, I …………….get success A will B should C would D could We usually watch the news on TV because it is very …………… A informative B information C inform D informal 10 They told their parents that they …………….their best to the test A try B tries C will try D would try 11 We would rather through the mountain than go by bus A to travel on train B travel by train C traveled by train D traveling by train 12 Ha Long Bay is a beautiful spot ………… is visited by thousands of tourists every year A where B which C whom D whose 13 All the information is now in the university’s computers A pushed B brought C sold D stored 14 Which verb does not form the past participle in – en , like write – written ? A steal 15 B shake C split D speak C coming D had come Listen! Can you hear someone .? A to be come B to coming 16 The living standard in the countryside is now A.working B bettering C replacing D improving C turn up D turn down C shall we D shan’t we C.cooked D cooks 17 This room is dark Can I ………… the light? A turn off B turn on 18 Let’s go to the cinema tonight, ? A will you B won’t you 19 She……………… in the kitchen when I came A is cooking B was cooking 20 I have lived here since I …………… ten years old A am B have been C will be D was II Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest (5ms) A wonderful B documentary C government D income A maize B plain C stair D sale A scholarship B teacher C exchange D chair A embroidered B prayed C designed D impressed A great B meat C seat D repeat * Your answers: …………… …………… 3……………… 4……………… 5……………… K thi ch n HSG c p Th Xã môn Ti ng Anh – N m h c 2012 - 2013 -2DeThiMau.vn III Read the text below Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in each line There is an example at the beginning (0) (10ms) Your answers: countryside Every weekend in Britain thousands of walkers head off into the COUNTRY (0) ………with the necessary (1) …… to enjoy their hiking One thing EQUIP they will not leave behind because it is considered an absolute (2) …… NECESSARY is their Ordnance Survey Map These maps are (3) …… to the hiker as VALUE they are very (4) ……, with up-to-date details about every part of the INFORM country The Ordnance Survey (5) …… in the eighteenth century and BEGIN was (6) …… intended to provide the army of the time with maps ORIGIN Before this, most maps were inaccurate and (7) …… Better maps were RELY thought to be important because the country felt (8) …… by invasion THREAT from abroad or (9) …… at home The organization is still wholly owned by the Government, but it was recently (10) …… trading fund status, which allows it to reinvest any profits REBEL 10 GIVE * Your answers: …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… 10 …………………… SECTION C: READING I Fill in each gap with a suitable word (8ms) Doctors tell us that holidays are necessary We should rest from work for a week (1) two weeks every year If it is possible, they say, we should leave our homes and (2) to another part of the country We should go away for a holiday Then, after the holiday, we (3) home, we must be ready for another year of work This seems to (4) sense fresh and strong But is it true ? It is possibly true for most adults but (5) for all Some people not like leaving their homes to stay (6)…………… strange hotels or strange houses For young children it is usually untrue: they not (7)………… a sudden change in their lives They like their (8) best of all * Your answers: …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… K thi ch n HSG c p Th Xã môn Ti ng Anh – N m h c 2012 - 2013 -3DeThiMau.vn II Read the paragraphs below and match the headings with them There is an extra heading, (4ms) * Headings : a) Eating b) Conversation c) Staying in an Indian home d) Food e) Dinner gifts _(paragraph 1) _ If you stay in an Indian home, bring something from your home country as a gift Although it is not expected, it would be much appreciated But find out the social status and religion of your hosts before you choose the gift A bottle of foreign whisky would be the perfect gift for some, and not at all appropriate for others If you know the people you are going to stay with, it is a good idea to ask them what they would like Some things are just not available in India _(paragraph 2) _ It is not necessary to bring a gift when you are invited to dinner After all, you are the honoured guest Until recently, it would have been almost insulting to bring sweets or a bottle of wine But this is not true today Nowadays it is a custom which is becoming popular with many Indians Fruit, flowers or a box of sweets are perfect gifts on such occasions, and will offend no one _(paragraph 3) _ In all classes of society, both urban and rural, food is only taken to the mouth with the right hand This is the most important part of the etiquette of eating in India Once you have started eating, and have food in your right hand, it is all right to serve yourself, using the serving spoon with the left hand When you watch Indians eat, you will see that they keep their left hand on their lap _(paragraph 4) _ If you are stuck for a conversation topic in India, talk about families Another useful subject to start with is cricket But once you get to know a person better, any topic is acceptable Indians love to talk about politics and religion They enjoy opinionated discussions and not just polite conversations Conversation is an art form and people take the time to really talk * Your answers : ( paragraph 1) : ………………………… ( paragraph 2) : ………………………… ( paragraph 3) : ………………………… ( paragraph 4) : ……………………… III Read the paragraphs again and say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) Write T or F in front of each statement (8 ms) _ If you stay with an Indian family you are expected to give them a gift _ Your choice of gift will depend on who your hosts are _ It used to be insulting to take a gift when you are invited for dinner _ You can give your hostess flowers _ You should always eat with your left hand _ Indians keep their left hand on the table _ Indians prefer interesting discussions to polite conversation _ They avoid talking about religion K thi ch n HSG c p Th Xã môn Ti ng Anh – N m h c 2012 - 2013 -4DeThiMau.vn SECTION D : WRITING I/ TRANSFORMATION (10 ms) Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given Do not change the word given You must use between two and five words, including the word given There is an example at the beginning Example: It hasn’t taken Sam long to learn Spanish picked Sam …….has picked up … Spanish very quickly Could you speak English when you were younger? able When you were younger, ……………………… speak English? My sister doesn’t like computer games very much keen My sister …… ……………………… computer games Three hundred students entered the swimming competition last year part Three hundred students …… …… the swimming competition last year I am sure Maria finds reading interesting because she has lots of books must Maria …… .…… …… reading because she has lots of books It is difficult for Paul to decide what to mind Paul finds it difficult …… …… what to Do you know whose this umbrella is, by any chance? belongs Do you know …… …… … , by any chance? Will your neighbours look after your dog when you go away? take Do you know if your neighbours …… …… …… your dog when you go away? I find his handwriting very hard to read difficulty I ……………………………………………………………….………………… his handwriting The fridge was completely empty left There ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 we missed the turning because we forgot to take a map with us remembered If we a map with us………………………………………………………… II / WRITING (20ms) For many people, “the bicycle is a great form of transport nowadays” Do you agree or disagree ? Write about your idea ( Your writing should be about 150-200 words ) K thi ch n HSG c p Th Xã môn Ti ng Anh – N m h c 2012 - 2013 -5DeThiMau.vn K thi ch n HSG c p Th Xã môn Ti ng Anh – N m h c 2012 - 2013 -6DeThiMau.vn ... K thi ch n HSG c p Th Xã môn Ti ng Anh – N m h c 2012 - 2013 -2DeThiMau.vn III Read the text below Use the word given in CAPITALS... K thi ch n HSG c p Th Xã môn Ti ng Anh – N m h c 2012 - 2013 -3DeThiMau.vn II Read the paragraphs below and match the headings with... K thi ch n HSG c p Th Xã môn Ti ng Anh – N m h c 2012 - 2013 -4DeThiMau.vn SECTION D : WRITING I/ TRANSFORMATION (10 ms) Complete

Ngày đăng: 24/03/2022, 17:36


