A method for Automated User Interface Testing of Windows-based Applications Duong Tran Dinh Pham Ngoc Hung Tung Nguyen Duy VNU University of Engineering and Technology duongtd@vnu.edu.vn VNU University of Engineering and Technology hungpn@vnu.edu.vn Toshiba Software Development Vietnam tung.nguyenduy@toshiba-tsdv.com ABSTRACT increase productivity Model-based testing [12] and Record & Replay [14] are two major approaches in automated UI testing Furthermore, writing test scripts directly is also known as another one which can be used with testers have programming knowledge Applying model-based testing to check the correctness of UI typically uses graph models to represent system behaviors and user interactions Each node in this model represents an interaction of a widget and test scenarios are created by traversing all possible paths inside it Some well-known tools applying this approach can be mentioned UFT [10], PETTool [4], PATH [1] This approach requires testers represent user scenarios using the formal specification method It means that testers should have the mathematical knowledge, hence it is not easy to use when applying this approach in practice Record & Replay is another approach used to check the correctness of UI interactions This approach consists of two major phases At first, all events that testers performed are recorded After that, these interactions can be replayed multiple times automatically With this approach, testers can create or run tests without programming knowledge Therefore, it is used more widely in comparison with model-based UI testing approach Because this approach proved effective for using in practice, there are many tools developed using this approach such as TestComplete [9], Reran [5], Ranorex1 In order to apply this approach in practice, testers must record all test scenarios manually to create test scripts However, the number of test scenarios is usually large especially in industrial projects Hence, recording all of them is not only a boring task but also consumes much time, cost, and efforts Instead of covering all scenarios, typically testers only focus on the critical ones that highly cause failures based on their knowledge and ignore others Bypassing such test scenarios, testers may leave the potential UI bugs in the software product With people have proficient programming, they can write test scripts directly instead of using any other methods Nevertheless, it also consumes much time and efforts to write all test scripts Moreover, they must ensure that these scripts are totally accurate (satisfy the syntax of the compiler, execute desired interaction correctly, etc) This paper introduces a method of automated UI testing for Windows-based applications to mitigate the mentioned problems We share motivation with replay phase in Record & Replay approach However, instead of requiring testers record all events manually, our method can generate a sequence of test scenarios coverage most cases without a lot of testers’ efforts There are three main phases of the proposed approach including widgets inspection, test scripts generation, and test execution The goal of the first phase is to extract all widgets and their properties from the system under test (SUT) From these widgets, testers would specify the desired This paper proposes a method for automated user interface testing of Windows-based applications to increase the accuracy in identifying the target widgets or executing several interactions The key idea of this method is to generate new test scenarios from widgets and test specification where widgets are extracted during the execution of the application and test specification is generated by combining the interactions of widgets Furthermore, the paper contributes some techniques to detect hidden widgets which considering as one of the most challenging problems in user interface testing Currently, a supporting tool has been implemented and tested with several industrial projects The details of the experimental results will be presented and discussed CCS CONCEPTS • Software and its engineering → Software testing and debugging; KEYWORDS Automated testing, graphical user interface testing, Windows application ACM Reference Format: Duong Tran Dinh, Pham Ngoc Hung, and Tung Nguyen Duy 2018 A method for Automated User Interface Testing of Windows-based Applications In The Ninth International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2018), December 6–7, 2018, Danang City, Viet Nam ACM, New York, NY, USA, pages https://doi.org/10.1145/3287921.3287939 INTRODUCTION User interface (UI) provides the ability to allow interactions between humans and underlying systems Thus, checking the correctness of UI has been considered as an important phase in the software quality assurance However, UI is becoming more and more complicated, hence manual testing has difficulties in both design and execution steps Furthermore, it must be performed not only one time but also every time when developers modify the source code of applications [15] Therefore, UI testing should be performed automatically instead of manually to reduce the efforts of testers and Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored Abstracting with credit is permitted To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee Request permissions from permissions@acm.org SoICT 2018, December 6–7, 2018, Danang City, Viet Nam © 2018 Association for Computing Machinery ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6539-0/18/12 $15.00 https://doi.org/10.1145/3287921.3287939 https://www.ranorex.com/ 337 SoICT 2018, December 6–7, 2018, Danang City, Viet Nam Duong Tran Dinh et al test scenarios After that, the test scripts corresponding to each test scenario are generated and packaged in a test project Finally, this test project is executed on a specific compiler to obtain the results of test scripts (e.g., pass/fail) The rest of this paper is organized as follows At first, Section introduces several outstanding related works Next, Section presents the widgets inspection phase The details of the test scripts generation and test execution are shown in Sect After that, Section describes a tool that was implemented from the proposed method and experimental results Finally, the conclusion of the paper is presented in Sect on Microsoft Developer Network [11] Some functions are used for extracting UI information or simulating actions can be listed as GetDesktopWindows, GetWindowText, SendMessage, GetMenu, etc Microsoft also provides a library named UI Automation2 on NET framework allows for programmatic access to many widgets on the Windows-based applications Developers can use UI Automation library to retrieve information about the UI of the system UI Automation also allows automated test scripts to interact with the UI This library exposes every piece of the UI to client applications as an “Element” Elements store common properties of the widgets they represent, and they are contained in a tree structure, with the desktop as the root element Client applications can filter the Element in the tree to find the desired elements by some conditions (e.g., name, control type) RELATED WORKS Since UI is an important factor of a system, there are many publications related to automated UI testing by several authors The methods proposed in these publications are based on two main approaches including model-based testing and Record & Replay Model-based testing [12] is a method which uses models to represent system behaviors and user interactions This approach consists of three main phases Firstly, the model of the system is built from specifications and designs Secondly, test cases are generated from this model (a collection of UI interaction test cases is generated based on some algorithms, conditions, etc) The number of test cases generated depends on the algorithms used In general, this method generates more test cases than others, this is an advantage of model-based testing Finally, test cases are executed on the application under test By comparing the expected outputs and actual outputs after executing, the state success or failure of each test case is retrieved and test reports are created The quality of generated test cases depends on the model used Researching to find out the good models for automated UI testing is getting more and more attention such as UFT [10], PETTool [4], PATH [1] In these studies, the graph model which test scenarios are created by traversing all possible its paths is a common one [8] [3] [6] Record and replay [14] is another technique used to check the correctness of interactive applications with graphical user interfaces In the UI testing, this technique is used more widely than modelbased testing because it does not require mathematical knowledge Record and replay consists of two phases corresponding to its name Firstly, all the events that be performed by users are recorded (e.g., keys pressed, mouse movements, etc.) After that, these events can be exactly replayed multiple times automatically This is a great advantage of this technique because it assists to save a lot of testers’ efforts in executing test Testers find it easy to use record and replay tools for UI testing Record and replay technique is effective in practice for UI testing in comparison with traditional manual methods Thus, there was much attention in developing automated UI testing tools based on record and replay approach for applications on various platforms such as Ranorex, Reran [5], Mobiplay [13], VALERA [7], WaRR [2], etc Windows API, informally WinAPI contains several functions which programmer can use when developing applications for Windows operating system By using WinAPI, an application can display output, prompt for user input, or carry out other tasks that support interaction with users Windows API functions have been documented in several publications, the most sufficient is written WIDGETS INSPECTION The proposed method in this paper can be divided into three main phases as shown in Fig Firstly, all widgets are extracted from SUT during the execution of it One of the most challenges in this phase is that some hidden widgets cannot be detected, hence several techniques are introduced to overcome this problem Then, a sequence of UI test scenarios is generated by combining the interactions of each widget which be defined by testers After that, the corresponding test scripts are generated and a test project is exported Finally, this test project is built and run to create UI test reports This section presents the details of the first phase of extracting widgets in an application Figure 1: The overview of the proposed method 3.1 Widgets objects extraction In this phase, all widgets and their properties are extracted from SUT These widgets are prerequisite for testers can design test scenarios in the next phase After the test application was launched, the process identifier (PID) of the application is retrieved By using this PID, widgets are found recursively from the root widgets corresponding to the windows of the application For each widget, the following properties need to be retrieved • type: there are several kinds of widgets such as window, button, text box, radio button, tree view, etc https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/ ui-automation-overview 338 A method for Automated UI Testing of Windows-based Applications • id: this is an attribute which its value was assigned by the programmer in software developing process • name: a string, it is usually the same as the content of this widget • parent and children • size: height, width of widget • location: relative location of widget • screen capture of widget • other properties: e.g., state (enable or disable), visibility, etc For each type of widget, maybe there are some more specific attributes need to be retrieved For example, with a text box widget, it is necessary to determine this widget is read-only or not During the extraction process, there are several kinds of hidden widgets which maybe cannot be detected There are two major types of hidden widgets including hidden widgets in the opened windows and hidden widgets in windows which have not opened yet The details of solutions to overcome this problem for each hidden type are presented in the next sections 3.2 SoICT 2018, December 6–7, 2018, Danang City, Viet Nam application may be unwanted changed For example, if we click on item Exit (not care this item contain children or not), the application will close, the extraction process will finish Hence, it is necessary to have another method to deal with hidden menu items In this paper, we use some low-level functions in WinAPI to analyze and detect all menu items of SUT The details about the solution to extract each type of hidden widgets in an opened window are presented in Table Hidden widgets in opened windows analyzer Figure 4: Hidden menu items in Notepad application When a window of SUT is opened, all widgets in this window need to be extracted However, maybe this objective cannot be achieved because it contains some hidden widgets For example, in a combo box at the normal state, except the current selection which is being selected, the remain selections are invisible (Fig 2), hence they are treated as hidden widgets In order to detect these kinds of widgets, several appropriate actions are performed automatically at runtime during inspection to visible widgets which were hidden before In the above-mentioned example, the suitable action is to click the drop-down button located on the right of this combo box (Fig 3) Table 1: Handling hidden widgets in opened windows Widget type tree view Widgets are maybe hidden children nodes when parent is not expand tab widgets in unselected tab items combo box menu item Figure 2: Combo box at normal state Figure 3: Combo box after click drop-down button 3.3 Menu is a common design in a Window desktop application In addition to menu items are visible (e.g., File, Edit, Format, etc in Fig 4), there are also menu items and submenu items located inside which only be displayed when select their parent menu item (e.g., New, Open, Save, etc in Fig 4) Obviously, these menu items cannot be detected, they are considered as hidden widgets Unfortunately, the solution performing several actions on each menu item at runtime as described above for combo box widget type cannot be applied here because of some reasons Firstly, we not know how to visible children (selections) of a menu item There are cases where users need to click on the item, other cases only require hover instead of click Secondly, if each menu item we perform a click action to visible its children, the structure of the selections that are not being selected sub menu items Solutions expand all nodes that contain children at runtime in turn select each tab item, extract all widgets in this tab item at runtime click drop-down button on the right at runtime use low-level functions in WinAPI to extract widgets Hidden widgets in unopened windows analyzer Figure 5: Solution to display all windows in SUT In fact, a Windows desktop application contains more than one window, but not all of them are opened immediately after the application is launched For example, the Notepad application only has a text editor window opening after it is started, Font selection 339 SoICT 2018, December 6–7, 2018, Danang City, Viet Nam Duong Tran Dinh et al window will be displayed when users click Format -> Font However, there is no way to find widgets in the windows that have not been opened yet Thus, all windows of SUT should be opened before extracting process in order to avoid ignoring widgets in these windows This research proposes modification of SUT from source code of the project as a solution to display all windows in it The approach can be divided into three phases as in the Fig In the first phase, all windows of the application are found by analyzing the project’s source code For example, if the source code is written in C#, this mission will be solved by fetching all classes, a class inherited from one of the two following classes will be a corresponding window • System.Windows.Window • System.Windows.Forms.Form is to write all information in files WidgetsâĂŹ screen capture images are encoded into string format to write in files Because these encoded strings are often very long, so they should be stored in a separate file, independent with other attributes TEST SCRIPTS GENERATION AND EXECUTION 4.1 Test scripts generation The method to generate test scripts consists of two main steps Firstly, from the widgets retrieved before, testers add a collection of interactions for each one (e.g., click, select the first option of a combo box widget) These interactions are combined to generate a set of test scenarios A test scenario contains a sequence of widgets, each one is assigned a value from it’s set of interactions In order to avoid creating numerous scenarios when there are many widgets or interactions, users can define several combination constraints to limit the number of scenarios generated After that, the executable test scripts represented for each scenario are exported automatically The method for specifying test scenarios is very important, it is fundamental for testers design desired scenarios Our specification method ensures that it is both cost-effective to create new test scenarios and easy for testers to use in practice By using this method, they only need to define a set of desired actions, validations for each widget They spend fewer efforts than recording events in Record & Replay technique or manual writing test scripts Test scripts are essentially a collection of statements interact with widgets of each test scenario The statement elements.LoдinW indow.LoдinButton.Click(); is an example expresses a click action on LoдinButton widget located in LoдinW indow Declaring the parent widget LoдinW indow in this statement is necessary because of the existence of two or more widgets have the same name but they are located in different windows For example, another window named SecondW indow also contains a LoдinButton, so if only using LoдinButton.Click(), this action will be not clear when not know the target widget (located in LoдinW indow or SecondW indow) Finally, test scripts and files store widgets’ information are packaged into a test project With this test project, users can run many times later independently Algorithm 1: Modify source code of project Input : Project’s source code Output : Modified application 10 11 12 13 14 15 begin create empty list foreach cl ass in project if cl ass inherits W indow or F orm then add cl ass to list t empF il e = file from path “temFile.txt” foreach cl ass in list name = name of cl ass insert statement “AppendText2File(t empF il e,name);” into the first of constructor function insert statement “OpenAllWindows();” into the end of constructor function function OpenAllWindows(t empF il e): if t empF il e’s content not contains SecondW indow then open SecondW indow if t empF il e’s content not contains T hir dW indow then open T hir dW indow /* the same with the remains windows */ After that, several statements which open windows are inserted into suitable locations There are some conditions need to be satisfied in the insertion process including all windows of SUT need to be opened and each one is called open exactly one time Hence, if a window is displayed, it does not need to insert new scripts to open again Algorithm describes the proposed method to solve these problems The main idea of this method is to store the opened windows by using a temporary text file tempFile.txt Each class is corresponding to a window, in its constructor function, a statement writing its name is inserted at the first, and another statement calling to OpenAllW indows function is added at the end The content of the OpenAllW indows function contains scripts that open all windows of SUT except itself However, before opening a window, it must be ensured that this window has not opened yet by checking the existence of its name in the temporary text file Finally, the modified source code is rebuilt to create a new application Widgets’ properties and related information need to be saved because they are used many times in the next phases (e.g., to find a correct widget to execute an interaction) The easiest way for this purpose 4.2 Test execution Executing test project is essentially the execution of a sequence of actions, validations with widgets There are multiple types of widgets, each one has various interaction types Basically, all interactions can be divided into three groups as follows • Direct actions (hereinafter referred to as “Action”): e.g., click a button, input text into a text box, set value for widget’s width, etc • Validation interactions (hereinafter referred to as “Validation”): e.g., check the existence of a widget, validate the value of text attribute of a widget with some texts, etc • Other interactions: e.g., capture the current screen, delay an amount of time, wait until a window is displayed, etc If an interaction belongs to the Action or Validation type, there are two steps to execute it including target widget detection and 340 A method for Automated UI Testing of Windows-based Applications SoICT 2018, December 6–7, 2018, Danang City, Viet Nam interaction execution The target widget is found from the rootwidgets using its attributes’ value achieved in the previous phase Searching target widget often takes longer time than executing interaction and it is considered as a challenge in UI testing UI automated testing tools may fail when trying to find the widget before performing an action, especially with hidden widgets (e.g., submenu items, selections of a combo box, etc) In this paper, in order to overcome this problem, some low-level functions provided by WinAPI are invoked to search destination widgets After test project was finished running, a test report is exported This test report needs to show the state of the execution (success or failure) of each test scenario There are three states of the result after performing an interaction as follows • Success: this interaction was executed successfully • Failure: this interaction was executed completely, but it returned false For example, validation the value of text attribute of a widget with some texts returns false • Error: this interaction was not executed completely It means that in the execution process, there was something interrupted this interaction, and it could not continue For instance, the target widget cannot be found Figure 6: The architecture of GTA Whenever the result of executing an interaction is different from success state, the hold current screen will be captured and written into the test report as an additional information TOOL AND EXPERIMENTS 5.1 Implemented tool Based on the proposed approach, a Windows Desktop tool named GTA (GUI Tesing Automation) has been developed This a Windows Desktop application implemented using C# language and WPF framework It contains four main modules including Widgets inspection, Test scripts generation, Test execution, GUI visualizer (Fig 6) In widgets inspection module, the widgets and their properties are extracted by using WinAPI and Microsoft UI Automation library Users need to select the application to test by one of three ways: select exe file, select zip file contains the source code of a C# project, select an application instance already running In order to show the effectiveness of GTA, it was tested with UI of several applications In this section, a case study with TSDVApplication1 is illustrated Figure shows the interface of the tool after extracting widgets from the application In the tree view on the left, users can select some widgets that related to any desired test scenarios Then, they add several interactions for each widget, constraints for the tool combines actions to generate a sequence of test scenarios Finally, GTA exports test scripts and packages them into a test project which can be opened, built, and run within Visual Studio Figure shows an example of the report which is generated whenever running test project completely It can be seen that the scenario Feature_1 is failed since the action checking the existence of TaskManagerView returns failure (the image shows the screen captured at this time) Both three remains validation actions are succeeded Figure 7: GUI of the tool 5.2 Experiments In the process of evaluating experiments, we used two applications named TSDV-Application1 and TSDV-Application2 (were built by TSDV) in addition to several other real well-known applications Both of these two applications include almost all types of widget and provides various kinds of interaction Hence, if the experiments are achieved from them, likely the same results will be obtained from others There are various types of widgets, each one supports several actions Firstly, this section makes a comparison in term of the accuracy in simulating several common actions between GTA and commercial well-known tool named Ranorex This comparison is 341 SoICT 2018, December 6–7, 2018, Danang City, Viet Nam Duong Tran Dinh et al Figure 8: A test report of GTA Test scripts can be generated if and only if the target widgets were retrieved in the previous inspection phase Hence, extracting all widgets from SUT is consider as an important task, especially with hidden widgets Therefore, we also make another comparison in term of the number of widgets extracted between GTA, Ranorex Spy, and UI Spy Ranorex Spy is a tool in commercial Ranorex tools and UI Spy3 is another provided by Microsoft Four applications are used as the inputs including TSDV-Application1, TSDV-Application2, Calculator (default on Windows 10) and Audacity4 (an open source audio software) All of the widgets in this experiment we present here are only in opened windows Although neither Ranorex Spy nor UI Spy is able to retrieve widgets in the unopened windows, we not put this kind of difference to this experiment because extracting widgets from unopened windows is not the objective that these tools aim to The details of the comparison are presented in Table operated under TSDV-Application1 and Calculator (default on Windows 10) The details of the experiment results are shown in Table Table 3: Comparison in terms of the number of widgets extracted Application Table 2: Comparison in term of simulating several actions between Ranorex and GTA Widget type Button Textbox Combo box Window Any Text block Tree view Tab Combo box List box Actions Click/ Double click/ Right click it Input a string in it Set item selection of it Check the existence of it Send keyboard keys combination (e.g., Ctrl + A) Validate its text equals with a string Expand/ Collapse/ Select a tree view item Click a tab item (to change item selected of it) Click an item selection inside it Click an invisible item of it Ranorex GTA Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Success Cannot perform action Cannot perform action Calculator TSDV Application1 Widget GTA type Combo Fully box Tree view Fully Tab Fully Combo Fully box Miss menu Menu items’ item screenshots TSDV Tab Application2 Success Success Audacity It can be seen that both Ranorex and GTA execute some simple actions successfully (e.g., click a button, validate the text value of a text block, expand a tree view item, etc) However, there are two cases that Ranorex performs with errors, but GTA does not Firstly, Ranorex API combobox Items[index].Click() is invoked to click the index-th selection inside combobox (choose this selection), Ranorex cannot perform this action (process stops midway and display an error), hence the selection is not select Secondly, when using API listbox Items[index].Click() to click the index-th item (an invisible item, must scroll mouse down to see it) of listbox, Ranorex throws an exception and displays an error in the report In contrast, GTA simulates two actions in these cases without any mistakes These results are achieved because of using some low-level WinAPI functions in both searching target widgets and executing interactions processes Fully Ranorex Spy UI Spy Miss not selected Miss not selected options options Miss children nodes which Fully parent are not expanded Miss widgets in Miss widgets in not selected not selected tab pages tab pages Miss all options Fully Miss menu items’ screenshots Miss widgets’ screenshots in not selected tab pages Miss menu items’ screenshots Miss widgets in not selected tab pages Combo Fully Miss all options Fully box Miss menu Menu Miss all submenu Miss all submenu items’ item items items screenshots It can be seen that both Ranorex Spy and UI Spy ignore some widgets in the extraction process Ranorex Spy always ignores some selections in a combo box widget in three applications (Calculator, TSDV-Application1, and TSDV-Application2) Similar to the combo box, with a tab widget, Ranorex Spy also omits widgets in the unselected tab-pages UI Spy detects fully selections of a combo box widget in two TSDV’s application, but with Calculator app, it ignores un-selected selections Besides, UI Spy cannot detect some nodes in a tree view whose parents have not expanded yet In contrast, GTA overcomes these limitations because it applied several https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms727247(v=vs.110).aspx https://www.audacityteam.org/ 342 A method for Automated UI Testing of Windows-based Applications techniques at runtime inspection to deal with hidden widgets For example, whenever the extraction process encounters a combo box widget, GTA will automatically execute clicking the drop-down button on the right of it to visible all item selections inside GTA can detect all invisible menu items (e.g., New, Open inside File), but it cannot retrieve their screenshots The reason is that it only uses several low-level WinAPI functions to search all menu items, it does not apply any actions at runtime to visible them Ranorex Spy and UI Spy identify fully menu items in TSDV-Application1 the same as GTA, but they cannot detect any invisible menu items in Audacity application SoICT 2018, December 6–7, 2018, Danang City, Viet Nam more hidden widgets in comparison with that of Ranorex Spy and UI Spy Currently, GTA has been deployed for use in TSDV and received many positive feedbacks In parallel with that, TSDV are also applying the tool with several well-known applications such as Notepad, Outlook mail, etc to obtain more experimental results Based on the assessments, GTA would be continually improving so as to apply more effectively on various kind of projects written on different platforms in practice Specifically, the next research would focus on solving the problem of hidden widgets detection in dynamic applications (e.g., widgets are loaded from the database) In addition, GTA will be extended the current idea of the proposal on other platforms such as Linux, and MacOS CONCLUSION This paper presented a method of automated UI testing for Windowsbased applications The proposed method includes three phases including widgets inspection, test scripts generation, and test execution The key idea of the proposed method is to generate new test scenarios from the specification and widgets extracted from the application Firstly, all widgets are extracted from SUT during the execution of it Then, a collection of UI test scenarios are generated by combining the interactions of each widget from the specification After that, the corresponding test scripts are generated and packaged into a test project Finally, this test project is built and run on SUT to export UI test reports The proposed method can generate a sequence of test scenarios by combining a collection of interactions of each widget Testers only need to define interactions of each widget, hence this method saves testers’ efforts in creating UI interaction scenarios The exported test project can be run multiple times automatically so it reduces the cost of test execution By using some low-level Window API functions, this method could find the correct widget and perform interaction accurately Furthermore, this paper applied three kinds of techniques to detect hidden widgets, which is considered as one of the most challenges in automated UI testing Firstly, some appropriate actions are performed automatically at runtime in extraction process whenever encounter a special widget type to visible other widgets which were hidden before (e.g., expand all nodes inside a tree view to visible its children) Secondly, some low-level functions provided by WinAPI are used to search all menu items in SUT Thirdly, the hidden widgets in unopened windows are retrieved by modifying the source code of the input project to display all of the windows before inspection At the same time, the proposed method has been implemented in the tool name GTA to demonstrate the effectiveness of this method The experiment results have illustrated that GTA could overcome the inaccuracies which Ranorex encountered in simulating two actions including click an item selection inside a combo box and click an invisible item in a list box Furthermore, GTA could detect REFERENCES [1] Samer Al-Zain, Derar Eleyan, and Joy Garfield 2012 Automated user interface 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