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I icon, 452 ID class name, 417 ideogram,9-10 IFrames, 29 image. See also graphics absoluteorrelativepositioning,107-108 background,32-33,35 bitmapped, 99 conversionrateoptimization,512-518 flattened,98-99 formats,misusing,143-151 immersive imagery, 11 keywords,477-479 menuitemsas,30-32 mortising,104-113 normal spacing between, 106 overcompressing,147-149 placingtextover,110-113 positionedincontainer,108-109 seamlesslypiecedtogether,104-105 sense of motion or emotion, 107 sourcefiles,455-457 template customization, 537 thumbnailassmallerversionof,38-39 uncompressed,37-38 imagebutton,30-32 image-mapping, 78 Images folder, 91 <img> tag, 115 import, 120 impression, 9 includefiles,60-61,84,124 indentation, 461 inline characters, 452 <INPUT> tag, 379 ISP usage, 49 italics and bold tags, 476 J JavaScript, 77, 448 JPG format compression, 138 savingimagesas,137-138 solidcolorssavedas,145-146 K Kbps (kilobits per second), 26 keyword in ‘‘alt’’ and ‘‘title’’ properties, 477 link,479-480 meta,473-474 in naming directories, files, and images, 477-479 research,468-470 <keyword> tag, 473 Keyword tool (Google), 466 kilobits per second (Kbps), 26 L label,form,372-373,375 <LABEL> tag, 377378 layer advantages of, 97 designconsideration,96-99 as folder, 97 image made up of, 97 mask, 99 merged, 98 99 parent, 97 Layers panel (Photoshop), 544, 547, 549 layout deciding on, 95 96 header height considerations, 96 menu width consideration, 96 round edges and corner placement considerations, 96 scrolling versus nonscrolling, 72 three-column basicframework,326-329 CSS container placement, 325 design structure, 322 guideandsliceplacement,323-324 header, footer, and column content, 335-342 requirements, 321 rows and columns, adding to framework, 329-334 second-level pages, 343 usabilityenhancement,72-74 vertical versus horizontal space consideration, 95 left alignment, 329 <li> tag, 115 line,438-439 linear shapes, 452 line-heightproperty,453-454 line-level tag, 118 linkkeyword,479-480 liquiddesign,437-438 listing background-based design footer,360-366 framework,350-352 headerarea,353-357 Index 883 boxmodelmethod,172-174 CSSdesign,168-170 fixed-width design basic framework and initial style rule, 421 bodyandheaderrules,423-424 centering,433-436 footerarea,428-430 leftandrightcolumnrules,425-427 form checkbox, 381 comments row, 382 completedform,384-389 drop-down menu, 380 initial code, 377 namerow,378-379 optionstoselectrow,383-384 required row, 377 sectiontitle,383-384 stylesheet,374-375 submit and cancel button, 384 high-content CSS design basicframework,273-274 centercolumn,287-296 headerrow,276-278 leftcolumn,281-285 second-levelpages,threecolumn,300-309 second-levelpages,twocolumn,311-319 image background image and text added to, 112-113 mortised,109-110 line, 439 low-content CSS design basicframework,185-187 center(right)columnexample,201-206 floatingcontainerexample,214-221 headercontent,188-190 left-columnexample,195-198 second-levelpageconstructionexample, 208-213 low-content XHTML template contentarea,404-406 footer information, 409 menutable,399-401 style sheet, 396 medium-content CSS design basicframework,228-229 bottom, center, and right content areas, 244-250 leftcolumnexample,231-234 second-levelpage,threecolumn,253-258 second-levelpage,twocolumn,260-264 top-rightimageexample,238-242 search engine optimization A5designcasestudy,484-485, 487-491,4865 Apricotpetal.comcasestudy,502-505 onepartart.comcasestudy,493-500 style sheet, 120 three-column layout basicframework,327-328 header, footer, and column content, 335-342 rowsandcolumns,331-334 XHTML,160-168 log file, usage statistics, 22 logo low-content XHTML template, 406 positioning,73-74 look and feel requirements, 41 low content, 80 low-content CSS design basic description of, 179 basicframework,185-188 center(right)columnexample,201-207 containerplacement,183-185 floatingcontainerexample,214-221 guideandsliceplacement,180-183 headercontent,92,188-191 leftcolumnexample,194-200 nestedleftandrightcolumn,192-194 second-levelpageconstruction,207-214 understanding the design structure, 180 low-content XHTML template advantagesof,392-393 centercolumn,addingimageto,401-402 contentarea,394,402-408 disadvantages of, 393 download time, 392 footerinformation,408-409 guidesandslices,394-395 menubullets,394-395 menutable,390-392,398 overview, 391 parenttable,394-396 style sheet, 396 title and logo, 406 Lycos search engine, 465 M margin,352,375,420-421,443 mask, layer, 99 mathematics-based technology, 13 Medcomgroup.com(CROcasestudy),528-532 medium content, 81 medium-content CSS design Index884 basicframework,228-230 bottom, center, and right content areas, 244-252 building the structure, 228 containerplacement,226-227 guideandsliceplacement,224-226 leftcolumnexample,230-235 nestedcenterandrightcolumn,236-237 second-levelpages,threecolumn,253-259 second-levelpages,twocolumn,260-265 top-rightimages,237-244 understanding of design structure, 223 menu background image for, 33, 35 consistencyin,74-75 CSS, 78 Flash, 77 horizontalversusverticalstructure,76-77,95 HTML text with mouseover, 78 image-mapped graphic, 78 JavaScript of Java applet, 77 length and width, 77 limitingthenumberof,75-76 movingthe,74-75 navigation, 63, 458 positioning, 73 width considerations, 96 menubullets,394-395,440-441 menu items asimages,30-32 using text for, 76 menutable,390-392,398 mergedlayer,98-99 metakeywordandmetadescription,473-474 modularsite,60-61 monitorresolution,50-55 mortised site generalstepsforbuilding,83-84 images,104-113 philosophyof,14-17 sourcedirectorycreation,90-92 steps toward typical building of, 104 mouseover,199,395,441-442,460 Move tool (Photoshop), 550 MSN search engine, 465 multimedia,12-14 N naming convention consistencyin,68-69 foldersystem,91-92 ID class, 417 keywords,477-479 rulesandproperties,416-420 troubleshooting, 449 usabilityenhancement,68-69 navigation consistencyin,74-76 horizontal, 458, 514 smartnavigationtipsandtechniques,458-459 usabilityenhancement,74-76 vertical,458-459 nestedtable,158,402-403,425 Notepad software, 541 O objectives documentation, 44 onepartart.com CROcasestudy,524-528 SEOcasestudy,491-502 Optimizer (Google), 466 Organicresults(Google),466-467 P padding,229,328,352,420-421,443 page visit statistics, 23 paragraph,438-439 parent layer, 97 parenttable,394-396 patience, 100 PayPerClick(PPC),466-467 philosophy mortising,14-17 multimedia,12-14 usability,7-12 phone line, 49 photo. See also image; stock images replacement,544-548 resizing,549-551 text, 142 Photoshop (Adobe) colorchangesin,551-555 Color Picker tool, 552 compcreation,89-90 Filltool,552-555 history state, 557 image and color customization, 537 image-compression, 152 Layers panel, 544, 547549 Move tool, 550 opening main design file in, 536 redo actions, 556 Replace Files window, 539 replacingphotoin,544-548 resizingphotoin,549-551 Index 885 savingforweboption,536-537 Slice Select tool, 539 undoactions,556-557 PNG format advantagesoverJPGs,128-130 compression,134-137 imagemostlikelysavedas,130-131 linedrawingsavedas,132-133 resizablecolorpaletteallowance,129-130 saving images as, 132 thumbnailsavedas,133-134 transparent images and, 129 positioning absolute,107-108,198,206,430 body, 74 content,73-74 header, 73 logo,73-74 menu, 73 relative,107-108,237,278,437 PPC(PayPerClick),466-467 prepared by documentation, 43 previous design, 28 printstylesheet,121-122,450-451 property background, 199 CSS,116,119-120 height, 251 line-height,453-454 propernaming,416-420 proposed solutions documentation, 45 R rankvalue,searchengineoptimization,480-481 rebrandablesite,451-452 redo actions, 556 relativepositioning,107-108,237,278,437 relativesite,55-57 requirements bandwidth,42,47-50 collection,43-45 content, 42 documentation,43-45 exampleofhowandwhattocollect,85-86 front-end,46-47,85 gatheringandbasingasiteon,85-88 look and feel, 41 resolution, 42 as roadmap to build upon, 85 scalability, 42 that lack detail, 43 resolution 640 Â 480, 55 800Â600,51,56 1024Â768,51-52,56 1280Â800,51-52 decidingon,50-55 increased, 53 monitor,50-55 forrelativesite,55-57 sitedesignedforlower,53-54 sitedesignedforstandard,53-54 site requirements, 42 versions of site to satisfy differing, 57 resource color, 95 stock image, 93 validation, 177 reuse,graphic,459-460 rounded edges, 96 rows form checkbox,380-381 comments, 382 contact name, 379 drop-down menu, 379 namerowexample,377-379 optionstoselect,383-384 required row, 376 sectiontitle,383-384 three-column layout design, 329-332,334 rule CSS, 116 propernaming,416-420 S saving images gradations,138-140 asJPG,137-138 as PNG or GIF, 132 uncompressed, 143, 145 scalability designing for, 60 editable site, 60 flexibledesignimportance,62-64 modular site, 60 site requirements, 42 Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), 127 scope creep, 42 scrolling horizontalscrollbaravoidance,449-450 nonscrolling versus, 72 searchbox,510-511 search engine hits, 23, 466 search engine optimization (SEO) Index886 A5design.comcasestudy,483-488, 490-491,4879 algorithm, 467 AltaVista, 465 Apricotpetal.comcasestudy,502-505 AskJeeves, 465 Bing, 466 bold and italics tags, 476 combination Web sites, 465 evolution,465-466 Excite, 465 Google Analytics, 23, 25, 466 building strong page rank value with, 480-481 Keyword tool, 466 market share, 466 Optimizer, 466 Organicresults,466-467 PPC(PayPerClick),466-467 sitemap,481-482 <h1>to<h6>tag,475-476 Hotbot, 465 keywordresearch,468-470 keywords in ‘‘alt’’ and ‘‘title’’ properties, 477 keywords in naming directories, files, and images,477-479 linkkeywords,479-480 Lycos, 465 metakeywordsandmetadescription,473-474 MSN, 465 onepartartcasestudy,491-502 pagerankvalue,480-481 sitemap,481-482 strong content importance, 468 titletag,471-472 Web Crawler, 465 Yahoo, 465 second-level page background-baseddesign,368-369 high-level content design threecolumn,300-310 twocolumn,310-320 low-contentCSSdesignexample,207-214 medium-level CSS design threecolumns,253-259 twocolumn,260-265 three-column layout, 343 <SELECT> tag, 379 selector, CSS, 116 semicolon, 417 SEO. See search engine optimization sevenrulesofdesign,5-6 shortcuts, CSS, 450 shorthand property, 116 Siegel, David (Creating Killer Web Sites), 14 sign-off documentation, 45 site requirements. See requirements site/client name documentation, 43 sitemap,67,481-482 Slice Select tool, 539 slices and guides background-baseddesign,347-349 high-contentCSSdesign,268-271 low-contentCSSdesign,180-183 low-contentXHTMLtemplate,394-395 medium-contentCSSdesign,224-226 source directory consistent filing and naming system,90-91 Images folder, 91 as organized folder system, 91 Source folder, 91 stock photo, 91 Web project name, 91 source image files breaking out sections of, 457 easilycustomizedandresaved,455-456 spacer GIF, 357 spaces,191-192,462 spacing,420-421 <SPAN> tag, 105, 378 specification, 6 split-complementary color, 95 stock images bundled, 93 collectinganddocumenting,92-94 cost,92-93 documentation,93-94 high resolution, 92 low resolution, 92 resources, 93 source directory creation, 91 usage agreement, 93 style, font, 229 style sheet. See also CSS form,374-376 importing, 120 low-content XHTML template, 396 print,121-122,450-451 submit and cancel buttons, 384 SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), 127 T table cells,407-408 nested,158,402-403,425 Index 887 when to use, 176 <table> tag, 401 tag <a href>, 401 block-level, 118 <BODY>, 421 <body>, 115 bold, 476 <BR/>tag,438-439 comment,352,447-448 <DIV>,108,110-111,183,185,192-193,200, 423,425,438-439,453 <div class>, 115 <em>, 115 <FORM>, 371, 376 <h1>to<h6>,115,475-476 <head>, 115 <HTML>, 421 <html>, 115 <img>, 115 <INPUT>, 379 italics, 476 <keyword>, 473 <LABEL>,377-378 <li>, 115 line-level, 118 list of, 115 <p>, 115 <SELECT>, 379 <SPAN>, 105, 378 <span class>, 115 <strong >, 115 <table>, 115, 401 <td>, 115 <TEXTAREA>, 382 <textarea>, 116 <title>, 115, 473 <tr>, 115 <ul>, 115 using limited number of, 114 XHTML,113-114 TantekCelikHack,117,411-416 technical aspect focus, 3 technologicaladvancement,1-2 template customization images and color, 537 main design file, opening in Photoshop, 536 six-stepprocess,535-536 testing,542-543 text and code customization, 542 testimonial,367-368 testing consistent, 455 conversionrateoptimization,521-523 CSSdesign,177-178 templatecustomization,542-543 tips and techniques for, 455 text alignment, 352 color, 401 ‘‘complete access,’’ 357 hyperlinked, 401 length, 367 for menu items, 76 overimage,110-113 photo, 142 savingasGIF,132-133 template customization, 542 <TEXT> tag, 382 three-column layout basicframework,326-329 CSS container placement, 325 design structure, 322 guideandsliceplacement,323-324 header,footer,andcolumncontent,335-342 requirements, 321 rows and columns, adding the framework, 329-334 second-level pages, 343 thumbnail correct use of, 40 mistake designers make using, 39 savingasPNGorGIF,133-134 title area flexible design importance, 64 low-content XHTML template, 406 ‘‘title’’ properties, 477 titletag,471-472 transparent images, 129 troubleshooting commentingoutcodefor,447-448 naming conventions, 449 using border and background properties for, 443-446 U uncompressedimages,37-38,143,145 underscore, 401 undoactions,556-557 usability conservative side of design, 8 designerconsiderationfor,8-9 graphics as complication rather than communication, 7 graphicsincreasingthe,9-11 how each philosophy addresses, 7 philosophyof,7-12 visual, 8 Index888 usability enhancement accessibility design, 79 avoidance of linking user out of the section,69-70 cascadingversusflatarchitecture,71-72 click limits, 69 contentdesign,79-81 contentpositioning,73-74 horizontal versus vertical structure, 76 layout,72-74 namingconventionconsistency,68-69 navigationconsistency,74-76 scrolling verus nonscrolling, 72 simplifying architecture, 67 text for menu items, 76 width allowance, 77 usage statistics designdecisionsbasedon,22-25 free online applications based, 23 Google Analytics, 23, 25 log file, 22 page visits, 23 search engine hits, 23 Web analysis software, 23 V validation CSSdesign,176-177 resources, 177 XHTML,176-177 value, CSS, 116 vector graphic antialiasing, 126 basic description, 125 circle representation of, 126 SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), 127 vector-based technology, 13 version documentation, 44 verticalnavigation,458-459 vertical verus horizontal menu structure, 76-77,95 video, 512 visual usability, 8 W W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), 118, 178 Web analysis software, 23 Web Crawler search engine, 465 Web design definitionof,2-3 sevenrulesof,5-6 technologicaladvancement,1-2 Web site aestheticfocused,3-4 CSS Validation, 177 mortised philosophy based, 16 stock image related, 93 technical focused, 3 W3C, 118 Wikipedia, 481 white space, 329 Wikipedia, 481 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 118, 178 WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor,14-15 X XHTML CSSdesignversus,155,157-160 listing,160-168 table, when to use, 176 tags,113-114 validation,176-177 XHTML Markup Validation Service, 177 Index 889 This page intentionally left blank License Agreement/Notice of Limited Warranty By opening the sealed disc container in this book, you agree to the following terms and conditions. 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This page intentionally left blank . 512 visual usability, 8 W W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), 118, 178 Web analysis software, 23 Web Crawler search engine, 465 Web design definitionof,2-3 sevenrulesof,5-6 technologicaladvancement,1-2 Web. 883 boxmodelmethod,172-174 CSSdesign,168-170 fixed-width design basic framework and initial style rule, 421 bodyandheaderrules,423-424 centering,433-436 footerarea,428-430 leftandrightcolumnrules,425-427 form checkbox,

Ngày đăng: 26/01/2014, 17:20