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Tài liệu 3420 TOEIC vocabulary tests words by Meaning part 83 pptx

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 214 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 214 (Answer Keys) A1 v. to think; to consider logically; to argue; to claim definition (c) reason A2 v. to examine; to investigate; to inspect; to scrutinize definition (b) check A3 v. to gather; to collect; to converge; to arrange; to meet definition (b) assemble A4 v. to modify; to adapt; to fit; to arrange; to settle definition (a) adjust A5 v. to go ashore from a boat; to leave a plane or vehicle; to land definition (b) disembark A6 v. to endeavor; to try hard; to compete; to struggle; to resist definition (c) strive A7 v. to create; to produce; to bring into being definition (c) generate A8 v. to throw; to project; to form; to shape definition (d) cast A9 v. to convey a fluid; to transport a liquid; to make a high-pitched sound definition (c) pipe A10 v. to support a proposal or statement; to endorse; to approve; to help; to assist definition (d) second 575 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 215 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 215 (Answer Keys) A1 adv. immediately; momentarily definition (d) instantaneously A2 n. new member of a group; new employee definition (c) recruit A3 v. to place one thing on top of another in a heap; to pile definition (b) stack A4 n. cessation; end; visit; obstacle; hindrance definition (c) stop A5 v. to authorize; to appoint as representative; to pass a duty or responsibility on to someone else definition (d) delegate A6 v. to glide; to fly upward; to ascend; to increase; to rise definition (c) soar A7 n. an undertaking that is dangerous, daring, or of uncertain outcome definition (a) venture A8 n. force of movement; strength or motivation derived from an initial effort definition (b) momentum A9 adj. complete; full; entire; healthy definition (d) whole A10 v. to come to a sum; to become; to total definition (c) amount 576 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 216 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 216 (Answer Keys) A1 n. marketing; activities associated with selling a product or service definition (b) sales A2 n. headquarters of a business; dwelling place; abode; home; domicile definition (b) residence A3 n. rubbing out; deletion; eradication definition (c) erasure A4 n. a situation in which the imports of a country from the USA are larger than their exports to the USA definition (c) dollar drain A5 n. protection; security; rampart; shield definition (a) defense A6 n. ecclesiastical judge; priest definition (b) ordinary A7 n. exchange; trade definition (c) swap A8 n. disposition; mood definition (a) temper A9 n. examination; money order; payment order; restaurant bill definition (d) check A10 n. temporary arrangement; in between period definition (a) interim 577 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 217 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 217 (Answer Keys) A1 v. to recommence; to begin again; to retake; to take back; to continue definition (d) resume A2 v. to confirm; to sanction; to legalize definition (d) validate A3 v. to cover with a curtain; to filter; to sift; to hide; to conceal; to separate definition (d) screen A4 v. to reach; to achieve; to fulfill; to realize (a goal, purpose, etc.) definition (b) attain A5 v. to provide; to supply (food, etc.); to care for definition (b) cater A6 v. to obtain; to acquire; to get; to buy; to purchase definition (b) procure A7 v. to alter; to replace; to become different definition (b) change A8 v. to be concerned; to harass; to advance through great effort definition (b) worry A9 v. to discover; to discern; to find out definition (b) detect A10 v. to estimate; to compute; to depend upon definition (d) calculate 578 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 218 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 218 (Answer Keys) A1 v. to spring back definition (b) rebound A2 conj. as soon as definition (a) immediately A3 adj. spreading over a large area; comprehensive definition (a) extensive A4 v. to present for the first time; to initiate; to establish; to announce definition (b) introduce A5 v. to experience; to endure definition (b) go through A6 v. to substantiate with evidence; to demonstrate; to show clearly definition (c) prove A7 v. to feign; to impersonate; to put on a false show definition (d) pretense A8 v. to think over; to ponder; to contemplate; to heat and spice for drinking definition (b) mull A9 n. painstaking labor; careful planning; adding of extra details; act of improving; production definition (c) elaboration A10 n. device for electronically transmitting written material; electronically transmitted document definition (d) fax 579 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 219 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 219 (Answer Keys) A1 n. limitation; limit definition (a) restriction A2 n. plans or methods created for the purpose of achieving a goal definition (b) strategy A3 n. any vehicle which can be flown (i.e. helicopter) definition (d) aircraft A4 n. inclusion; participation; connection; association; relation definition (d) involvement A5 adj. working; functional; ready for use definition (c) operational A6 n. connection; attachment definition (a) affiliation A7 n. conjecture; supposition; hypothesis definition (b) guess A8 n. substance burned to create energy (petrol, gasoline, gas, wood, coal, etc.) definition (d) fuel A9 n. section; piece; region; role; function; side in an agreement definition (c) part A10 n. line at which a surface ends; thin sharp side of a blade; excitement definition (b) edge 580 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 220 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 220 (Answer Keys) A1 v. to accomplish; to put into action; to execute; to do definition (c) effect A2 v. to present in a condensed form; to list the main points in a brief and comprehensive manner definition (a) summarize A3 v. to provide additional details; to plan carefully and with great detail; to produce; to develop definition (b) elaborate A4 v. to surround; to confine; to close in; to place an additional document or letter within another definition (c) enclose A5 v. to make or to fit according to individual needs or desires; to personalize; to individualize definition (b) customize A6 v. to give out; to distribute; to ration; to set aside for a special purpose definition (b) allot A7 n. behavior; management definition (d) conduct A8 v. to send; to direct; to ascribe to; to relate to; to apply to; to call attention to definition (b) refer A9 v. to come near to; to tackle (a problem or situation) definition (a) approach A10 v. to irritate; to infuriate; to enrage definition (b) anger 581 Questions Index . PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 214 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 214 (Answer Keys) A1 v. to think; to consider. second 575 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 215 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 215 (Answer Keys) A1 adv. immediately; momentarily definition

Ngày đăng: 26/01/2014, 17:20