< Day Day Up >
Targeting theCurrentMovie
Whenever a script is placed in a timeline, such as on a frame or on a button, and the
target for those actions is that same timeline, the target for the actions in that script is the
current movie. This is sort of like telling yourself to do something. For example, if you
were to tell yourself to stand up, that action could be said to be targetingthe "current"
person—you—because you gave and responded to the command (you're both the
commander and the person taking orders). If you were to script this action, it would look
like this:
ote that the action doesn't include a target path. This is because the action targets the
current movie: if you were to tell yourself to stand up, you wouldn't normally address
yourself prior to giving the command. In much the same way, Flash understands that
when an action doesn't include a target path, it's meant to affect the timeline where the
script resides.
Another way to address thecurrentmovie in a script is by preceding an action with the
term this, like so:
In essence, you're saying, "With this timeline, take the following action." We'll provide
greater detail about this later in the book. For now, remember that in all cases, the
following syntax is interchangeable when addressing thecurrent movie:
action ();
this.action ();
Keep in mind that your project may contain many scripts on various timelines that don't
contain target paths. When this is the case, each script affects its own timeline or the
current movie.
In the next exercise, we'll target thecurrentmovie for several timelines, using no target
path and the term this interchangeably. We use both because we want you to grow
accustomed to the use of this as well as how it relates to thecurrent referenced object.
You will have opportunities to use it in more advanced ways later.
1. Open currentTarget1.fla in the Lesson03/Assets folder.
This project consists of a single scene with four layers, each named according to
its content. The Background layer contains four keyframes. At each of these
keyframes the background is a different color. (Move the playhead back and forth
to see this in action.) In the middle of the stage is a movie clip instance of a very
rounded fellow.
In our first scripting task, we'll instruct the main timeline to move to a random
frame when it begins playing, causing a random background color to appear. After
that, we'll work with themovie clip instance in the middle of the stage, script it to
do something, add a few family members, and then script them to do something as
2. Select Frame 1 of the main timeline and add the following script:
4. var colorNumber:Number;
6. colorNumber = random (4) + 1;
8. this.gotoAndStop (this.colorNumber);
The keyframe on Frame 1 of the main timeline is currently selected, meaning that
the main timeline is thecurrentmovie in the context of this script. As a result, any
action you enter in the Actions panel without a target path (or that uses this) will
affect this timeline.
After declaring that colorNumber will contain a number, the second line in the
script generates a random number between 1 and 4 and assigns it to colorNumber.
By using random (4) we ask Flash to generate a random number with four possible
values, always beginning with zero—0, 1, 2, or 3. By adding 1 (+1), the possible
values generated become 1, 2, 3, or 4—a necessity because the last line in the
script tells thecurrentmovie to go to and stop at a frame number based on the
random value assigned to colorNumber. Timelines don't have a Frame 0, so
colorNumber can't contain a value of less than 1. As a result of this script, one of
the background colors displays at random when themovie begins.
Notice that no target path is used on line 2 when assigning the value of
colorNumber (for example, this.colorNumber = random(4) + 1;) ; however, the
term this is placed before the variable's name in the last line. The two syntax types
are interchangeable and reference thecurrent timeline. In this case, thecurrent
timeline is the main timeline because Frame 1 of the main timeline is where this
script exists.
The timeline that is considered the "current" timeline in a script is determined
completely by where the script exists. In other words, the main timeline is
considered thecurrent timeline, relative to the script in this step, because this
script is placed on Frame 1 of the main timeline. If you were to move this script to
Frame 1 of a movie clip's timeline, the target for these actions would cease being
the main timeline and would instead become themovie clip where the script was
The next few steps should help you more fully understand this concept.
3. Double-click themovie clip instance in the middle of the stage to edit it in place.
You'll need a solid understanding of this movie clip's timeline to complete several
of the exercises in this lesson, so let's take a minute now to get acquainted with it.
This timeline has two frame labels: Quiet and Speak. At the Speak label, a text
balloon appears that includes a text field named balloon_txt. We will soon create a
script that displays text within this text field whenever the timeline is moved to the
Speak label.
The Button layer of this timeline contains an invisible button that's placed on top
of all graphics on this timeline. We will script this button in the next step.
Finally, Frame 1 of this timeline's Actions layer contains a stop() action to prevent
the timeline from moving past this frame until we instruct it to do so.
4. With the Actions panel open, select the invisible button and add this script:
6. on (press) {
8. startDrag (this);
10. gotoAndStop ("Speak");
12. balloon_txt.text = words;
14. }
18. on (release) {
20. stopDrag ();
22. this.gotoAndStop ("Quiet");
24. }
The first set of actions is executed when this button is pressed, causing themovie
clip instance to become draggable. Next, the same timeline is sent to the frame
labeled Speak. In addition, we set the text to be displayed in the balloon_txt text
field to the value of words—the name of a variable that will contain a string of
text. We will define the value of this variable shortly.
As the script shows, when the invisible button is released (the mouse button is
released), dragging stops and the timeline is sent to the frame labeled Quiet.
Once again, the important thing to remember in this script is that either a target
path has not been defined in front of the actions, or this has been used. In either
case, the target is understood to be thecurrent timeline, which is the timeline that
this button is a part of.
5. Return to the main timeline. With the Library panel open, drag two more instances
of the Hatfield movie clip onto the stage. Choose Control > Test Movie to test
what you've done so far.
The first thing you'll notice is that the main timeline goes to a random frame to
display one of the background colors on Frames 1 through 4. This is a result of the
script on Frame 1 of the main timeline, which we added in Step 2 of this exercise.
Press any of the instances, and you'll notice that they become individually
draggable and that their text balloons appear. The concept to grasp here is that the
invisible button that enables this functionality is part of the master movie clip
itself (see Step 4). Thus, each instance of that clip contains this button as well as
the script that makes it work (instances are nothing more than exact copies of the
master clip).
Recall that the script on the button is set up to make the timeline it is part of (the
current timeline) draggable when the button is pressed. Because each instance is
considered a separate timeline, only the instance that contains the currently
pressed button will be dragged when the button is pressed. When actions are
placed on the master clip's timeline or a button inside the master clip (as
demonstrated here), and those actions target its own timeline, each instance of the
movie clip inherits that scripted functionality. Think of this as "genetically"
programming instances based on the same master movie clip so that they all have
a fundamental function.
Using clip event handlers, we can give each instance its own personality, on top of
what it is "genetically" programmed to do. Let's look at that technique next.
6. Close the test window to return to the authoring environment. With the Actions
panel open, select one of the three instances on the stage and add the script:
8. onClipEvent (load) {
10. var words:String;
12. words = "I'm Derek";
14. this._xscale = 75;
16. _yscale = 75;
18. }
You learned in Lesson 2
, "Using Event Handlers," that clip events (load,
enterFrame, mouseMove, and so on) are event handlers attached to movie clip
instances. As such, clip events allow you to script actions that affect single movie
clip instances rather than every instance of a movie clip, as demonstrated in the
previous steps. As a result, you would use clip events—outside themovie clip's
timeline—to script characteristics unique to specific movie clip instances, but you
would script shared traits inside themovie clip's timeline (on a frame or button
inside the clip) so that all instances of that movie clip would inherit those
characteristics. Both sets of actions target thecurrent timeline, but they do so with
a different scope.
If you were to extend this metaphor to people, you would think of shared traits
(the things you script inside your movie clip's timeline) as our common capacity to
think, feel, and move—things we all inherit. Unique characteristics (the things you
script outside your movie clip's timeline) could include name, size, and location—
things that are individual to each of us.
The script in this step is executed when the instance loads or first appears in the
movie. The first action assigns a text value to words. When this action is executed,
the name and value of this variable are stored in this instance. Remember that the
value of this variable is used to set the text that is displayed in the balloon_txt text
field mentioned in Step 4.
The next two actions in this step scale the instance by 75 percent.
7. With the Actions panel open, select one of the other two instances on the stage and
add this script:
9. onClipEvent (load) {
11. var words:String;
13. words = "I'm Ashlie";
15. _x = 400;
17. _y = 300;
19. }
This script is similar to the one in Step 6 except that it sets the value of words to
"I'm Ashlie" and, on loading, moves this instance to a location 400 pixels
horizontally from the left of the stage and 300 pixels vertically from the top of the
8. With the Actions panel open, select the last instance on the stage and add the
10. onClipEvent (load) {
12. var words:String;
14. words = "I'm Kathy";
16. }
18. onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
20. this._rotation = this._rotation + .5;
22. }
When this instance is loaded, the first action will change the value of words. A
second clip event rotates the instance half a degree each time the mouse is moved.
9. Choose Control > Test Movie to see what we've done so far.
On loading, you'll see that our scripts have caused several things to occur: the
instance we scripted in Step 6 is now 75 percent smaller than the other two. The
second instance we scripted can be seen at the x and y coordinates we told it to go
to on loading. The third instance rotates as the mouse is moved. Press any of these
movie clip instances to see that you can still drag as before, but the text balloon
now includes text that's customized for each instance. Again, remember that while
scripts placed inside themovie clip they target will affect all instances of that clip,
clip events attached to individual instances let you customize each instance.
10. Close the testing environment to return to the authoring environment. Save this
file as currentTarget2.fla.
We will build on this file (with a few modifications) in the next exercise.
< Day Day Up >
. paths. When this is the case, each script affects its own timeline or the
current movie.
In the next exercise, we'll target the current movie for several. (this.colorNumber);
The keyframe on Frame 1 of the main timeline is currently selected, meaning that
the main timeline is the current movie in the context of