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Personal plan documentary

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Tên: Nguyễn Trịnh Hoàng Oanh MSSV: 1952106 Personal plan Introduction Hello everyone, I am Hoang Oanh, from Lam Dong To study effectively at university, knowing yourself and creating a detailed and meticulous study phan is an extremely important step Having a study plan with specific timelines will become a motivation for each person to achieve the goals that they set From my strengths and weaknesses, I have set a short-term and long-term schedule for studying and practicing in the next four years Body In order to have a plan that is suitable to the ability and can fully promote the potential of each person, we first think that we need to know our strengths and weaknesses Myself still in the process of finding out who you really are Hopefully soon I can understand myself better Strength Actually, I not have too many strong points and forte In study, I am the type who can study many subjects but cannot study a study a subject too intensive I study natural subjects and social subjects equally That is my advantage in high school but it also makes it difficult for me to choose a major to enter the university I am not too hard-working or too smart, but there is always an obstinate with what I want to I will fell very awful if I not achieve the results I want to mention, always try my best to prepare the best for the test I am particularly interested in new languages In addition to English, I also learn Chinese really not for anything else but because I really feel that studying other language courses is interesting and meaningful I think that if I want to feel a literary work or a film, I need to approach this work in its original language to fully feel the essence of the author that I want to convey I have good communication and presentation skill, it gives me lots of opportunities in life I did not realize this ability of myself until the 11 th grade The class’s Literature teacher organized oral examinations by selecting each topic one day and choosing a lot of friends to give a 2-3 minutes lecture Thanks to that, I discovered that I am quite capable in this area compared to the other students in the class Since then, I have become a lot more confident in my after-school activities I am lazy but I will become diligent if there is a deadline I have never been late for any deadline, I cannot accept this so I always try my best to make sure it does not happen I am also a quite reckless person, so just have the opportunity I will seize with everything I have because I know the opportunity only comes once in a lifetime In every stage of life everyone experiences different things Something very rare happens twice in a lifetime I am also optimistic in life A friend of mine said that everything in the universe has gravity if you always think good things will come to you I always actively face difficulties and unhappiness in life Hiding does not solve the problem If I am too upset or pressured, I will cry a real very hard to relieve myself, then thoroughly ignore and have fun again I always listen to confidences from people This makes it easy to make friends and better adapt to the new environment Weakness Strengths are few but weak points a lot I have dyslexia If there are many options I would choose the first dish, but if you give me two options A and B, then it may take me many weeks to choose I also have ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder, everything to be perfect, very high perfectionism Peeling a potato always must to be clean, whatever it takes, be so persistent that the wounded coal No matter what even a little mistake makes me uncomfortable, but life is not always perfect as planned! I am quite self-deprecating and not believe in myself I feel like there is nothing special about myself, there is no forte or gift Each time expressing myself, I must fight for a long time to be able to decide Each mistake like that is every time I break my own moral status, turn to a new page to become a better version of myself I also not believe in my own decisions and abilities I think my forest is not good enough in any matter, so every time I want to a thing, I am extremely afraid In part, due to my difficulty in choosing Each decision takes a lot of time The point that I hate the most about myself is that I am extremely shy We can say that we are afraid of any kind of animal on this earth I really want to raise a pet, but even if I touch it, I would not dare to raise it I not feel safe so in my life I am a girl who is always in a low state That is why I am afraid of making new friends, whenever something happens, I think it is my fault I am also afraid of the dark, afraid of ghosts, afraid of many things Because of this personality, sometimes we ignore our own opportunities, ignore our own desires, for fear of making people unhappy, afraid of not being good in their eyes, and doing things we not like Also, I am quite lazy When I start a job, I will it to the end, but because I am lazy, if I start doing it, I will hesitate for a long time, not sure whether to it or not My discipline was not high, always ruining the schedule I also pay attention to the impression when I first meet someone, if that person leaves a bad impression when I first meet him, no matter what happens later, it will not be able to erase that memory in my life And one more bad thing is that I am skeptical, I was betrayed by my friend in the past so I became obsessed I can hardly open long to share and trust others, so my friends are quite few, not confide in the secret of the long, sometimes mine makes me feel frustrated and uncomfortable Opportunity In this time of development of science and technology, I have many opportunities to access resources to develop myself On campus there are many activities to help students develop comprehensive skills When I was new to the school new students were involved in many activities such as OISP CAMP, PRESENTATION CONTEST, … thanks to the above activities, I have discovered that myself also have the potential that has never been shown and learned Experiences and knowledge from previous brothers and sisters, enjoy the atmosphere of youth The university also regularly organizers weekly job workshops, job fairs, equips students with market knowledge as well as job opportunities after graduation, creating the best job opportunities for student The learning environment in the school is also fully equipped Teachers and friends are friendly and always considerate I never thought that I would get off to a smooth start in college My classmates really care about each other, always respect my opinion That makes me more confident in giving my opinion, also makes me have a more positive attitude to all problems in life It is the care and sympathy of friends around that of friends around me that I can be more confident, once again have faith in friendship, courageously protect my views and turn that idea into reality Under the support of everyone Although the teachers are all highly educated doctors and professors, it makes me feel they are very strict and approachable but in fact he always creates a friendly and warmly space so that we can comfortably study He also shared a lot about his thoughts and living concepts as his own experience His lectures are always interesting and engaging, so learning is much easier and simpler In addition, the dormitory environment is also a very good training place for students Thanks to the rules and discipline of the dormitory, students can improve their daily routines healthier, more scientific Living with other students helps to motivative students I am really lucky to be able to experience my student life in the dorm with my roommates If you are lazy, you may be lazy to go to school on time or regularly, but not at the dorm, people are learning at school and try their best so I cannot be lazy Dorm life is fun and exciting It is truly flawed in your youth if not experiencing life in the dorm The feeling that someone shared when I am happy and upset, watching movies together, going out, studying together, defending each other is really warm for me Besides learning space inside the school, because most of the universities are concentrated in the city, I also have the opportunity to exchange and study many fields not only on the campus of the school but also in the student community tablets in general Meeting and chatting with friends at different schools, studying different subjects can expand your knowledge base as well as have more interesting memories during your time in the University Threat The university environment has many opportunities but also contains many risks First, this is the first time I live away from my family, learning how to be independent When I have to leave my family, I have to learn how to take care of myself, manage my time properly, take good care of myself, wake up to spend time in school Due to unfamiliar living alone sometimes remembering family also affects academic achievement I am from another province who come to Ho Chi Minh City to study and work Changing living situations is also a big challenge for every student Going to a bigger, more bustling, more luxurious city will be more tempting for every young man Everything around is new and strange, as if inviting us to explore If we keep immersing, racing to follow these new things will make us distract from learning It takes a lot of energy to help you stand with and pursue to the same goal that initially brought you to this city Always have to remember these things A constant problem for students is the financial problem Arrange for reasonable time so that both can afford to afford daily life and maintain effective learning For me, fortunately this problem is not too big, but also because of that I only passively acquire knowledge I will still look for a part-time job, not only to earn more income but also to learn skills that cannot be learned in university In my point of view, it plays and crucial rules in my career The most important obstacle for me today is still finding the answer to the question “Who am I” In fact, up to now, I still have not been able to determine clearly what my forte lies in Every field that I have come across through me can reach to perfection, not too excellent, nor any work that I really like, want to seriously pursue That is why I am constantly trying to experience many different fields to be able to find out what I was born for, what job is suitable to my ability, can try for a long time Something I can follow for a long time and have enough space to develop myself Vision/ wish in next years In the next four years I will focus all my ability to perfect my skills and knowledge, so that they can become a solid foundation for my future job search After graduating, I want to quickly find a job, any position, just have the opportunity to practice what I have learned in school, accumulate more experience for myself If the future job can apply the specialized knowledge I have learned, the first priority After graduation, I will work 1-2 years to adapt to the working environment, then I will find more jobs to make the most of my time, actively improve my level, contribute More in the company and taking courses that make it easier for me to advance in my job Long- term goals Graduated from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology with GPA above 8.0 This is not an easy goal to achieve but it is not impossible In order to accomplish this goal, I always have to concentrate on studying from the beginning of the first semester Always have to attend the class regularly, listen to the professors, take notes carefully during the class, prepare the lesson well and read more materials to supplement the knowledge of the subject Do not let anything dominate my learning, always maintain my own motivation in learning Graduated with IELTS 7.0 English is a global language It is very necessary for me in my future job, especially for the students who study international programs Because English is very supportive of learning and needs to maintain the practice of skills continuously to be able to study this subject well If after the first semester of the first year, after become familiar with the learning style of the university environment, I will register for a course at Zim to maintain my literacy skills, improve test results Short-term goals Because the first semester is at risk of not being able to achieve any goals for the objective reasons, so I will start my short-term goals in the second semester IELTS certificate above 6.0 (the second semester of the first year) Because of the school’s requirement, after returning to school I will immediately start practicing and reviewing to supplement my English certificate Acquire MOS certificate about Excel or Powerpoint (the first semester of the second year) The school also requires that students who have additional IT certificate be able to register for the subject in the next academic year After thoroughly studying the prescribed school certificates, I realized that the IT certificate for the office skills in addition to meeting the requirements of the school can also supplement my skills in office work in the future Therefore, I and my friend decided to prepare for this exam MOS has three areas: Word, Excel and Powerpoint Because I had access to Word when I was in middle school, I wanted to learn more about the other two fields to supplement my future work I will probably choose Excel because this array has a lot of knowledge that can help me later Register to study Chinese (the second semester of the second year) I really like this language The pronunciation of Chinese is very similar to Vietnamese, so it is easy for Vietnamese to learn At present, I can listen, understand and speak most modern Chinese words in daily communication But I cannot practice writing skills myself because the Chinese alphabet is quite complicated and different from Vietnamese I think I need a guide, under pressure I will have the perseverance to study vertical and write Chinese in a methodical way, to complete my third language learning Find a part-time job (the first semester of the third year) I always want to go hand in hand with the study that need to improve my social skills, to gain more experience in the practical handling skills that happen around ú The working environment is complex enough for me to sharpen my nature, so can reduce my childish, aggressive, self-centered personality, becoming more mature and independent Achieve certificate IELTS 7.0 or higher (the second semester of the third year) I maintain my English learning throughout my years at the polytechnic As my final year will have a lot of work to accomplish, I decided I had to reach the goal one year before graduating Learn French and learn a skill (the last year of university) My goal is to graduate from university with languages, so in my last year I will study my last language to complete my profile Besides, I want to learn one more baking course and basic dance I think that dancing is necessary for my social life in the company later and learning a skill that can help me in certain cases As for baking, it was my wish when I was a kid and I oddly wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to learn Cultivating these social skills will take place from this point onwards because I think it is an important part of improving myself After graduating, I want to study another language or two Exposure to many languages can open new doors in your life Moreover, I really like learning languages Through language we can better understand the customs and interests of that country One of my language dynamics is that I enjoy learning about the history of countries around the world Through language learning I can come in contact with their extremely interesting historical documents, the masterpieces from the most direct, most fulfilling aspect Plan/ activities/ time-frame for getting goals In order to achieve all my own goals on time, it takes much more effort Every day, I always my TO DO LIST lists the tasks to be don during the day, which are tied to accomplishing my goal for that term Because my TO DO LIST changes very often from day to day, it is difficult to describe in detail here As my list of tomorrow will include: - Wake up and have breakfast: 7h – 8h Learning e-learning: 8h – 10h30 Cook lunch, have lunch and clean up: 10h30 – 1h Continue learning e-learning: 1h30 – 5h Free time: 5h – 7h Take an IELTS test: 7h – 10h Prepare for the L’ Oreal Brandstorm contest and train myself: 10h – go to bed Read my book 30 minutes before going to bed Along with learning, I also need to maintain health training to ensure quality for learning, physical heath is closely linked to mental health, you must always ensure both are good Maintaining a reading habit helps my worldview become better and more positive Before I can take an official Chinese course, I always keep listening to Chinese three or four times per week to maintain my reflexes Regularly practice four skills of English: listening, speaking, reading and writing, in order to ready for the real test I have a lot of goals I want to achieve but time is a bit limited and the fields are quite wide so it is not easy to achieve In the future, I need to strictly follow the set timelines before I can finish it on time The most important thing is that my self-discipline needs to improve more and give myself more motivation to complete the job at the best possible level The challenge is the motivation to rise up Soren Kierkegaard said that: “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” Conclusion In conclusion, above is the whole plan of my study and training process in the near future These are goals that have been set for a long time but have not been implemented, nor have a specific timetable to support the implementation This exercise is actually an opportunity for me to concretize my own goals, to once again comprehend myself, know what I am good at, what I am not good at Thereby selecting the goals that suit my abilities and desires, and their practicality against the actual conditions, thereby creating the most feasible learning plan, paving the way for the learning process in my later episode Finally, it is possible to summarize the risks during the implementation so that I can prepare carefully to face and overcome I accidentally discovered an interesting fact and regarded it as my own life maxim In English, LIVE when writing in reverse will become evil Life is full of nuances, always full of difficulties, shadows and bad things Therefore, we always have to be alert, to be proactive, not to be controlled by them but to turn them into our own advantage This is the end of my essay Thank you for reading I extremely appreciate if you could give some comments about my work Pleased give me some advice Thank you so much, teacher! ... No matter what even a little mistake makes me uncomfortable, but life is not always perfect as planned! I am quite self-deprecating and not believe in myself I feel like there is nothing special... my fault I am also afraid of the dark, afraid of ghosts, afraid of many things Because of this personality, sometimes we ignore our own opportunities, ignore our own desires, for fear of making... complex enough for me to sharpen my nature, so can reduce my childish, aggressive, self-centered personality, becoming more mature and independent Achieve certificate IELTS 7.0 or higher (the second

Ngày đăng: 15/03/2022, 19:15

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