Page of GEN-0013 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE TASK: CUT POULTRY TASK NUMBER: DEPARTMENT: DATE ISSUED: GEN-0013 F&B – Kitchen / General Jan 2005 GUEST EXPECTATION: n/a TIME TO TRAIN: 15 minutes Why is this task important for you and our guests? Answers: To ensure meat is safely cut and trimmed To make sure meat is hygienic handled Page of GEN-0013 STEPS 1) Set up the work area 2) Cut poultry in halves 3) Cut poultry into quarters 4) Cut poultry into eighths HOW/ STANDARDS • Wash and sanitize a cutting board before each use • Get a clean, sharp knife such as a stiff Chef’s knife or a boning knife • Place the bird breast-side-up on the cutting board • Cut above the second wing joint on each side to remove the wings • Lay the bird on one side Cut along one side of the backbone from the neck to the tail • Turn the bird onto its other side Cut along the other side of the backbone from the tail to the neck • Open the bird so it lies flat on the cutting board with the skin side facing down • Cut through the breast along one side of the breastbone • Remove the breastbone If the bone separates into two pieces, make sure both pieces have been removed • Place one of the halves skin-sideup on the cutting board • Make a diagonal cut to separate the breast form the leg Make sure the pieces are roughly equal in size • Repeat the process on the other half • Cut the joint between the leg and TRAINING QUESTIONS Why you wash the cutting board before each use? Why should the bird be breast-side up? Why you cut in the joint? Why should the pieces be roughly be of the same size? Page of GEN-0013 the thigh on each leg • Cut the wings from the breast 5) Practice cutting poultry under supervision until the cuts meet the restaurant’s standards Why you practice under supervision? Now ask the trainee to practice the task from start to end to test competency Summary questions: Why Why Why Why Why you wash the cutting board before each use? should the bird be breast-side up? you cut in the joint? should the pieces be roughly be of the same size? you practice under supervision? PHOTO INDEX #01 ... GEN-0013 STEPS 1) Set up the work area 2) Cut poultry in halves 3) Cut poultry into quarters 4) Cut poultry into eighths HOW/ STANDARDS • Wash and sanitize a cutting board before each use • Get a... knife • Place the bird breast-side-up on the cutting board • Cut above the second wing joint on each side to remove the wings • Lay the bird on one side Cut along one side of the backbone from the... onto its other side Cut along the other side of the backbone from the tail to the neck • Open the bird so it lies flat on the cutting board with the skin side facing down • Cut through the breast