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Tài liệu Đề thi chọn HSG TP Hải Phòng Lớp 12- Bảng A Năm học 2001-2002 doc

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Đề thi chọn HSG TP Hải Phòng Lớp 12- Bảng A Năm học 2001-2002 Tổng điểm : 100 Q1. Phonetics (5pts) a. Put an accent mark over the main stressed syllable recipe thoroughly insurance economical variety b. Circle the letter before the word in each group that has underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. a.decided b. hatred c.sacred d.warned 2. a. weigh b, height c. weight d. vein 3. a. nail b. tail c. jail d. naive 4. a. tip b. brilliant c. stripe d. strip 5. a.humour b.rumour c. flour d. honour Q2. Choose the best answer: a, b, c, d by circling the letter before it. (5pts) 1. The people in the North work than the people in the south. a. more hardly b. hardlier c. more hard d. harder 2. You won't pass the exam you work hard. a. although b. however c. or d. unless 3. It is the English pronunciation puzzles me most. a. that it b. that c. which d. it 4. Marie Curie, made her famous, was a French physicist . a. whose discovery of radium b. who discovered radium c. her discovery of radium d.the discovery of hers Q3. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in brackets (10 pts) 1. The museum is the away of the two building. (far) 2. He is probably one of the most famous (football) 3. We were lucky to get tickets for the first of the hit musical "Cats". (perform) 4. My new car is more than the one I had before. (economy) 5. He drives so that he is sire to have an accident. (care) 6. We go out for dinner but we cook our own meals much of the time.(occasion) 7. He was very of the work he had done. (pride) 8. Australia is famous for its beauty.(scene) 9. It is hard work to a large family. (food) 10. Their has lasted a life time. (friend) Q4. Put the verbs in the brackets into correct tenses and forms.(10pts) Dear Paul, My stay in England is coming to an end in ten days' time I (1. be) back in Italy. I can hardly believe that I (2.be) in Bristol for three months. The time (3. go ) so quickly! Yesterday I (4.take) my final exams. As soon as I (5. get) the results, I (6.let) you know.I'd really like to have a holiday when the course finishes, but I have to go straight back to Italy. If I (7. have) more time, I'd visit Scotland. Unfortunately, I (8. not. see) much of Britain (9. not even be) to London yet! I really like England. The people are friendly; the countryside is lovely and the food's actually quite good. My friend, Pablo, love it here. He even says he wouldn't mind (10. live) here. But for me, one problem is the weather. I think I'd rather live somewhere warmer and drier. Recently it seems really terrible - raining every day. My host family (11.be) really nice to me. They have looked after me very well. I shall miss them. But I'm looking forward to (12.see) my family again. My parents were planning to move Rome. They might (13. move) already. I (14. not hear) from them for a while. My brother (15. be make) redundant, so now he (16. look) for a new job, It must be very worrying for him and his wife. He says he may have to move to another town where there are more jobs, but he's not sure. Yesterday I (17. go) to the cinema with Pablo to see Aliens. It's the fifth time Pablo (18.see) it! He must really like it. Well. so do I, but I wouldn't want to see it that many times ! I (19.apply) for lots of jobs recently. Yesterday I (20. apply) for one with EU in Brussels, It would be great it I got it, but I haven't got any good chance. They want someone with fluent English and French, and my French isn't very good anymore . Anyway, I haven't booked my plane ticket yet, so I must go into town now and do that. See you next week. I'll give you a ring when I arrive home. Take care, Best wishes Alberto Q5. Find the mistakes in the following sentences. Underline these mistake and rewrite them, Some sentences do not have any mistakes.(10pts) 1. Water, the most common substance on earth, it covers nearly 70% of the planet. 2. More people are employed in education then in any other professional activity. 3. Due to his careless driving, we had a bad accident. 4. We have a class meeting every other week. 5. It's famous that Chicago produces excellent cars. 6. His name is familiar with the citizens here. 7. He shot at the bird but I flew away. 8. Most of them are from Vietnam, quite a few from China. 9. She denied my invitations to a dinner party. 10. What are you thinking about? - We have a discussion about the best way to learn English. Q6. Read the letter below and answer the questions (10pts) Our ref PG?JW Tuan Anh Nguyen 253 Cat Dai Le Chan Hai Phong Vietnam Richmond upon college Telephone: Email: Dear Tuan Confirmation of an offer of a college place to applicant from overseas Thank you for your application to come to this college during the Academic Year 2002/2003. I am pleased to confirm your place in the college from September to follow a course in: English as a foreign language The course consists of 15 hours per week English study plus on hour's tutorial. Classed commence in the week beginning 9 September 2002, but you will be asked to come to the college at time during the previous week to enrol, receive your timetable and ensure that any difficulties are resolved before the session begins. Enclosed with this letter your will find some important information about accommodation in this area, and about the Introduction Day we have arranged for new students from overseas. We recommend that you arrive in Twickenam in good time to allow you to familiarize yourself with the area before you begin your studies. We look forward very much to welcoming you to the college in September and hope that your time with us will be both enjoyable and successful. IF you have any queries about your course, please contact us. Yours sincerely, Paul Green ELT Progamme Manager Joy Wilks Secretary Questions 1. What does Tuan apply for? 2, What date is the course scheduled to begin? 3. When will he have to be at the college and why? 4. Who are allowed to attend the Introduction Day? 5. Where does the letter come from? Q7. Read the passage below and circle your answer a, b,c, or d (15pts) For 1000 years, windmills and watermills were the largest and most complex machines in your world. Because of the development of steam in 18th century, their (1) declined, but many remain as (2) of an age of silent power. The earliest type of mill, used for (3) corn, was a hand mill which was (4) up to two circular stones -one fixed and the other rotating. This was the forerunner of the method used in all later mills. Water mills were (5) to the Greeks during the 1st century BC and are thought to have been introduced into Britain by the Romans. (6) it was the Saxons, 500 years after the Romans had left, who developed the use of watermills on a large (7) Records show that the Arabs invented windmills as (8) as the 7th century. They were used where water power as unavailable or unsuitable. They were usually built on high (9) to catch the winds, and could be seen for miles (10) Nowadays there were very few (11) mills of either soft left in Britain, although in (12) years, there been a movement to (13) some of these others to their former glory. This is good news because mills are not only attractive to look (14) but also environmentally friendly in that they get their energy from (15) resources. 1. a.strength b. usage c.employment d. importance 2. a. mementoes b.souvenirs c.remnants d. reminders 3. a. cracking b.grinding c.pressing d.breaking 4.a.made b.done c.consisted d.comprised 5. a.used b.invented c. known d.designed 6.a. Although b. But c. Then d. Therefore 7.a way b.size c.scale d.measure 8.a.early b. soon c. long d.far 9. a.place b. hill c.earth d. ground 10. a. away b. around c.afar d. apart 11. a.manufacturing b.living c.working d.running 12. a.present b.many c.recent d. later 13.a.restore b. build c.renew c. make 14. a.at b. for c. after d. into 15. a.normal b. natural c.primitive d. common Q8. Fill each blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word. Sherrie Kohl has been working down town in the head (1) of a big company. In the six years she has been (2) ; she has done well and has been (3) twice. Recently the company has asked her if she would like to (4) one of a group of workers (5) would telework. Home-based, she would (6) once a week to an office in the suburbs where she lives.Sherrie has two children in elementary (7) At present, she puts in a long day but she (8) her job and likes the people she works (9) She has always likes a new challenge but she isn't (10) if this is the right thing for her to do. Q9. For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence but using the word in brackets. These words must not be altered in any way (5pts) 1. You can avoid tooth decay by brushing your teeth regularly. (prevent) 2. I think cycling is preferable to walking. (rather) 3. Most people regard him as being the best man for the job. (widely) 4. You aren't allowed to smoke on the tube. (ban) 5. They share a lot of hobbies and interests.( common) Q10. Write full sentences, basing on the suggested words (10pts) 1. dress/ too expensive/ me/buy . 2. I/ not see/ such/ long time/ forget/ what she/like. 3. He/20 cigarettes/ day/ spite/ doctor/warn. 4. When/ underground/build/ Hanoi ? In five years? 5. If you/be/there/last Sunday/ have/lot/fun. 6. used/ live/small village/ now/ London. 7. John/ whom/ know/ 8 years/ one/ closet friends. 8. small child/ very much/ attract/ performing animal. 9. You/ have/ your house/paint/the moment? 10. best time/play football/ two hours/ dinner time. Q11. Paragraph writing. What would happen if there were no electricity ? (you are required to give at least 5 ideas in your paragraph) Nguồn: tienganh.com.vn . Đề thi chọn HSG TP Hải Phòng Lớp 12- Bảng A Năm học 2001-2002 Tổng điểm : 100 Q1. Phonetics (5pts) a. Put an accent mark over the main stressed. d.far 9. a. place b. hill c.earth d. ground 10. a. away b. around c.afar d. apart 11. a. manufacturing b.living c.working d.running 12. a. present b.many c.recent

Ngày đăng: 26/01/2014, 00:20



