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UNIT THREE: BIG SCREEN, SMALL SCREEN 1 LISTENING 1. the credits /DC ‘kredIt/[plural] a list of the people involved in making a movie or television show that is shown at the end or beginning of it: danh sách các diễn viên, đạo diễn, người quay phim,… đã thực hiện một bộ phim hoặc chương trình tivi 2. involve /In‘vOlv/ verb [transitive] to include something as a necessary part of an activity, event, or situation: bao hàm. The course involves a great deal of hard work. 3. screenplay /‘skri:npleI / noun [count] a story someone writes for a movie: kịch bản phim 4. direct /‘daIrekt / verb [transitive] to be in charge of making a movie or program, or getting a play ready for performance, especially by telling the actors and technical staff what to do: làm đạo diễn (phim, kịch…) direction noun [uncount] the work of directing a movie, program, or play. director noun [count] đạo diễn 5. edit /‘edIt/ verb [transitive] to make changes to a piece of film or a video, taking out the parts that you do not want: biên tập editor noun [count] người biên tập 6. cast /kAst/ verb [transitive] to choose a performer for a particular part or for a particular type of part in a movie, play, etc.: chọn diễn viên Ralph Fiennes was cast in the lead role of King Richard. cast someone as something: She was tired of always being cast as a sex symbol. casting noun [uncount] việc chọn diễn viễn 7. a feature film /C ‘fi:dZC fIlm/noun [count] a movie of standard length: phim chính 8. someday /‘sVmdeI/ [adverb] at some time in the future even though you do not know when: SOME DAY: một ngày nào đó Someday I’ll meet the right woman and we’ll get married. 9. quit /kwIt/ verb [transitive] (past tense and past participle quit) INFORMAL to stop doing something: GIVE UP: từ bỏ quit doing something: Tell him to quit laughing at me. 10. get started /get sta:tId/ : to begin doing something We couldn’t wait to get started on the next job. 11. low-level /lCU ‘levl/[adjective] without much importance, power, or difficulty. low-level activities which could be done without supervision 12. frustrating /frVs‘treItIN / [adjective] making you feel annoyed and impatient because you are prevented from achieving something: làm nản lòng, gây bực dọc It’s frustrating to wait all day for a repairman who doesn’t show up. frustratingly adverb frustrated [adjective] feeling annoyed and impatient because you are prevented from achieving something: nản long, không hài lòng Frustrated passengers have started to use other forms of transportation. frustrate verb [transitive] to make someone feel annoyed and impatient by preventing them from doing or getting something: làm (ai) bối rối, nản lòng She has always been frustrated by her inability to draw. 13. mean /mi:n/ verb [transitive] (past tense and past participle meant ) to communicate a particular meaning, feeling, or piece of information: nghĩa là, có nghĩa là When you shake your head it usually means “no.” 1 meaning noun [count or uncount] the ideas that signs, symbols, or ways of behaving represent: ý nghĩa It seems that the clothes have a deep religious meaning. 14. end up phrasal verb [intransitive] MAINLY SPOKEN: to be in a particular place or state after doing something or because of doing it: rốt cuộc Keep on doing that and you’ll end up in serious trouble. end up doing something: I ended up spending the night in the airport. 15. tiring /‘TaICrIN / [adjective] making you feel tired: gây mệt mỏi Teaching small children is very tiring. a tiring trip tired [adjective] needing to rest or sleep: mệt mỏi She was too tired to do any more. My mother looked tired and ill. feel tired: He felt too tired to drive home. get tired: Kids can suddenly get very tired after p laying for a time. tire verb [intransitive or transitive] to become tired, or to make someone feel tired Too much walking tires her. Players tire easily in such intense heat. 16. work on something [phrasal verb] to spend time producing or improving something. He’ll have to work on getting fit before the game. 17. progress /’prCUgres / noun [uncount] the process of developing or improving: sự tiến triển, sự phát triển I’m worried about my son’s lack of progress in English. in progress: đang được làm, đang tiếp diễn The main street will be closed while the maintenance work is in progress. 2 VOCABULARY 18. drama /’dra:mC/ noun [count] a play for the theater, television, or radio: vở kịch a television drama about nurses 19. thriller /’TrIlC / noun [count] a book, play, or movie that tells an exciting story, especially about something dangerous like a crime: truyện, kịch, hoặc phim giật gân, ly kỳ 20. galaxy /’gAlCksI / noun [count] an extremely large group of stars and planets: THE MILKY WAY: ngân hà, thiên hà the Andromeda galaxy Edwin Hubble discovered that distant galaxies are moving away from us. 21. science fiction /’saICns ’fikSn / noun [uncount] books and movies about imaginary future events and characters, often dealing with space travel and life on other planets. Science fiction is often called sci-fi: truyện khoa học viễn tưởng 22. documentary /,dOkjU’mentCrI / noun [count] a movie or television program that deals with real people and events: phim tài liệu documentary about/on: She made a two-part documentary about the war in Kosovo. 23. an animated movie /Vn ’AnImeItId ’mu:vi/ or CARTOON consists of a series of drawings that are shown quickly one after another so that they look as if they are moving 24. scary /’skeCrI/ [adjective] making you feel frightened: FRIGHTENING: đáng sợ, rùng rợn a scary story scarily adverb cared [adjective] frightened or worried: khiếp sợ scared (that): I’m scared I’ll fail all my classes. scared of: Louise is scared of flying. be scared to do something: Mike was too scared to go bungee jumping. scare verb [transitive] to make someone feel frightened or worried: làm (ai) khiếp sợ I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. 2 25. horror movie /’hc:rC ’mu:vi/ noun [count] a movie that is intended to frighten people, especially one about murders, frightening creatures, or evil people: phim kinh dị 6 WRITING 26. realistic /,rIC’lIstIk/ [adjective] paintings, books, computer games, etc. that are realistic seem very like real life: thực tế — opposite UNREALISTIC realistically adverb 27. review /rI’vju: / noun [count] [count] an article in which someone gives their opinion of a play, book, art exhibit, etc.: bài phê bình a review of a new Broadway musical reviewer noun [count] nhà phê bình 28. rating /’reItIN/ noun [count] a measurement of how good or popular someone or something is: sự phân loại hoặc sắp xếp ai / cái gì theo phẩm chất The guide gives restaurants a rating from 1 to 10. 29. classic /’klAsIk/ noun [count] a song, book, play, television program, etc. that is very good and has been popular and had a lot of influence for a long time: tác phẩm kinh điển Jane Austen’s novels are among the best-loved classics in English literature. classic adjective [usually before noun] a classic song, book, play, television program, etc. is very good and has been popular and had a lot of influence for a long time: kinh điển William Golding’s classic novel Lord of the Flies 30. rear /rIC/ adjective at the back of something: phía sau, đằng sau Keep your front and rear lights in good working order. the rear noun [count] the part of a place or thing that is at the back: bộ phận đằng sau at the rear: The main entrance is at the rear. rear of: the rear of the bus/house/procession 31. tense /tens / [adjective] making you feel nervous and not relaxed, usually because you are worried about what is going to happen: căng thẳng a tense atmosphere: The atmosphere in the courtroom was extremely tense. tense verb [transitive or intransitive] (làm ai / cái gì) căng thẳng She tensed, hearing the noise again. 32. excite /Ik’saIt / verb [transitive] to make someone feel happy and enthusiastic about something good that is going to happen: kích thích, khích động The prospect of working in Australia really excites me. excitement noun [uncount] the feeling of being excited: sự kích động, niềm hân hoan The long wait only added to our excitement. excited [adjective] very happy and enthusiastic because something good is going to happen, especially when this makes you unable to relax: cảm thấy hoặc biểu lộ sự kích thích I was so excited I couldn’t sleep. excited about: I’m so excited about the trip! excited at: He’s excited at the prospect of showing his work in New York. exciting [adjective] making you feel excited and enthusiastic:hứng thú, hồi hộp The launch of our digital satellite service is one of the most exciting things I’ve worked on. 33. play /pleI / verb [transitive] to have a particular part in a play or movie: đóng (vai) She had played Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire. The role of the mother was played by one of Australia’s finest actresses. play the character of: thủ vai 34. pass the time to do something that makes a period of time seem shorter and end more quickly, especially when you are bored: giết thời gian 3 They watched videos to pass the time. 35. costar or co-star /’kCUsta: /noun [count] an actor’s costars are the other actors who have main parts in a movie or play: người cùng đóng vai chính (với một diễn viên khác) costar verb [intransitive or transitive] if actors costar in a movie or play, they act the main parts together: đóng vai chính (với một diễn viên khác) 36. interest /’IntCrestIN / noun [singular or uncount] a feeling of wanting to know about or take part in something: sự quan tâm, sự thích thú interest in: an interest in politics interest verb [transitive] to make someone want to know about or take part in something: làm cho quan tâm, làm cho thích thú Oceanography has always interested me. interested adjective [not usually before noun] wanting to know about or take part in something: quan tâm đến interested in: interested in sports interesting [adjective] something that is interesting makes you want to know about it or take part in it: thú vị, đáng chú ý She’s an interesting new writer. 37. trap /trAp/ verb [transitive] to catch someone such as a criminal, especially by forcing them into a place that they cannot escape from: dung mẹo bắt ai, bẫy Police officers trapped both suspects before they left the bank. trap noun [count] a piece of equipment used for catching animals: cái bẫy set/lay a trap (=make it ready to be used): We set traps in the attic for the mice. 38. take place = to happen The Olympics take place every four years. I don’t know exactly what took place in the classroom. 39. view /vju: / noun [count] [count] the area or place that can be seen: quang cảnh an ocean/mountain view From the top the view was breathtaking. 40. viewpoint /’vju:pcInt / noun [count] a way of considering something: quan điểm This has been a very difficult year from an economic viewpoint. 41. fascinate /’fAsIneIt / verb [transitive] to attract and interest you very strongly: mê hoặc, quyến rũ It’s a subject that has always fascinated me. fascination noun [singular or uncount] the state of being very interested in something or attracted by something: sự mê hoặc, sự quyến rũ fascination with: the country’s fascination with Western culture fascinated [adjective] very interested or attracted by someone or something: bị hấp dẫn fascinated by/with: We are all fascinated by new technology. fascinating [adjective] making you very interested or attracted: có sức hấp dẫn mạnh mẽ a fascinating story/person/place 42. stand out phrasal verb [intransitive] to be much more impressive or important than others: nổi bật lên stand out as: Germany stands out as the leader in environmental reporting. 43. act /Akt/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to perform in plays or movies: đóng vai trong một vở kịch, bộ phim I’ve always wanted to act. act the part/role of = play the character of: Burt Lancaster acted the part of Joseph. acting noun [uncount] the job or skill of performing in plays and movies: sự thủ vai, sự diễn xuất Most of the acting in the show was excellent. actor noun [count] someone who performs in plays and movies, especially as their job: nam diễn viên actress noun [count] a woman who performs in plays and movies, especially as her job: nữ diễn viên 44. disappoint /,dIsC’pcnt/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to make someone feel unhappy because something they hoped for or expected did not happen or because someone or something was not as good as they expected: làm thất vọng 4 I hate to disappoint you, but the cake’s all gone. disappointment noun [uncount] the feeling of being unhappy because something you hoped for or expected did not happen or because someone or something was not as good as you expected: sự thất vọng disappointment at: Diplomats expressed disappointment at the lack of progress. disappointed [adjective] unhappy because something you hoped for or expected did not happen or because someone or something was not as good as you expected: thất vọng disappointed (that): She was disappointed that he never replied to her letter. disappointed at/by/about: Obviously, I feel very disappointed at not getting the job. disappointed in: I’m really disappointed in you, Ruth. disappointing [adjective] not as good as you had hoped for or expected: làm thất vọng This year’s sales figures were very disappointing. 8 LISTENING 45. extra /’ekstrC/ noun [count] someone who has a very small part in a movie, for example as a member of a crowd: vai phụ 46. glamorous /’glAmCrCs/ [adjective] attractive and interesting in an exciting and unusual way: đầy quyến rũ It’s a very glamorous vacation spot. glamorously adverb glamour noun [uncount] a special quality that makes a person, place, or situation seem very exciting, attractive, or fashionable: sức quyến rũ, sức mê hoặc Most other cities cannot rival Hollywood for glamour. 47. background /’bAkraUnd / noun [count] the part of a picture or pattern that is behind the main people or things in it. The main person or thing is in the foreground: nền, hậu cảnh a red cross on a white background 48. depend on or depend upon FORMAL phrasal verb [transitive] (never progressive) depend on something if one thing depends on another, it is changed or affected by the other thing: tùy theo Their future depends on how well they do in school. dependent /dI’pendCnt / [adjective] if you are dependent on someone or something, you need them in order to live or succeed: dựa vào, tùy thuộc a married couple with dependent children dependent on/upon: They hate being dependent on their parents. 49. pick up phrasal verb [transitive] to notice a smell or sound, or that someone or something is present: The dogs must have picked up his pleasant smell. 50. pretend /prI’tend/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to behave in a particular way because you want someone to believe that something is true when it is not: giả vờ We were never going to make the marriage work, so why pretend? pretend to do something: She closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep. pretended [adjective] not real or sincere: không thật, không chân thành Terry’s eyes widened in pretended surprise. 51. confuse /kCn’fju:z / verb [transitive] to make someone feel that they do not understand something: làm ai rối lên If you don’t explain clearly, you’ll just confuse the reader. confusion noun [uncount] a feeling that you do not understand something or cannot decide what to do: sự gây bốI rốI, khó xử confusion about/over: There seems to be some confusion about who actually won. confused [adjective] unable to understand something or think clearly about it: không thể suy nghĩ rõ ràng, bối rối She was starting to feel a bit confused. confused about: I’m still a little confused about what happened. confusedly adverb confusing [adjective] if something is confusing, it is not easy to understand because it is complicated or not well organized or explained: khó hiểu, làm bối rối Some of the questions he asked were very confusing confusingly adverb 52. definitely /’definCtlI/ [adverb] without any doubt: một cách chắc chắn 5 Your dessert is definitely the best one here. I’m definitely not going to Ben’s party tonight. definite [adjective] certain: chắc chắn This book will be a definite bestseller. There’s a definite link between smoking and some types of cancer. 53. sitcom /’sitkOm / noun [count] a television or radio series about a particular group of characters who deal with situations in a humorous way: hài kịch tình thế 54. notice /’nCUtIs/ verb [transitive] to become conscious of someone or something by seeing, hearing, or feeling them: để ý, chú ý I noticed that the door was open. After a few days here you hardly notice the rain! notice noun [count] a sign put in a public place that announces something or warns people about something: thông báo We’ve put a notice up on the door to say we’re open. noticeable [adjective] easy to see, hear, or feel: đáng chú ý, dễ nhận thấy There was a noticeable chill in the air. There has been a noticeable improvement in her health. noticeable that: It became noticeable that everyone at the party was well-dressed but us. noticeably adverb: The classroom was noticeably quieter than usual. 11 READING 55. poll /pCUl/ noun [count] an occasion when a lot of people are asked their opinions about something, usually by a company paid by a political party, television program, etc.: cuộc thăm dò ý kiến They’re worried about the candidate’s present low standing in the polls. 56. two out of five adults: cứ hai trong số năm người lớn 57. worry /’wc:rI/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to feel nervous and upset because you keep thinking about a problem that you have or could have in the future: lo lắng worry about: People worry more about their health than they used to. worry noun [count] a problem or possibility that makes you feel worried: sự lo lắng He said his financial worries were a thing of the past. worry about: Local residents have expressed worries about pollution levels. worried [adjective] unhappy because you are thinking about your problems or about bad thingsthat could happen: ANXIOUS: lo lắng Everyone was very worried when John didn’t show up. worried about: We are very worried about our future. worrying [adjective] causing you to feel worried: gây lo lắng The most worrying trend is the sharp decline in young readers. 58. clue /klu: / noun [count] a piece of information that helps explain a situation or provide a solution to a problem: manh mối, đầu mối clue to/as to/about: His expressionless face gave her no clue as to what he was thinking. 59. attraction /C’trAkSn / noun [singular or uncount] the feeling of liking someone, especially in a sexual way: sức hút, sự hấp dẫn attract verb [usually passive] to interest someone in a romantic or sexual way: hấp dẫn be attracted to someone: She’s old enough now to be attracted to boys. You could sense the undeniable attraction between them. attractive [adjective] an attractive person is pleasant to look at, especially in a way that interests you sexually: hấp dẫn a stunningly attractive movie star attractively adverb attractiveness noun [uncount] 6 60. expect /Ik’spekt / verb [transitive] to think that something will happen: mong đợi We’re expecting good weather this weekend. The trial is expected soon. expect that: Investors expect that the rate of inflation will rise. expect someone/something to do something: I didn’t really expect you to understand. We were expecting the letter to arrive by now. expectation noun [count or uncount] the belief that something will happen: sự mong chờ, sự trông mong expectation of: The team set off without any expectation of success. expected adjective [only before noun] likely to happen or be true: có thể xảy ra Events did not follow their expected course. expected future earnings — opposite UNEXPECTED 61. surprise /sC’praIz / verb [transitive] to give someone a feeling of surprise: gây ngạc nhiên Her angry tone of voice surprised me. surprise noun [count] an unusual or unexpected event: sự ngạc nhiên There were few surprises in the basketball playoffs this year. surprised [adjective] having the feeling you get when something unexpected happens: ngạc nhiên I’ll be surprised if he gets here on time. I wasn’t that surprised to hear that they were splitting up. surprised at/by: Judy was genuinely surprised at Ben’s reaction to the news. surprising [adjective] unusual or unexpected: làm ngạc nhiên Going shopping with a baby requires a surprising amount of physical effort. 62. contrast /’kOntra:st/ noun [count or uncount] a noticeable difference between people or things: sự tương phản, sự trái ngược contrast between: the contrast between her life before the accident and now contrast verb [intransitive] if one thing contrasts with another, the two things are different from each other, often in a noticeable or interesting way: tương phản contrast with: Her dark hair contrasted sharply with her pale silk gown. contrasting [adjective] different from each other in a noticeable or interesting way: trái ngược contrasting styles/opinions/colors by/in contrast used when you are comparing two things or people and saying that the secondone is very different from the first: trái lại The technology sector is doing badly. Old economy stocks, by contrast, are performing well again. 63. improvement /Im’pru:vment / noun [count or uncount] the state of being better than before, or the process of making something better than it was before: sự cải tiến, sự cải thiện The school is performing well, but we recognize the need for further improvement. improvement in: There has been an improvement in relations between the two countries. improve verb [transitive] to make something better: cải tiến, cải thiện Our main objective is to improve educational standards. improved [adjective] better than before. a range of new improved products 64. mood /mu:d/ noun [count or uncount] the way someone is feeling, for example whether they are happy, sad, or angry: tâm trạng He listens to rock or country music, depending on his mood. in a good/relaxed/confident mood: I had never seen Ann in such a good mood before. in a bad/foul/terrible mood: Jeff’s been in a bad mood all day. 65. a good/great deal = much, a lot I’m feeling a great deal better. a good / great deal of something: They spent a great deal of money. 66. irony /’aICrCnI/ noun [count or uncount] a strange, funny, or sad situation in which things happen in the opposite way to what you would expect: sự trớ trêu the irony (of something) is that: The irony is that it would have been faster to have taken the back roads after all. 7 67. rewarding /rI’wc:dIN/ [adjective] giving you satisfaction, pleasure, or profit: thỏa mãn, bổ ích, đáng làm Do you find your work rewarding? a rewarding investment reward verb [transitive often passive] to give someone something as a reward, for example praise, success, or money: thưởng reward someone for something: He always believed that the company would reward him for his efforts. reward noun [count or uncount] something good that happens or that you receive because of something you have done: phần thưởng reward for: Rewards for appropriate behavior can be successful in teaching children. 68. criticism /’krItIsIzm / noun [uncount] comments that show that you think something is wrong or bad: sự phê bình, sự chỉ trích criticism of: He finds criticism of his team’s performance hard to take. criticize verb [intransitive or transitive] to say what you think is wrong or bad about something: phê bình, chỉ trích Cabinet members were told not to criticize the policy publicly. It was difficult to be honest without seeming to criticize. 69. couch /kCUtS / noun [count] a long low comfortable seat that two or three people can sit on: SOFA: ghế trường kỷ couch potato noun [count] INFORMAL someone who spends a lot of time sitting at home watching television. This word shows that you do not approve of people like this. 70. species /’spi:Si:z/ (plural species) noun [count] a plant or animal group whose members all have similar general features and are able to produce young plants or animals together: loài the human species species of: Over 120 species of birds have been recorded in this National Park. 71. steady /’stedI/ [adjective] slowly and gradually continuing to change, move, or happen: đều đều, đều đặn Slow but steady progress has been made toward concluding the deal. steady growth/increase/rise: The company hopes to see a steady increase in car sales this year. steadily adverb 72. visual /’vIZuCl / [adjective] relating to things that you can see: (thuộc) thị giác, nhìn thấy được Television news brings us visual images from around the world. the visual arts 73. literacy /’lItCrCsI/ noun [uncount]the ability to read and write: sự biết chữ Teachers have been asked to concentrate on literacy and numeracy. literate [adjective] able to read and write: biết chữ Only 20 percent of women in the country are literate. opposite ILLITERATE 74. psychology /saI’kOlCdZXI / noun [uncount] the study of the mind and how it affects behavior: tâm lý học 75. in line with similar to someone or something: tương tự The costs were very much in line with what we expected. opposite OUT OF LINE 76. findings /’faIdINs/ noun [plural] information that you discover or opinions that you form after doing research. The government seems to have ignored the findings of its own report. 77. solve /sOlv/ verb [transitive] to find a solution to something that is causing difficulties: giải quyết solve a problem: We can help you solve your financial problems. 78. arithmetic /C’rITmCtIk/ noun [uncount] the part of mathematics that involves basic calculations such as adding or multiplying numbers: số học He’s very good at arithmetic. 8 . UNIT THREE: BIG SCREEN, SMALL SCREEN 1 LISTENING 1. the credits /DC ‘kredIt/[plural] a list. viễn tưởng 22. documentary /,dOkjU’mentCrI / noun [count] a movie or television program that deals with real people and events: phim tài liệu documentary

Ngày đăng: 25/01/2014, 22:20

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