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Applying deep learning techniques for the localization and classification of digestive tract lesions = ứng dụng kỹ thuật học sâu trong khoanh vùng và phân loại tổn thương đường tiêu hóa

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Cấu trúc

  • Acknowledgments

  • Abstract

  • Contents

  • Chapter 1

  • Chapter 2

  • Chapter 3

  • Chapter 4

  • Chapter 5

  • Bibliography

  • Thesis summary

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HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Master’s Thesis in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Applying Deep Learning Techniques for the Localization and Classification of Digestive Tract Lesions PHAN NGOC LAN Lan.PN202634M@sis.hust.edu.vn Supervisor: Dr Dinh Viet Sang Department: Computer Science Ha Noi, 10/2021 Declaration of Authorship and Topic Sentences Personal information Full name: Phan Ngoc Lan Phone number: 094 979 1149 Email: Lan.PN202634M@sis.hust.edu.vn Major: Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Topic Applying Deep Learning techniques for the localization and classification of digestive tract lesions Contributions • Propose an extension of the polyp segmentation problem that accounts for neoplasm detection; • Propose a novel neural network architecture to address the problem; • Introduce a new annotated image dataset for the proposed problem; • Perform evaluations of the model on the new dataset, with comparisons to existing segmentation models Declaration of Authorship I hereby declare that my thesis, titled "Applying Deep Learning techniques for the localization and classification of digestive tract lesions", is the work of myself and my supervisor Dr Dinh Viet Sang All papers, sources, tables, used in this thesis have been thoroughly cited Supervisor confirmation Ha Noi, October 2021 Supervisor Dr Dinh Viet Sang Acknowledgments I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr Dinh Viet Sang, for his continued support and guidance throughout the course of my Masters’ studies He has been a great teacher and mentor for me since my undergraduate years, and I am proud to have completed this thesis under his supervision I would also like to thank Dr Dao Viet Hang and the team of doctors and physicians at the Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Their tireless efforts have resulted in the NeoPolyp dataset presented in this thesis, and this work would not have been possible without their contributions The work in this thesis is also supported by the VINIF research project “Development of a Real-time AI-assisted System to Detect Colon Polyps and Identify Lesions at High Risk of Malignancy During Endoscopy”, code VINIF.2020.DA17 I would like to thank Vingroup and the Vingroup Innovation Foundation who have funded the project, along with the many students, faculty members and research staff who have helped me in my research I want to thank my family, my fiancee, and my friends, who have given me their unconditional love and support to finish my Masters’ studies Finally, I would like to again thank Vingroup and the Vingroup Innovation Foundation, who have supported my studies through their Domestic Master/Ph.D Scholarship program Parts of this work were published in the paper “NeoUNet: Towards accurate polyp segmentation and neoplasm detection” by Phan Ngoc Lan, Nguyen Sy An, Dao Viet Hang, Dao Van Long, Tran Quang Trung, Nguyen Thi Thuy and Dinh Viet Sang in the Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Visual Computing, 2021 Phan Ngoc Lan was funded by Vingroup Joint Stock Company and supii ported by the Domestic Master/Ph.D Scholarship Programme of Vingroup Innovation Foundation (VINIF), Vingroup Big Data Institute (VINBIGDATA), code VINIF.2020.ThS.BK.02 Abstract Medical image segmentation is a highly challenging task in computer vision with many important applications While the advent of deep learning techniques has created important breakthroughs in this field, there is still much room for improvement In this thesis, we focus on segmentation for digestive tract lesions, particularly colon polyps and esophageal lesions We identify a shortcoming in previous formulations of polyp segmentation, in which neoplasm classification is often ignored To address this issue, we propose a new problem formulation called Polyp Segmentation and Neoplasm Detection (PSND) In addition, this thesis proposes a deep neural network called NeoUNet to solve lesion segmentation and the PSND problem The proposed model is built upon U-Net, with a novel hybrid loss function that takes advantage of incomplete labels To validate NeoUNet, two medical image datasets are collected with the help of experts Our experiments show the effectiveness of NeoUnet over existing state-of-the-art models for image segmentation Keywords: Convolutional Neural Network, Medical Image Processing, Image Segmentation, U-Net, Colonoscopy Author Phan Ngoc Lan iv Contents List of Figures List of Tables Introduction 1.1 Problem overview 1.2 Thesis contributions 1.3 Thesis structure Theoretical Basis 2.1 Machine learning 2.2 Artificial neural networks 2.3 Convolutional neural networks 11 2.4 Attention mechanisms 16 2.5 Convolutional neural networks for semantic segmentation 18 2.6 Polyp segmentation and neoplasm classification 23 2.7 Problem formulation 23 Proposed Methods 3.1 NeoUNet 26 26 3.2 3.1.1 Motivation 26 3.1.2 Architecture overview 26 3.1.3 Encoder backbone 27 3.1.4 Attention mechanism 29 3.1.5 Decoder module 30 3.1.6 Loss function 31 Implementation details 33 Experiments 4.1 41 Dataset 41 4.1.1 NeoPolyp 41 4.1.2 Esophageal lesions 42 4.2 Experiment settings 43 4.3 Evaluation metrics 45 4.4 Results and discussion 46 4.4.1 Evaluating the HarDNet68 backbone 46 4.4.2 Comparison with baseline models 47 4.4.3 Evaluating the effect of undefined polyps 50 Conclusion 54 Bibliography 56 List of Figures 1.1 Example images of colon polyps and esophageal lesions Images on the right denote pixels with lesions in white 2.1 A 4-layer neural network1 2.2 Simple visualization of gradient descent2 2.3 Example of a computational graph Computation nodes store their derived gradients w.r.t their inputs 2.4 Speed comparison on several deep learning tasks between Xeon CPUs and NVIDIA Tesla GPUs 10 2.5 An example convolution layer5 12 2.6 An example of max-pooling6 12 2.7 LeNet-5 architecture [29] 13 2.8 Architecture of VGG-167 14 2.9 Example of a skip connection [16] 14 2.10 Architecture of Inception V1 (GoogLeNet) [49] 15 2.11 Example of dropout [14] 16 2.12 Architecture of EfficientNet-B0 [3] 17 2.13 Attention mechanism proposed in [5] 18 2.14 Transformer architecture [55] The network processes items in the sequence one-by-one, passing the output to the decoder for the next item 19 2.15 Architecture of the Fully Convolutional Network [34] 20 2.16 Overall U-Net architecture [43] 21 2.17 Overall PraNet architecture [13] 22 2.18 Overall HarDNet-MSEG architecture [19] 22 2.19 Classification targets for the polyp segmentation problem and the polyp segmentation and neoplasm detection problem 24 2.20 Expected outputs for polyp segmentation and PSND Black regions denote background pixels White regions denote polyp regions Green and red regions denote non-neoplastic and neoplastic polyp regions, respectively 24 2.21 Example of an image with an undefined polyp Pixels annotated in yellow denote the undefined polyp area 25 3.1 Overview of NeoUNet’s architecture 27 3.2 Structure of an example Harmonic Dense Block The value on each layer denotes the number of output channels 3.3 28 HarDNet68 architecture HDB layers may not be to scale with actual depths 29 3.4 Diagram of the additive attention gate module [38] 30 4.1 Pixel-wise distribution of polyp class labels in the NeoPolyp dataset Percentages are calculated on polyp pixels only (not including background pixels) 4.2 Learning rate over each step for the cosine annealing with warmup schedule 4.3 42 44 Examples of how Dice score and IoU scores are calculated Blue areas denote sets of pixels that are used for calculation Orangelined rectangles denote prediction mask pixels, and green-lined 4.4 rectangles denote ground-truth mask pixels 46 Qualitative results on the NeoPolyp test set 48 4.5 NeoUNet outputs for test images with undefined labels 4.6 Sample images and ground-truth labels from the NeoPolyp dataset Yellow pixels denote the undefined labels 4.7 49 52 Sample images and ground-truth labels from the esophageal lesion dataset 53 Figure 4.6: Sample images and ground-truth labels from the NeoPolyp dataset Yellow pixels denote the undefined labels Figure 4.7: Sample images and ground-truth labels from the esophageal lesion dataset Chapter Conclusion This thesis has presented the Polyp Segmentation and Neoplasm Detection problem, a challenging extension to the polyp segmentation and semantic segmentation problem in general PSND addresses a shortcoming in common formulations of polyp segmentation, which ignores neoplasm classes for polyps The proposed problem includes difficult challenges: high classification granularity, incomplete datasets and high requirements for annotators In order to address these challenges, the thesis proposes NeoUNet, a UNet-inspired neural network with components designed for PSND and also works well for other types of lesion segmentation NeoUNet features a robust and lightweight HarDNet68 backbone, coupled with a powerful attention gate mechanism and a novel loss formulation to take advantage of semi-labeled data NeoUNet’s design aims to provide a balanced trade-off between accuracy (with large attention gates and decoder layers) and latency (with the lightweight HarDNet backbone) To validate the effectiveness of NeoUNet, we present NeoPolyp, a curated dataset of colonoscopy images labeled with the help of medical professionals Our experiments show that NeoUNet outperforms several existing methods for polyp segmentation, proving that further research into specialized networks for PSND should yield even more improvements We hope that our work can be a solid baseline for further research into the PSND problem and digestive tract lesion segmentation in general For future works, we plan to continue improving the NeoUNet architecture to fit specific medical applications, as well as look into other promising architectures such 54 as Transformers for further improvement Bibliography [1] Martín Abadi, Paul Barham, Jianmin Chen, Zhifeng Chen, Andy Davis, Jeffrey Dean, Matthieu 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may not be 100% accurate, as doctors can miss hard-to-detect lesions during the process Therefore, a pressing need in treating digestive tract lesions is improving endoscopic accuracy Automatic lesion segmentation is a potential solution to this problem A system that is capable of detecting and assessing lesions in real time can help doctors minimize errors during endoscopy, as well as train new doctors effectively Goals of the thesis • Summarize and assess image processing techniques for the lesion segmentation classification problems • Contribute datasets and tools for further research into the problem in the future • Propose new improvements and models for the problem • Apply proposed models to the problem and into real applications Main content and contribution This thesis formalizes an extension of polyp segmentation called Polyp Segmentation and Neoplasm Detection (PSND) We show that the problem is a hybrid of fine-grained classification and semantic segmentation We then propose NeoUNet, a novel neural network architecture based on U-Net to solve PSND and general segmentation NeoUNet features a hybrid loss function that allows it to take advantage of undefined labels in PSND datasets We introduce a dataset called NeoPolyp for the PSND problem and an esophageal lesion dataset, annotated with the help of trained medical professionals Experiments are performed to validate the performance of NeoUNet compared to state-of-the-art polyp segmentation models on the two datasets The authors published one paper for the proposal of NeoUNet and PSND (ISVC-2021) • We propose Neo-UNet, a novel neural network architecture designed for the Polyp Segmentation and Neoplasm Detection problem; • We introduce an esophageal lesion dataset and the NeoPolyp dataset, an annotated polyp image dataset with neoplasm information; • We perform experiments comparing NeoUNet with state-of-the-art polyp segmentation models to evaluate the model Methodology NeoUNet is a neural network architecture based on U-Net, consisting of an encoder branch and decoder branch, connected by a series of skip connections between corresponding blocks We use HarDNet68 as the network backbone, which provides solid trade-offs between accuracy and speed The network’s skip connections use the attention gate mechanism to adaptively filter the encoder’s outputs A hybrid loss function is proposed, comprised of a primary loss and a secondary loss to improve segmentation accuracy and take advantage of undefined labels in the training data Conclusion This thesis has presented the Polyp Segmentation and Neoplasm Detection problem, a challenging extension to the polyp segmentation and semantic segmentation problem in general In order to address these challenges, the thesis proposes NeoUNet, a U-Net-inspired neural network with components designed for PSND NeoUNet features a robust and lightweight HarDNet68 backbone, coupled with a powerful attention gate mechanism and a novel loss formulation to take advantage of semi-labeled data To validate the effectiveness of NeoUNet, we present an esophageal lesion dataset and NeoPolyp, a curated dataset of colonoscopy images labeled with the help of medical professionals Our experiments show that NeoUNet outperforms several existing methods for polyp segmentation, proving that further research into specialized networks for PSND should yield even more improvements ... Declaration of Authorship I hereby declare that my thesis, titled "Applying Deep Learning techniques for the localization and classification of digestive tract lesions" , is the work of myself and my... Topic Applying Deep Learning techniques for the localization and classification of digestive tract lesions Contributions • Propose an extension of the polyp segmentation problem that accounts for. .. While the advent of deep learning techniques has created important breakthroughs in this field, there is still much room for improvement In this thesis, we focus on segmentation for digestive tract

Ngày đăng: 15/02/2022, 18:59