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Tài liệu Talk about your career plan docx

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  • Today we can experience advertising in all sorts of ways; radio, television, web, newspaper... However, with all this new media around people still are getting creative with general advertising. If I’d like to increase the sale of motorcycles I would consider these following:

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Talk about your career plan? Where do you want to be in 10 years’ time? * In my career plan, after I graduate, I want to work in bank with average salary to collect experience. After 2 years, I want to become assistant manager with more higher salary… * In 10 years’ time, T want to work in ACB bank and to become managing director. Because I think if I work in there, I can have a high salary and improve progess… What should you do to improve your career? * I would focus on my skills English and computer; team work and active working style…… Suppose u apply for a job in a firm, what preparation should u make for your successful interview? Arrive Early Plan to arrive to your interview early, at least 15 minutes prior to your interview time. This will allow you to clear security, and check your appearance in the rest room. Greet Everyone with a Smile You should greet everyone that you meet with a smile. This includes the interviewer, the receptionist, the security guard, even the janitor. By projecting your friendly and pleasant disposition you are likely to create good first impressions which may land you a position. Review Prepared Notes At the interview, while waiting for your interviewer, take the opportunity to review the notes you have prepared for the interview, as well as, your resume. Stand and Greet Interviewer with a Firm Hand Shake Do you like enjoy shopping? Yes, I like it a lot Have you ever shopped online? No, I don’t really like it What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online? 3 The advantages : You can buy something easily and fast. You just see the items on the website and then you make a call and payment is transfersed by card. At the moment, goods is delivered to you. Beside, you don’t have to go out…… 4 The disadvantages : You only see the goods on the websites. It has a little difference. The price is not negotiate. Sometime you’ll be cheated. Special you can’t change if you don’t satisfy… What is Marketing Mix? In your opinion, what qualifications and skills required for a person…………? * Marketing Mix: product, price, promotion and place + Product –goods and services that are sold + Price is the costs to buyer of goods or services + Promotion is informing customers about products and persuading them to buy them + Place where goods or services are available * A person who works in the marketing department must have knowledge about product or services of the company, must have strong personlity, influence by good communication consistent skills…. What do you consider when you plan the following things? + A holiday The first, I’ll go to Da Lat with my family. I like Da Lat city because the weather of Da Lat is cool, fresh air, make me relax, no stress and happy. After may be I’ll go to Paris to visit my uncle……. + Special family occasion · Plan your guest list. · enlist volunteers to assist you. · You'll need to settle on a date and a place. · Plan the budget for this gathering. You'll need to determine the level of expenditures. · choose the length of the event and location. · Planning to feed everyone will be one of the most fun and challenging jobs to accomplish. + Ordinary working day Our working hours can greatly affect our happiness and our work- life balance Everything for me is scheduled and organized, and I’m very particular about my time and how it is used, because it is the only resource (used or not) we don’t ever get back. The key is planning beforehand. Every minute planning saves you on implementation many times over, and knowing what you need to do the next day allows your sub-conscious to work out ways to improve your productivity while you sleep – at least that’s what we’ve found to be true in our organization. + Your career After I graduate, I want to work in bank with average salary to collect experience. After 2 years, I want to become assistant manager with more higher salary… In 10 years’ time, T want to work in ACB bank and to become managing director. Because I think if I work in there, I can have a high salary and improve progess… What are the differences between online selling and high street retailing? High street retailers know that making sales depends on the location of their stores, the presentation of their products and the service delivered by their staff. A friendly well-lit store on a busy street will always outperform a dusty outlet that's hidden down an alley. Which type of these companies would you like to work for? Why? 5 a family owned company 6 a multinaltional company 7 your own company I would like to work for my own company. Because ,for many people, it is a dream of freedom and riches. As a small business owner I set your own hours. I can pay yourself what I want and I can write off many expenses that would normally be paid for using after tax dollars. However, I know that running my own business is difficult. There will be times when everything is going well, but I also need to be prepared for times when I literally do not know where my next dollar will come from. How many types of companies in VN are these? What are the common reasons for a success of a company? There are many types of business entity defined in the legal systems of various countries. These include corporations, cooperatives, partnerships, sole traders, and other specialized types of organization.In Vn there are 3 main types: § TNHH/Cty TNHH (Công ty trách nhiệm hữu hạn): limited liability company § CTCP/Cty CTCP (Công Ty Cổ Phần): Joint Stock Company § NHC/(National Holding Company) in English I think a company is successul based on many reasons such as: + Company culture For successful companies, culture is about attracting and hiring the people who would be most successful in that specific organization. And it's about driving the behavior that makes the company successful. + Customer service. customer service means taking care of your customers. + Risk. Successful business owners aren't afraid to take calculated risks with clear outcomes in mind. + Marketing. Effective marketing efforts perform different functions around unique selling environments. + Sales + Training. Because we live in a world of continuous change, it's more important than ever to implement a culture of continuous learning. Many and many Think of some products you have bought recently. Why did you buy them? Which of the four Ps has influenced your decision to buy? I have bought a wasing machine recently. I decided to buy it because of the price and promotion. I bought it from Ideas electronic supermarket. It is cheaper than Thien Hoa’s . This model is advertised on TV and I know that it has many advanced functions such as: power saving, not making your clothes wrinkled And I was also given a big bag of Omo detergent for promotion. (Price – The price is the amount a customer pays for the product. It is determined by a number of factors including market share, competition, material costs, product identity and the customer's perceived value of the product. The business may increase or decrease the price of product if other stores have the same product. Promotion -advertising Advertising covers any communication that is paid for, from cinema commercials, radio and Internet adverts through print media and billboards.) What sort of advertising campaign could you have in VN for the each of the brands you choose below: 8 motorcycle 9 newspaper and magazines 10 watches / jewellerys 11 clothing How could you try to increase the sale of each brand? Today we can experience advertising in all sorts of ways; radio, television, web, newspaper However, with all this new media around people still are getting creative with general advertising. If I’d like to increase the sale of motorcycles I would consider these following: 1. Your Marketing Plan Nothing can help you identify your goals more than your marketing plan. You learn a lot about your company, your competitors and your long-term goals by creating and following your marketing plan. 2. Create a Plan of Action This model shows you how freelancers and agencies put their own plan of action in place. 3. Define Your Advertising Budget 4. Books When all else fails and you still run into questions, there are plenty of books you can use to give you guidance Many and many . following: 1. Your Marketing Plan Nothing can help you identify your goals more than your marketing plan. You learn a lot about your company, your competitors. Talk about your career plan? Where do you want to be in 10 years’ time? * In my career plan, after I graduate, I want

Ngày đăng: 25/01/2014, 09:20

