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The final version of the kazakh latin al

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By Kaldarhan A Kambar The final version of the "Kazakh Latin alphabet" Copyright 2019 © Kaldarhan Aliseituly Kambar First published December 12, 2019, Thursday Introduction Allah Almighty sees, I was not going to write a continuation of my last article entitled "Kazakh Latin alphabet" (hereinafter – KLA) But many of my readers from Kazakhstan, Russia, the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Romania, India, Turkey, Australia, Georgia and other countries left me no choice For example, the Indian scholar Krishna Swami wrote very briefly: “Important work, sir!” However, unfortunately, there were other people who wrote unflattering words not about me, but about my country, about the Kazakh people and especially about my language Honestly, I could not control myself and answered them properly After that, they unsubscribed from subscribing to my profile I am not at all sorry that I will no longer see them If the government, many ministers, deputies and about 20 “intellectual higher minds” of our country cannot accept the “Kazakh Latin alphabet” for the third time, [1] not blame my Kazakh language [2] (difficult, confusing and useless) [3]and not call the Kazakh people “naive, stupid and illiterate” I sincerely and wholeheartedly love my native Kazakh language and my Kazakh people These are not just false patriotic words, I am ready to give my life without hesitation, protecting every scrap of my steppe and country, my children and relatives In my youth I was considered one of the wellaimed machine gunners PK-12 (Kalashnikov's Machine Gun) in the motorized rifle regiment (I served as a soldier in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany) This is a very good weapon, I still see it in local wars around the world With the help of short bursts of bullets of 7.62 caliber, you can hit the target from a range of 400-450 meters This is evidenced by my military ID of an ordinary soldier, although now I am registered as a reserve officer My dear readers, you will understand me correctly, I am not a “dog” of war, who longs for blood (I am always against war), I just remind you, I will remain a soldier of my country to death I especially want to thank some readers who were not indifferent to KLA and expressed their valuable opinion regarding KLA in Kazakhstan Many readers honestly admitted that before that they did not know that the ancient Türks wrote in runic letters I want to express special gratitude to IT specialists from developed countries (USA, Europe), who are more familiar with Unicode rules and know more about the “everyday wisdom” of a computer and keyboard than I Taking into account the various disinterested and free advice of my readers, as well as based on their analysis and, mainly, straining my own thoughts and ideas, I created the final version of KLA As a result, in my opinion, my final version of the KLA may well satisfy the educational, scientific and spiritual needs of Kazakhstani society and other countries, which in the future will translate their alphabet into the Latin alphabet Kazakh language approached a dangerous line, as once the language of Mesoamerica (Maya) Together with the "Kazakh National Calendar", throughout my entire conscious life, I continue to study the "Mayan, Aztec, Inca, and Chibcha-Muiska calendar" Although I have never been to Mesoamerica, I am amazed at their ancient intellectual abilities and in-depth knowledge in the fields of astronomy, mathematics, geometry, linguistics, architecture and other “hidden” sciences that we have not yet reached Mesoamerica is a historical region and cultural area in North America It extends from approximately central Mexico through Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and northern Costa Rica, and within this region pre-Columbian societies flourished before the Spanish colonization of the Americas In the 16th century, European diseases like smallpox and measles caused the deaths of upwards of 90% of the indigenous people [4] [5] It is one of five areas in the world where ancient civilization arose independently, and the second in the Americas along with Norte Chico (Caral-Supe) in present-day Peru, in the northern coastal region [6] It is estimated that six million Maya were living in this area at the start of the 21st century [7] [8] Guatemala, Southern Mexico and the Yucatán Peninsula, Belize, El Salvador and Western Honduras have managed to maintain numerous remnants of their ancient cultural heritage Some are quite integrated into the majority hispanicized mestizo cultures of the nations in which they reside, while others continue a more traditional, culturally distinct life, often speaking one of the Mayan languages as a primary language [9] Their main misfortune was that they could not (or did not have time) to create a single state as the Kazakh Khanate (Kazakhstan) Surviving 10% of the Mayan indigenous people (including other peoples) from European diseases, such as smallpox and measles, could not resist the Spanish cankistadors and the pan-European invasion (they destroyed everyone in their path as a "hyper tsunami") As a result of these circumstances, such a powerful civilization as Mesoamerica and their language and writing ceased to exist Although the current Mayan generation still knows their language, they absolutely cannot read the inscriptions of their ancestors in the form of special characters According to the laws of cruel nature and the rules of natural selection, predatory animals and birds of various ranks began tearing to pieces the "unique but dead legacy" of poor Mesoamerican civilizations There is no one to blame for this, the whole living being wants to eat in order to live longer! I not know what others think, but from the past history of Mesoamerican civilization, I clearly see what the Kazakh language will face in the future If we not take the necessary measures and decisions right now, tomorrow may be too late Since the reverse report is already running, time is running exactly on schedule in the direction of the point of no return Problems introduction of the "Kazakh Latin alphabet" in the country I not know how other peoples and countries call their language, but the Kazakhs call their Kazakh language “Ana tili” In the Kazakh language, the word "Ana" is translated as "Mother", and "tili" is translated as "language" In the semantic meanings, “Ana tili” for each Kazakh (nomad) means “Language transmitted with mother’s milk” In the long history of Kazakhs and ancient nomads, there was a case when a correctly chosen "word" (söz) stopped bloody wars among militant nomads Because every nomad knew that “language” and “word” were saturated with the smell of mother’s breast milk Our former President Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev thinks and speaks his native Kazakh language very competently, no worse than specialized linguists Therefore, I think that on December 14, 2012, on Friday (Zhuma), our wise First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Leader of the nation, N.A.Nazarbayev, in his strategic program “Kazakhstan-2050” (New political course of the established state) consciously revealed and raised the country's most painful topic “on translating the Kazakh language alphabet into Latin script ” It was impossible to hesitate further, because the “Kazakh language” was dying a painful death before our eyes It was the same if your only mother was seriously ill, who gave you life, and you look indifferently and coldly at his deadly agony, when you can still save her If the aforementioned composition of the National Commission and the highest intellectual minds of our country doubt or see sarcasm and ridicule in my words, let them ask their subordinate civil servants to translate only one page of the text from Russian into Kazakh or from Kazakh into Russian I think this is enough to assess the scale of the catastrophe awaiting the future of our country and the future of the Kazakh language The question is not that of incompetence "National Commission for the translation of the Kazakh alphabet into the Latin alphabet." The thing is that before all the reforms were carried out by the command-administrative method, of course, with the tacit consent of the Kazakhstanis And this time, the authorities counted on his help and was sure that the country would switch to KLA painlessly and without barriers However, for the first time in thirty years, the commandadministrative method did not work, and failed to implement the plan This was preceded by several reasons One of the main reasons was the people themselves, which previously had obediently obeyed all orders lowered from above But now, having learned the power of social networks and the Internet, the Kazakh people have become more reasonable and wise than yesterday Now it will be harder and harder for the government to deceive him as a little child President N Nazarbayev foresaw this and from the very beginning said “not to rush”, and approved an action plan for the phased translation of the Kazakh language alphabet into the Latin alphabet until 2025 (first stage: 2018-2020, second stage: 2021-2023, third stage: 2024-2025) But our government officials, who disinterestedly and passionately wanted to be the first to report good news about the overfulfilled affairs for the president among the rest of the masses, were too quick and failed such an important reform What has already happened cannot be returned, it has flowed like water and time What has already happened can never be returned Who or what went wrong or who impedes this reform? For centuries, Kazakhs have been accustomed to transmit their special thoughts through the wisdom (proverbs and sayings) of their ancestors The Kazakh people would describe this shameful failure on a national scale with just one proverb: “The internal enemy is more dangerous than the external enemy” (Ishten shykkan zhau zhaman) In our country, there is a certain and educated layer of society called "shalakazah" (asphalt Kazakhs, that is, not to Kazakhs or half Kazakhs) This genetic pure-blood Kazakhs, but due to the circumstances of the Soviet era, were brought up and studied in Russian, as a result of which they think and speak Russian It is no secret to anyone that at the first stage of this reform it will be difficult for the Russianspeaking population to master the new Kazakh Latin alphabet If you follow the information in the media and the messages of social networks, it is easy to understand that by any available method they raise a tantrum and a cry of the soul against KLA It is not for nothing that our wise ancestors said: “My tongue is my enemy” (Basqa bale – tilden keledi) [10] If we judge by human compassion, I sincerely pity these people who for the long 30 years could not become either Russian or Kazakh But such a huge country like Kazakhstan cannot afford to shed tears and sympathize with the "shalakazakhs" and the rest of the Russian-speaking population Despite everything, we must go forward There is good reason for this Since 1865, the Russian language has burst into our Asian-nomadic world, in which there was its own language based on the Arabic alphabet, without demand and without invitation, as is happening now in the Middle East Since then, the alphabet has changed twice (Latin and Cyrillic) and the nomads were baffled as once the peoples of Mesoamerica After 150 years, the Latin alphabet defeated the Cyrillic alphabet, becoming the language of computer, artificial intelligence (1) and the Internet (2) In the future, our eastern neighbor China, with its even more bulky hieroglyphs, claims this dominant place in IT-technology It will be better if we are dealing with a Latin letter than with Chinese characters Footnote: (1) A computer will solve problems in exactly the way it is programmed to, without regard to efficiency, alternative solutions, possible shortcuts, or possible errors in the code Computer programs that learn and adapt are part of the emerging field of artificial intelligence and machine learning Artificial intelligence based products generally fall into two major categories: rule based systems and pattern recognition systems Rule based systems attempt to represent the rules used by human experts and tend to be expensive to develop Pattern based systems use data about a problem to generate conclusions Examples of pattern based systems include voice recognition, font recognition, translation and the emerging field of on-line marketing (2) The Internet (portmanteau of interconnected network) is the global system of interconnected computer networks that uses the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide It is a network of networks that consists of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies The Internet carries a vast range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of the World Wide Web (WWW), electronic mail, telephony, and file sharing Experience shows that knowledge of the grammar of a language does not solve all problems In the nineteenth century, Ibrahim Altynsarin, a prominent Kazakh educator, first introduced a Cyrillic alphabet for transcribing Kazakh Russian missionary activity, as well as Russiansponsored schools, further encouraged the use of Cyrillic in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries The alphabet was reworked by Sarsen Amanzholov and accepted in its current form in 1940 It contains 42 letters: 33 from the Russian alphabet with additional letters for sounds of the Kazakh language: Ә, Ғ, Қ, Ң, Ө, Ұ, Ү, Һ, І (until 1957 Ӯ was used instead of Ұ) Initially, Kazakh letters came after letters from the Russian alphabet, but now they are placed after Russian letters similar in sound or shape The letters В, Ё (since 1957), Ф, Х, Ц, Ч, Щ, Ъ, Ь and Э are not used in native Kazakh words Of these, Ё, Ц, Ч, Щ, Ъ, Ь, Э, are used only in words borrowed from Russian or through the Russian language which are written according to Russian orthographic rules The letter Х in conversational speech is pronounced similar to Қ The letter Һ is used only in Arabic-Persian borrowings and is often pronounced like an unvoiced Х (as /h/, or a voiceless glottal fricative) The letter И represents the tense vowel [i] obtained from the combinations ЫЙ /əj/ and ІЙ /ɪj/ The letter У represents /w/ and the tense vowel [u] obtained from the combinations ҰУ /ʊw/, ҮУ /ʉw/, ЫУ /əw/ and ІУ /ɪw/ Additionally, И and У are retained in words borrowed from Russian, where they represent the simple vowels [i] and [u] respectively [11] I am sure that almost all of the “National Commission for the Translation of the Kazakh Alphabet into the Latin Alphabet” knows these features of the Kazakh alphabet However, in my personal opinion, a bureaucratic approach to this issue reigned within the national commission, as a result of which a sufficient place was not allocated for a creative, selfless approach Why the National Commission for the translation of the Kazakh alphabet into Latin letters was not first studied the Unicode rules, before proceeding with the development of the Latin alphabet, I honestly not know Briefly about why we should reckon with Unicode? If my memory serves me right, I remember one of the first Kazakh programmers by the name of Murat Altai I remember him well, because back in 1995, it was he who taught me how to type on a computer Then he was one of the first in our country (almost during the totalitarian regime of the USSR), raised the issue of switching to the Latin alphabet He was an avid fan of the Latin alphabet, as he composed various programs based on Latin letters As an experienced journalist, I helped him write and print a couple of articles on the subject of the Latin alphabet My dear Murat aga (brother) often repeated that our whole future will be closely connected with the Latin alphabet, and the sooner we switch to the Latin alphabet, the better it will be for the Kazakh people With these sincere fanatical words, he turned on the “light” in my stone brain, I became interested in computers and information technology Soon, without regret, I stopped typing on an electric typewriter, such as "Yatran", "Robotron" I am grateful for this to Allah Almighty and Murat agha until the end of my life In those days, social and economic problems constantly appeared in our country, so no one heard his calls for the transition to the Latin alphabet I don’t know if Murat agha is alive now (we haven’t seen each other for more than 20 years), but if he were a member of the National Commission, he would offer his original creative idea as an IT specialist and as a Kazakh who thinks and speaks well Kazakh Joint-stock company "National Information Technologies" (JSC "NIT") is participating as the largest company in the information technology market of Kazakhstan However, for some reason (I still can’t understand), Kazakh-speaking representatives (IT specialists) of this company were not included in the list of the National Commission for the translation of the Kazakh alphabet into Latin letters This was a big mistake on the part of senior government officials, which is not too late to fix Because, they should have known that at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, our young country first encountered head-on with the Unicode problem In those years, our country spent a decent amount of "green dollars" (which was lacking) and the nerves of Russianspeaking IT specialists to solve this problem Oddly enough, Kazakhs quickly forget such complex problems in their history I will give below this short history with Unicode Encoding: Before the spread of operating systems and text editors with support for Unicode, Cyrillic Kazakh often failed to fit on a keyboard because of both the problem with 8-bit encoding, which was not supported at the system level, and the absence of standard computer fonts More than 20 variations of 8-bit encoding for Kazakh Cyrillic have been suggested, including the following government standards (note that the following are historical code pages and that modern systems use Unicode Encoding, such as UTF-8): СТ РК 920-91 for DOS (a modification of code page 866) СТ РК 1048-2002 for Windows (a modification of code page 1251) СТ РК 1048-2002 was confirmed in 2002, well after the introduction of different Windows character sets Some Internet resources in part used the government information agency QazAqparat before the encoding of this standard Today the encoding UTF-8 is being accepted Keyboard: The standard Windows keyboard layout used for Cyrillic Kazakh in Kazakhstan is a modification of the standard Russian keyboard, with characters found in Kazakh but not in Russian located on the number keys [11] Figure Standard layout on the Kazakh keyboard of the "old" Cyrillic and Latin letters, various characters and signs Table Standard layout of Kazakh letters, various symbols and signs, which are located on the "old" Cyrillic keyboard in the form of an alphabet № № А F f А Ә @ Б < , 34 27 В D d В Г U u Г Ғ % 35 Д L l Д Е T t Е Ë 10 Ж : ; 28 29 11 З P p З 12 И B b И 13 Й Q q Й 14 К R r К 15 Қ ) 36 16 Л K k Л 10 17 М V v М 11 18 Н Y y Н 12 19 Ң $ 37 20 О J j О 13 21 Ө _ 38 22 П G g П 14 23 Р H h Р 15 24 С C c С 16 25 Т N n Т 17 26 У E e У 18 27 Ұ ( 28 Ү * 39 40 29 Ф A a Ф 19 30 Х { [ 31 Һ + = 30 41 32 Ц W w Ц 20 33 Ч X x Ч 21 34 Ш I i Ш 22 35 Щ O o Щ 23 36 Ъ } ] 31 37 Ы S s Ы 24 38 І # 42 39 Ь M m Ь 25 40 Э " ‘ 41 Ю > 32 33 42 Я Z z Я 26 Note: In this standard keyboard layout, you can clearly see how the Kazakh "tortured" letters look like guerrillas in the forest, who is hiding under the bushes Your Majesty Unicode, now your move on the chessboard Unicode is a computing industry standard for the consistent encoding, representation, and handling of text expressed in most of the world's writing systems The standard is maintained by the Unicode Consortium, and as of May 2019 the most recent version, Unicode 12.1, contains a repertoire of 137,994 characters (consisting of 137,766 graphic characters, 163 format characters and 65 control characters) covering 150 modern and historic scripts, as well as multiple symbol sets and emoji The character repertoire of the Unicode Standard is synchronized with ISO/IEC 10646, (3) and both are code-for-code identical [12] [13] Footnote: (3) The Universal Coded Character Set (UCS) is a standard set of characters defined by the International Standard ISO/IEC 10646, Information technology – Universal Coded Character Set (UCS) (plus amendments to that standard), which is the basis of many character encodings The latest version contains over 136,000 abstract characters, each identified by an unambiguous name and an integer number called its code point This ISO/IEC 10646 standard is maintained in conjunction with The Unicode Standard ("Unicode"), and they are code-for-code identical Before Unicode, there were many different code pages such as Windows-1258 in existence, each with a different way of mapping byte’s worth of data into 255 characters Unicode was created in order to incorporate all the different characters of the all the different code pages into one system In other words, Unicode is a superset of Windows-1258, and each character in the Windows-1258 code page has a Unicode counterpart Code points are the key concept of Unicode, which was “designed to support the worldwide interchange, processing, and display of the written texts of the diverse languages…of the modern world.” It does so by associating virtually every printable character with an unique code point Together, these characters comprise the Unicode character set The actual on-screen representation of code points are called glyphs, (the complete mapping of code points to glyphs is known as a font) Problems arise when one computer encodes code points into bytes with one encoding, and another computer (or another process on the same computer) decodes those bytes with another As with any computer science topic, the best way to learn about Unicode is to experiment Enter characters, play with character encodings, and make predictions that you verify using hexdump [14] Although this article does not explain everything you need to know about Unicode, I will be more than happy if it just sets you up for your own experiments Glory to Allah, Kazakhs still have faith and optimism about their language Recently, I came across a small article in the Kazakh language on the Internet, which claims that the vocabulary of the Kazakh language ranks third in the world (600 thousand words) after Arabic (12.3 million words) and English (700 thousand words) language [15] After reading this article, I simply smiled at the super optimism of a young Kazakh girl (author of the article), knowing that this was impossible And then you know, something turned upside down in me, all my negative pessimism disappeared somewhere, I was infected by the optimism of this girl My soul has since howled and howled like a lone old wolf and does not give me rest I began with renewed vigor (like crazy) to flip through old and new books regarding the Kazakh alphabet and grammar For several days I compared these information from books with all articles and messages on the Internet related to the Kazakh Latin alphabet And this time again I was looking for something that I myself not know Soon one truth came into being The educated Kazakh society categorically denies in the KLA all digraphs (which I proposed), and apostrophes, and diacritics And, in truth, Kazakh society correctly argues in its statement: digraphs are inconvenient for reading, and neither Unicode nor the Internet accept apostrophes and diacritics So we need to look for a "middle ground" in a haystack I read several independent KLA projects only in Kazakh, and in Russian I almost did not see any KLA projects In Kazakh-language projects, KLA directly in the face blows negative contempt, primarily in the Russian language I believe that all the languages of the world are holy, they cannot be blamed for the fact that people who speak this language have done a lot of bad deeds Thanks to the Russian language, we learned the peculiar world of Pushkin, Turgenov, Tolstoy, Bulgakov and many others For example, I can’t imagine how even Kazakh-speaking Kazakhs will live without prose (ASiA, 1975 [AZ-i-IA]) and poetry (Earth, bow to a man!, 1961 [Poems]) by Russianspeaking Olzhas Omarovich Suleimenov, who sincerely loves his Kazakh people [16] However, Kazakh linguists-developers of KLA categorically unanimously assert that the KLA should consist of only 29 native Kazakh letters Some KLA projects developed even by professors excluded such letters as “C”, “F”, “V” and others, replacing them with the letters “S”, “P”, “B” and others For example, if we call "Circus – Sircus", "France – Prance", "Physics – Pisika", "Vatican – Batican" and others, you think we will not offend these countries? Not knowing what Unicode is and why it makes no sense to lose a few places on the keyboard keys, these Kazakh scientists are shocking with their conclusions To expand their knowledge and understanding of the world, even one letter located on the keyboard key will not be superfluous and will never interfere especially with Kazakhs Once during a tea party I said out loud: "Oh, if I could have got at least one letter in the Latin alphabet, which is not used in the Kazakh alphabet." Nearby sat my wife Ardak (her name translates as “Honor”), who has two diplomas (college and university) in the discipline of English language (thanks to her help, I write all these articles in Academia.edu) She looked at me and said: why there is no such letter, there is the eighth letter of the main Latin alphabet “H, h” ([haː]) And then a new breakthrough idea struck me Remember the letter "Һ", which is is used only in Arabic-Persian borrowings and is often pronounced like an unvoiced Х (as /h/, or a voiceless glottal fricative) [11] In the Kazakh language there is not a single word that begins with the capital letter “H (Һ)”, all the letters “һ” are found only in the middle of Kazakh words For example: gauhar, qahar, qaharly, qaharman, zhihaz, zhihan, zhihankez, mashһur, shahar So this "H" will simply be inactive among 26 Latin letters Thus, this letter “H” (lowercase letter “һ” does not fit) can be used as a “sign” (which replaces digraphs, apostrophes, and diacritics), which Unicode and the Internet accept without any problems This single Cyrillic letter “H” among Latin 26 letters will always remind us of “President Nazarbayev, the city of Nur-Sultan, the party of Nur-Otan” and the fact that we previously had the Cyrillic alphabet The Cyril-Latin letter "H" will not have any sound and pronunciation It will only fulfill the role of a “sign” that indicates or warns that the letter here has a different sound In order to somehow reassure the "heartbreaking" exclamations, screams and niggling on the KLA from the Russian-speaking population of Kazakhstan, at the initial stage of political, social and economic life after the introduction of the Kazakh Latin alphabet, it is likely that the government will have to submit 10 (ten) additional Cyrillic letters (Ë – eH, И – yH, Ц – cH, Ч – zH, Щ – sH, Ъ – qH, Ь – kH, Э – xH, Ю – uH, Я – jH) If the Kazakh government decides to act harshly without regard to its citizens, this is his will We can only submit to his will and come to terms with the fact that there will not be these additional 10 Cyrillic letters I am sure and hope that it will not be necessary to explain and describe to the readers my last alphabet, since the whole essence and all the meaning of the Kazakh Latin alphabet is indicated clearly in the form of a keyboard 10 Figure Standard layout on the Kazakh keyboard of “new” Latin and Cyrillic letters (for recognizing letters), various characters and signs (see Note) Table Standard layout of Kazakh letters, various symbols and signs that are located on the "new" Latin keyboard in the form of an alphabet Q Қ W Ұ E E R Р T T Y Ы U У I I O O 10 P П 11 A A 12 S Ш 13 D Д 14 F Ф 15 G Г 16 H Һ 17 J Ж 18 K К 19 L Л 20 Z З 21 X X 22 C C 23 V В 24 B Б 25 N Н 26 M M 27 aH Ә 28 gH Ғ 29 iH Й 30 nH Ң 31 oH Ө 32 wH Ү Note: 1) Cyrillic letters located next to the Latin letters are not associated with the internal layout of the keyboard They are engraved only so that users correctly click the letters they need 2) Six (6) additional Kazakh letters (Ә – aH, Ғ – gH, Й – iH, Ң – nH, Ө – oH, Ү – wH), together with the “H” sign, which did not have enough space in the main keyboard, are located in the long “Space” key to recognize the desired letters 11 Figure Standard layout on the Kazakh keyboard of “new” purely Latin letters (when everyone is already used to it), various symbols and signs In any corner of the globe, you can use any standard keyboard layout based on Latin letters Table Standard layout of Kazakh letters (including, if necessary, 10 additional Cyrillic letters), various symbols and signs that are located on the “new” Latin keyboard in the form of an alphabet № № 14 15 16 17 18 19 А F f Ф Ә @ 27 Ә AH Б < , В D d Д Г U u У Ғ % Д L l Л Е T t Т Ë 10 Ж : ; 11 З P p П 12 И B b Б 28 Ғ GH 33 Ë EH 13 Й Q q Қ 29 Й IH 14 К R r Р 15 Қ ) 16 Л K k К 10 17 М V v В 11 18 Н Y y Ы 12 19 Ң $ 30 Ң NH 20 О J j Ж 13 21 Ө _ - 22 П G g Г 14 23 Р H h H/Һ 15 31 Ө OH 24 С C c С 16 25 Т N n Н 17 26 У E e Е 18 27 Ұ ( 28 Ү * 29 Ф A a А 19 30 Х { [ 31 Һ + = 32 Ц W w Ұ 20 33 Ч X x Х 21 35 Ц CH 36 Ч ZH 34 Ш I i І 22 35 Щ O o О 23 36 Ъ } ] 37 Щ SH 38 Ъ QH 37 Ы S s Ш 24 38 І # 39 Ь M m М 25 40 Э " ‘ 41 Ю > 42 Я Z z З 26 39 Ь KH 40 Э XH 41 Ю UH 42 Я JH 32 Ү WH 34 И YH Note: Ten (10) letters of the Cyrillic alphabet (Ë – eH, И – yH, Ц – cH, Ч – zH, Щ – sH, Ъ – qH, Ь – kH, Э – xH, Ю – uH, Я – jH), which have come out of practical use, will be needed only when it is necessary to reprint a book written in Russian Cyrillic 12 Table The final version of the "Kazakh Latin alphabet", developed by the author K.A Kambar, which includes 26 basic, additional and 10 formally existing (if necessary) Latin letters 15 22 29 36 Аа Aa Ее Ee Мм Mm Сс Cc Һһ Hh Чч ZH/zH 16 23 30 37 Әә AH/aH Жж Jj Нн Nn Тт Tt Шш Ss Щщ SH/sH 10 17 24 31 38 Бб Bb Зз Zz Ңң NH/nH Уу Uu Ыы Yy Ъъ QH/qH 11 18 25 32 39 Вв Vv Йй IH/iH Оо Oo Ұұ Ww Іі Ii Ьь KH/kH 13 12 19 26 33 40 Гг Gg Кк Kk Өө OH/oH Үү WH/wH Ёё EH/eH Ээ XH/xH 13 20 27 34 41 Ғғ GH/gH Ққ Qq Пп Pp Фф Ff Ии YH/yH Юю UH/uH 14 21 28 35 42 Дд Dd Лл Ll Рр Rr Хх Xx Цц CH/cH Яя JH/jH Let's say the Kazakh people longed and fulfilled their desire to start everything from scratch, denying Russian and foreign cultures A reasonable question arises if my arguments regarding ten (10) additional Cyrillic letters are rejected What to with the huge numerous libraries of the country, where 60-70 percent are books in Russian We are really going to burn Russian-language books, as Hitler did in the 30-40 years of the last century, or bury them on Earth Isn't it time to think that these cultures can bury us alive on this Earth Epilogue Once, my colleague drank alcohol during working hours, a little drunk, took a deep breath, saying: “I used to at least be somehow happy after drinking, but now I don’t want to live after drinking.” Having digested this sincere phrase of my colleague in my sober head (I don’t drink at all because I read namaz), I thought deeply It is impossible not to notice and not think that in our "fucking" world of modern humanity or civilization, less and less space remains for sincere joy We are surrounded by a dense ring of “false joys”, which lasts only a few seconds, until some clown, buffoon or comedian finishes his memorized facial expressions or finishes a previously prepared text After short joys, our face becomes severe again, due to many problems that arise in our life every second and every minute Or it seems to me that everything happens one way or another, I just can’t distinguish the difference, but for some reason something is bothering my soul Sometimes I wake up from a heavy sleep, as if I were among drunk and inadequately reacting people To dispel sinister thoughts in my head in the middle of the night I turn on the TV On television, mainly shows films in which the main character of the picture, for the sake of money and gold, deceives, fools and, even worse, kills even the people closest to him I turn off the TV, it becomes terribly bad and disgusting That's how we live and are used to all of this What is going on with us? I have been looking for answers to my question all my conscious life and cannot find an answer And I’m unlikely to find even one answer to my questions, because in this area many philosophers and higher minds of mankind have broken many pencils I’ll take as an example, at least my “Kazakh Latin alphabet” Are the Kazakhs and 99 other nationalities who live in Kazakhstan really not understand that we are all in the same boat If we continue to swing this boat consciously from side to side, according to the laws of physics, it will surely turn over And none of us can be saved, because around us there is only a huge ocean of misunderstanding The funniest thing in this story is that we will all die of thirst (while in the water), dreaming a sip of fresh fresh water Because we are surrounded only by bitter and salty water, in which bloodthirsty sharks swim The moral of this epilogue is this: Almighty Allah gave us the opportunity to drink as much fresh water as we like But we, as foolish creatures, ourselves poisoned the sacred well (Kazakh language) from which we drank So that all these nightmares and disasters really not happen in our already controversial life, all the peoples of Kazakhstan, let's live together in harmony and sincerely have fun 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY About the National Commission for the translation of the Kazakh language alphabet into Latin script: http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/R1700000153 and http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/R1800000122#z4 Казахский язык: Kazakh language: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazakh_language List of dictionaries by number of words (there is no dictionary of the Kazakh language): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dictionaries_by_number_of_words Adams, Richard E W.; MacLeod, Murdo J., eds (2000) Cambridge History of the Native peoples of The Americas 2: Mesoamerica Cambridge University Press Braswell, Geoffrey E (2003) "Introduction: Reinterpreting Early Classic Interaction" In Geoffrey E Braswell (ed.) The Maya and Teotihuacan: Reinterpreting Early Classic Interaction Austin: University of Texas Press pp 1-44 ISBN 978-0-292-70587-6 OCLC 49936017 Mesoamerica: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesoamerica Lorenzo Ochoa; Patricia Martel(dir.) (2002) Lengua y cultura mayas (in Spanish) UNAM p 170 ISBN 9703200893 El "Pueblo Maya" lo constituyen actualmente algo menos de millones de hablantes de 25 idiomas Nations, James D (1 January 2010) The Maya Tropical Forest: People, Parks, and Ancient Cities University of Texas Press ISBN 978-0-292-77877-1 The Maya peoples: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_peoples 10 Kazakh exodus Nazarbayev was the guarantor of national peace With his departure, the Russian speakers begin to leave., April 5, 2019 (March 20, 2019, https://news.rambler.ru), https://lenta.ru/articles/2019/04/05/uhodite/ 11 Kazakh alphabets: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazakh_alphabets 12 Unicode: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode 13 Universal Coded Character Set https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Coded_Character_Set (ISO/IEC 14 Programming, A Beginner-Friendly Guide to Unicode ? 18 july https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/a-beginner-friendly-guide-to-unicode-d6d45a903515/ 10646): 2018: 15 The vocabulary of the Kazakh language takes the third place in the world (Kazakh tilinin sozdik kory alemde 3-shi oryn alady), Akzharkyn Kydyrkhanova, 02/09/2017: https://baribar.kz/18719/qazaq-tilininh-soezdik-qory-alemde-3-oryn-alady/ 16 Olzhas Suleimenov: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olzhas_Suleimenov 15 ... sure that almost all of the “National Commission for the Translation of the Kazakh Alphabet into the Latin Alphabet” knows these features of the Kazakh alphabet However, in my personal opinion,... the direction of the point of no return Problems introduction of the "Kazakh Latin alphabet" in the country I not know how other peoples and countries call their language, but the Kazakhs call... country (almost during the totalitarian regime of the USSR), raised the issue of switching to the Latin alphabet He was an avid fan of the Latin alphabet, as he composed various programs based on Latin

Ngày đăng: 26/01/2022, 16:09
