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THE FINAL EXAM OF ENGLISH 12 - Code: 018 doc

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1 PHAN NGOC HIEN SPECIALIZED HIGH SCHOOL THE FINAL EXAM OF ENGLISH 12 Time: 60 minutes Code: 018 I> PHONETICS: A. PRONUNCIATION: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1.A. paid B. said D. maid D. aid 2. A. daughter B. handsome C. day D. dad 3. A. visited B. wicked C. kicked D. needed 4. A. months` B. clothes C. plants D. books 5. A. daughter B. eighteen C. laugh D. through B> STRESSED SYLLABLES: Choose the word that has the different stress position from the others 6. A. character B. biennial C. commuter D. comprise 7. A. dagger B. covet C. decline D. cover 8. A. deposed B. elegant C. dramatic D. eliminate 9. A. injured B. irony C. legendary D. incredible 10. A. rhinoceros B. massively C. measure D. paralyzed II> VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR: Choose the best option from A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences 11. The more he plays, ….he improves A. more B. most C. the more D. the most 12. The more I got to know Tom,….I liked him A. least B. the less C. the least D. the fewer 13. Johnny used to be one of the most _______ athletes in my country. A. succeed B. success C. successful D. successfully 14. The final game attracted a crowd of over 50, 000… A. rivals B. losers C. winners D. spectators 15.We regret….you that you have exceeded your overdraft facility. A. to inform B. informing C. to tell to D. telling 16.We don’t allow….in the classrooms. A. that people smoke B. smoke C. people to smoke D. to smoking 17. The children….to stay up late. A. don’t allow B. must be allowed C. shouldn’t be allowed D. would rather not 18. What a dangerous thing to do! You….have been killed! A. may B. can C. must D. might 19. _______, the athlete broke the world's record with two attempts. A. Surprise B Surprised C. Surprising D. Surprisingly 20. In water polo, a player is rejected after committing five personal fouls A. punished B. criticized C. thrown out D. defeated III> ERROR RECOGNITION: Chose the underlined part from A, B, C, or D that has an error. 21.Some of the most famous Middle Eastern newspapers, The Pyramids,was established inEgypt in1875. A B C D 22. Included in this series are “ The Enchanted Horse”, among other famous children’s stories. A B C D 23. I’ve never been in Scandinavia, so I’ve decided to spend the summer there. A B C D 24. The earliest references to Jericho so a city date back several thousand years. A B C D 25. Much unknown plants and animals are disappearing as the tropical forests are destroyed. A B C D 26. The glider uses gravity to keeping flying and updrafts of air to gain altitude. A B C D IV>SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION:Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the printed one. 27. They spent a lot of money on food and clothes. A. A lot of money was spent on food and clothes B. A lot of money were spent on food and clothes 2 C. A lot of money on food and clothes were spent D. Money was pent a lot on food and clothes 28. She started learning English ten years ago A. She has not learnt English before B. She has learnt English since ten years C. She has started learning English for ten years D. She has learnt English for ten years 29. The thief wore gloves so as to avoid leaving any fingerprints A. The thief wore gloves so as to not leave any fingerprints. B. The thief wore gloves so that not leave any fingerprints C. The thief wore gloves in order not to leave any fingerprints D. The thief wore gloves in order to not leave any fingerprints 30. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car. A. The man is believed to be escaped in a stolen car. B. The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car C. The man was believed to be escaped in a stolen car. D. They believed to be escaped in a stolen car. 31. “Don’t forget to phone the office”, she said A. She remind him not forget to phone the office B. She remind him to forget not to phone the office C. She remind him to phone the office D. She remind him about phoning the office. 32. John doesn’t play tennis. David doesn’t play tennis. A. Both John and David don’t play tennis. B. Neither John nor David plays tennis. C. Not either John or David plays tennis. D. Not only John but also David doesn’t play tennis. 33. A small church lies at the foot of the hill. A. At the foot of the hill lies a small church B. At the foot of the hill does a small church lies. C. At the foot of the hill does lies a small church. D. At the foot of the hill a small church lies. 34. I was the last to know about the accident A. At last I knew about the accident B. I wasn’t informed of the accident at all C. Everyone heard about the accident before I did D. The last thing I must know now is the accident 35. My mother never allows me to go out alone at night A. I was not allowed to go out last night B. My mother never lets me go out alone at night C. My mother never goes out alone at night D. My mother and I usually go out alone at night V> READING: READING 1: Cloze Test: Read the passage and choose the best option from A, B, C or D to fill in each of the numbered blanks. When the word "endangered" is mentioned, people usually think of particular species, like the panda or whooping crane. However, we would like to encourage you to think about (41) ____ in a broader context. It is (42) ___, the physical places where species live and interact with one another. Although the development of special breeding programs, also known as captive conservation, may help some species in some cases, it is clearly not (43) ___ answer to the global problem. Indeed, (44) __ we are able to protect natural areas where endangered species actually live, they have no future. . Species become endangered for a wide (45) _____ of reasons. By analyzing and grouping many individual cases, however, we find the same broad causes (46) _____ again and again. They are Habitat Destruction, Exotic Species, and Overexploitation. Among other factors threatening particular species are limited: distribution, disease, and pollution. Limited distributions are often a consequence of other threats: populations confined to one or a few small areas because of habitat (47) _____, for example, may be disastrously affected by random factors. Diseases can have severe (48) _____ on species lacking natural genetic protections against particular pathogens, like the rabies and canine distemper viruses that are currently devastating carnivore populations in East Africa. Domestic animals are usually the reservoirs of these and other diseases affecting wild (49) _____, showing once again that human activities lie at the root of most causes of endangerment. Pollution has seriously done harm (50) _____ number of terrestrial species, although species living in freshwater and marine ecosystems are also suffering. 36. a. development b. endangerment c. pollution d. contamination 37. a. plants b. conservations c. habitats d. organizations 38. a. a b. an c. the d. Ø 39. a. so b. but c. if d. unless 40. a. variety b. commerce c. extinction d. destruction 41. a. expressing b. showing c. disappearing d. appearing 42. a. benefit b. reserve c. loss d. gone 43. a. impact b. interest c. infection d. absorption 44. a. needs b. populations c. natures d. medicines 45. a. to b. for c. with d. at 3 READING 2: Read the text and choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D. Reading, as you know, is a continuous and never ending process. If you do very little reading, or if you read only material that offers no challenge to your comprehension, your reading will be of very little use. Once we reach a certain age, or once our formal schooling is completed, many of us become so restricted in our choice of .reading that we rarely read any new type of reading experience. We tend to read only books in our professional or business field, or only inspirational books, or only our favorite newspapers every morning, or only one magazine for which we have developed a preference. And the trouble starts here. You should neither read only for entertainment nor only for information but you should also read for intellectual growth, for mental stimulation, for enriching your background of knowledge, for wisdom, and for broader outlook and mature understanding. What kind of books should you read to continue your intellectual growth, to gain a background for opinion and for judgment? The answer is simple one: Read books in fields you have little or no acquaintance with, books that will open for you new horizons of learning, books that will help you explore new areas of knowledge and experience, books that will make the world and people more understandable to you. Sadly, more and more people today are giving up the printed word in favor of being entertained and informed by watching TV, a popular entertainment ,device present at almost homes. More and more children are being subjected to TV programming, perhaps as a babysitter. More than two hours of TV time per day are now a part of children development, generating physiological and mental problems that are of growing concern among experts. 46. Reading ________. a. completely stops when we finish our schooling c. is of little use b. is an endless process d. should be done a little 47. According to the text, ________. a. new type of reading experience often interests most of us .b. we should only read for entertainment c. reading for intellectual growth is necessary d. we should not read for mental stimulation 48. What kind of books is recommended? a. Books in fields you have little or no acquaintance with b. Books that will help you explore new areas of knowledge and experience c. Books that will open for you new horizons of learning d. All are correct 49. We can learn from the text that today ________. a. people spend more time watching TV than reading books b. more and more people enjoy reading c. most babysitters prefer watching TV d. most children spend less than 2 hours a day watching TV 50. The writer ________. a. does not approve of reading process c. prefers watching TV to reading b. advises us to read as little as possible d. appreciates reading PHẦN TRẢ LỜI Mã đề thi 018 Họ và tên học sinh: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; Lớp: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D 1 O O O O 11 O O O O 21 O O O O 31 O O O O 41 O O O O 2 O O O O 12 O O O O 22 O O O O 32 O O O O 42 O O O O 3 O O O O 13 O O O O 23 O O O O 33 O O O O 43 O O O O 4 O O O O 14 O O O O 24 O O O O 34 O O O O 44 O O O O 5 O O O O 15 O O O O 25 O O O O 35 O O O O 45 O O O O 6 O O O O 16 O O O O 26 O O O O 36 O O O O 46 O O O O 7 O O O O 17 O O O O 27 O O O O 37 O O O O 47 O O O O 8 O O O O 18 O O O O 28 O O O O 38 O O O O 48 O O O O 9 O O O O 19 O O O O 29 O O O O 39 O O O O 49 O O O O 10 O O O O 20 O O O O 30 O O O O 40 O O O O 50 O O O O 4 . SCHOOL THE FINAL EXAM OF ENGLISH 12 Time: 60 minutes Code: 018 I> PHONETICS: A. PRONUNCIATION: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others the foot of the hill does a small church lies. C. At the foot of the hill does lies a small church. D. At the foot of the hill a small church lies. 34. I was the last to know about the accident. has the same meaning as the printed one. 27. They spent a lot of money on food and clothes. A. A lot of money was spent on food and clothes B. A lot of money were spent on food and clothes

Ngày đăng: 25/07/2014, 23:20