A study on english and vietnamese idioms relating to spiritual life

A study on english and vietnamese idioms relating to spiritual life

A study on english and vietnamese idioms relating to spiritual life

. Vietnamese idioms relating to spiritual life. - English and Vietnamese Proverbs relating to spiritual life. 3 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 RATIONALE. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY A study on syntactic and semantic features of English and Vietnamese idioms containing spiritual words will be a contribution to

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:18

13 2,3K 4
A study on english and vietnamese responses to compliments

A study on english and vietnamese responses to compliments

. quantitative approaches are used to make the data analysis more reliable. Calculations, statistics and tables are carried out to clarify the data and. investigation. All the data are classified based on their structures and 12 pragmatic features and then compared and contrasted to find out the similarities

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:19

13 1,7K 7
A study of english and vietnamese idioms describing people's outward appearance

A study of english and vietnamese idioms describing people's outward appearance

. DATA ANALYSIS The idioms collected are analyzed and classified on the basic syntactic and semantic features in both English and Vietnamese in order to. syntactic and semantic features of English and Vietnamese IPOA . - compare and contrast English and Vietnamese IPOA to find out the similarities and differences

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:26

13 1,7K 7
A study of english and vietnamese idioms of anger

A study of english and vietnamese idioms of anger

. seen as an additional meaning to denotation. Connotation is also closely associated to synonymy. In other words, synonyms may have the same denotation, that. denotations but also connotations. They make language more smoothy and more dynamic. Nowadays, English is an international language so the demand for translating to

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:41

54 1,3K 14
A study on english food   related idioms and proversbs and their equivalents in vietnamese

A study on english food related idioms and proversbs and their equivalents in vietnamese

. culture and the appearance of food in English and Vietnamese idioms and proverbs The purposes of food are to promote growth, to supply force and heat, and to. difficult of each language to understand and translate into other one. And it does not exclude English. It is not always easy to identify idioms and proverbs.

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:48

55 834 4
A contrastive study of english and vietnamese proverbs referring to money = sự phân tích đối chiếu giữa tục ngữ tiếng anh và tục ngữ tiếng việt đề cập đến tiền

A contrastive study of english and vietnamese proverbs referring to money = sự phân tích đối chiếu giữa tục ngữ tiếng anh và tục ngữ tiếng việt đề cập đến tiền

. truth with alliteration and rhyme. A proverb has both a literal and a figurative meaning, and is defined as a popular set phrase having no author, known mostly. " ;A metaphor is a transfer of names based on the association of similarity and thus is actually a hidden comparison. It presents a method of description

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:40

76 7,4K 18
A study on english idioms and proverbs relating to fruits

A study on english idioms and proverbs relating to fruits

. chapters is major one. Chapter I states common knowledge on speech acts in general, invitation and rejecting invitation in English and Vietnamese in particular.. between English and Vietnamese. The last are survey questionnaires and tips for refusing invitations. It hopes that this study can help readers and learners

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51

52 839 2
A study on syntactic and pragmatic features of insertion sequence in english and vietnamese

A study on syntactic and pragmatic features of insertion sequence in english and vietnamese

. insertion sequences, called repairs, are used to correct and clarify a previous conversational contribution. The ways to make repairs in English and Vietnamese. in conversation is one of communication strategies that Sps need to pay attention to. It allows Sps to have chances to make themselves clearer and to get

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16

26 1,3K 4
A study on syntactic and pragmatic features of asking and answering in english and vietnamese job interviews

A study on syntactic and pragmatic features of asking and answering in english and vietnamese job interviews

. Vietnamese and so on. However, the comparison and contrast on syntactic and semantic features of EWGH and VWGT have not been paid much attention to by. may be defined as the minimal linguistic sign, a grammatical unit that is an arbitrary union of a sound and a meaning and that cannot be further analysed”.

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16

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