2 2 quantitative concepts

Tài liệu lecture 2: Communication Concepts ppt

Tài liệu lecture 2: Communication Concepts ppt

... transmission It is the mode of communication used on a PC’s serial port as well as on local area networks lecture 2.doc Page (3) CSN200 Introduction to Telecommunications, Fall 1999 Lecture_ 02 Point-to-point ... predominant method of transferring information in data communications Data bits are sent serially or sequentially bit-by-bit over a single wire or communications circuit Sending...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 08:15

3 360 1
Basic Concepts part 2

Basic Concepts part 2

... data[31 :24 ] byte = data1 [24 +:8]; //starting bit = 24 , width =8 => data[31 :24 ] byte = data2[31-:8]; //starting bit = 31, width =8 => data [24 :31] byte = data2 [24 +:8]; //starting bit = 24 , width ... vector part select: reg [25 5:0] data1; //Little endian notation reg [0 :25 5] data2; //Big endian notation reg [7:0] byte; //Using a variable part select, one can choose parts byte...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 15:15

8 746 1
Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 2

Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 2

... 9.3 14.5 17 .2 22. 0 13.5 21 .3 17.9 12. 9 9.9 16.4 15 .2 0.56 0.88 1.04 1.33 0. 82 1 .29 l l l l l 19.9 14 .2 17.7 16.4 22 .1 16.0 20 .7 19.1 19.6 1.33 0.95 1.18 1.09 54.5 EM 10.5 l 0. 52 l 17 .2 l 0.86 l ... Design and interpretation of nutrient digestion studies Journal of Animal Science 75, 22 35 22 47 Digesta Flow 85 Topps, J.H., Kay, R.N.B and Goodall, E.D (1968) D...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 17:15

39 427 0
Oracle9i Data Mining Concepts Release October 2002 Part No. A95961-02 Oracle9i Data

Oracle9i Data Mining Concepts Release October 2002 Part No. A95961-02 Oracle9i Data

... executed 1.2 Oracle9i Data Mining Components Oracle9i Data Mining has two main components: s Oracle9i Data Mining API s Data Mining Server (DMS) 1.2.1 Oracle9i Data Mining API The Oracle9i Data Mining ... these Web sites xii Basic ODM Concepts Oracle9i Data Mining (ODM) embeds data mining within the Oracle9i database The data never leaves the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 01:15

112 365 0
Tài liệu Hierarchical Modeling Concepts part 2 ppt

Tài liệu Hierarchical Modeling Concepts part 2 ppt

... design block // reset is asserted from to 20 and from 20 0 to 22 0 initial begin reset = 1'b1; #15 reset = 1'b0; #180 reset = 1'b1; #10 reset = 1'b0; #20 $finish; //terminate the simulation end ... Output q = 10 120 Output q = 11 130 Output q = 12 140 Output q = 13 150 Output q = 14 160 Output q = 15 170 Output q = 180 Output q = 190 Output q = 195 Output q = 21 0 Output q = 22 0 Output...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 11:17

8 334 0
Tài liệu Module 2: Concepts of Server Clusters doc

Tài liệu Module 2: Concepts of Server Clusters doc

... Stewart Module 2: Concepts of Server Clusters Instructor Notes Presentation: 90 Minutes Lab: 00 Minutes This module provides students with a brief overview of the different types of server clusters ... 2 Module 2: Concepts of Server Clusters Introduction to Server Clusters Topic Objective To introduce the concept and benefits of clustering technologies...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:20

54 297 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khóa học: Quantitative analysis, using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, of the N-terminal hydrolysis and cyclization reactions of the activation 2 process of onconase pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khóa học: Quantitative analysis, using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, of the N-terminal hydrolysis and cyclization reactions of the activation 2 process of onconase pdf

... (Met1)-ONC (M23L) by the addition of AAP, as described in the Materials and methods Completion of the hydrolysis was confirmed by the disappearance of the (Met1)-ONC (M23L) signal in the MALDI-TOF mass ... other methods for the production and purification of the enzyme [13] The molecular mass of each purified product, as measured by MALDI-TOF MS, was 11...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 12:20

9 705 0
Routing Protocols and Concepts: Chapter 2 pot

Routing Protocols and Concepts: Chapter 2 pot

... 1 72. 16.3.0 /24 and 1 72. 16 .2. 0 /24 networks Ÿ R2 can communicate with any device on the 1 72. 16.1.0 /24 , 1 72. 16 .2. 0 /24 , and 1 92. 168.1.0 /24 networks Ÿ R3 can communicate with any device on the 1 92. 168.1.0 /24 ... 0/0/1 R2(config-if)# ip address 1 92. 168.1 .2 255 .25 5 .25 5.0 R2(config-if)# clock rate 64000 R2(config-if)# no shutdown R3(config)# interface fastethernet 0...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 13:20

110 335 0
Operating System Concepts - Chapter 2: Operating-System Structures doc

Operating System Concepts - Chapter 2: Operating-System Structures doc

... Chapter 2: Operating- System Structures Operating System Services User Operating System Interface System Calls Types of System Calls System Programs Operating System Design and ... customized and how they boot Operating System Concepts – 7th Edition, Jan 14, 2005 2.3 Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne ©2005 Operating System Services One set of operating- sys...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 02:20

44 560 0
Routing Protocols and Concepts – Chapter 2 ppt

Routing Protocols and Concepts – Chapter 2 ppt

... 1 92. 168 .2. 0 25 5 .25 5 .25 5.0 1 72. 16 .2. 2 A new static route must be rewritten in the configuration R1(config)# no ip route 1 92. 168 .2. 0 25 5 .25 5 .25 5.0 1 72. 16 .2. 2 R1(config)#ip route 1 92. 168 .2. 0 25 5 .25 5 .25 5.0 ... any device on the 1 72 16 0 /24 R1 1 72. 16.3.0 /24 and 1 72. 16 .2. 0 /24 networks –R2 can communicate with any device on the 1 72. 16.1.0 /24 , 1...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 03:20

64 444 0
Chapter 2: Basic Switch Concepts and Configuration ppt

Chapter 2: Basic Switch Concepts and Configuration ppt

... Gateway 45 Basic Switch Configuration • Verity Configuration 46 Basic Switch Configuration • Configure Duplex and Speed 47 Basic Switch Configuration • Configure a Web Interface 48 Basic Switch Configuration ... necessary to repair the switch 42 Basic Switch Configuration • Management Interface Considerations 43 Basic Switch Configuration • Configure...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 03:20

80 487 0
Quantitative Methods for Business chapter 2 doc

Quantitative Methods for Business chapter 2 doc

... in Figure 2. 5 1000 y (wage in £) 800 600 400 20 0 0 20 00 4000 x (sales in £) Figure 2. 5 The lines of the equations in Examples 2. 1 and 2. 3 6000 38 Quantitative methods for business Chapter You ... diagram Quantitative methods for business Cost/Revenue (£m) 48 Chapter 16 14 12 10 0 20 40 60 Output (000) 80 100 120 Figure 2. 11 Total cost and total revenue line...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 00:20

49 459 0
Quantitative Models in Marketing Research Chapter 2 ppsx

Quantitative Models in Marketing Research Chapter 2 ppsx

... 3,000 Heinz No of observations 2, 500 2, 000 1,500 1,000 500 Hunts Figure 2. 4 Histogram of the choice between Heinz and Hunts tomato ketchup 18 Quantitative models in marketing research 2. 2.3 An ... binomial variable in the previous subsection In a sense, the resultant quantitative models to be discussed in chapter also quite naturally extend those in chapter E...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 05:20

19 459 0
Quantitative Methods for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (Cambridge, 2006) - Chapter 2 pptx

Quantitative Methods for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (Cambridge, 2006) - Chapter 2 pptx

... success 120 30 Size (cm) 25 20 15 10 0 10 15 Age (yr) 20 25 30 100 80 60 40 20 0 10 15 Age (yr) 20 25 Figure 2. 2 (a) von Bertalanffy growth for an organism with asymptotic size 35 cm and growth ... dL ¼ 3L2 dt dt (2: 10) and if we use this equation in Eq (2. 9), we see that 3L2 dL ¼ L2 À cL3 dt (2: 11) so that now if we divide through by 3L2, we obtain dL  c ¼ À L dt 3 3...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20

60 424 0