Fluid Catalytic Cracking Process section 5 BSR

bài giảng công nghệ chế biến dầu mỏ chương 5  cracking xúc tác FCC (catalytic cracking)

bài giảng công nghệ chế biến dầu mỏ chương 5 cracking xúc tác FCC (catalytic cracking)

... hoàn xúc tác 6.2 Cracking xúc tác lớp sôi Hơi; Xúc tác; Hơi hydrocacbon; Bình phản ứng Mô hoạt động vùng sục xúc tác 6.2 Cracking xúc tác lớp sôi 6.2 Cracking xúc tác lớp sôi Công nghệ FCC ngày ... UOP) 6.2 Cracking xúc tác lớp sôi Sơ đồ thiết bị tái sinh xúc tác với hệ thống làm mát xúc tác (UOP) 6.2 Cracking xúc tác lớp sôi Hệ thống làm...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 05:14

41 825 4
Chapter 5  catalytic cracking

Chapter 5 catalytic cracking

... trung hòa chúng cấu tử sản phẩm cracking xúc tác 4 Hóa học trình cracking XT 4.1 Phản ứng mong muốn Phản ứng cắt mạch (cracking ): xảy theo chế ion cacbonium Hoạt tính cracking hydrocacbon giảm dần ... trình cracking XT 4.1 Phản ứng mong muốn Phản ứng isomer hoá: Thường xảy trước phản ứng cracking 4 Hóa học trình cracking XT 4.2 Phản ứng không mong muốn Phản ứng chuyển vị hydro...

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2015, 20:09

41 490 0
Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 5

Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 5

... A5.1 or A5 .5 E70 15, E7016, E7018, E7028 E70 1 5- X, E7016-X, E7018-X AWS A5.17 or A5.23§ F7XX-EXXX F7XX-EXX-XX AWS A5.18 ER70S-X A572 grades 60 and 65 AWS A5 .5 E8016-X, E80 1 5- X E8018-X AWS A5.23§ ... E70 15, 16, 18C1L, C2L E8016, 18-C1, C2§ E8016, 18-C3§ E8018-W§ AWS A5 .5 E9018-M AWS A5.17 F6A0-EXXX F7A0-EXXX AWS A5.20 E6XT-1 ,5 E7XT-1 ,5 AWS A5.17 F7A0-EXXX AWS A5.20 E7XT-1 ,5 AW...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2012, 16:13

109 688 0
Tài liệu GRE Section 5 docx

Tài liệu GRE Section 5 docx

... could be (A) degrees Fahrenheit (B) -12 degrees Fahrenheit (C) -20 degrees Fahrenheit (D) - 25 degrees Fahrenheit (E) -32 degrees Fahrenheit 23 If the actual temperature is 30 degrees Fahrenheit ... (D) % (E) 8% 14 The area of triangular region ABC 15 t 2 25 r 1,000 16 Diane completed each of her exercise sets in 75 seconds and rested for 55 seconds between the exercise sets What is the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 05:20

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Birds - Section 5 - Birds house docx

Birds - Section 5 - Birds house docx

... materials 1- 5- in dia x7t/z in 1-/ zx6x7in l-Ya-in.dia.xBin WREN HOUSE M'T'G goue- TOP vzil sTocK USE CEDAR POST L34 I { 98I 5uo1'u1 I-I 'uI z x'elp'ur:-u/r -T 'uT u/t9 x z/r9 x ah -z :a.{e me.rcg ... llv Y3V€ -, '|J,,2/l:AVH -. ]-] v /' sufNuol ), ,1 -fe ,r,,, I -+ -? /l trlz/t J v/E JJU + IS I o9l d3ao "e/t - :t s 1-1 0q,?/l I \/ - ^LJrf st\4EllM JI\II5.fI\...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 20:21

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101Option Trading Secrets Section 5 pptx

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... risk-reward picture That is what successful option trading is all about 156 THE COMPUTER CAN DISCLOSE THE TRUE VALUE OF AN OPTION Secret 55 OPTION ANALYSIS CAN BE EASY Every option investor ... overpriced, and the chart showed that the stock price had a lot of resistance at 65 With the stock at 57 , the Oct 65 call was 80 ($80) with only three weeks until expiration Setting a stop-loss...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 15:20

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The gre anlytycal writting section 5 ppt

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... of the number The symbol for square root is ͙ෆ and is called the radical The number inside of the radical is called the radicand Example: 52 = 25; therefore, ͙ 25 = ෆ Since 25 is the square of 5, ... DECIMAL PERCENTAGE 50 % 25 25% 333 – 33.3% 666 – 66.6% 10% 1 25 12 .5% 1666 – 16.6% 20% 161 – THE GRE QUANTITATIVE SECTION – Order of Operations An order for doing ever...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21

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The gre quatitative section 5 docx

The gre quatitative section 5 docx

... d d d d d d e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ... 20 the reciprocal of ᎏ Ί๶ 16 feet, inches 1 .5 yards x = + + + + 10 y = + + 7+ 8+ xϩy 5( 15) 56 78 ϫ 73 170▲4 3974ٗ0 4 , 94 value of ▲ value of ٗ 4x = 4(14) – x 14 214 – THE GRE QUANT...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21

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Gre verbal section 5 pdf

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... conveys two very different attitudes about Higgins’s idea Both writers agree that Higgins’s idea is 114 – THE GRE VERBAL SECTION – something unusual, different from the norm But the way in which ... – THE GRE VERBAL SECTION – deserve to suffer? Isn’t this burden of suffering morally irresponsible? This is ... logically infer that it is going to rain Reading comprehension questions...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21

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The sat critical reading section 5 potx

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... for them to hear the story d the story was not very important to anyone e why sadden young people with the story 64 56 58 SAT2 006[03](fin).qx 11/21/ 05 6:42 PM Page 65 – THE SAT CRITICAL READING SECTION ... 56 58 SAT2 006[03](fin).qx 11/21/ 05 6:42 PM Page 63 – THE SAT CRITICAL READING SECTION – Questions 1–7 are based on the following passage This passage...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21

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The sat math section 5 ppsx

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... 56 58 SAT2 006[04](fin).qx 11/21/ 05 6:44 PM Page 163 – THE SAT MATH SECTION – 55 miles Distance = Rate × Time = (ᎏᎏ) × (h hour hours) = 55 h The answer is choice a If you solve the formula ... $2 .50 x = $3.00x $30 = $ .50 x 60 = x Therefore, 60 guests must attend The answer is choice a 56 58 SAT2 006[04](fin).qx 11/21/ 05 6:44 PM Page 1 65 – THE SAT MATH SECTIO...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21

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Multity choice section 5 docx

Multity choice section 5 docx

... you’ve made a choice, stick to it There’s no time to scrap your plans and start again Here’s an example: Budgeting Your Time You must accomplish three distinct writing tasks in 25 minutes: planning, ... observation Planning = 4–6 minutes Drafting = 14–16 minutes Proofreading (Editing) = 3 5 minutes Total: 25 minutes The actual time you spend on each step may vary, but only slightly Findin...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:23

6 175 0