advances in fluid catalytic cracking
... Catalysts, Catalysis, and Processes, edited by Mario L Occelli and Russell Chianelli 68 Catalysis of Organic Reactions, edited by Russell E Malz, Jr 69 Synthesis of Porous Materials: Zeolites, Clays, ... review in the use of adsorption microcalorimetry to measure acidity, acid site density, and strength of the strongest acid sites in heterogenous catalysts as well as a discussion in the use of ... feed in the second pass consists of (1õR) fresh feed and R recycled stream from the first-pass cracking by weight fraction This second pass corresponds to the ACE study in our DCR+ACE scheme Analog...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 16:01
... ondensed water is also split Some is pumped back as wash to the verhead condensers and some is pumped away to treating Some might be used as wash to the wet gas compressor discharge coolers, GAS ... disposal A efinery that processes residue feedstocks can use good-quality E-cat om a refinery that processes light sweet feed Residue feedstocks ontain large quantities of impurities, such as ... catalyst to the main column where it was bsorbed in the bottoms Those FCC units controlled catalyst losses wo ways First, they used high recycle rates to return slurry to the eactor Second, the slurry...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 16:04
... flows By following this path, too, the reader will successively gain physical understanding of this first flow example The second flow example considers the compressible flow past a wing with a shock ... exchange His work on gas dynamics, such as the Prandtl–Glauert correction for compressible flows, the theory of shock waves and expansion waves, as well as the first photographs of supersonic flows in ... viscosity We will discuss viscosity in depth in Chapter As well as the usual liquids that are easy to move, there are also very viscous liquids whose resistance to change of shape is considerable,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:00
nixon, m. s. (2002) feature extraction and image processing
... classes necessary for image processing software development A set of WWW links are shown in Table 1.2 for established freeware and commercial software image processing systems What is perhaps ... VisionScience http://www.isis.ecs.soton http://www.visionscience com/VisionScience.html Newsgroups Computer Vision Image Processing Vision List ... Matlab s own commands, or using your own commands The results can be visualised as graphs, surfaces or as images, as in Mathcad The system runs on Unix/Linux or Windows and on Macintosh systems A student...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 12:28
the web designer's roadmap[electronic resource] your creative process for web design success
... new tricks What is often glossed over is the creative process Over time, we all develop a process by which we generate ideas Some of us sketch and some of us write on Post-it notes Some of us ... Who Should Read This Book This book is for web designers who seek a structured way to be creative when designing websites It s ideal for designers who are just starting out, but is also useful ... I personally believe that designers should work in whatever way best suits their skills Some prefer to work in the browser with HTML and CSS Others use Fireworks and create their wireframes and...
Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2014, 00:21
kinetics of materials r balluff s allen w carter wiley 2005 potx
... Materials Processing The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Warrendale, PA, 1994 xix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to acknowledge generous assistance from many friends and colleagues, especially ... a r is unfortunately a rather vague word when applied t o the state of a system Systems that are close t o detailed balance where forward processes are almost balanced by backward processes, CHAPTER ... kinetic process However, because energy, heat, and mass may flow between cells during kinetic processes, they cannot be treated as isolated systems, and application of the second law must be generalized...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20
Kinetics of Materials - R. Balluff S. Allen W. Carter (Wiley 2005) WW Part 1 pot
... Materials Processing The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Warrendale, PA, 1994 xix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to acknowledge generous assistance from many friends and colleagues, especially ... a r is unfortunately a rather vague word when applied t o the state of a system Systems that are close t o detailed balance where forward processes are almost balanced by backward processes, CHAPTER ... states is possible for the system under nonequilibriuni conditions A subset of these correspond to linear mixtures of homogeneous a and p phases whose free energies are given by the lower dashed...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22
Kinetics of Materials - R. Balluff S. Allen W. Carter (Wiley 2005) WW Part 2 ppt
... species loses net mass and contracts On the other hand, the region initially richer in the more slowly diffusing species gains net mass and expands This process, which establishes a mass flow ... small voids, and the region becomes porous [ l l ] Also, the plastic flow maintains a constant cross section in the diffusion zone because of compatibility stresses These stresses induce dislocation ... kinetic process However, because energy, heat, and mass may flow between cells during kinetic processes, they cannot be treated as isolated systems, and application of the second law must be generalized...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22
Kinetics of Materials - R. Balluff S. Allen W. Carter (Wiley 2005) WW Part 3 potx
... conditions for diffusion, it both induces and influences diffusion [19] By examining selected effects of stress in isolation, we can study the main aspects of diffusion in stressed systems 3.5.1 ... where G" is the free-energy barrier to the 16When the stress is nonuniform and stress gradients exist, the stress will exert a force, as discussed in the following section 17The tensor nature ... diffusivity (mobility) in anisotropic materials is discussed in Section 4.5 62 CHAPTER 3: DRIVING FORCES AND FLUXES FOR DIFFUSION jumping process (see Chapter 7) When stress is present, the work,...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22
Kinetics of Materials - R. Balluff S. Allen W. Carter (Wiley 2005) WW Part 4 ppt
... as cy becomes small, or at short times t , or as D increases, c(0, t ) approaches CO For small a,surface desorption is compensated by diffusion from the bulk, so that c(0, t ) decreases slowly ... the statement of Exercise 3.10, describe the difference between the way in which the tracer atoms spread out when the current is present and when it is absent (b) Assuming that DVCVis known, how ... Transform Pairs P pyil v>-1 w w2 +w t" r ( v 1) + sin w t cos w t Example with Time-Dependent Boundary Conditions Consider the case where a constant flux, J o , is imposed on the surface of a semi-infinite...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22
Kinetics of Materials - R. Balluff S. Allen W. Carter (Wiley 2005) WW Part 6 ppt
... an anelastic solid subjected to an oscillating stress If the amplitude of the stress is hysteresis loop: (a) When w r go, find the shape of the < < (b) When W I T>> ( c ) When W T = Specify the ... and dislocation curves, as discussed in Section 9.2.3 Dislocations, grain boundaries, and surfaces can possess widely differing structures, and these structural variations affect their diffusivities ... DIFFUSION IN CRYSTALS stress at a rate dependent upon the rate at which the dumbbells jump between the different types of sites The overall response of the crystal t o such a stress cycle is shown...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22
Kinetics of Materials - R. Balluff S. Allen W. Carter (Wiley 2005) WW Part 7 pot
... 10 SMALL ATOMS (MOLECULES) IN GLASSY POLYMERS 239 with p arises from the successive saturation of the lower-energy sites as the concentration is increased This causes a progressive decrease of ... parallel rows of closely spaced atoms, separated by somewhat larger inter-row distances, diffusion is usually easier parallel to the dense rows than across them In some cases, it appears that the ... large holes present Even though relaxed, this structure is still metastable with respect to the crystalline state Extensive measurements show that self-diffusivities in the relaxed glassy state are...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22
Kinetics of Materials - R. Balluff S. Allen W. Carter (Wiley 2005) WW Part 9 ppt
... ledge spirals as discussed in Section 12.2.2 Probable observed examples of such dislocation growth or dissolution spirals on grain boundaries are shown in Fig 13.5 The rates of boundary motion will ... The dislocations will therefore form crystal growth or dissolution spirals in the boundary similar to the growth spirals that form on crystal free surfaces at points where lattice dislocations impinge ... plane, subjected to the shear stress oZy Equation 11.1 shows that the shear stress exerts a pure climb force f = bnZyon each dislocation, which therefore tends t o climb in response to this force...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22
Kinetics of Materials - R. Balluff S. Allen W. Carter (Wiley 2005) WW Part 10 ppt
... away from the grain center The pressure due to this curvature therefore induces growth Grains with fewer than six sides show the opposite behavior, whereas grains with six sides possess flat sides ... advances as shown in Fig 14.17 In the situation shown, facets and will both grow with time However, a few simple constructions show that if w2 < w1 cos8, facet will shrink and facet will , grow On ... 15.35) As discussed below, this is expected if Eq 15.33 applies and if statistical selfsimilarity holds during the growth process2 This work is reviewed by Thompson [21] Computer Simulation of Two-Dimensional...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22
Kinetics of Materials - R. Balluff S. Allen W. Carter (Wiley 2005) WW Part 11 pptx
... also scales as 1/X For surface diffusion, one of the cross-sectional area s dimensions is 6, the thickness of the high-diffusivity surface layer, independent of system size The remaining cross-sectional ... different Burgers vectors is present in a stressed material The net Burgers vector content is zero The stress exerts climb forces on the dislocations so that dislocations with Burgers vectors lying along ... temperatures and low stresses Coble creep supplants Nabarro-Herring creep as the temperature is reduced An analysis of diffusional creep when the boundaries not act as perfect sources and sinks has been...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22
Kinetics of Materials - R. Balluff S. Allen W. Carter (Wiley 2005) WW Part 13 doc
... heterogeneous sites The mechanism with the faster kinetics dominates We shall consider two types of heterogeneous nucleation processes: nucleation at grain boundaries in polycrystalline solids and ... Fig 19.21 possesses two deep cusps necessary t o produce the two low-energy facets E / F Figure 19.21: Deeply cusped WulfF plot (b) Standard relationships for volumes and areas show that the volume ... results with predictions of both the classical model and two nonclassical models [15].Even though the thickness of the critical nucleus interface was roughly half the nucleus radius, as discussed...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22
Kinetics of Materials - R. Balluff S. Allen W. Carter (Wiley 2005) WW Part 17 ppt
... tension of 257 dislocations in interfaces anticoherencv dislocations 598 as sources and sinks for atomic fluxes, 317 coherency dislocations, 598 dislocations vs dislocation/ledges vs ledges, ... powders, 401 initial, intermediate, and final stages of, 402 scaling laws, 403-404 systems of simple geometry, 403 bundle of parallel wires, 391 two spherical particles, 394 wires with bamboo structure, ... 379, 478 dislocations in crystals, 253 association with growth spirals on surfaces, 291 climb of, 266 Bardeen-Herring source/sink for vacancies, 280 climb force due to stress, 255 diffusion-limited...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22
Kinetics of Materials - R. Balluff_ S. Allen_ W. Carter (Wiley_ 2005) Episode 1 ppt
... Materials Processing The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Warrendale, PA, 1994 xix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to acknowledge generous assistance from many friends and colleagues, especially ... a r is unfortunately a rather vague word when applied t o the state of a system Systems that are close t o detailed balance where forward processes are almost balanced by backward processes, CHAPTER ... states is possible for the system under nonequilibriuni conditions A subset of these correspond to linear mixtures of homogeneous a and p phases whose free energies are given by the lower dashed...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:20
Kinetics of Materials - R. Balluff_ S. Allen_ W. Carter (Wiley_ 2005) Episode 2 potx
... species loses net mass and contracts On the other hand, the region initially richer in the more slowly diffusing species gains net mass and expands This process, which establishes a mass flow ... small voids, and the region becomes porous [ l l ] Also, the plastic flow maintains a constant cross section in the diffusion zone because of compatibility stresses These stresses induce dislocation ... kinetic process However, because energy, heat, and mass may flow between cells during kinetic processes, they cannot be treated as isolated systems, and application of the second law must be generalized...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:20