1102 whats your favorite

1102 whats your favorite

1102 whats your favorite

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 10:46

1 87 0
Write about your favorite book

Write about your favorite book

... Books about real things non-fiction : books about real events and facts 4/ A book someone's life biography : books about the life story of a person written by someone else autobiography : a book ... ideas or subject of a book be about , be set in, be based on, theme, Writing tips : When you are writing about your favorite book: 1/ - Say briefly what it's about It's abo...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2013, 12:10

4 3,6K 5
Draw 50 Famous Cartoons: The Step-by-Step Way to Draw Your Favorite Classic Cartoon Characters

Draw 50 Famous Cartoons: The Step-by-Step Way to Draw Your Favorite Classic Cartoon Characters

... Other Prehistoric Animals • Draw 50 Dogs • Draw 50 Endangered Animals • Draw 50 Famous Cartoons • Draw 50 Flowers, Trees, and Other Plants • Draw 50 Horses • Draw 50 Magical Creatures • Draw 50 ... • Draw 50 Birds • Draw 50 Boats, Ships, Trucks, and Trains • Draw 50 Buildings and Other Structures • Draw 50 Cars, Trucks, and Motorcycles • Draw 5...

Ngày tải lên: 20/05/2014, 12:33

272 408 1
What is your favorite time of year? pptx

What is your favorite time of year? pptx

... excitement of Christmas shoppers Orchard Road is illuminated with colorful lights for Christmas I usually view these lights twice; once before Christmas and once after, sometimes cruising along ... and precious books which no one has ever used before The last day of the holidays is the end of my favorite time of the year and school starts the following day I fell excited, but...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 03:21

7 652 0
Talk about your favorite teacher pptx

Talk about your favorite teacher pptx

... grown to love maths and I always score high marks in my maths tests now It is all because of my favorite teacher My school tuck-shop My school tuck-shop is situated next to a block of classrooms My ... tell by the length of the queue in front of the rojak stall that it is the most popular stall My favorite is the laska stall as the laska is both delicious and cheap Usually, the tuck-sh...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 03:21

6 3,1K 7
Your body (whats your body made of and how it works?)

Your body (whats your body made of and how it works?)

... Waterproofing Sweat Your skin is coated with oil made in groups of cells called sebaceous glands The oil helps to keep your skin and hair waterproof and supple Sweat is mainly water and salt, ... cells in your mouth Inside your head Parts of the brain Your brain controls your body and makes sure that all the different parts of you work together It makes sense...

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2014, 10:46

19 463 22
Unit 1 whats your address

Unit 1 whats your address

... teaching: Date of planning: UNIT 1: WHAT’S YOUR ADDRESS? Lesson 1( Part 4, 5, 6) Objectives After the lesson, students are able to: - Asking and answering questions about someone’s address - Develop Ss ... Primary School Period 3rd English Plans Nguyễn Thị Trúc Đào Date of planning: UNIT 1: WHAT’S YOUR ADDRESS? Lesson 2(Part 1, 2, 3) Objectives After the lesson, students are a...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2016, 18:56

6 2,4K 29
whats your favourite 2 esl36

whats your favourite 2 esl36

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 17:20

1 168 0
whats your least favourite esl37

whats your least favourite esl37

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 17:20

1 164 0
whats your favourite 1 esl35

whats your favourite 1 esl35

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 17:20

1 152 0
24988 your favorite recipe

24988 your favorite recipe

Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2016, 17:02

1 110 0
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