Becoming zhongguo, becoming han tracing and reconceptualizing ethnicity in ancient north china, 770 BC AD 581
... from the beginning of Eastern Zhou in 770 BC to the end of the Northern Zhou regime in AD 581. 7 This was a formative period in the development of concepts of ethnicity in north China, and deserves ... Di, and Mountain Rong groups occupied much of northern Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Hebei, and made raids into Shandong and Henan Chu, a powerful Man kingdom in Hubei,...
Ngày tải lên: 01/10/2015, 11:39
... Dumb Beasts and Dead Philosophers This page intentionally left blank Dumb Beasts and Dead Philosophers Humanity and the Humane in Ancient Philosophy and Literature Catherine Osborne ... asserts that we are their pupils in all the most important things; the spider in weaving and mending, the swallow in building, the song birds, the swan...
Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2014, 23:11
... VIRTUE, NORMS, AND OBJECTIVITY This page intentionally left blank Virtue, Norms, and Objectivity Issues in Ancient and Modern Ethics C H R I S TO P H E R G I L ... and Modern Ethics This volume of new essays discusses issues in ancient and modern philosophy about the nature and grounding of ethical norms and concepts, including virtue, and, in...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 00:43
Báo cáo khoa học: "Effects of Multiple-purpose Microorganic Compost B2006-32-21 on Paddy Rice in Degraded and Alluvial Soil in the North of Vietnam" potx
... expected Taking into account the price of MMC and of rice, financially one VND invested on MMC generates 2.1 VND in return Effects of MMC B2006-32-21 on rice grown in degraded soil in Hiep Hoa ... for one of rice, an additional 430 kg of rice is expected Taking into account the price of MMC and of rice, financially one VND invested on MMC generat...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo y học: " Anti-HCV reactive volunteer blood donors distribution character and genotypes switch in Xi’an, China" pptx
... genotyping was once performed in China, the infection character and genotype distribution is not fully clear yet in blood donors [16-18] Since gene sequence variation may lea possible failure in ... the main prevailed subtypes in patients and donors were no difference Interestingly, 1b and 2a subtype in local HCV infected donors underwent a switch Donors infect...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:20
Becoming bodhisattvas practices and the popular discourse of kuan yin in kuala lumpur
... Entitled Becoming Bodhisattvas: practices and the popular discourse of Kuanyin in Kuala Lumpur, this thesis offers a glimpse into the spiritual life of ordinary Kuan- yin devotees by examining the production ... events In the context of the PJ area with an urban population of over 450,000 and a Chinese Cantonese rather than Mandarin, is the lingua fr...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:19
Tracing and Profiling SQL Server potx
... Over the next hour: SQL Trace Architecture and Terminology Security and Permissions Profiler Server side Tracing Saving and Replaying Traces Querying Server- Side Trace Metadata ... database engine and at a very granular level SQL Trace Architecture and Terminology SQL Trace is an SQL Server database engine technology SQL Server Profiler is a NET a...
Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2014, 09:21
Recluses of the han wei and jin periods 1
... 然”、“无为”、“无用以为用,无为而无不为”。 18 “Salaried hermit”, Aat Vervoorn, Men of the Cliffs and Caves, p.2 21 王仁祥《先秦两汉的隐逸 》(台北:国立台湾大学出版委员会 19 95)。 10 Aat Vervoorn, Men of the Cliffs and Caves,pp .19 6, 15 7, 15 8, 19 6, 203, 207 11 Aat ... Vervoorn, Men of the Cliffs and Caves,pp 4, 239 12 Alan J Berkowitz, “Topos and Entelechy in...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:50
Recluses of the han wei and jin periods 2
... and Caves, p .23 0 25 Frederick W Mote, “Confucian Eremitism in the Yuan Period”, pp .20 9, 20 5, 26 Aat Vervoorn, Men of the Cliffs and Caves, p .24 0。 27 同上, p .23 9 28 同上, pp.4, 5, 23 9 29 Alan J Berkowitz ... Eremitism in the Yuan Period”, pp .20 3 -24 0; Aat Vervoorn, The Origins of Chinese Eremitism”, Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies, XV (1984...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:50
Recluses of the han wei and jin periods 3
... 51 54 .3% 12 30 .8% 18.1% 10 159 西晋对政治问题不满者的百分比虽然较高,但若把政治灾难如党锢之灾也视为政治问 题,一起合计,则东汉不满政治问题者的百分比与西晋的相去不远。 59 两晋之际 30 3. 6% - 东晋 62 - - - 1.6% 12.9% 3. 3 - 17.9% 6.7% 3. 2% 35 .7% 10 33 .3% 39 62.9% 上表显示无仕志(黑框区)是研究对象最主要的拒仕原因,百分比最高,其 ... 98〈郭符许列传〉,页 872。 135 郎顗事,见范晔撰,...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:50
Recluses of the han wei and jin periods 4
... 有关扬雄与其赋,见David R Knechtges, Yang Shyong, the "FUH", and hann rhetoric (Ann Arbor, Mich.University Microfilms International, 1968),以及 The Han Rhapsody, A Study of the Fu of Yang Hsiung (53 B.C.E.-A.D 18) ... 索充梦天上有二棺落其前,问索紞,索紞说:“棺者,职也,当有京师贵人,举君二官 者”,索充果得升迁,同上,页 249 4。 84 同上,页 249 5。 85 殷浩曾任建武将军、扬州刺史...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:50
Recluses of the han wei and jin periods 5
... 册《全晋文》卷 69,1 855 。 201 夏侯湛〈抵疑〉,同上,页 1 855 ,1 856 。 202 夏侯湛说:“吾闻先大夫孔圣之言,徳之不修,学之不讲,闻义不能徙,不善不能改, 是吾忧也”,夏侯湛〈抵疑〉,同上,页 1 855 。 203 房玄龄《晋书》卷 55 〈夏侯湛传〉,页 1499。 204 嵇康〈六言诗〉之 6“名行显患滋”,戴名扬《嵇康集校注》,页 43。 2 05 嵇康〈答难养生〉,同上,页 ... 4〈杂诗〉12 首之 1,页 50 2。 168 陶潜《陶...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:50
Recluses of the han wei and jin periods 7
... 1039,房玄龄《晋书》卷 94〈隐逸列传〉,页 2425,2463,李延寿《北史》卷 88〈隐逸 列传〉(北京:中华书局,2003),页 2908,和魏征《隋书》卷 77 〈隐逸列传〉(北 京:中华书局,2003) ,页 175 1。 11 房玄龄《晋书》卷 56〈孙楚传〉,页 1543。孙楚由于未拒仕,故不被本文纳为研究对 象。 12 对此丹崖、青壁、奇木蓊郁、 高楼重阁之境,张祚时(约 ... 册《全三国文》卷 15(北京:中华 书局,1965),页 1135。 葛...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:50
Rise and fall of chinese medieval aristocracy a case study of the hongnong yang family in han, wei, and jin period
... 时期的弘农杨氏 RISE AND FALL OF CHINESE MEDIEVAL ARISTOCRACY — A CASE STUDY ON THE HONGNONG YANG FAMILY IN HAN, WEI, AND JIN PERIOD 范其煌 HUANG KEE HONG 新加坡国立大学中文系 硕士学位论文 A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF ... Chinese Medieval aristocracy in the Han -Jin period At the same time, it was one of the two most promi...
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 12:00
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:02