unctional genomic study of singapore grouper iridovirus

unctional genomic study of singapore grouper iridovirus

unctional genomic study of singapore grouper iridovirus

... Sea bream iridovirus Taiwan grouper iridovirus Olive flounder iridovirus Rock bream iridovirus White sturgeon iridovirus Unassigned 1.1.2 Structure of the Iridoviruses Iridoviruses are icosahedral ... mass fingerprinting Q-TOF quadrupole-TOF RACE rapid amplification of cDNA ends RBIV rock bream iridovirus RNAi RNA interference RNase ribonuclease SGIV Singapore grouper i...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 08:16

147 207 0
Functional and structural genomics study of singapore grouper iridovirus

Functional and structural genomics study of singapore grouper iridovirus

... Chloriridovirus and, Lymphocystivirus and Ranavirus (Chinchar et al., 2005) 1.3 Introduction of Singapore grouper iridovirus (SGIV) In 1994, a novel member of Ranavirus, Singapore grouper iridovirus ... …………………………………………………………….……27 Chapter iTRAQ study of Grouper embryonic cells infected by Singapore grouper Iridovirus: an insight into the Singapore grouper i...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:04

143 162 0
Structural and functional genomics study of singapore grouper iridovirus 1

Structural and functional genomics study of singapore grouper iridovirus 1

... ds DNA 13 3894 bp 15 4 ORFs L22858 Ayres et al., 19 94 ds DNA 13 9342 bp 14 1 ORFs AF32 515 5 Pang et al., 20 01 ds DNA 15 8482 bp 16 8 ORFs AY126275 Li et al., 2002 ds DNA 12 8 413 bp 13 6 ORFs NC_0 019 62 Gomi ... Yes Putative E3 Singapore grouper iridovirus SGIV Ranavirus 14 013 1 16 2 AY5 216 25 Yes Putative E3 Infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus ISKNV Megalocy...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:11

100 284 0
Structural and functional genomics study of singapore grouper iridovirus 2

Structural and functional genomics study of singapore grouper iridovirus 2

... gi|566 926 44 ORF007L ORF012L SGIV protein 323 09 .26 iTRAQ ratio (MO18/ MOctrl) 0.379483 gi|566 926 49 ORFs/ Protein name Protein MW (Da) 129 768.6 0.6634 02 2 629 8 .25 0.579507 23 111.84 0.573601 gi|566 926 83 ... C., Wang F., and Hew C L 20 04 Functional genomics analysis of Singapore grouper iridovirus: complete sequence determination and proteomic analysis Journal of...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:11

40 265 0
Functional and structural study of singapore grouper iridovirus ORF086R

Functional and structural study of singapore grouper iridovirus ORF086R

... FUNCTIONAL AND STRUCTURAL STUDY OF SINGAPORE GROUPER IRIDOVIRUS ORF086R YAN BO (B.Sc., Xiamen University,China) A Thesis Submitted For The Degree Of Master Of Science Department of Biological ... -55 Figure3.20 CD study of ORF086R( 1-85) 57 Figure3.21 DLS study of ORF086R( 1-85) 57 Figure3.22 1D NMR study of ORF086R ... process of mature virus Due t...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 16:41

89 179 0
A social ecology of asian global cities a comparative study of singapore  hong kong

A social ecology of asian global cities a comparative study of singapore hong kong

... issues of zoning The National Parks Board in Singapore is largely responsible for the care and maintenance of nature areas and parks As it stands, Singapore boasts 1,924 hectares of parkland, 70 ... concepts of social- and cultural-capital The categories of SMOs have been charted onto the map according to the varying levels of social- or cultural-capital these particular typ...

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2015, 09:56

132 334 0
Urban waterfront redevelopment   urban redevelopment and urban politics, a comparision study of singapore and shanghai

Urban waterfront redevelopment urban redevelopment and urban politics, a comparision study of singapore and shanghai

... authenticity and meaning of space is the central values of urban life Urban planning theories associate place with more abstract concepts They perceive space as a social-temporality and an urbanization ... capitalist commodity arrangement, land becomes stocks, a way to channel capital and a source of wealth Space becomes commodity, and is perceived as the abstract spac...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 12:00

299 1.6K 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Epigenetics: the study of embryonic stem cells by restriction landmark genomic scanning pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Epigenetics: the study of embryonic stem cells by restriction landmark genomic scanning pptx

... Although there is an apparent ED between ES cells and EG cells, the ED of TS cells to ES cells (77) is greater than that of EG cells to ES cells (49), confirming the similarity of EG cells to ES cells ... Epigenetic study of embryonic stem cells Differences in DNA methylation profiles between ES and other stem cells Comparing ES cells with other stem...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 07:20

7 439 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Medical tourism and policy implications for health systems: a conceptual framework from a comparative study of Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia" pot

báo cáo khoa học: " Medical tourism and policy implications for health systems: a conceptual framework from a comparative study of Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia" pot

... Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia as the three main hubs for medical tourism in Southeast Asia for comparative analysis Broadly, there are four types of comparative health policy analyses The first ... decades This paper presents a conceptual framework (Figure 1) that identifies the policy implications of medical tourism for health systems, from a...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:21

12 464 0
The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple  a case study of chinese ritual theatre 2

The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple a case study of chinese ritual theatre 2

... Manifestations in Singapore and Malaysia”, in Sino-Malaysiana: Selected Papers on Ming & Qing History and on the Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia 19 42- 1988 (Singapore: South 34 经》,说明琼瑶仙教的创教源起、信奉的神明和该教济世救民的方法与仪式。 ... 余淑娟〈戏曲赞助与街戏的变迁:以新加坡韭菜芭城隍庆典为例〉,见《民俗曲艺》 第155期 20 07), 22 7 -26 4。 18 附录1.5.:重修告竣立...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:57

34 800 0
The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple  a case study of chinese ritual theatre 3

The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple a case study of chinese ritual theatre 3

... 林庆熙〈漫谈福建莆仙戏《目连》〉,见《福建目连戏研究文集》(福州:福建省艺 术研究所,1991), 33 。 陈翘〈莆仙戏《目连》〉,见《福建目连戏研究文集》(福州:福建省艺术研究所, 1991),页127。 叶明生《莆仙戏剧文化生态研究》(厦门:厦门大学出版社,2007), 36 9 -37 3。 口述历史访谈:2005 3 18日,访问对象:黄亚松,地点:黄氏Binchang Rise住 宅。九鲤洞的目连戏戏簿,一说是“得月楼”留下的。容世诚、张...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:57

30 579 0
The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple  a case study of chinese ritual theatre 4

The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple a case study of chinese ritual theatre 4

... 应靖元音法坛的陈义涛前來主持道教法会。历年的经筵主事如下表所示: 年份 经筵 资料来源 1 944 恒清坛卢大和(万山街13号) 戴文荣口述 19 54 郑明源等本地经师 九鲤洞第二届逢甲大普度纪念碑 19 64 郑明源等本地经师 黄亚松口述 19 74 马来西亚居銮珠光书院13 黄亚松口述 19 84 马来西亚居銮珠光书院 黄亚松口述 19 94 中国莆田三江口玄应靖郑玉春道长 九鲤洞第六届逢甲大普度资料 20 04 中国莆田兴化府玄应靖元音法...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:57

36 839 0
The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple  a case study of chinese ritual theatre 6

The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple a case study of chinese ritual theatre 6

... River 或 Sungei Kallang)的上游,从贝雅士蓄水池下池 (Lower Pierce Reservior)开始,朝东南流经大巴窑(Toa Payoh),再从加冷盆 地(Kallang Basin)出口,流向滨海湾(Marina Bay),通向大海。据说这些鬼 路灯就是透过这条水道,从世界各地水路而来的诸鬼带到九鲤洞。 逢甲大普度期间,幡灯内需点上油灯,晚间得时时添油,不使灯灭。为 ... 铃作响,似乎有昭示诸鬼的用意。幡竿下得摆设油灯一盏和香炉一个。 162 图 2...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:57

20 589 0