A study of plantar stresses underneath metatarsal heads in the human foot 5

A study of plantar stresses underneath metatarsal heads in the human foot 5

A study of plantar stresses underneath metatarsal heads in the human foot 5

... intrinsic alignment of the metatarsals These highlighted the clinical relevance of the model in analyzing the foot mechanism Inclusion of a metatarsal support into the foam pad for enhanced forefoot ... analysis of the standing foot following surgical plantar fascia release J Biomech 35, 629-37 Gefen, A. , 2003 Plantar soft tissue loading under the medial...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:47

26 227 0
A study of plantar stresses underneath metatarsal heads in the human foot 1

A study of plantar stresses underneath metatarsal heads in the human foot 1

... (FEM) of the human foot was developed to investigate plantar stresses underneath metatarsal heads (MTHs) in the forefoot Vertical and shear forces at individual MTH sites were also measured in vivo ... individual 4 .1. 2 .1 metatarsal heads (MTHs) (PSS-AP: peak anterioposteiro shear 99 stress; PSS-ML: peak mediolateral shear stress) The average strain in the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:47

30 311 0
A study of plantar stresses underneath metatarsal heads in the human foot 2

A study of plantar stresses underneath metatarsal heads in the human foot 2

... modeled as a whole; for ankle joint interaction, for tarsus joint interactions (including for subtalar joint), for tarsometatarsal joint interactions and for metatarsal- phalangeal joint interactions ... intermediate and lateral cuneiform, and cuboid), tarsometatarsal (i.e., the medial, intermediate and lateral cuneiforms, and the cuboid, articulating with the bases of the metat...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:47

27 271 0
A study of plantar stresses underneath metatarsal heads in the human foot 3

A study of plantar stresses underneath metatarsal heads in the human foot 3

... 3. 1 Instrumented soft tissue indentor 3. 1.1 Measurement of soft tissue property under the metatarsal heads The plantar soft tissue in the pads underneath the metatarsal heads (MTHs) is an ... is valid and accurate to model the forefoot plantar soft tissue during heel rise 72 Figure 3. 3.4 .3 Application of the calculated material constants in a plane-...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:47

36 326 0
A study of plantar stresses underneath metatarsal heads in the human foot 4

A study of plantar stresses underneath metatarsal heads in the human foot 4

... reductions in the FAT Although these changes appear associated with increased ankle dorsiflexion, the actual cause could be the smaller inclination angle of the metatarsals to the horizontal, leading ... prevention of neuropathic plantar ulceration in DM patients, as it is a first line of defense against abnormal plantar loading transfer (Caputo et al., 19 94, Cavana...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:47

25 225 0
A study of idioms containing terms for plants in english and vietnamese

A study of idioms containing terms for plants in english and vietnamese

... is easy to understand literal and transparent meaning 4.4 SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES IN ENGLISH AND of an English and Vietnamese idiom containing TsFPs because its VIETNAMESE IDIOMS CONTAINING ... concerning idioms containing TsFPs with regard to syntactic and semantic features - Suggesting some implications for teaching and learning this popular kind of...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:28

13 1K 3
Báo cáo khoa học: "Age Prediction in Blogs: A Study of Style, Content, and Online Behavior in Pre- and Post-Social Media Generations" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Age Prediction in Blogs: A Study of Style, Content, and Online Behavior in Pre- and Post-Social Media Generations" ppt

... with a factored model for natural language parsing In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, volume 15 MIT Press Ravi Kumar, Jasmine Novak, Prabhakar Raghavan, and Andrew Tomkins 2004 ... as age decreases where applicable Any feature that increased, decreased, or fluctuated should have some positive impact on the accuracy of predicting age 4.1 Online Behavior and In...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20

10 540 1
Báo cáo y học: "A comparison of low-dose risperidone to paroxetine in the treatment of panic attacks: a randomized, single-blind study" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "A comparison of low-dose risperidone to paroxetine in the treatment of panic attacks: a randomized, single-blind study" ppsx

... for the treatment of panic attacks was warranted We describe herein an exploratory, randomized, single-blind trial of risperidone versus paroxetine for the treatment of panic attacks We hypothesized ... for analysis • The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM -A) [47] The Ham -A is a 14 item clinician-rated measure, which assesses symptoms of anxiety The Ham...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20

12 394 0
Báo cáo y học: "A longitudinal study of chiropractic use among older adults in the United States" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "A longitudinal study of chiropractic use among older adults in the United States" pdf

... specifically concentrated on chiropractic use, longitudinal patterns of use, or the characteristics of users Furthermore, none of these studies have provided insight into the use of chiropractic by older ... evidence of a lack of fit to the data Patterns of Chiropractic Use Forty-two percent of the 806 chiropractic users made their visits over a singl...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 14:20

14 450 0
a study of grammatical and lexical cohesive devices in some written discourses from the course book english for chemistry = nghiên cứu phương tiện liên kết ngữ pháp và từ vựng thông qua một số văn bản

a study of grammatical and lexical cohesive devices in some written discourses from the course book english for chemistry = nghiên cứu phương tiện liên kết ngữ pháp và từ vựng thông qua một số văn bản

... from which we analyze grammatical and lexical cohesive devices AIMS OF THE STUDY The aims of the study are: - giving an overview of theoretical background of discourse and discourse analysis; cohesion, ... coherence and cohesive devices; concept of ESP and ESP discourse - describing and analyzing grammatical and lexical cohesive devices in...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:19

75 1,6K 5
a study of water and fire as metaphors in american and vietnamese short stories of the 20th century = nghiên cứu ẩn dụ nước và lửa trong truyện ngắn thế kỷ 20 của mỹ và việt nam

a study of water and fire as metaphors in american and vietnamese short stories of the 20th century = nghiên cứu ẩn dụ nước và lửa trong truyện ngắn thế kỷ 20 của mỹ và việt nam

... following charts display the percentage of different parts of speech of water and fire metaphors in American and Vietnamese short stories Chart 1: Parts of speech of water and fire metaphors in American ... century 2.1 The popularity of water and fire as metaphors The mechanical study of 60 American and Vietnamese short...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:20

77 609 2
a study of water and fire as metaphors in american and vietnamese short stories of the 20th century = nghiên cứu ẩn dụ nước và lửa trong truyện ngắn thế kỷ 20 của mỹ và việt nam tt

a study of water and fire as metaphors in american and vietnamese short stories of the 20th century = nghiên cứu ẩn dụ nước và lửa trong truyện ngắn thế kỷ 20 của mỹ và việt nam tt


Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:20

4 316 1
A study of grammatical and lexical cohesive devices in some written discourses from the course book “english for chemistry”

A study of grammatical and lexical cohesive devices in some written discourses from the course book “english for chemistry”

... describing and analyzing grammatical and lexical cohesive devices in the course book of EC for second year students in Faculty of Chemistry at HNUE The findings are expected to be applied to the teaching ... the teaching and learning of EC SCOPE OF THE STUDY Within the framework of a minor M .A thesis, the study just mainly focuses on gr...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:47

9 803 6
A study of water and fire as metaphors in American and Vietnamese short stories of the 20th century

A study of water and fire as metaphors in American and Vietnamese short stories of the 20th century

... on the data from American and Vietnamese short stories of the 20th century  To compare water and fire metaphors in American and Vietnamese literatures  To connect the use of water and fire as ... Chapter provides the theoretical background of the study regarding major concerns in the area of metaphor and literature, and brief...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:47

6 447 1
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