articles a an and the eg40
... it – e.g an adjective or an intensifier – the article goes before the first modifier: “It was a great party.” “My grandma had a really lovely day.” For more fun tests, quizzes and games log onto ... now! English Test Your Grammar Skills When to Use Articles – a / an & the • Uncountable nouns don’t need an article in front of them: “Woul...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2015, 08:25
... 30 Your profession is similar ……mine THE END ARTICLES A, AN, THE (DA) I Put in A, AN or THE There was .man and woman in the room The .man was American, and woman looked Italian This morning I ... waiting outside for (. 5) doors to open I joined (. 6.) queue and in (7 ) end .(8 .) doors opened and we went inside to see (. 9.) show Now, I must be honest and admit that many...
Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 21:21
... Mount of Olive…… EXERCISES (ARTICLES) I/ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank My sister often goes to _ by ... may be used up someday A World B World’s C The world D The world’s II/ Fill in the blanks with a, an, the or (zero article) Jason’s father bought him bike that he wanted for his birthday ... morning? A a B an C the D Louie played basketball and _baseball at the boys’...
Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 22:21
Văn phạm: Countable nouns with a/an and some pdf
... lớn không A and the A Hãy xét ví dụ sau: I had a sandwich and an apple for lunch Tôi dùng bánh sandwich táo cho bữa trưa Ổ John nói Ọa sandwichÚ, Ọan appleÚ lần anh nói tới chúng The sandwich wasn't ... thích chuối (không nói 'some bananas') My aunt is a writer She writes books (không dùng 'some books') Cô nhà văn Cô viết sách Đôi bạn dùng some hay bỏ được: There are (some) eggs in...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo y học: "Associations between the HLA-A polymorphism and the clinical manifestations of Behcet’s disease" pps
... collected the clinical data, performed statistical analysis, and drafted the manuscript JYK genotyped the HLA gene FT helped design the study JWK helped collect the clinical data KS, EYL, YJL, EBL and ... Associations between the HLA-A polymorphism and the clinical manifestations of Behcet’s disease Arthritis Research & Therapy 2011 13:R49 Submit your nex...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:22
Cách dùng mạo từ a, an và the pptx
... Ex: the sun – the moon – the earth – the truth – the King – the Queen với tính từ so sánh (superlative adjectives) Ex: He’s the oldest boy in my class © Những trường hợp KHÔNG dùng mạo từ (No ... a different life from the poor A an B a C the D × Mary lives in Canada near Lake Ontario A the B × C a D an The explorer crossed .Pacific Ocean in a canoe A an B a...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 06:20
A, AN, ONE, THE (With Keys)
... a,- , an, the, the, the, the a, the, the a, a 10 the, the, the, the, an 11- (the) , a 12 a, the, 13 the, a, the, the, the 14-;-,-,- 15 The, the, the; the, the 16 the, the, a,- : (the) , the, the, - ... a; the; a: a 19 a, the: a, -; The, the 20- ,the; the; a, an 21 The, a, a,-,- 22 the, a, - , the, a, the, the, the, the 23 a,...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2014, 11:00
Diferences between a few and the few
... here Answers He wants to spend the few days that are left to him in solitude and meditation I have got a few questions to ask The few public gardens that we have are not maintained properly I can’t ... ………………………………… remarks that he made were very poignant a) a few b) the few c) either could be used here Question When I met him ……………………………………… weeks ago, he looked happy...
Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2015, 22:27
A an và the
... I saw a film last night The film was about a solider and a beautiful girl The solider was in love with the girl but the girl was in love with a teacher So the solider shot the teacher and married ... này) • The postman was late this morning.(=our usual postman) 2/4 A/ An The (Sáng người đ a thư đến trễ) (người đ a thư thường chúng tôi) • I took a taxi to the s...
Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2016, 15:31
A study on the opportunities for and constraints on developing students’ oral skills at an upper-secondary school
... that they are good at writing and reading since they like and usually practice these skills; in contrary, they are bad at listening and speaking as their vocabulary is not enough and their pronunciation ... follows: -A study on the strategies for improving students’ oral skill at an Upper-Secondary School in Nghean 41 -A study on the combination of te...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44