... underlying wire and cable structure be sound. Specific wire and cable standards have been developed by University Information Systems (UIS). These standards were developed and adopted by the University ... continue and enhance this effort. HARVARD UNIVERSITY Wire and Cable Standards Quang Dung Technology Distribution Company Page 3 of 32 SECTION I....
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Báo cáo khoa học: " An Input Device for the Harvard Automatic Dictionary" pot
... pp. 2-7] An Input Device for the Harvard Automatic Dictionary † Anthony G. Oettinger, Computation Laboratory, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts A standard input device has been ... to the Univac I. The modified device is performing satisfactorily in the compilation and experimental operation of the Harvard Automatic Dictionary. THE PROPER...
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... calls primarily for a theoretical approach. 2 The concept of Empire is characterized fundamentally by a lack of boundaries: Empire s rule has no limits. First and foremost, then, the concept of Empire ... history. The Empire we are faced with wields enormous powers of oppression and destruction, but that fact should not make us nostal- gic in any way for the old forms of domination. Th...
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... contribution as an extension of Sellars’s: to make possible a further transition from a kantian to a hegelian approach Copyright â 2000 The President and Fellows of Harvard College Copyright â 2000 ... of inference- and-assertion. 7. Atomism or Holism? Closely related to the issue of top-down or bottom-up semantic explanation is the issue of semantic holism versus semant...
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... reduction in classical physics, and one with a more interesting form, was that of thermodynamics to statistical mechanics. In outline, the values of the variables occurring in the equations of thermodynamic ... in themselves, interpretation schemes are a dime a dozen. With a little ingenuity, one can stipulate all kinds of bizarre “meanings” for the behavior of all k...
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... United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 First Harvard University Press paperback edition, 1992 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Putnam, Hilary. Realism with a human face / Hilary Putnam; edited ... theory for the sake of satisfying our discomfort, but it should go without saying that ad hoc ways out of a paradoxical sit- uation are not acceptable. 11 Rea...
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... (identities) involving it and other terms. The main claim of the second chapter on Frege is that the understanding of the uniqueness aspect of the individuation of objects that is incorpo- rated in ... "synthesis") of applying them, for the sense in which the con- cepts involved in that process ought to be thought of as determinate. Taking up thes...
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... đất nước. Nói một cách khác, đối với Việt Nam, thành công là một sự lựa chọn trong tầm tay. HARVARD UNIVERSITY JOHN F. KENNEDY SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT CHƯƠNG TRÌNH CHÂU Á 79 John F. Kennedy Street, ... trong giai đoạn 2011 – 2020 1 Tổng quan Đầu thập niên 1990, Chương trình Việt Nam của Đại học Harvard xuất bản một cuốn sách nhan đề Theo hướng rồng bay. Mục đích của cuốn sách này là...
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Harvard university competency dictionary
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