Fetal Electrocardiography – part 6 ppsx

Fetal Electrocardiography – part 6 ppsx

Fetal Electrocardiography – part 6 ppsx

... amplitude and, when summated, form the fetal heart rate. Computerised Systems for the Interpretation of Intrapartum Fetal Heart Rate The interpretation of intrapartum fetal heart rate is more difficult ... processing and direct access to the fetal heart rate measurements from the fetal monitor, deceleration areas, onsets, nadirs and ends can now be determined. 84 Fetal Elec...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 17:22

17 204 0
Fetal Electrocardiography – part 9 ppsx

Fetal Electrocardiography – part 9 ppsx

... about fetal electrocardiography and, therefore, this discussion is not about where we go with fetal monitoring in general but rather it is about where we go with the analysis of the fetal ECG. ... be Information Interpretation and Transformation 125 127 168 »l^\ \\ ^ -~b— J|^ 363 3297 468 3 Fig. 8.9. Clustering of fetal electrocardiograms waveforms by a self-organisi...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 17:22

17 192 0


... to 0.18 Second 164 than 0. 16 second. Ventricular conduction defects rarely produce prolongation of the QRS complex to 0. 16 second, and when the QRS duration is from 0. 16 to 0.20 second, it ... 0. 16 second. The QT interval is 0.72 second (the upper limit of normal for a heart rate of 40 is 0.49 second). The QRS duration is 0. 16 second. QRS complex: The mean QRS vector is direc...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:20

28 266 0
English grammar drills part 6 ppsx

English grammar drills part 6 ppsx

... for the offi ce. 6. We need to pick topic that everyone will identify with. 7. engineer employed by a subcontractor fi led a complaint. (i-viiiB,001-328B) whl bk.indd 31 3/ 16/ 09 12:33:57 PM 28 ... expectations. Perhaps the odd- est examples are the names of places and things that are expected in particular environments. For example, in a house all the rooms and the things that are usually...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 09:20

7 359 0
Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 6 ppsx

Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 6 ppsx

... A 13. B 23. B 33. C 43. C 4. B 14. B 24. A 34. B 44. D 5. C 15. D 25. D 35. A 45. B 6. D 16. C 26. A 36. A 46. D 7. B 17. B 27. D 37. B 47. A 8. A 18. A 28. C 38. C 48. D 9. A 19. B 29. B 39. ... married him a year later. Add 15 plus 1 to find that she was 16 when she married Butler. Sixteen plus 1 860 equals 18 76 when they married. 16. The correct answer is (C). It is not true. Choice (...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:44

7 700 1
Làm Webmaster part 6 ppsx

Làm Webmaster part 6 ppsx

... IP là 192. 168 .0.9. Modem có IP là 192. 168 .0.1. Do đó LDP setup network cho PC của LDP như sau : IP Address : 192. 168 .0.9 Subnet Mask : Default Gateway : 192. 168 .0.1 < ... TCP enable; Host IP address=Địa chỉ IP tĩnh của con NIC của bạn (thường là 10.0.0.x hoặc 192. 168 .0.x, tuỳ cấu hình mạng của bạn). Click Add this setting. Click Write Settings to Flash and...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 11:20

10 292 0
Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 6 ppsx

Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 6 ppsx

... 0 EXERCISE 6. Pronunclatlon of ID endings. (Chart 2-4) Directions: Practice saying these words. Use them in sentences. 1. answered 6. finished 11. worked 2. arrived ... 4. ( . . . ) stood in a corner during class yesterday. 5. This book has a green cover. 6. Shakespeare wrote novels. 7. A river flows bm the bottom of a valley to the top of a mountain. ... 15. (...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 14:20

7 576 1
Hacking Security Sites part 6 ppsx

Hacking Security Sites part 6 ppsx

... Ví dụ : $uname -a ; nó sẽ đưa ra thông tin sau : Linux gamma 2.4.18 #3 Wed Dec 26 10:50:09 ICT 2001 i6 86 unknown _ Lệnh id : xem uid/gid hiện tại ( xem nhóm và tên hiện tại ) _ Lệnh ... trì nghiên cứu vận dụng kiến thức của các bạn . ( Dựa theo hướng dẫn hack của huynh vnofear – viethacker.net ) GOODLUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! ( Hết phần 4 ) Anhdenday HVAonline.net Những ....

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 17:20

6 476 2
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 6 ppsx

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 6 ppsx

... actually take the dog apart to prove this. c.w. M. Bekoff and D. Jamieson (eds.), Readings in Animal Cognition (Cambridge, Mass., 19 96) . Descartes, Discourse on Method, Part V. 36 ancient philosophy many ... positions of Proudhon, Bakunin, and the anarcho-syndicalists falling in between. Max Stirner (180 6 5 6) is the most individualistic and ‘egoistic’ of the anarchist thinkers. For h...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

10 415 0