DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 5 pot
... Pra d er-Wi ll ian df rom Ange l man patients. In t h is region, non -5 -CG -3 C-residues were never meth y lated. Around exon 1 of the S NRPN g ene, more t h an 96% o f t h e23 5 - CG - 3 - d inuc l eoti d es ... R i bosomal Gene s Th e5 - CG - 3 -rich promoter re g ion of the DNA- dependent RNA pol y merase I (rDNA) g enes was ana ly ze df or t h e p...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20
... 187, 19 2–1 94 a ut i sm 36 au xin 75 5-aza- 2 deox y c y tidine 18 7 5- aza-d C 18 7 5- azac y tidine 73, 19 1 base flippin g 208–210 b enzo [ a ] pyrene 271 BER-coupled remeth y lation 302 b romo-a d jacent h omo l ogy ... (2001) T h eDNAg l ycosy l as e T:G mismatc h -speci fi ct h ymine DNA g l ycosy l ase represses t h yroi d transcription f actor-1-activate d transcription. J Bi...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20
... or g anism, 5- mC a l so ma k es an appearance (L yk oeta l. 2 000). Even initiall y sound skepticism has sometimes to be re-evaluated. T h e fif t h nuc l eoti d e, 5- met h y l - d eoxycyti d ine ( 5- mC), ... aci d o f t h etu b erc l e b aci ll us . Su b sequent ly , 5- mC h a d a b ioc h emica lf uture as 5- hyd rox y met hyl -C ( 5- h m-C) in the DNA of the T-even bacterio...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 2 ppsx
... DNMTs Tar g eted to Precise DNA Sequences ? 55 4.1 C h romatin-Base d Targeting 5 6 4.2 Targeting o f DNMTS b yDNA-Boun d TranscriptionFactors 5 9 4.3 T h eRNATrigger 6 0 5C onclusion s 62 R e f e r e n ces ... interacting d omain; C XX C ,Cys-ric hd omain ; ( E ) 1 2 , G l u repea t; ( GR ) 11 , G l y-Arg repeat; MBD , met h y l -CpG- b in d ing d omain ; Hh H-GPD,DN A N-Gl y cos...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 3 pptx
... ompose d o f small g ene-rich re g ions intermixed with 5- to 200-kb blocks of repetitiv e DNA. The repetitive DNA blocks are usuall y meth y lated at 5 - CG -3 a n d5 - C NG-3 c ytosines in ... 2003). The DNA meth y lase inhibitors 5- azaC y t and 5- aza- 2 -deox y c y tidine inhib - ite d a d ventitious s h oot in d uction in Petun i a l ea f cu l tures....
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 4 ppsx
... J 34 :56 5 57 2 Z h ang D, E h ri l c h KC, Supa k ar PC, E h r l ic h M (1989) A p l ant DNA- b in d ing protein t h at reco g nizes 5- meth y lc y tosine residues. Mol Cell Biol 9:1 351 –1 356 Zhan g Z, ... Fro g Virus 3 I s Completel y 5 -CG - 3 -Met h y l ate d 1 45 4 Site-Speci fi c Promoter M et h y l ation an d Gene Si l encin g . 1 4 5 4.1 T h e E2A Promoter o f A d...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 6 pps
... Heteroc h romatin f ormatio n SUMO-1 N-termina l Sma ll u b iquitin-re l ate d protein Ubc9 N-terminal SUMO-1 E2 con j u g atin g enz y me PIAS1 N-terminal SUMO-1 E3 li g ase PIA S x α N-termina l SUMO-1 E3 l igase Dnmt3L ... ha d m eth y lation of the 5 re g ion of RA R β . PML-RAR-induced re p ression of RAR β t ranscription was partia ll yre l ease db y 5- aza- d C, in d icating t h a...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 7 docx
... Mechanism of DNA- (Cytosine-C5)-MTase s The reaction mechanism of c y tosine-C5 meth y lation was uncovered for th e prokar y otic DNA- (c y tosine-C5)-MTase M.HhaI (Fi g . 2; Wu and Santi 19 85; Wu an d Santi ... 1 , 28 759 Bremen, German y a. j eltsch@iu-bremen.de 1In t r oduct i o n 2 04 2Cata l ytic Mec h anism o f DNA- (Cytosine-C5)-MTases . 20 6 2.1 Reaction Mec h anism o f DNA-...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 8 pdf
... 24:20 9 –218 E l-Maarri O (2004) SIRPH anal y sis: SNuPE with IP-RP-HPLCfor quantitativemeasure- ments of DNA meth y lation at specific CpG sites. Methods Mol Biol 287:1 95 20 5 El -Maarri O, Her b iniaux ... trans g enerational effects. Radiat Res 159 :58 1 59 2 Neuber g er MS, Harris RS, Di Noia J, Petersen-Mahrt SK (2003) Immunit y throu g h DNA d eamination. Tren d sBioc h em Sci 28:...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 9 pps
... specificit y of 5- form y lc y tosine is broad, and includes tar - g eted ( 5- fC → G, 5- fC → A , and 5- f C → T ) and untar g eted mutations (Kami ya et a l . 2002 b ). Deamination o f 5- h y d roxymet h y l cytosine ... is DNA repair. Th e p resence o f 5- met h y l cytosine may a ff ect t h e sequence- d epen d ent repair of DNA adducts. A 5- meth y lc y tosine base at t...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20