21st Century Manufacturing Episode 3 pdf

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 3 pdf

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 3 pdf

... units/year units/year units/year units/year Saieslifetime 40 years 3 years 3 years 6 years 30 years Sales price $3 1200 $36 5 $19,000 $ 130 million Number of unique parts 3 35 200 10,000 130 ,000 (part numbers) parts parts PM" parts ... 10.000mm +0.500/-0.000. 1 10.042 11 10.022 2 10.029 12 10. 030 3 10. 031 13 10.012 4 10.029 14 10.048 5 10.011 15 10.099 6 10.054 16 10.015 7...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 04:23

30 154 0
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 pdf

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 pdf

... (Courtesy Dataquest) 231 5.20 Review Material 232 233 6.1 Introduction 233 6.2 Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing 235 6 .3 Printed Circuit Board Assembly 239 6.4 Hard Drive Manufacturing 248 6.5 ... MAlfUMcnnr,1IIG AND "'lUll. A••••• V 33 0 8.1 Introduction 33 0 8.2 Properties of Plastics 33 1 8 .3 Processing of Plastics I: The Injection Molding Method 33 4 8.4 Pro...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 04:23

30 156 0
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 5 pdf

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 5 pdf

... Modeling Chap. 3 3. 13. 7 Feature-Based Design The use of specific primitive shapes in design that suit a particular "downstream" manufacturing process. 3, 13. 8 Ink-Jet Printing in 3- D Rapid ... geometries (Brock, 2000). 3. 13 GLOSSARY 3. 13. 1 Boundary Edge Representation Boundary representations, or b-reps, describe an object in terms of its surface bound- aries: vertic...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 04:23

30 207 0
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 9 pdf

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 9 pdf

... surface Slartingland -Solderpasle 238 I leop",foil ( ~Substrate ~ Starting board 5'h,"' (2) Computer Manufacturing Chap. 6 /Resillt / (1) ~~,m'ini"gooPP" r===J'",ml,"d) (3) F1gure ... DARPAnet and its use in the academic community. The Iron Age (19 53 to 1980) The reign of the mainframe computer. 234 Computer Manufacturing...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 04:23

30 186 0
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 11 pdf

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 11 pdf

... 7 .33 ). 7.1 .32 Taylor Equation (VT"=C1 The result of replotting cutting speed (V) against the tool life data (non log-log axes. 7.7 .33 Tool Ute tn UsuaUy defined by 0.75 millimeter (0. 03 ... diameter of 2 to 3 mm. The dimensions of the circles are then measured after pressing (see Figure 7 .30 ). 30 2 Heat \1/ ~Fi""II"'" (~)Mdl Metal-Products Manufactur...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:20

30 261 0
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 15 pdf

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 15 pdf

... book: CAD/CAM Rapid prototyping and SFF Semiconductor manufacturing Computer manufacturing Metal-products manufacturing Plastic-products manufacturing Biotechnology manufacturing These can be analyzed in two-week ... Applications 4 (4): 34 7 -35 9. 10.12 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bessant.L 1991. MafUlging advanced manufacturing technology: The challenge of the fifth wave. Manchester, UK.: NCC...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:20

29 266 0
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 2 Part 13 pdf

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 2 Part 13 pdf

... book: CAD/CAM Rapid prototyping and SFF Semiconductor manufacturing Computer manufacturing Metal-products manufacturing Plastic-products manufacturing Biotechnology manufacturing These can be analyzed in two-week ... hiring rate A.12 Rationale 439 lL Workstation assembly sequence design for a network computer company 12. Automated packaging analysis fur pharmaceutical products 13...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

9 291 0
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 2 Part 3 ppsx

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 2 Part 3 ppsx

... ,~ 238 I leop",foil ( ~Substrate ~ Starting board 5'h,"' (2) Computer Manufacturing Chap. 6 /Resillt / (1) ~~,m'ini"gooPP" r===J'",ml,"d) (3) F1gure ... Inc. (1996). 6.2 Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing 237 size for the final computerfelectronic equipment. Second, tooling or alignment holes, typically 3 mm in diameter, are drill...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

20 241 0
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 Part 7 pdf

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 Part 7 pdf

... coincident objects in Figures 3. 33 and 3. 34. Figure 3. 35 shows the solid object from an isometric front view that is created when the wire frame shown in Figure 3. 33 is extruded a distance of 225 ... wireframe drawing.The finalshovel design wireframe isshown inFigure 3. 33. Notice the dimensions on the wire frame in Figures 3. 33 and 3. 34. Unlike conventional drafting packages...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

20 272 0
21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 Part 3 ppt

21st Century Manufacturing Episode 1 Part 3 ppt

... ttarget} $34 .00 $33 .50 $33 .00 $33 .00 $33 .50 $34 .00 $34 .50 F Cost of product sold [=BEJ $3, 400,000 $8 ,37 5,000 $9,900,000 $11,550,000 $8 ,37 5,000 $6,800,000 $5,175,000 G Gross margin ($) [=C-F] $3, 190,000 ... %profit[=l00MlCJ 21 .34 % 27.86% 30 ,15% 30 .19% 29 .37 % 28.56% 27.70% o Cumulative profit [=SUMMUlJ ($800,000) ($1,600,000) ($1 93, 900) $4 .39 6 ,35 0 $10, 538 ,650 $...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

20 336 0