In Situ Treatment Technology - Chapter 9 doc
... EPA 542-F -9 8-0 11, 199 8. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Tech Trends, USEPA Document EPA 54 2- N -9 9- 0 05, August Issue No. 34, 199 9. ©2001 CRC Press LLC • Absorption of organics into ... Chlorine in Cells with Hybrid Poplars, Washington Field Study mol of chlorine or chloride ion 3-year total loss 3-year total recovered 199 5 199 6 199 7 b TCE-chl...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:23
... protein –1 ) 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 Control Tylosin-treated Erythromycin-treated Sulfadimethoxine-treated FIGURE 9. 6 GSTactivitiesofmaizeplantstreatedwithtylosin,erythromycin,andsulfadi- methoxine.Maizeplantsweretransplantedintoseparatesoilstreatedwith1µgkg –1 of ... binding site (G site) is responsible for binding glutathione (GSH). 24 TheGsiteisaconservedgroupofaminoacids...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
... since 199 8. He received his B.S. in Geology from the University of Iowa and M.S. in Hydro- geology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Mr. Carman specializes in implementing and managing ... of the chemicals in the ground. Hansen sum- marized the dynamic equilibrium of contaminant partitioning (Hansen, Flavin, and Fam 199 4). VOCs partition into four distinct, yet interrelate...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:23
In Situ Treatment Technology - Chapter 2 pptx
... Primary Standards Inorganic Primary Standards Contaminant MCL (ppb) Contaminant MCL (ppb) Contam- inant MCL Con- tam- inant MCL Contam- inant MCL Contam- inant MCL (ppb) (continued) ©2001 ... Standards Inorganic Primary Standards Contaminant MCL (ppb) Contaminant MCL (ppb) Contam- inant MCL Con- tam- inant MCL Contam- inant MCL Contam- inant MCL (ppb) Alachor 2 Benzene 5 Tota...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:23
In Situ Treatment Technology - Chapter 3 pptx
... credibility route in situ bioremediation has suffered in the industry. Accord- ing to some researchers the following three performance objectives must be met (Rittman and McDonald 199 3). 1. Documented ... biotreatability testing are integral components to dem- onstrating that bioventing is a viable technology at a given site. The following sections outline the procedures to be follow...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:23
In Situ Treatment Technology - Chapter 5 potx
... air-cooled Piston water-cooled Diaphragm 1/2 - 500 10 - 500 10 - 200 10 - 250 10 - 250 10 - 250 Efficient, light-weight Efficient, heavy-duty No seal, contamination-free Rotary Sliding vane 10 - ... Brown, and Bass 199 5, Boersma, Diontek, and Newman 199 5, and Lundegard 199 5). Pulsed sparging may enhance this mixing mechanism by increas- ing the time during which c...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:23
In Situ Treatment Technology - Chapter 6 ppt
... $236 21-Nov -9 8 $72 .91 $134 1 9- Dec -9 8 $85.52 $202 22-Jan -9 9 $55.81 $93 26-Feb -9 9 $107.27 $108 04-Apr -9 9 $86.68 $ 298 2 9- Apr -9 9 $83.50 $93 11-Jun -9 9 $111.62 $88 17-Jul -9 9 $101.18 $46 22-Aug -9 9 $102 .92 ... $183 20-Aug -9 8 $64.65 $138 2 9- Aug -9 8 $51.60 $110 05-Sep -9 8 $52.33 $98 11-Sep -9 8 $61.75 $106 1 9- Sep -9 8 $ 59. 58 $100 26-Sep -9 8 $60.30 $98 01-Oct...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:23
In Situ Treatment Technology - Chapter 7 ppsx
... activity by interfering with protein function. Mercury ions combine with SH groups in proteins, silver ions will precipitate protein molecules, and iodine will iodinate proteins containing tyrosine residues ... termed interspecies hydrogen transfer (Lovley and Goodwin 198 8). Nitrate- Fe(III )-, Mn(IV )-, sulfate-, and CO 2 -reducing (methanogenic) microor- ganisms exhibit different...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:23
In Situ Treatment Technology - Chapter 8 pps
... Avenue MW-16 Hexavalent Chromium & HVOC Plumes Hexavalent Chromium Plume Former Chromium Waste-Storage Area Former TCE Degreasing Area MW-10 MW-13 MW-14 MW-5 MW -9 MW-13 MW-3B MW-1 Former Drivepoint Injection Well MW-17 MW-4 MW-16 MW-17 ©2001 ... LLC Full-Scale Implementation and Results Ninety-one injection points were installed (Figure 26) to 24 feet bls at the site. Eac...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:23
In Situ Treatment Technology - Chapter 10 pptx
... Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils by In Situ Soil Venting,” Groundwater, 28(3), 199 0. Murdoch, L., “Feasibility of Hydraulic Fracturing of Soil to Improve Remedial Actions,” EPA/600/S 2 -9 1/012, ... Fracturing to Remove VOC’s,” Remediation , Winter 199 1/ 199 2. Schuring, J. R., Chan, P. C., “Pneumatic Fracturing of Low Permeability Formations - Technology Status Pape...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:23