Pediatric Just The Facts - part 2 pot

Pediatric Just The Facts - part 2 pot

Pediatric Just The Facts - part 2 pot

... children 1-year-old or older. In 20 00, more than 12, 441 children and adoles- cents younger than 20 years old died. The number of unintentional injury deaths is greater than the sum of the next ... throat, cough, and rash. There is bleeding from the skin, the nose, the mouth, or the gas- trointestinal tract. The case fatality rate is high, an esti- mated 30–90%, depending o...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:21

66 330 0
Pediatric Just The Facts - part 1 potx

Pediatric Just The Facts - part 1 potx

... W. Kavey 23 8 58 Hypertension Rae-Ellen W. Kavey 24 4 59 Hyperlipidemia Rae-Ellen W. Kavey 24 7 xix In Just the Facts in Pediatrics, we have attempted to create a book that will ful- fill the needs ... 2 5 3 To the 5 oz line 5 13 (1 can) 9 22 27 * 2 1 3 3 To the 4 1 – 2 oz line 4 1 – 2 13 (1 can) 6 19 * Increasing caloric density above 24 kcal/oz may lead to intolera...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:21

66 200 0
Pediatric Just The Facts - part 7 potx

Pediatric Just The Facts - part 7 potx

... present in the folds of the joints (Pastia’s lines) or other parts of the extremities. • Early in the illness, the dorsum of the tongue may have a white coating, through which the papillae pro- trude ... enteroviruses in the central nervous system. J Clin Microbiol 20 02; 40: 321 7 23 22. Subcommittee on Gastroenteritis, American Academy of Pediatrics. Practice parameter:...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:21

66 314 0
Pediatric Just The Facts - part 3 pptx

Pediatric Just The Facts - part 3 pptx

... level (PaO 2 ) which depends on PaCO 2 and FiO 2 . The dif- ference between the P Alveolar O 2 and the measured PaO 2 (alveolar-arterial oxygen difference: P (A-a) O 2 ) is gen- erally 5–10 torr in healthy ... P PaCO 0.8 Alveolor 2 insp 2 Alveolor 2 2 barometric 3 =− ≅× −−()47 144 SECTION 4 • PEDIATRIC CRITICAL CARE (2 9-1 ) TABLE 2 9-1 Mechanisms of Hypoxemi...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:21

66 414 0
Pediatric Just The Facts - part 4 ppt

Pediatric Just The Facts - part 4 ppt

... prn. Age ≤ 12 years Age ≤ 12 years Age ≤ 12 years Bud DPI 20 0 mcg/dose = 20 0 mcg qd Bud DPI 20 0 µg/dose 20 0–400 µg = Bud DPI 20 0 µg/dose >400 µg = Pulm resp 0.5 mg qd (1 2 inh)/day > ;2 inh/day Flu ... dose. Alb 2 puffs q 4–6 hours inhaled beta 2 -agonist, prn Short-acting bronchodilator, inhaled beta 2 -agonist, prn Corticosteroid tablets or syrup qod Short-acting b...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:21

66 326 0
Pediatric Just The Facts - part 5 pps

Pediatric Just The Facts - part 5 pps

... Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) 18-Hydroxycorticosterone 20 ,22 -Des 3β-HSD 3β-HSD 17β-HSD 5α-Reduct 3β-HSD 17-OH 17-OH 21 -OH 21 -OH 11-OH11-OH 18-OH 18-HSD 17 ,20 -Des 17 ,20 -Des Mineralocorticoid pathway Glucocorticoid pathway Androgen pathway FIG. ... make glycogen in the liver. •Extremely rare. 27 6 SECTION 9 • DISORDERS OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Glucose-1-phosphate Fructose-6-phosphate...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:21

66 409 0
Pediatric Just The Facts - part 6 ppt

Pediatric Just The Facts - part 6 ppt

... Citrullinemia ElevatedLow FIG. 8 5-1 Neonatal hyper- ammonemia. THAN: tran- sient hyperammonemia of the newborn; PC: pyruvate carboxylase; ASA: argini- nosuccinic acid; CPS: car- bamyl phosphate synthetase; NAGS: N-acetyl ... genetically sus- ceptible individuals. The majority of IBD is acquired during two periods, the mid-to-late teens and during the fourth and fifth decades of lif...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:21

66 374 0
Pediatric Just The Facts - part 8 pps

Pediatric Just The Facts - part 8 pps

... examined if possible. The gene locus for HSMN 1A is chromo- some 17p11 .2, which encodes for peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP 22) . Currently there are a total of approximately 22 gene loci abnormalities ... by drawing the hand across the chest toward the opposite shoulder and looking at the position of the elbow with respect to the chest. The elbow does not cross the mid...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:21

66 369 0
Pediatric Just The Facts - part 9 pdf

Pediatric Just The Facts - part 9 pdf

... medications, the most commonly prescribed are the high-potency drugs haloperidol, fluphenazine, trifluoperazine, or per- phenazine. The lower-potency compounds are rarely given because of the sedation, ... Indications for the use of palivizumab and update on the use of RSV-IGIV (RE9839). Pediatrics 1998;1 02: 121 1– 121 6. Northway WH, Rosan RC, Porter DY. Pulmonary disease fol- l...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:21

66 372 0
Pediatric Just The Facts - part 10 pps

Pediatric Just The Facts - part 10 pps

... vulgaris, 25 7 25 8 Acquired adrenal insufficiency, 28 9 Acquired coagulation disorder, 111, 364 Acquired heart disease, 23 8 24 4 infectious, 24 0 24 3 inflammatory, 23 8 24 0 Acquired hypothyroidism, 28 3 28 4 Acquired ... 1 3 / 4 2 yr 5–6 yr 10– 12 yr Second premolar 2 1 / 4 2 1 / 2 yr 6–7 yr 11– 12 yr First molar At birth 2 1 / 2 –3 yr 6–7 yr Second molar 2 1 / 2 –...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:21

64 297 0