Thieme Mumenthaler, Neurology - part 10 pot

Les troubles de l’intégration visuelle - part 10 pot

Les troubles de l’intégration visuelle - part 10 pot

... l’os, des muscles, des tissus mous et de l’œil lui-même. Les causes osseuses incluent les fractures et les déformations asso- ciées aux syndromes crânio-faciaux. Des exemples d’éti- ologies musculaires ... laile du sphộno de ã les anộvrismes : dans ces cas, des anévrismes de l’artère ophtalmique ou de l’artère carotide supra - clino de sont les causes les plus fréquent...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:05

19 453 0
Faculté de Médecine - part 10 pot

Faculté de Médecine - part 10 pot

... : Stades pronostic des carcinome hépatocellulaire selon Okuda - Stade I : Absence de facteurs de gravité - Stade II : Présence de 1 ou 2 facteurs de gravité - Stade III : Présence de 3 ... : 50 % (dont colo-rectum 40 %, autres 10 %) - Cancers uro-génitaux : 10 % - Cancers sein : 5 % - Cancers broncho-pulmonaires : 15 % - Divers : 10 % (lymphomes,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:44

27 406 0
Techniques de manipulations en radiologie medicale - part 10 potx

Techniques de manipulations en radiologie medicale - part 10 potx

... patient est debout - - Les genoux sont fléchis - - Le patient est incliné en avant - - Le pied est en flexion dorsale RAYON DIRECTEUR - - Il est descendant de 40° par rapport à la verticale - - ... fins - - On travaillera en direct - - DFF 1m - - Lettres d’identifications - - Constantes : 45 kV 20mAs - - Cotation Z=15 pour 2...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:44

27 585 2
Neurology 4 mrcp answers book - part 10 pot

Neurology 4 mrcp answers book - part 10 pot

... Answer: 4 1- benign tumors affecting old people. 2- partial thickness skin dysplasia. 3- full thickness skin dyspalsia. 4- true, but the behavior is totally different. They are totally benign. 5- ... nodosum. 2- by granulomatous deposits. 3- lupus pernio. 4- or nodules or plaques ( sarcoid plaques). 5- not a manifestation of this multi-systemic granulomato...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

13 304 1
Life Long Learning in Neurology - part 10 potx

Life Long Learning in Neurology - part 10 potx

... cobalamin and renders methylcobalamin inactive, producing clinical manifestations of cobalamin deficiency, especially in patients with preexisting subclinical cobalamin deficiency. 10. A 54-year-old ... bradycardia during upright tilt B. Elevated plasma norepinephrine levels in the upright posture C. Hypotension in response to adrenoceptor agonists D. Increase in blood pressure...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

19 346 0
Thieme Mumenthaler, Neurology - part 1 ppt

Thieme Mumenthaler, Neurology - part 1 ppt

... conditions of license. 12 345678 910 111 213 1 415 1 617 18 12 345678 910 111 213 1 415 1 617 18 10 0 20 kg 80 70 90 11 0 10 0 12 0 14 0 13 0 16 0 15 0 17 0 10 0 30 20 50 40 70 60 80 90 kg cm 14 0 16 0 15 0 17 0 cm Menarche: A g e ... C3 C2 C5 T2 3 3 2 5 4 4 5 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 L1 S2 L5 S1 S1 7 8 10 12 17 16 15 19 21 23 26 6 1 6 S 4 L2 L3 22 20 24 25 27 2...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 00:20

101 151 0
Thieme Mumenthaler, Neurology - part 2 ppt

Thieme Mumenthaler, Neurology - part 2 ppt

... AIDS (29 0, 422 , 881) HIV-1 in North America and Europe, and HIV -2 in West Africa, are retrovi- ruses (RNA viruses possessing the en- zyme reverse transcriptase) that at- tack and destroy CD4+ T-lymphocytes and ... Meninges 85 Mumenthaler, Neurology â 20 04 Thieme All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. Fig. 2. 22 Progressive multifocal leu- koence...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 00:20

101 215 0
Thieme Mumenthaler, Neurology - part 3 pdf

Thieme Mumenthaler, Neurology - part 3 pdf

... intra-arterial thrombolysis of the mid- dle cerebral artery. a The T2-weighted spin-echo image ap- pears normal and fails to reveal the is- chemic area. b The diffusion-weighted image clearly re- veals ... an intracere- bral hemorrhage (31 2, 635 ). Drug abuse: The use of various ille- gal drugs may be complicated by intracerebral hemorrhage, particu- larly “crack” cocaine and amphet- amines....

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 00:20

101 670 0
Thieme Mumenthaler, Neurology - part 4 doc

Thieme Mumenthaler, Neurology - part 4 doc

... in 14 0-2 00. The af- fected gene, on chromosome 13q 14. 3, encodes a copper-transporting ATPase. The defect causes an abnor- mally low plasma concentration of the copper-transport protein cerulo- plasmin, ... (e.g., the well-known “Saturday night palsy” of the radial nerve). Fi- nally, MPTP (p. 245 ) causes parkin- sonism,andthesmoking of heroin pyrol ysate causes leukoencephalopa- thy (4...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 00:20

101 145 0
Thieme Mumenthaler, Neurology - part 6 ppsx

Thieme Mumenthaler, Neurology - part 6 ppsx

... head- ache, tremor, h y- peractivity, ag- gressiveness Lamotrigine (Lamictal) Focal and pri- marily or sec- ondarily gener- alized seizures ; add-on therapy in Lennox- Gastaut syn- drome 100–400 mg; half ... frontobasal cortex. Pa- tients usually also manifest automa- tisms, such as the stereotyped repeti- tion of a particular movement, rub- bing or wiping movements, chewing, lip-licking, lip...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 00:20

101 148 0
Thieme Mumenthaler, Neurology - part 7 ppsx

Thieme Mumenthaler, Neurology - part 7 ppsx

... t mye- linated fibers Snow-white, fluffy myelinated fibers extending from the disk to- ward the periph- ery, disk other- wise normal Normal Normal Sometimes in the retina as well, indepen- dently ... the disk Congenital disor- der Bilateral in 20% Pseudopapill- edema (pseudo- neuritis) Optic nerve fi- bers raised, disk prominent and enlarged, gray- white turbid color without hy- peremia. Vein...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 00:20

101 172 0
Thieme Mumenthaler, Neurology - part 8 potx

Thieme Mumenthaler, Neurology - part 8 potx

... or lin- ear displacement implies a vestibu- lar deficit. Otoscopy and a complete neurologi- cal and general physicalexamina- tion complete the work-up. The ex- aminer should remember to mea- sure ... ´echir´epost´e- rieur,” Vernet-Siebenmann syn- drome). Similar findings are pro- duced, on occasion,byherpeszoster ( 484 ), cerebral venous sinus throm- bosis, or torticollis, or indeed sponta- n...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 00:20

101 172 0
Thieme Mumenthaler, Neurology - part 9 pot

Thieme Mumenthaler, Neurology - part 9 pot

... it is af- firmed by some authors and disputed by others. We do not doubt that post- traumatic headache is a genuine phe- 804 12 Headache and Facial Pain Mumenthaler, Neurology â 2004 Thieme All ... intervertebral disk herniation with L5 root compres- sion, which leads to marked weak- Common Peroneal Nerve 793 Mumenthaler, Neurology â 2004 Thieme All rights reserved. Usage subject...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 00:20

101 137 0
Thieme Mumenthaler, Neurology - part 10 pot

Thieme Mumenthaler, Neurology - part 10 pot

... concentra- tion is markedly elevated (1 0- fold or more above normal). It becomes nor- mal again only i n long-standing, “burnt-out” myositis. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein ... s often require immunosup- pressive therapy in addition to ste- roids, particularly in order to av oid the complications of long-term ste- roid use. Prednisone is recom- mended at a dose of...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 00:20

100 178 0
Neurology Study Guide - part 10 potx

Neurology Study Guide - part 10 potx

... intracranial hemorrhage, 203t in myopathy, 172 and new-onset seizures, 124 parasitic, 99, 106 107 and Parkinsonism, 79 as vignette topics, 17 viral, 97 101 , 105 108 , 142, 193, 227 See also specific disorders Inflammatory ... 60 Borrelia burgdorferi in, 103 homocystine and methionine in, 200 HTLV-1 antibody in, 108 i ncreased immunoglobulins in, 135 increased protein in, 92, 101 , 1...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 00:20

21 223 0