MasteringAutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD LT 2011 phần 1 ppsx
... learning AutoCAD. AutoCAD 2 011 and AutoCAD LT 2 011 Autodesk has released both AutoCAD 2 011 and AutoCAD LT 2 011 simultaneously. Not sur- prisingly, they’re nearly identical in the way they look and ... described in step 2. 6 219 74c 01. indd 4 4/26 /10 12 :32 :19 PM Mastering AutoCAD ® 2 011 and AutoCAD LT ® 2 011 6 219 74ffirs.indd 1 4/26 /10...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21
... Solid hatch pattern. 6 219 74c07.indd 235 4/26 /10 12 :34:26 PM taking control of tHe autocad disPlay | 213 Understanding Regeneration and Redrawing AutoCAD uses two commands for refreshing your ... value at 10 00; then when you zoom in close to a view, use the Regen command to display smooth arcs and complete linetypes. 6 219 74c07.indd 213 4/26 /10 12 :34 :13 PM taking contr...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21
... setting (Figure 11 .15 ). 6. Save this file for future reference. Figure 11 .13 Setting border properties Figure 11 .14 Click to display outside borders. 6 219 74c 11. indd 353 4/26 /10 12 :35:24 PM 384 ... tab in the Ribbon. Figure 11 .6 A sample table created with the Table tool 6 219 74c 11. indd 347 4/26 /10 12 :35:22 PM 6 219 74c 11. indd 362 4/26 /10 12 :35:28 PM 378 |...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21
MasteringAutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD LT 2011 phần 5 pps
... rotate. Figure 16 .9 Paper Space view- port views scaled to 1 32˝ = 1 -0˝ and 3 16 ˝ = 1 -0˝ (1: 400 and 1: 100 for metric users) 6 219 74c16.indd 504 4/26 /10 12 :36:45 PM understanding MOdeL sPace and PaPer ... type ‘Filter↵ to open the Object Selection Filters dialog box (Figure 15 .19 ). Figure 15 .19 The Object Selection Filters dialog box 6 219 74c15.indd 472 4/26...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21
MasteringAutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD LT 2011 phần 7 ppt
... Glass1 Reflectivity setting turned on 6 219 74c23.indd 749 4/26 /10 12 :39 :11 PM 746 | CHAPTER 23 RendeRing 3d dRawings 3. Click the Glass1 swatch in the Materials Browser to assign Glass1 to ... models. You also have control over the reflectance and transparency of objects, and you can add bitmap backgrounds to help set the mood. AutoCAD LT 2 011 doesn’t support any of the fe...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21
MasteringAutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD LT 2011 phần 8 pps
... surface objects. Surftab1 and Surftab2 are set to 6. Surftab1 is set to 12 and Surftab2 is set to 24. 6 219 74c25.indd 857 4/26 /10 12 :40 :19 PM EDiting surfacEs | 8 71 2. Click the square grip ... magnitude handle and expan- sion grip Magnitude handle Expansion grip 6 219 74c25.indd 877 4/26 /10 12 :40:30 PM 836 | CHAPTER 24 Editing and Visualizing 3d solids The Bottom Li...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21
MasteringAutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD LT 2011 phần 9 docx
... negative value, •u 12 5, again tells AutoCAD to skip drawing the line for the distance of 0 .12 5 units. 6 219 74c28.indd 966 4/26 /10 12 : 41: 16 PM 10 02 | CHAPTER 29 Managing and Sharing Your drawingS Definition ... sure AutoCAD is not open, and then use your AutoCAD 2 011 installation DVD to start the installation process. 2. At the AutoCAD 2 011 window, select th...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21
MasteringAutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD LT 2011 phần 10 ppt
... launch standard AutoCAD 2 011 : 1. To make a copy of the AutoCAD Architecture Windows Desktop shortcut, right-click the AutoCAD Architecture 2 011 shortcut, and choose Copy. 6 219 74bapp03.indd 11 30 ... follows: C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Autodesk \AutoCAD 2 011 \ R18 .1\ enu C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk \AutoCA...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21
The Legalized Crime of Banking and a constitutional remedy phần 1 ppsx
... Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 9 :12 :52 Silas ... meet the requirements, and are admitted. On December 31, 19 38, the membership comprised 5,224 National banks and 1, 114 State banks. There were over 8,000 other State ban...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:20
Plant equipment design and layout White Paper phần 1 ppsx
... tools 13 Revision management 14 Motion studies 15 Visualization 15 Managed design collaboration 16 Velocity Series 16 Conclusion 17 Additional reading 18 White papers 18 Case studies 18 ... layout capabilities 10 Display management capabilities 11 Efficient selection tools 11 Optimization capabilities 12 Large assembly drawing techniques 12 Digita...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:20