Tunable lasers handbook phần 6 ppsx
... a axis c axis Optical transparency Melting point 162 .3 305.3 3170 989 20 .6 13.1 8.8 1.3 768 1.38 86 1.12 0.58 0.12 -6. 5 1 163 mance has been achieved so far. One reason for this ... Electo-Optics.) 6 Transition Metal Solid-state Lasers 269 Normal mode thresholds for flashlamp-pumped Cr:LiSrA1F6 are consider- ably lower than they are for Cr:LiCaA1F6, refle...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20
... (OBSERVED- EXPECTED)^ 2/EXPECTED OPY 13 8.80 4.20 17 .60 2.00 OPN 14 18.20 -4.20 17 .60 0.97 OFY 2 6. 20 -4.20 17 .60 2.84 OFN 17 12.80 4.20 17 .60 1.37 Creating Tables in Word ... 8.80 4.20 17 .60 2.00 14 18.20 -4.20 17 .64 0.97 2 6. 20 -4.20 17 .64 2.85 17 12.80 4.20 17 .64 1.38 Chisq.=...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:20
Tunable lasers handbook phần 1 ppt
... p. Tunable lasers handbook / F. J. Duarte. Includes index. ISBN 0-12-22 269 5-X 1. Tunable lasers. I. Title. 11. Series. cm. - (Optics and photonics series) TA17 06. D83 1995 62 1. 36& apos ;6- dc20 ... be established between broadly tunable sources of coherent radiation, including broadly tunable lasers, and discretely tunable lasers, and/or line -tunable...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20
Tunable lasers handbook phần 2 pot
... J. Quantum Electron. QE-28, 1 366 (1992). Phys. Lefc. 56, 260 4 (1990). Series, Vol. 11, p. 270, Optical Society of America, Washington, DC (1989). 56. S. M. Hooker and C. E. Webb, ... 0.001 tjgl 1 26 16 [W Kr,' 115.7 0.8 [6@ 1 xe2- 170-175 0.13 Prism 0.7 t611 JAdapted from Hooker and Webb [ 56] 3 Tunable Excimer Lasers 9 stored in the peakin...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20
Tunable lasers handbook phần 3 pps
... 4932 .60 48 261 1 65 98.0182 261 4 80 86. 366 4 261 7 9398 .68 43 262 1 0535.9 568 262 4 1499.1212 262 7 2289.0702 263 0 29 06. 6539 263 3 3352 .68 19 263 6 362 7,9259 263 9 3733.1212 264 2 366 8. 968 8 264 5 34 36, 1373 ... (MHZ) 266 2 8530 .62 29 266 5 7133.3489 266 8 5571.7531 267 1 38 46. 2752 267 4 1957.3353 267 6 9905.3343 267 9 769 0 .65 49 268...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20
Tunable lasers handbook phần 4 pptx
... 1 063 .9711 8532 P(10) 3192 0749 .63 01 0.0049 1 064 . 761 5 968 4 P( 9) 3194 4278.0022 0.0051 1 065 .5 464 18 86 pi si 31 96 763 8.5917 0.0053 1 066 .32 56 4425 P( 7) 3199 0831.1981 0.0055 1 067 .0992 66 32 ... 3772.1880 3 266 1392.8451 3 267 88 46. 3029 3 269 61 32.8008 3271 3252.5895 3273 0205.9314 3274 69 93.0998 32 76 361 4.3794 3278 0070. 065 9 3279 63 60. 465...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20
Tunable lasers handbook phần 5 pptx
... 492-507 553-570 553-570 570 -60 0 6 16- 658 65 2 -68 1 65 2494 65 567 3 727-740 762 -778 742-754 93 497 110 497 210 561 80 58 1 500 220 63 5 120 66 6 240 6x0 67 0 350 740 110 754 850 ... 545-585 250 574 -6 1 1 300 110 60 29 1 X7 5s 103 710-7 1 X 470 263 770-78 1 5.50 790-8 IO 100 70 65 84043x0 65 228 545 560 60 3 62 0 62...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20
Tunable lasers handbook phần 7 docx
... 65 . M. Born and E. Wolf. Principles qfOlptics, Pergamon Press. Nen I’ork (1 961 j. 66 . hf. Littman. and H. Mercalf. “Spectrally Narrow Pulsed Dye Laser IIrithout Beam Expander.” 67 . ... d 8. 6- 14 (19731. Ni?+ Ions in KRlgF,.” Opt. Lett. 8, 371-373 (1983). QE-21, 1581-1595 (1985). Lasers. “ Appl. Phys Letr. 35. 838-840 (197 I j. Opt. Lett. 3, 164 - 166...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20
Tunable lasers handbook phần 8 ppt
... 18,732-731 (1 968 j. Interactions,” Appl. Opt. 15, 69 6 -69 9 (19 76) . em- Opr. 1 ,63 9 -67 2 (1992). OH (1 965 ). 10. Nl. Born and E. Wolf. Principles QfOprics, Pergamon Press. New York (1 961 ). 11. ... Frequencies,” Phyx. Rei: Lerr. 11, 973-9 76 (1 965 j. Waves in a Nonlinear Dielectric.” Php. Rei: 127, 1918-1938 1.1 962 ;). Appl. Phys. 39,3597- 363 9 (1 968...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20
Tunable lasers handbook phần 9 pptx
... in 8 Tunable External-Cavity Semiconductor Lasers 427 Ahfilter= 0. 22xAhSol a43.00 Rfacet" 0.001 ReXt= 0.20 1 I - 0.8- 4 -1 -0.8 -0 .6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0 .6 0.8 ... Paul Zorabedian Ahfilter= 0. 55xAASo1 a =6. 00 Rfacet= 0.001 ReXt= 0.20 RMS Error u= 0.051~Ah,~~ -1 -0.8 -0 .6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0 .6 0.8 1 CHANGE IN FILTER WAV...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20