Tunable lasers handbook phần 3 pps

Tunable lasers handbook phần 3 pps

Tunable lasers handbook phần 3 pps

... 2917. 439 6 33 12 4422.9 433 33 15 535 4 .38 90 33 18 57 13. 4920 33 21 5502.07 63 33 24 4722.0714 33 27 33 75.5084 33 30 1464.5166 33 32 8991 .31 92 BAND II tcontinuedr STD. DEV, (MHZ 1 0.0 038 0.0 038 ... 8660.9460 31 11 4980.1471 31 15 0661. 738 9 31 18 5706.8021 31 22 0116.6 032 31 25 38 92.5924 31 28 7 036 .4017 31 31 9549.8415 31 35 1 434 .8987 31 38 2...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

50 239 0
Tunable lasers handbook phần 6 ppsx

Tunable lasers handbook phần 6 ppsx

... variation a axis c axis Optical transparency hleltin_g point 176 .3 130 0 .3 39 90 775 33 35 1.8 5 .3 1.7651 1.75 73 13. 1 11.5 0.154.5 2040 of the spectrum, being centered at about ... axis c axis Optical transparency Melting point 162 .3 30 5 .3 31 70 989 20.6 13. 1 8.8 1 .37 68 1 .38 86 1.12 0.58 0.12-6.5 11 63 mance has been achieved so...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

50 259 0
Tunable lasers handbook phần 1 ppt

Tunable lasers handbook phần 1 ppt

... 1 93 248 30 8 30 8 30 8 30 8 30 8 30 8 10,591 10,591 10,591 10,591 600 600 524 600 SI0 -6000 GHz 10 GHL 2 437 GH/ 19 GHz -120 GHz -31 GHz -1.5 GHL -1 GHz 5150 MHz 3. 3 GHz ... 43 Wd [28] Ti?+:AI,O, laser 6.5 Jb,e [29] 5.5 W at 6.5 kHz( [30 ] 43 Wdf [32 ] Cr3+:BeAI2O4 laser >lo0 Jh [33 ] 6.5 Ws [34 ] OPOS BBO >lo0 mJ [16] Lr...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

50 316 0
Tunable lasers handbook phần 2 pot

Tunable lasers handbook phần 2 pot

... Bandwidth Reference .AIF B+X 1 93 17000 GHzh KrF B+X 218 10500 GHzh 25 83 GHz XZCl B+X 30 8 37 4 GHz 201 GHz 30 8.2 39 7 GHz 2 23 GHz XeF B-1X 35 1 187 GHzc 35 3 33 0 GHzr C+A 466-514 nmhc ... C02 MPL GI GIh GE' GI 3 etalons MGId GIh GIh MPL HMPGP 1 93 218 30 8 30 8 30 8 30 8 35 1 10,591 10,591 10.591 10.591 10 GHz 59 GHz -31...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

50 324 0
Tunable lasers handbook phần 4 pptx

Tunable lasers handbook phần 4 pptx

... 7807.6 639 32 31 8465.1904 32 33 89 53. 2747 32 35 9271. 935 2 32 37 9421.2029 32 39 9401.1219 32 41 9211.7486 32 43 88 53. 1525 32 45 832 5.41 53 32 47 7628. 631 4 32 49 6762.9079 32 51 5728 .36 40 32 53 4525. 131 4 ... 4525. 131 4 32 55 31 53. 3541 32 57 16 13. 18 83 32 58 9904.8024 32 60 8028 .37 69 32 62 5984.1040 32 64 37 72.1880 32 66 139 2.8451 32 67 8846 .30...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

50 381 0
Tunable lasers handbook phần 5 pptx

Tunable lasers handbook phần 5 pptx

... POPOP 230 .31 278 35 4 33 8 (XCl) 30 6.41 30 0 174.20 34 9 36 4.40 35 8 36 3 405 415 37 8 (XeCl) 417 (Nd 41 9 (N2) 33 0 -35 5 cyclohexane /\ /\ 3- 94 toluene 400- 430 methanol PH3 H2 ... 1,1’ ,3, 3 ,3, 3’-Hexamethyl- 609.17 780 828 9 13 indotricarbocyanine 886 866- 938 Perchlorate) (Nd:YAG)C 8 83- 946 DMSO 4,4‘,5.5’dibenzo-2.2‘- (N2) IR-125 774.00...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

50 300 0
Tunable lasers handbook phần 7 docx

Tunable lasers handbook phần 7 docx

... d 8. 6-14 (19 731 . Ni?+ Ions in KRlgF,.” Opt. Lett. 8, 37 1 -37 3 (19 83) . QE-21, 1581-1595 (1985). Lasers. “ Appl. Phys Letr. 35 . 838 -840 (197 I j. Opt. Lett. 3, 164-166 (1978). ... (19811. Conipt. Rend. 197, I5 93 (1 933 ). 7 Optical Parametric Oscillators 33 3 1.5 h II a, a, 4 E 1.0 0 E 5 v 0 K a, 0.5 a, - P - - - 0. 532 ~m Pump...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

50 316 0
Tunable lasers handbook phần 8 ppt

Tunable lasers handbook phần 8 ppt

... lasers. 7 Optical Parametric OsciIIators 33 7 12.0 11.0 10.0 h $ 9.0 E 7.0 + a, E 8.0 e v 5 6.0 0, C 2 5.0 a, > 3 4.0 3. 0 2.0 1 .o I I I I 30 32 34 ... Lerr. 11, 9 73- 976 (1965j. Waves in a Nonlinear Dielectric.” Php. Rei: 127, 1918-1 938 1.1962;). Appl. Phys. 39 ,35 97 -36 39 (1968). IEEE J. Quantum Elect?-on. QE-15,115 431 (1979)...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

50 269 0
Tunable lasers handbook phần 9 pptx

Tunable lasers handbook phần 9 pptx

... (a) Littrou. (b) Grazing incidence. 8 Tunable External-Cavity Semiconductor Lasers 4 03 INTERFERENCE FILTER / OUTP / TUNING FIGURE 3 3 (Reproduced with permission from Zorabedian ... grating (-0.1 nm). This means that 8 Tunable External-Cavity Semiconductor Lasers 39 5 UNFILTERED FIGURE 23 External view ofA0TF .3. 1 Peak Wavelength The peak wav...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

50 286 0
Tunable lasers handbook phần 10 ppt

Tunable lasers handbook phần 10 ppt

... 32 3 ,32 5 .33 1 ,33 2 AgGaS,, 32 3 .32 5 .33 1 AgGaS;,. 30 6 .30 7 -30 8 ,31 0 .32 3 .32 5 .33 1. alerage poner limitations. 31 7 -32 1 BBO, 2 ,32 3 ,32 5 .33 1 33 5 CD*A, 32 3 ,32 5 ,33 1 .33 3 CdSe, 32 3 .32 5 .33 1 .33 9 KDP. 32 3 ... 32 3 32 4 .33 1 .33 2 KTP. 32 3 ,32 5 ,33 1 LBO, 32 3 .32 5 .33 1 LiNbO,, 3, 3 23. 325 .33 1 .33 3 .33 4 .33 6 nonlinear crjstals,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

52 418 0