unix internals a systems operation handbook
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Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:37
... something you have already done. In most cases, UNIX administration is also a team task. It takes a number of UNIX administrators (as well as others such as NT administrators, network administrators, helpdesk ... suf- ficient material for a successful “out-of-network” UNIX administration, which can also be called stand-alone UNIX administration. Network Administration covers ne...
Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 15:43
... de agua potable, alcantarillado y saneamiento. Comisión Nacional del Agua, México, 154p. 1994. [7] Almeida A. B., Ramos H. M., Water supply operation: diagnosis and reliability analysis in a ... redes de abastecimiento a través de indicadores de calidad del agua. REF. DPI2007-63424. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de Espa a. To Generalitat Valenciana for the scholarship for stays...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:58
HVAC Systems Design Handbook part 6
... ASHRAE Handbook, 2000 HVAC Systems and Applications, Chap. 11, ‘‘District Heat- ing and Cooling.’’ 5. ASHRAE Handbook, 2000 HVAC Systems and Applications, Chap. 14, ‘‘Medium- and High-Temperature ... preformed jacket sections for fittings and valves. Insulation should be verified as acceptable for the application. Materials such as fiberglass, calcium silicate, foamed glass, and foamed pla...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 22:15
HVAC Systems Design Handbook part 8
... human as a controller is not always accurate and is expensive. A properly designed, operated, and maintained automatic control system is accurate and will provide economical operation of the HVAC ... switches, re- lays, and transducers for signal conditioning and amplification. Many HVAC systems include several separate control loops. The apparent complexity of any system can always be...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 16:15
HVAC Systems Design Handbook part 7
... plants for large campus and military-base central heating systems. The advantage is related to the ability of water with high temperature differential to move large quantities of heat in smaller ... such systems is more than fifty years old. See Figs. 7.1 3a and b for a simplified diagram of one variation of a chiller-based heat recovery system that uses deep wells as a heat source an...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 16:15
HVAC Systems Design Handbook part 9
... surface can be a detrimental insulator. The film factor— resistance to heat transfer due to a stagnant film of air or water along the tube wall surface (boundary-layer effect)—is also a detrimental insulator. ... from ASHRAE Handbook, 1994 Refrigeration Systems and Ap- plication, Chap. 2, Fig. 24.) tubes are arranged to provide only half as many passes as rows fed (e.g., a four-row c...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 15:15
HVAC Systems Design Handbook part 10
... represen- tative data are available in the ASHRAE Handbook. 3 Radiators are controlled in several ways: 1. Manually, by means of a globe valve. 2. Automatically, by means of a modulating or two-position ... has been withdrawn but not replaced.) 5. ASHRAE Handbook, 2000 HVAC Systems and Equipment, Chap. 6, ‘‘Panel Heating and Cooling.’’ 6. ASHRAE Handbook, 1999 HVAC Applications, Cha...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 15:15
HVAC Systems Design Handbook part 11
... Design and Operation of Local Exhaust Systems, Amer- ican Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) (ANSI-Z9.2-1991). 3. R. W. Haines, ‘‘Air Flow Balance in a Laboratory,’’ Heating / Piping / Air Conditioning, November ... Exhaust Systems Power exhaust systems are required for many areas of a building. Code requirements govern exhaust from toilets, bathrooms, kitchens, and similar area...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 22:15
HVAC Systems Design Handbook part 12
... typically have a manual speed selection option if an occasional or seasonal speed change is all that is needed. The manual setting is also useful in a test-and-balance period. 12.7 HVAC–Electrical Interface On ... require mechanical refrigeration. Natural convection ventilation usually assumes a 10 to 20ЊF rise in the space which allows calculation of the probably required ventilating a...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 19:15