Handbook of Economic Forecasting part 57 potx

Tài liệu Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 57) docx

Tài liệu Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 57) docx

... an extract of blood in a case of oleander poisoning. ⊡ Figure 7.4 525 Authentic oleandrin blood extract MS/MS mass spectra of an extract of blood in a case of oleander poisoning and of the authentic ... especially around the surface layer of the solution, charge separation can occur. In SSI, nebulization is done so that the surface layer of the solution, in the region of...

Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 00:20

8 263 0
The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Part 2 potx

The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Part 2 potx

... habil. 1987) is professor of English language and linguistics at the University of Ło ´ dz ´ , where she holds the position of professor ordinarius and chair of the Department of English Language. Her ... 1987) is professor of psychology, and former head of the School of Psychology, at the University of Nottingham, England. He is director of the Action Analysis Group, and...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20

10 495 0
The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Part 14 potx

The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Part 14 potx

... cognitive phenomena, yet the difference in the kind of focal adjustment (despecification of significant parts of the base for metaphor; despecification of the identity of the profile for metonymy) will allow ... of the components, much as a brick wall consists entirely and exclusively of bricks. One of the implications of this mental model is that the bricks (e.g., lexical items...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20

10 313 0
The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Part 20 potx

The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Part 20 potx

... and radial categories 167 This can be done by thinking of bags of sand, types of sand, alternative meanings of the word sand, or even the act of applying sandpaper to something’’ (2000: 143). MacWhinney (1989) ... terms of the process of ‘‘pushy poly- semy.’’ These and similar cases of polysemy are accounted for by some cognitive linguists in terms of Construction Grammar (F...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20

10 498 0
The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Part 30 potx

The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Part 30 potx

... certain particulars of content. No ob- vious counterparts of these attentional devices occur in spoken languages. attention phenomena 265 Nunberg, Geoffrey. 1995. Transfers of meaning. Journal of ... interest of certain elements over others. More fundamentally, language has an extensive system that assigns different degrees of salience to the parts of an expression or of its r...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20

10 375 0
The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Part 57 ppsx

The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Part 57 ppsx

... all of the particular ‘‘tokens’’ of it that we perform. The Word Grammar claim, then, is that a word type is like the action type ‘Cleaning one’s teeth’—a stored concept for a particular kind of ... (the action of saying the relevant sounds) for a particular purpose and in a particular kind of social context. Now, if Word isa Action, it must inherit the latter’s characteristics, one...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20

10 362 0
The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Part 59 potx

The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Part 59 potx

... language (see parts IV and V of the present Handbook) , Cognitive Linguistics as defined above is predominantly oriented to semantic phenomena (witness part I of the present Handbook, which almost exclusively ... hand, often stress the ‘‘imagery’’ nature of con- ceptualization (consider, e.g., Lakoff 1987; Langacker 1987), which might suggest that they are thinking along the lines o...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20

10 308 0
The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Part 65 potx

The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Part 65 potx

... work of Lakoff (1987) established the importance of radial categories as a fundamental linguistic organizing principle. He shows how members of fairly dis- parate categories, such as the senses of ... ‘‘family of sounds, each family consist- ing of an important sound of the language together with other related sounds which, so to speak, ‘represent’ it in particular sequences or...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20

10 254 0
The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Part 70 potx

The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Part 70 potx

... predict the meaning of novel forma- tions. Here, Ryder (1994) offers a solution by providing a cognitive description that makes use of two of Langacker’s basic tenets, the notions of multilevel schematicity and ... ¼ compound; total of attributes refers to attributes listed by at least 4 out of a sample of about 30 informants) Type of Compound Specifying Compound Enriched Comp...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20

10 278 0
The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Part 121 potx

The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Part 121 potx

... examples of the genre of Romantic Poetry, a possible indication of category change over time. Evidence for a dynamic as opposed to static construal of prototypes is provided by two studies of prototypicality ... issue of the International Journal of Lexicography (Fontenelle 2003). A full description of the project, together with the current release of the actual database, ma...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20

10 256 0
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