Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - S doc

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - S doc

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - S doc

... of the Pathans to Islam were also called "Sayyids" if they came from the west, and 'Sheikhs" if they came from the east; hence, doubtless, many Pathans falsely claim Sayyid origin. In Afghanistan the Sayyids control much of the commerce, as their holy charac- ETHNONYMS: Adivasis, Backward Classes The Indian constitution (1949) created broad categories of underprivile...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 20:20

24 612 0
Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - A doc

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - A doc

... Provinces and Berar in 191 1, ranking as the sixth-largest caste in terms of numbers. In many castes there is a separate division of Ahirs, such as the Ahir Sunars, Sutars, Lohars, Shimpis, Salic, Guraos, and Kolis. The name "Ahir" is derived from "Abhira," a tribe mentioned several times in inscriptions and the Hindu sacred books. "Goala," meaning a cowherd...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 20:20

13 565 0
Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - J docx

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - J docx

... as many ways as possible. The laity support the wandering ascetics, providing them with food and shelter, the ascetics in turn provide religious and moral guidance. Lay Jains include some of India&apos ;s leading industrialists, jewelers, and bankers, concentrated particularly in the cities of Bombay, Ahme- dabad, and Delhi. Because so many are businesspeople, the Jains are one of the...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 20:20

7 384 0
Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - K doc

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - K doc

... of the forehead bone is saved if the village of the deceased performs the an- nual "dry" funeral, or varalda-v. Each step of both the "green" funeral and the "dry" funeral is highly articulated by means of special musical tunes played on the double-reed instrument, kol, and rhythms on the barrel drums, do-par and kinvar, and the frame drum, tabatk. The tu...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 20:20

28 425 0
Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - O doc

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - O doc

... Oriya 215 Boys and girls marry after puberty, boys usually at 1 6-2 0 years. This follows a period in which both sexes sleep in a youth dormitory (dhumkuria). Boys are branded on the arm before being admitted to this institution. The dormitory pro- vides a pool of agricultural labor that can be hired when nec- essary. Most Oraons are farmers, and in the past they prac- ticed shifting cult...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 20:20

5 477 0
Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - Overview pot

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - Overview pot

... Contents Project Staff vi Contributors vii Preface xiii Introduction xix Maps 1. South Asia xxviii 2. Cultural Regions of South Asia xxix 3. Major Languages of South Asia xxx 4. Dominant Religious Groups of South Asia xxxi 5. Cultural Groups of South Asia xxxii Cultures of South Asia 1 Appendix: Additional Castes, Caste Clusters, and Tribes 309 Bibliograph...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 20:20

31 378 0
Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - B potx

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - B potx

... considera- tion in the selection of mates, and there are some low-ranked Muslim occupational groups that are perforce highly endogamous. Among Hindus also lineage exogamy is the Bengali Shakta 35 Ostor, Akos (1980). The Play of the Gods: Locality, Ideology, Structure, and Time in the Festivals of a Bengali Town. Chi- cago: University of Chicago Press. Raychaudhuri, Tarak C., and Bikas...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 20:20

43 535 0
Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - C ppt

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - C ppt

... a diviner has identified what is to be done. There are all manner of private curing rituals, and these are held by whomever knows how, not by professionals; they tend to involve sacrifices to intruding spirits, soul recall- ing, and the leaving of miniature images of wealth outside the village for the spirits. There are few definite seasonal calen- drical ceremonies, but village rites m...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 20:20

18 423 0
Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - D,E,F doc

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - D,E,F doc

... 78 Divehi dress, have claimed that unlike the other Divehis they had no divorce or widow remarriage, and have said their ancestors were Tamils, though they have no knowledge of such people and have never traveled outside their atoll. They have also claimed to be strictly endogamous. Other Divehis tradition- ally have thought of the Girivaru as dirty, while they have thought of other Div...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 20:20

6 399 0
Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - G pot

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - G pot

... as a more generalized organizing principle in Gurung society. Descent in terms of rights to lineage re- sources and clan affiliation is patrilineal, but descent through the mother&apos ;s line influences marriage possibilities and pro- hibitions. Kinship Terminology. The Gurungs have a wide array of kin terms, which are highly differentiated and precise. Birth order and relative age are...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 20:20

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